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Jul 14, 2022
I know overdosing on Diphenhydramine would be a very painful way to go out but i personally don't really care how much pain it puts me in as long as i do eventually die. So how many pills do you think it would take? I was planning to get lots of alcohol and maybe some other pills like prozac to help with the process. Would 150 tablets work? Or should i take somewhere around 200 tablets or maybe even more like 300 or 400? I was thinking i could collect all the pills i need over a couple of months to not seem suspicious. I don't know much about medicine so anything you have to add i'm sure will be of help. Thank you for listening.


Oct 13, 2022
I have done it a few times before when I was younger and didn't know any better. It is horrible and it would take a LOT to kill you. Don't do it.
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Swinging in Her Cell
Nov 13, 2022
It's a bad idea. You'll just damage your organs and end up in the hospital.
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Oct 9, 2022
The amount of Diphenhydramine needed to kill you would also likely make you extremely dysphoric and cause drug induced psychosis. You'd be seeing spiders everywhere and your mental state alone would be pure agony. People who've used Diphenhydramine at "recreational doses" experience this already, so a lethal dose would be mentally jarring, to say the least. Wouldn't recommend.
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I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020
Terrible idea. It probably wouldn't work, and you'd probably suffer horribly in the process of it not working.
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Swinging in Her Cell
Nov 13, 2022
The amount of Diphenhydramine needed to kill you would also likely make you extremely dysphoric and cause drug induced psychosis. You'd be seeing spiders everywhere and your mental state alone would be pure agony. People who've used Diphenhydramine at "recreational doses" experience this already, so a lethal dose would be mentally jarring, to say the least. Wouldn't recommend.

Yes, it won't be far off from this except probably even worse
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I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020

Yes, it won't be far off from this except probably even worse

Yeah, and that's only visuals. The physical sensations and mental state would probably be the worst part.
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Nov 28, 2019
The amount of Diphenhydramine needed to kill you would also likely make you extremely dysphoric and cause drug induced psychosis. You'd be seeing spiders everywhere and your mental state alone would be pure agony. People who've used Diphenhydramine at "recreational doses" experience this already, so a lethal dose would be mentally jarring, to say the least. Wouldn't recommend.
Yeah the psychosis will not only be terrifying but the op would lose control, blackout, end up being discovered and subsequently hospitalized because of their bizarre behavior. There's no way that one could quietly take this much dph and just pass out, even with the alcohol. I would be afraid of leaving the house and ending up wandering around the streets or something.
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Dwelling within darkness
Mar 18, 2021
The amount of Diphenhydramine needed to kill you would also likely make you extremely dysphoric and cause drug induced psychosis. You'd be seeing spiders everywhere and your mental state alone would be pure agony. People who've used Diphenhydramine at "recreational doses" experience this already, so a lethal dose would be mentally jarring, to say the least. Wouldn't recommend.
Yeah the psychosis will not only be terrifying but the op would lose control, blackout, end up being discovered and subsequently hospitalized because of their bizarre behavior. There's no way that one could quietly take this much dph and just pass out, even with the alcohol. I would be afraid of leaving the house and ending up wandering around the streets or something.
The drug-induced part of the drug was the sole reason for some challenge that was trending on TikTok in 2020, known as the "Benadryl/Diphenhydramine Challenge". What concerns me is that most of the people doing that challenge was mostly done by people younger than 18 years old (teenagers and kids), and actually been deaths related to it and is due to not CBT but to wanting to be famous (which I find it extremely dumb), considering the demography of what the users is mostly composed of. There's some study cases about it about and what are the results of OD-ing on it searching about it in any search engine. Like most other drugs when overdosed, the effects can be painful or even permanent damage in some cases if surviving the high dosage, albeit slowly.
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Nov 28, 2019
I've been thinking about this and I wonder if at a high enough dosage, one would just pass out due to the sedative effects of the drug potentiated by the alcohol. The only pro I could see to attempting this was if you're found out you could lie and say you were just trying to "trip" and using the dph recreationally. I would still be afraid of just ending up in a destructive blackout state though. It doesn't seem like it's as easy as downing a bunch of the pills with vodka and going unconscious. I tried something similar when I was younger, I used an antipsychotic (which always had very sedative effects on me) and a prescription antihistamine which also had sedative effects and I took the pills with a copious amount of alcohol. My goal wasn't for the drugs to kill me, but for it to cause me to pass out whereupon I would drown in my bathtub. Instead of having a sedative effect though, it was totally the opposite. I was fucked up and blacked out and did some crazy shit. I would fear the same thing happening with dph.
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Jul 14, 2022
The amount of Diphenhydramine needed to kill you would also likely make you extremely dysphoric and cause drug induced psychosis. You'd be seeing spiders everywhere and your mental state alone would be pure agony. People who've used Diphenhydramine at "recreational doses" experience this already, so a lethal dose would be mentally jarring, to say the least. Wouldn't recommend.
I great appreciate your help! do you know of any over the counter drugs that *can* kill a human then?


