

Nov 5, 2018
Almost feel bad for people with this much hate in their heart...almost..
I don't think its hate.
His probably suffered enough like me to where he needs to place to vent his pain and frustration.
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Jan 20, 2020
Elemental Darwinism. The prime biological imperative is propagation, procreation and survival of species. This thread started as a condemnation of nature itself. So is this very website to a large extent. You're giving of yourself as a mother.

Narcissism is a different matter. My father egotistically named me after himself, a practice which I believe should be criminalized and made a felony. (Once he poisoned me with his name, he took out all his self hatred on me, something he did not do to his other sons not named after him.) He took for himself. In fact, once on a walk with my mother, my father went into a pseudo philosophical discussion, claiming that by nature, my mother was a giver, while he himself is a taker. That is the lamest ass lazy excuse for spoiled brat selfishness there is, and the evil fucker got away with it completely.
I'm so sorry you had to deal with a narcissistic parent. my ex is a narcissist, and not only is the reason I am here but also the reason I can't die since my children would be left alone with him and without me. It's all fucked up to be honest. I can very much understand and empathize with where you're coming from though.
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Feb 28, 2019
Who let shadow the hedgehog on here?
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Apr 26, 2020
I wish she was still around.. I still miss my mom with all of everything I got inside of me. She brought me here.. and she was the best thing I ever known in this existence.

She was the opposite of evil...
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
Today, maybe there is some measure of karmic justice. My father is frail and in constant pain from severe arthritis, the hands and feet he raised up against me so often now completely gnarled, hurting and void of strength.

When I was growing up, my father's size, physical strength and angry violence with homicidal hair trigger temper was 100% of how he ruled his family. For as long as he believe he was physically capable of doing so, he made other family members (specifically me) do his self indulgent bidding with death threats, zero percent parent, one thousand percent prosecutor.

My younger brother was once falsely accused of vandalizing gravestones. Without question, my backstabbing father believed the worst of his son, and tried throwing my brother under the bus to the chief of police while I watched. My brother was fully exonerated when the guilty boy confessed as he was about to undergo a polygraph test.

Because my father was always the complete opposite of his own definition of a man (BTW, "man" is a three letter word I spell P-O-S, so if you really want to piss me off, calling me a "man" is the most insulting label you can apply to me), he never apologized to my brother for stabbing him in the back.

When I was growing up, my old man tried to pass off beating up on his little children, calling them names, losing his temper over nothing and punishing us for no reason as "toughness." No, losing one's temper easily is the worst and most puny weakness there is. When he was hospitalized with an infected knee, he whined and moaned like a baby, hitting the buzzer from his patient bed for attention every five minutes, and the nurses I worked with said he was the whiniest patient they'd ever treated.

Years later, when I was hospitalized in the ICU with a fractured penis from a freak accident, I NEVER hit the buzzer, didn't take any oxycodone, and those same nurses said I was about the toughest patient they'd ever come across. Apparently, I walked my old man's talk. (When I showed him all the stitches over my torn wound, he just about passed out, and I forced him to concede I was 1,000 times tougher than he could have ever dreamed of being. Nothing can scare the shit out of a male more than showing him a torn penis and ripped scrotum. Decades earlier as a young man, my mother's father almost tore his own penis off in a motorcycle accident and told his wife before they got married that he wasn't sure he could have children. In the last summer of his life, he showed me that scar. Yes, my mother's father was also tough as nails. By contrast, my father's a complete pussyass bitch!)
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Jan 20, 2020
Today, maybe there is some measure of karmic justice. My father is frail and in constant pain from severe arthritis, the hands and feet he raised up against me so often now completely gnarled, hurting and void of strength.

When I was growing up, my father's size, physical strength and angry violence with homicidal hair trigger temper was 100% of how he ruled his family. For as long as he believe he was physically capable of doing so, he made other family members (specifically me) do his self indulgent bidding with death threats, zero percent parent, one thousand percent prosecutor.

My younger brother was once falsely accused of vandalizing gravestones. Without question, my backstabbing father believed the worst of his son, and tried throwing my brother under the bus to the chief of police while I watched. My brother was fully exonerated when the guilty boy confessed as he was about to undergo a polygraph test.

Because my father was always the complete opposite of his own definition of a man (BTW, "man" is a three letter word I spell P-O-S, so if you really want to piss me off, calling me a "man" is the most insulting label you can apply to me), he never apologized to my brother for stabbing him in the back.

