Several people have posted here about trying this method up to 25 times without it working, but there is some risk of it failing and ending up with brain damage, I don't know what percent risk this is, but there is some. It's tough to find a reliable method to leave this world, so many of us here know. I hope you can find peace somehow. It could be worth it to post what reasons you have for leaving to see if people can help with ideas to alleviate some of your pain. Many of us have been here for years though we often wish we could leave, because reliable methods and reliable situations are so tough to come by for many people.
i know my problems are easily solvable but im basically refusing those solutions.
last year i was depressed and ended up in a psych ward so i decided to transfer colleges from the one i hated to the one i loved.
i got in in april and started attending classes in august but i basically blew my chances, acted out, got kicked out from the college i dreamed of going.
i got my local school and the previous college but i despise both of them and flashbacks from my first week of school this year... i cannot do this anymore.
i blew my chances of having a better social life. a life away from a hypercontrolling christian cult. independence from my parents. i basically lost all of it.
also update my parents somewhat found out about my attempt so they are on high alert so idk if i can attempt on time.