Jan 28, 2019
i used to OD on diphenhydramine for fun, i usually took anywhere from 200-500mg, on the 500mg dosage i saw spiders and sometimes snakes. one time (and the only time) i took 600mg and had the most intense experience, i heard my dead grandmother calling me outside which prompted me to put on my shoes and go outside to the road, and actually thought a red car across the road was her. i snapped out of it just in time before i did anything else.

the reason why i did it for fun was that it had it's enjoyable sides. music sounded 10000000x better, its like angelic, i dont know how else to explain it, angelic. and then i like to feed the geese while on it too, porn just like music was 10000000x better. but thats where the fun part ends. lots of negative thoughts, doom and gloom feeling, super dry throat, have to pee often but very hard to pee.

on my most intense 600mg experience it was only 12 pills. i dont know how 200 pills would feel, kind of curious. but i think it would fuck up your liver
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New Member
Aug 1, 2022
What if I take a fair amount of fentanyl with Benadryl? I take opiates for over 10 yrs, so my tolerance is very high… I've tried to OD and failed. I'm thinking Benadryl will tip the scales? Thoughts?


trying my best
May 1, 2023
This was how i tried to ctb when i was 15 and it was the worst fucking thing ever. I cant do any kind of drug anymore because of it and developed intense fear of being outnof control of my body that has evolved into ocd/agoraphobia. It ruined me. Do not do this. There are other ways.


An end with suffering > Suffering without an end
Aug 29, 2022
I had a friend try this in the military. He literally dumped a mixture of 3 to 5 bottles of unisom and benadryl into a nutrabullet blender with apple juice and went for it. When we got into his barracks room he was staring at us, very strangely, eyes wide open, sitting up on his bunk. It was like he could hear us say his name but couldn't actually see us, even though he was staring directly at us. Then he went into a seizure. This went on for a good 20 minutes before a medic arrived, then the MP's shortly after with paramedics. There was blood on the floor and his hands and socks had blood all over them but no one knew where the blood was coming from, we all got kicked out of the room. We found out later he sliced his achilles tendons also, I'm assuming after he guzzled his pills and moved to his bunk because a Leatherman with blood all over it was found in his drawer underneath the mattress pad, covered with his pt uniform. That day was insane. I was only 19 at the time but even then I clearly remember saying, "fuck it, don't call doc, if he wants to die let him." My roommate said, "what's wrong with you?!" and I said, "let's stay with him" and he said, "they're gonna think we fuckin did this shit!!" As more people showed up the situation became uncontrollable. We were questioned by the mp's as to how we discovered him like this and we just told them the truth which was just stopping by to hang out, normal day in the barracks. They asked if he's shown any signs leading up to it, acting strange or making any comments about off'ing himself. But he never did. They kept asking to see our hands which was stupid. Typical police, looking for anyone to plant a story on for an arrest. Regardless, pardon my excessively long story. He lived, got sent to the psychiatric floor for a while, we seen him passing us with 2 mp's one day while we were in formation. They helped him gather his belongings and never seen him again. I searched for him on FB and social media years later but he either lives under the radar or was finally successful with self deletion.

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