TW She/Her
Aug 9, 2020
This text is adressed to the leading people of FixThe26

PS1 -- PS stands for prescriptum
PS2 -- I'm not a native english speaker, so please forgive my language mistakes
PS3 -- Unless specified, "you" is adressed to the people behind the twitter accounts acting for taking down this website, Sanctioned Suicide(hereafter abbreviated SS)
PS4 -- You can expose me if you wish (my real ID is not hard to find), I'm not going to hide myself

My name is Alice and I am a member of the Sanctioned Suicide website.

I do not want to go and take part of the debate on Twitter because talking on this website triggers my anxiety, though I wanted to speak to you anyway.

Until these last few days I was considering you as people who were fighting for a political cause, and, even though I did not agree with it, I was thinking that the a debate existence of a debate about every societal matter was important. But you changed your strategy and you are now attacking individual people and I can't accept that. So I wanted to raise my voice (well writing …).

Here is what I wanted to say :

My claims :
I/ You are targetting individual people psychologocally fragile who are suicidal. You are actively taking part of making them feel worse so indirectly pushing them to suicide.
II/ You are biased. You (intentionally or not) are focusing on only some of the aspects of SS without acknowledging a lot of other ones (let me stress that I'm not making a quality judgement about those aspects, just that you are missing the essential ones)
III/ You are fighting the wrong people

My requests :
I/ Think with your heart : do not attack fragile people. I'm now strong enough, if you want to attack someone, attack me if you want, but not people who are actively suicidal
II/ Do some research and be well informed. Please educate yourselves.
III/ Please fight with us the real ennemies such as the omerta around suicide or the psychiatric institutions instead of robbing us the last place we have to express ourselves.

Some more developpments :

I/ You are currently carrying a campaign to expose some SS members. I think there are some things you forgot and that nees to be reminded to you.

  1. Those members are real people who struggle through life. You probably struggle through life too because I know some of you lost one of their relatives recently. I feel sorry for your loss. But that loss does not allow you to make others feel bad for it. If your relative was on SS in a first place, that means that they wanted to kill themselves before they met this community.
    Now think about it : Imagine a senario where you're doxing policy leads (and you're not far from it) to harassment of any member of SS and that this very harassment is what decided them to end their life for good. I can assure you that can happen and WILL happen if you do not cease this new crusade at once. You have to know that I will not hold you responsible for that death. But others will. What if those other people were the relatives of the deceased ? You would be basically in their minds the same bloody assassins that you accuse us to be. Would you deserve it ? I don't know, but you would certainly have been the trigger. Could you be attacked in justice for such a death ? Yes, and I'm positive about it, at least in my home country (France) where cyber harassment can lead to imprisonment (see Article 222-33-2-2 of Code Pénal).
  2. Don't forget your relative(s) were part of SS. You are posting screenshots of some of the last words of some people. Now think about it : would you like anybody to publically post your relatives last posts on SS ? This is disrepectful and outrageous for the surroundings of these people as well as for some of us, who might have been great friends of them here. Now I'm not threatening to publish your relatives post (because I respect them) but I can easily find some posts similar to those you posted on your twitter to target SS members.
  3. If 1. and 2. do not convince you, let me recall again that a political fight should not be individual, what you are doing is defamation.

II/ "You are biased." Well I wrote that sentence but I need to state something : everybody is biased. My main problem is that your bias is just one of the worse angle possible to understand SS community. The thing is nobody can notice they are biased, me included. So instead of trying to argue which angle you should see SS, I'm going to tell you my (biased) story, just because I think it's worth be told.