When I was growing up, my old man tried to pass off beating up on his little children, calling them names, losing his temper over nothing and punishing us for no reason as "toughness." No, losing one's temper easily is the worst and most puny weakness there is. When he was hospitalized with an infected knee, he whined and moaned like a baby, hitting the buzzer from his patient bed for attention every five minutes, and the nurses I worked with said he was the whiniest patient they'd ever treated.

Years later, when I was hospitalized in the ICU with a fractured penis from a freak accident, I NEVER hit the buzzer, didn't take any oxycodone, and those same nurses said I was about the toughest patient they'd ever come across. Apparently, I walked my old man's talk. (When I showed him all the stitches over my torn wound, he just about passed out, and I forced him to concede I was 1,000 times tougher than he could have ever dreamed of being. Nothing can scare the shit out of a male more than showing him a torn penis and ripped scrotum. Decades earlier as a young man, my mother's father almost tore his own penis off in a motorcycle accident and told his wife before they got married that he wasn't sure he could have children. In the last summer of his life, he showed me that scar. Yes, my mother's father was also tough as nails. By contrast, my father's a complete pussyass bitch!)
The weakest people tend to be the biggest bullies. They feel a need to harm others to make themselves feel bigger and stronger. I am glad to hear that you showed him that you're significantly stronger person than he is.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead! Took such a long time for him to be banned, though & I have a feeling he is a recurrent customer & will be back again. It is what it is. I've forgiven him & hope he finds personal peace.
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Sep 28, 2020
It is not the parents' fault that they have reproduced, they are only slaves to their genes that compel them to do so. If there is anything really bad in this world, it is life itself that programs humans and other animals to continue reproducing indiscriminately, perpetuating a cycle of eternal suffering. However, I think that parents should never abandon their children. And if they ever realized the mistake they made in imposing a life, it is one more reason to never abandon their children no matter what.

Parents who roast their kids are monsters to me.

... I don't know if I was offensive or not, I try not to be, but that's my raw view of the subject.
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Bill the Cat
Oct 10, 2020
The weakest people tend to be the biggest bullies. They feel a need to harm others to make themselves feel bigger and stronger. I am glad to hear that you showed him that you're significantly stronger person than he is.

Thanks, but I took a truly nasty injury to force him to make that admission, and his brainwashing of me during my formative years was criminally egregious. By the time I fully realized he was the exact opposite of what he claimed to be, somebody exactly like you have described, the damage was complete. (He DEMANDS respect, even now, having no comprehension that respect has to be EARNED, and confusing fear with respect.)

When he was attending college, he learned about reverse psychology, and the concept that the core of a person's psyche was formed by age three. This was like giving a gorilla a loaded AK-47. When I was a toddler, well before I ever went to kindergarten, he proved that a little knowledge can not only be dangerous, but lethal! He deliberately flooded my mind with his diseased bullshit.

As a caring mother, you don't have to have attended college to know how incredibly stupid it is to try using reverse psychology on a kid barely old enough to walk. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH A TRUSTING BABY'S MIND ON PURPOSE!!! Yet that's what my idiot old man did.

Some of the absolute worst parents I've ever known were teachers and psychologists. Being the son of two teachers should have given me something in the way of an advantage, at least in the way of academic success, and when I was diagnosed with what was then called Hyperkinetic Reaction of Childhood, the folks who evaluated me also perfectly detailed what my needs would be, and how to meet those needs. Then my father and teachers did the exact opposite of those recommendations.

Being the son of two teachers was a death sentence.

My father only blames others for his countless screwups, and it's too late for him to be properly diagnosed anyway, but I strongly suspect this pathological liar and compulsive promise breaker has always had oppositional defiant disorder. I've now read the books he professed to follow during his career, like the trilogy by Haim Ginott, and Reality Therapy by William Glasser (and other books by Glasser), and my father did the exact opposite of what Ginott, Glasser and others of my father's generation of educators espoused (unfairly damaging and ruining the reputations of those authors for subsequent generations who never read what they actually wrote).

Now, here I am at Sanctioned Suicide, just playing out the string. I am my father's legacy, the thing he sought most in life to control, for better or worse, and he has deemed me a failure while claiming he himself has had a good life, the very opposite of how Ralph Waldo Emerson defined success.
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Nov 5, 2018
It is not the parents' fault that they have reproduced, they are only slaves to their genes that compel them to do so. If there is anything really bad in this world, it is life itself that programs humans and other animals to continue reproducing indiscriminately, perpetuating a cycle of eternal suffering. However, I think that parents should never abandon their children. And if they ever realized the mistake they made in imposing a life, it is one more reason to never abandon their children no matter what.

