
Nov 18, 2020
Everyone seems to be so financially aggressive these days. Landlords want every penny, employers dont even want to give pennies, corporations must have more sales than last year every year. Monetize all your hobbies or you're wasting time. Housing is actually impossible. Everyone is always fighting for a house, a job, food, clothes, everything.

I dont want to live lavishly, just comfortably. I want to be able to have a place of my own where I dont listen to my landlords and their children yell and stomp all day long. I want a job where I work hard but dont push myself to physical pain everyday.

Financial advice articles always say the same things, just save up for a downpayment. But if you dont make enough to qualify for the smallest mortgage, let alone one that could actually get you anything, what do you do then huh? Get a better job? You think I want to work at the low wage I do? I have a good degree but I've never been able to get a job in my field. Not that those jobs pay any better. I cant live at home and i dont have anyone who could help me out financially.

I'm so goddamn tired of this impossible rat race and it's only getting worse. I look at people who want to keep living in this world and I am genuinely confused. How can you not look at all that is going on and still conclude its worth living in??

But I'm too cowardly to do it myself. All I can hope for now is that when they change the laws to include mental illness for MAiD that I can finally die peacefully. If they still deny me, maybe that will be motivation enough to overcome my cowardice. But it's still a whole two years away...
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Mar 3, 2021
Spot on. It has gotten insane now. I don't even know if it's traditional capitalism, but rather more like a neofeudalism, where rentierism feeds on the real economy and consumption continues to replace production as the driver of the economy. There is a housing crisis and inequality is soaring and the fabric of society is destroyed as Thatcher wanted. And this brings me to something related, about the kind of personality that thrives today. The penny dropped for me far too late: you must have a degree of narcissism and be extremely selfish and shameless in order to be successful in this day and age. You must be mercurial and fake so that you can move around a lot. Freedom of movement, globalisation. Shamelessness and amorality is key. You must be the lion that eats the gazelle. You must be dominant and charismatic and have no morals at all, so that you can rise above the competition.

She sold off the public assets... The piggybank is broken and the contents tossed around. Who do you think will grab it first?

You must have zero loyalty to anyone but yourself. Otherwise you run the risk of being exploited and betrayed even by your own family, especially if some of them have narcissistic tendencies. Loyalty and obedience breed slavishness, timidity and the final poison: ignominy. There is no community or society to be loyal to. Thatcher proclaimed the end of society, but she exalted the family. Well, now I believe there is not even a family. All relations are now consumed by neoliberal values.

There is no law to obey except the ones that keep you out of prison. You must essentially be a salesman, with selling yourself as a personality trait. Studies have shown that (malignant, not insecure) narcissists are generally happier and less stressed and more successful.

You completely inflate yourself not because you are insecure but because you know that's what is needed and because you genuinely think you are the best thing since sliced bread. I think the way to do this is you must be able to view yourself as whatever ideal your society upholds, like celebrities, and be able to perform this ideal in public,

I believe it is easier to adopt this earlier on in life and the earlier this tendency can be developed the better. I think adolescence and young adulthood is when it must be cultivated, when both the physical and mental emancipation from family and other structures is supposed to happen.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Capitalism, socialism, feudalism, etc it is all just rebranded oligarchy.


We are here at the bottom of this shit pile.
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Mar 22, 2020
Yeahp, the system really sucks!
My country's currency is A JOKE!! I'm working a lot and I can barely save!! (which is a luxury here)

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Jul 5, 2020
No one is built for late-stage capitalism, except for selfish and twisted people. But humans evolved to be social and cooperative animals, so that kind of behavior is the exception and not the rule. The bourgeoisie want everyone to think otherwise, so that their control isn't challenged. Notice how the rich and thus powerful make up a small portion of the population vs. the working people who deal with the realities of capitalism.

People are living thinking that house prices will go up forever, that stocks will always have forever-increasing value, that natural resources are infinite, and that private monopolies can only help the economy because something something free market. We are trying to bend the laws of nature. It's gonna fall in on itself eventually
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Apr 17, 2018
Is it considered socialism/communism if everyone has access to universal basic food, shelter and healthcare?

No income, no extra stuffs that aren't essential for survival. Just food, shelter and healthcare that fulfil the maslow physiological needs for survival.

Any extras you'll have to earn for it. Will that work?


Nov 18, 2020
Is it considered socialism/communism if everyone has access to universal basic food, shelter and healthcare?

No income, no extra stuffs that aren't essential for survival. Just food, shelter and healthcare that fulfil the maslow physiological needs for survival.

Any extras you'll have to earn for it. Will that work?
No system is ever going to be perfect, but some systems are better than others. I'm no economist or political scientist but I believe in universal basic income and wage caps. Even if you capped wages at 10 million annually that's a huge amount of money that could go back into everyone else. Or if the rich actually paid the taxes they should instead of finding every loophole and utilizing every tax haven.
It's been proven that's ists cheaper to give homeless people housing than it is to keep running all the services they do.
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Apr 16, 2021
We are trying to bend the laws of nature. It's gonna fall in on itself eventually
I think it's gonna take a huge swath of humanity out with it. If earth's lucky, it'll take all of us. I revile the world we've made.
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May 3, 2021
Look at all of the things going on now, at the same time - economies in trouble, money being printed like there's no tomorrow, inflation, shortages, covid, now they are saying covid was man made in china, tensions rising, etc, etc. It's all coming together like a super storm.
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May 27, 2020
Is it considered socialism/communism if everyone has access to universal basic food, shelter and healthcare?

No income, no extra stuffs that aren't essential for survival. Just food, shelter and healthcare that fulfil the maslow physiological needs for survival.

Any extras you'll have to earn for it. Will that work?
No. The words "Socialism" and "Communism" have mostly lost their meaning. They have been turned into dirty words by certain narcissists "rugged individualists", and are used to shut down any suggestion that perhaps human beings should show more empathy to each other.

This is not to defend actual communism though - which is horrific.
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