Let me skip the details of why I became suicidal (it would be way too long and, more important, off topic). So let's say that : in February 2020 I wanted to kill myself.
I had already done 2 serious suicide attempts and both times I was close to have huge physical aftermath (first time I almost cut my median nerve and second time I was 3 days in a coma). I was determined to end my life for good without the risk of getting seriously handicaped after a would be third attempt (which never occured). So I went to SS for suicide methods. I know this is the special part you hate (and the only one you acknowledge the existence by the way) but I'm not going to lie, this was the very reason of me going on SS. I found amazing the fact that people did not have to die alone, that even if their life were ruined, at least they had some kind words before they go, instead of dying alone, forsaken by the society which most of the time failed them. I then discovered how amazing the community was, how tight were the bonds between people, how people were trying to help each other to cope with everyday's life and that it was much more than just a manual to learn how to commit suicide (those exist by the way and anyone willing to learn how to kill oneself could just read through those books). I decided to not die alone and searched for a partner. I found one. But COVID lock down happened and we could not meet and therbye canceled our plans. I decided to stay out of SS during the summer but another event throw me back on it in August. At this moment, there was an incredible vibe on the chat. People were nice, funny, empathetic, supportive and, one of the most important part for me : people didn't judge each other. I finally started to talk about me, the real me, for the first time maybe of my life.
And this real me, that so many people are afraid of, they liked her. And I liked them back. A lot of them became true friends to me and few weeks later, I realized something very important , thanks to the conversations I had with people and this website's philosophy :

Even if I don't really believe in free will here is the thing : we [humans] didn't get to choose whether we lived or not. So I decided that I wanted to be free, to get rid of that burden my parents gave me. I decided to live. I chose it. And as absurd as it could seem, this decision didn't save my life, it literally started it. Because I was miserable before and I had had this question on my mind for so many years that just answering to it with a choice and not a belief set me free of this matter.

Since I made that decision, I have been better and better. Obviously, I still have very bad moments but I had remotly no suicidal thoughts even though I had had some for over 10 years. I started to see SS another way, trying to share this experience because I thought I would be glad to help people do that choice. It began one of my main reasons of getting up every days.

In December, I decided to take a plane to another country to help a member in a huge distress. She's now my girlfriend. I stayed a couple of weeks there and witnessed how little support her surroundings and the health care system gave to her (I'd say on the contrary, healthcare had a very negative influence on her mood and was one of her main reason wanting to die). I was powerless there, not knowing the language, not knowing the laws. So I decided to propose her to come back with me to Paris. She accepted. I took care of her for a month. She was violently ill most of the time and needed full time assistance she never got. She also needed medical help that I could give her thanks to some donations of some members here. At one point my mom paid me a visit and my girlfriend evoked suicidal thoughts. She ended up in psychiatric hospital. There, she was given valium systematically everyday, just as every patient in any psychiatric hospital in France. She called her father for him to get her out. He came, and she got back in her country.

Basically, I didn't achieve much. But it proved at least one thing : there was at least one person who cared about her in the world. And it gave me one thing : there is at least one person who cares about me in the world.

And here I am, writing you a letter because I want to protect her, and all the other people you are attacking individually. You have no right to make them feel worse, and doing so is obviously morally wrong (at least in your moral, if I understood it well).

III/ I'm going to agree with you on something : SS is not a good solution to tackle suicide. But what you don't see is that this is the only one for now. In western countries, as soon as people talk about suicide, they are sectionned. In psychward, in France at least, we are given valium. The purpose of it is to keep people as if you kept sheeps : valium breaks any will to do anything (whether it's positive or negative) so you just need to pilot people to a routine | wash - eat – sleep – eat – sleep – eat-sleep | (a day in french psychward, more or less). Now valium is cool because it makes people forget their problems. It does not make them disappear though. It even creates some : I got addicted to it and rehab for benzodiazepins is hell. Fortunately I don't need a fix anymore [and I don't need your fix either]. So as soon as people are good sheeps, they go out of psychward. But out of psychward, no routine anymore and benzos prescribed in terrific amounts. And most people go back to psych ward a few weeks after they were released.

We need respect (which you clearly don't have for us). We need a peaceful environment where traumas could be processed instead of being burried. But most important :

We need to talk about suicide, and SS is currently one of the only place where we can do freely, without judgement.
This is part of our lives and this is not something healthy to burry inside, unless you want to burry yourself.

Please let us be ourselves.


PS (Post Scriptum) : I wrote this letter before mahakali's suicide. I can see now how I was right when I wrote "I can assure you that can happen and WILL happen if you do not cease this new crusade at once". I send a lot of love to her relatives and her friends.

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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Amazing letter.

There you have it, fixthe69. Will you join with us and take the fight to the people that are actually responsible for the deaths of your children (ignoring yourselves, of course)?

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TW She/Her
Aug 9, 2020
Amazing letter.