Parents who roast their kids are monsters to me.

... I don't know if I was offensive or not, I try not to be, but that's my raw view of the subject.

It would be great if parents didn't cause their offspring trauma before life does...
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Sep 28, 2020
It would be great if parents didn't cause their offspring trauma before life does...
the worst types of parents are those who keep comparing their child to others.

They put immense pressure on their children. They constantly put them down when they don't succeed. When a child falls into a severe depression and can no longer study or work what do they do? They roast them even more until their son kills himself. Then they want to blame everyone, they want to blame this forum, they create a fucking petition to bring this place down and they want to sue everyone.

They say they do it for your good, so that you have a bright and happy future. In fact, they do it for themselves, because they want to have the pleasure of saying how good their son is to other parents. They give a fuck about your happiness, otherwise they wouldn't torture you psychologically that way.

Fuck these parents.
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Nov 5, 2018
They put immense pressure on their children. They constantly put them down when they don't succeed. When a child falls into a severe depression and can no longer study or work what do they do? They roast them even more until their son kills himself. Then they want to blame everyone, they want to blame this forum, they create a fucking petition to bring this place down and they want to sue everyone.

That's textbook dumbass prolife logic for ya.
Blame the forum even though nobody forced anyone to come here.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Iam so incredibly fed up with parents. I absolutely despise the act of procreation.
In my eyes it's the epitome of selfishness and it's providing a false sense of safety for the parents because you then have a" family" and responsibility for life which in the end you are freed of after the kid turns18.

I think parents are the ones who are most afraid of facing life so they procreate like a "revenge" to society because they are so failed as human beings so they do it so they can hide behind it and get everything they need to survive. Like companionship. It's fking disgusting.
Like parents know that people have so much rage and that they are very prone to lash on other people - so they breed. In revenge to society.

I believe all parents are evil incarnate and are hiding behind their wagon and deceive us all looking so innocent.

What's your view on parenting?
Every child grows up with family that they end up abandoning for a newer, freshly made family of "their own". And so on and so on. I don't know how no one realizes the stupidity of the cycle they are perpetuating.
My parents gave me siblings who become a part of my family whether I liked it or not, and when I invest in them, they abandon me for what ever nicer looking, kiss ass, better version of a family they have in mind...same with extended family, sure they didn't choose to be my relatives...but they don't take into consideration that neither did I choose for them to be mine! I've taken on their hurtful comments and continued to give a shit. I took the connections seriously even in my times of isolation and extreme pain and suffering that they all have yet to experience and likely never will.
I was born of selfish desires and lack of thoughtfulness, I was born the most unfortunate looking with the most physical problems that led to bullying and a sense of alienation, from my peers and my own blood.
It would be better to have less "family" in my situation...their existence tortures me further.
People abandon their families of origin in pursuit of something they mistakenly feel is superior, a spouse, and usually children to follow. Those children grow up to be thrust into the same pursuit..leave the family their parents thought would be a better one, go off to create a new children, who have children...who have some more children, forever until tragedy strikes or the last blood standing finally "gets it" and decides to put an end to the madness, and their family line.
These cycles have causalities, and I am one of them, for a myriad of reasons.
Those who cannot or will not continue the endless cycle will be torn asunder by it.
I truly wish to have never been born, without any sense of simply would have been absolutely merciful if someone would have prevented my existence.
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Sep 24, 2019
That is too bad about your parents, and I hope you find peace.

When I was growing up my parents were responsible and gave me every opportunity to succeed. I had a good support system and fairly good role models. When my mother got old and couldn't take care of herself, taking care of her was a burden but I felt it was something I needed to do. I am glad I got to hang out with her in her last years.

I fucked my own life up. It is not anyoneʻs fault but my own.
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Mar 10, 2020
I think parents are the epitome of selfishness. It's so unethical to have a child, especially in this cruel world. Even if you are a great parent (let's face it, you're probably not), you can't help the fact that the world is going to trample all over your child. It's going to drain them of any ounce of passion they have and leave them a husk. This is all so they can be the perfect wage slave. I despise my parents. They're abusive and they signed me up for a life against my consent.
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Oct 28, 2018
Life is a pyramid scheme and that makes life a scam. We have all been scammed. Our parents, their parents, ancestors etc.:

433437088 orig

From their early childhood people are told told there is a Santa Clause, indoctrinated how life is beautiful and how everyone of us is special to keep us ignorant in this prison.

I have created a thread about this:

Google "pyramid scheme" to find detailed explanation and let me know your thoughts.
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