There you have it, fixthe69. Will you join with us and take the fight to the people that are actually responsible for the deaths of your children (ignoring yourselves, of course)?
It would be so awesome if so much lost energy was spent into something constructive indeed ...
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
It would be funny if it wasn't so messed up. Their need to destroy and silence anything they disagree with is likely the same reason their kids didn't open up to them until it was too late.
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Sep 21, 2020
As much as they troll us and screenshot our posts, you can guarantee they won't bother reading, publishing, or responding to this letter.

It's a very sad situation

I was initially quite sympathetic towards their cause, didn't agree with it, but I could understand it to a minor extent. After recent events, I can't abide their behaviour. They harp on that they're grieving relatives, yet have now committed actions that have led to someone losing her life; another family grieving. They caused that.
They have blood on their hands now, and still will claim the moral high ground, what an utter disgrace to themselves they are.

Is this it now? They're going to dox every one of us until we each die? Even people in recovery aren't safe from them.

Ft26 - Keep telling yourselves you are innocent if it makes you feel better, you call us murderers yet you have a body count yourselves.

I am so heartbroken.
How did it all go so wrong.
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TW She/Her
Aug 9, 2020
As much as they troll us and screenshot our posts, you can guarantee they won't bother reading, publishing, or responding to this letter.
I guess you're probably right about that : filter any forum's messages and you'll be able to make them look like monsters. Partial information is the key : that's the main bias I was talking about. It's the same stuff news TV channels and governments use to manipulate people : you don't need to lie to discredit someone or some organisation : just carefully select a bunch of what they said or of their action and it will sunddenly look contradictory or aweful. Partial information is the best friend of disinformation imo.
About that by the way, as I've already stated, I don't have the strength to use my old Twitter account, but I'm ok with anyone publishing this letter anywhere as soon as they don't change a single word of it (nor modify the probable numerous grammar faults I did).
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Jan 31, 2021
Very eloquent letter 141592653. FixThe26 seem very angry and vengeful, for people who want to 'protect life'. Wouldn't be surprised if each of them at various points in their lives; have outed suicidal people as deranged, weird, disturbed, sick...but strength in numbers I guess.
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Sep 21, 2020
We can see your username, you don't have to sign your name after a post.
I know:pfff: It's a habit I got into when I first joined, it's just stuck.. my fingers do it automatically now.
I like it though, makes whatever I've said that bit more personal.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
Great Post PI. I couldn't have word it better.

Unfortunately we can't reason with these people. They are wolf in sheep's clothing.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I hate to say it, but the reason why their children are dead is because they lack the empathy or knowledge of mental health to help them. People who treat others, especially mentally ill people with disdain and look down on them probably did the same thing to their loved one. They will never learn from their mistakes, but will find vengeance or a scapegoat in place. I don't think it matters how many people they drive to suicide because they lost their one and only to suicide. In a sick sense, they feel powerful goading strangers to suicide because they felt powerless when their loved one took control of their life and ended it. I worry they're going to take another life soon since they advocate executing of another member on here. They got some flack for opening calling for the head of a member on here on their Facebook account, in which they banned or kicked out of some of their followers for not agreeing.
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Dec 30, 2019
"The so-called 'psychotically depressed' person who tries to kill herself doesn't do so out of quote 'hopelessness' or any abstract conviction that life's assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire's flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It's not desiring the fall; it's terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling 'Don't!' and 'Hang on!', can understand the jump. Not really. You'd have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling."
David Foster Wallace
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Sep 16, 2020
That is a perfect effort. Unfortunately I think it will land on deaf ears. I really hope it gets into one of their heads, if anything can, that brilliantly worded expression of truth and emotion will.
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Mar 22, 2020
Wonderful letter! You did a great job. :hug:
I'm sure some of them have already read it. I hope they UNDERSTAND that they're NOT HELPING at all!
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Mar 17, 2018
Beautifully said! I honestly couldn't write anything as good as this. This community is the only thing that actually helps to keep me sane. Like most others here, I've been and depressed and suicidal before joining this site, let alone the subreddit "sanctionedsuicide". While it's true I came here for methods, I ended up sticking around to be able to discuss things I'm unable to talk about with my family or my friends. I honestly wish I could be more active in this community besides venting and commenting on post, or sharing method ideas for input, but I'm not socially smart enough to engage in meaningful conversations. I've kinda had it beat or snuffed out of me by my family, school, and now work, which is a huge factor in why I've become obsessed with dying, not this place!

If you wanna save your loved ones, focus on supporting them and changing the community in how they treat the weakest member, and perhaps work on how you're treating the individual as you could be part of the problem. Not just take away the means and lock up those who are suicidal. And even if they're dead set on it, don't go blaming or attacking this community or the people of the community. Not once do we encourage one to kill themselves. Not once do we bully or antagonize them. If anything, we show support and comfort eachother. This isn't 4/8chan, though even that place isn't all that bad.

I've said my piece.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Beautifully said! I honestly couldn't write anything as good as this. This community is the only thing that actually helps to keep me sane. Like most others here, I've been and depressed and suicidal before joining this site, let alone the subreddit "sanctionedsuicide". While it's true I came here for methods, I ended up sticking around to be able to discuss things I'm unable to talk about with my family or my friends. I honestly wish I could be more active in this community besides venting and commenting on post, or sharing method ideas for input, but I'm not socially smart enough to engage in meaningful conversations. I've kinda had it beat or snuffed out of me by my family, school, and now work, which is a huge factor in why I've become obsessed with dying, not this place!

If you wanna save your loved ones, focus on supporting them and changing the community in how they treat the weakest member, and perhaps work on how you're treating the individual as you could be part of the problem. Not just take away the means and lock up those who are suicidal. And even if they're dead set on it, don't go blaming or attacking this community or the people of the community. Not once do we encourage one to kill themselves. Not once do we bully or antagonize them. If anything, we show support and comfort eachother. This isn't 4/8chan, though even that place isn't all that bad.

I've said my piece.

Joined Mar 17, 2018
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TW She/Her
Aug 9, 2020
I've said my piece.
I relate a lot on what you say and it moved me. I wanted to react on this :

"I honestly wish I could be more active in this community besides venting and commenting on post, or sharing method ideas for input, but I'm not socially smart enough to engage in meaningful conversations. I've kinda had it beat or snuffed out of me by my family, school, and now work, which is a huge factor in why I've become obsessed with dying, not this place!"

From what I just read, your capacity to "engage in meaningful conversations" is probably not lost. Maybe you were reduced to silence by your surroundings and this is sad but idk I just have this optimism you could find it back seeing that powerful and meaningful message. Let me state that this is what I feel and I'm not saying that I hold any truth about you by just reading a few lines ofc. I've not been very active on the forum part of this website but mainly on the chat here and on PMs. The chat helped me so much to express myself cauz sometimes there's some very light conversation and sometimes something way deeper, often less focused on methods (there's a tacite rule that methods are documented well enough on the forums so we don't really need to discuss it on the chat even though we do from time to time). So yeah I just wanted to suggest you to try the chat, and if you wanna PM me you're very welcome !
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Mar 17, 2018
I relate a lot on what you say and it moved me. I wanted to react on this :

"I honestly wish I could be more active in this community besides venting and commenting on post, or sharing method ideas for input, but I'm not socially smart enough to engage in meaningful conversations. I've kinda had it beat or snuffed out of me by my family, school, and now work, which is a huge factor in why I've become obsessed with dying, not this place!"

From what I just read, your capacity to "engage in meaningful conversations" is probably not lost. Maybe you were reduced to silence by your surroundings and this is sad but idk I just have this optimism you could find it back seeing that powerful and meaningful message. Let me state that this is what I feel and I'm not saying that I hold any truth about you by just reading a few lines ofc. I've not been very active on the forum part of this website but mainly on the chat here and on PMs. The chat helped me so much to express myself cauz sometimes there's some very light conversation and sometimes something way deeper, often less focused on methods (there's a tacite rule that methods are documented well enough on the forums so we don't really need to discuss it on the chat even though we do from time to time). So yeah I just wanted to suggest you to try the chat, and if you wanna PM me you're very welcome !
Sure! I suppose there's no harm in trying both. Though chat will be a bit of a challenge as I don't like busting in conversations knowing I'll interrupt someone.
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TW She/Her
Aug 9, 2020
Oooh yeah, you can just read chat for a while and react when you feel comfortable to, people are cool there too !
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