
Jun 6, 2020
The elite would care, though. Who else will cover their yachts and jets?
My boss died last year, legitimately he was the best boss i've ever had, and one of the most kindhearted men i've had the pleasure of working with, none of that meant shit. The day he died, and I mean almost .03 attoseconds after his heart stopped, my supervisor was the one chosen to replace him. When a person quits, they hire a new guy right away and start training that week.
We are expendable and it's supremely ignorant to say we're naive for understanding this
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Indeed. Perhaps your family might, but, more broadly speaking, nobody gives a flying fuck whether one lives or dies. People will put on insincere airs of "caring", but this to me is more nauseating than anything else, even cold indifference. At least the latter is honest. Tens of thousands of people die every day and, outside of those immediately closest to them, nobody else cares, and any who say they do are just being knowingly disingenuous or virtue signaling for the sake of others so they can win their little feel good brownie points. When it comes to the homeless, it's often the case that they have nothing and no one left. For such individuals, their death goes completely unnoticed and the world will walk over their crushed remains without ever looking down to see that there was once someone there.
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Jun 6, 2020
People will put on insincere airs of "caring", but this to me is more nauseating than anything else
Been saying this for a while, people try to casually dismiss this perspective by calling you naive or self-centered. But the thing is, this is looking at the world outside its egotistic little box. It's difficult for people to admit they don't actually care, because it makes them look apathetic, but unless you can score some internet gold, you don't have to express any compassion.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
It's difficult for people to admit they don't actually care, because it makes them look apathetic, but unless you can score some internet gold, you don't have to express any compassion.

Couldn't agree more. It's either extremely cynical, or otherwise supremely self-deluding, for someone to think they actually care about someone who's literally just a complete stranger. Ultimately, it's just about keeping up appearances amongst the masses of other similar such rabble out there, who confuse/dress up their very base self-concern and masquerade it as supposedly "sincere" caring for others. I'd argue that's a far more naive, childish and dishonest attitude, versus acknowledging the pitiless indifference that everyone everywhere carries inside themselves as an unchangeable default, whether they want to admit to it or not. When it comes down it though, most people would rather embrace a self-serving lie than the cold truth, especially if it makes them appear as decent and caring people. Such a sense of "caring" is both deeply insulting and presumptive, so much to the point it really illustrates how craven and self-deluded most people are.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
There are billions of humans. Its a chaotic mess. If we assume some people really care, those are a very few and then they most likely will forget you after death. Life is cruel.
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Jan 10, 2021
it's only pure reality , and if you really want to commit suicide then you wont care about anybody it's all good for you


Sep 16, 2020
The family must be waiting for their homeless relative to die so they can start caring then.
This is painfully true.

Sometimes I think about existence still and imagine all the benefits to having nobody care for you, and weigh up the pros and cons, because it's worse finding out that care was false, you were living an illusion of love. I wish it on nobody.
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Who knows.
Jun 24, 2020
Look at all the homeless. We just walk past them. Does anyone actually care if they die? A few freeze to death and no one cares. Look at our soldiers. Their lives are expendable and the civilians in the countries they occupy much less. Thousands perish and the US and its allies keep on invading countries. The reality is no one wants to feel bad. No one actually cares if their interests are not at stake. No one gives a fuck about whether you live or you die.
Some people actually help. If you live in the NYC area, your welcome to come with me and see. At least on the homeless and in need front. As far as invasions and shit I can't help and possibly completely agree.
Some people actually help. If you live in the NYC area, your welcome to come with me and see. At least on the homeless and in need front. As far as invasions and shit I can't help and possibly completely agree.
We can share some whiskey too. Lol


I died long before i met you.
Apr 16, 2021
no one cares, and honestly, I prefer it that way, I've been ready to die for a long time.
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Apr 16, 2021
Completely agree, my mother and brother care and that's about it.

The homeless situation is an absolute discrace.

The suicide hotlines were useless and read from scripts instead of from there own thoughts feelings


Now scheduled for deletion. Goodbye all
Oct 10, 2019
I was thinking today about how vegetarianism is viewed in wider society, and I thought about how people will eat cows and sheep because they are considered animals that are to be farmed and eaten, but if people in other cultures eat animals we consider to be pets (I.e. cultures where guinea pigs or dogs are bred and then eaten) it sounds crazy to those in western cultures. (No offence to meat eaters, I personally do not wish to preach about this, it's a diet not a religion lol) It made me think about how we consider family or friends as people we should care for/about, but strangers are care about to a lesser degree. It's like people become lesser just because we don't know them personally. Family can also treat you like shit in many cases though (There will be people on this forum who can attest to this) and not everyone gets along with their family. Sometimes they are even just extremely invalidating and get you down so much that you can't handle it anymore, I'm lucky that my parents respected my sexual orientation and don't try to criticise or manipulate me out of it, but I know that not everyone is lucky enough to have affirming parents/relatives. Sometimes we have to leave people behind or have distance for our own sanity, as hard as it is, and it isn't always safe or appropriate to ask for help from a given person/group of people. If the help hurts more than the problem, is it really help?
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I want to end it

Apr 29, 2018
Look at all the homeless. We just walk past them. Does anyone actually care if they die? A few freeze to death and no one cares. Look at our soldiers. Their lives are expendable and the civilians in the countries they occupy much less. Thousands perish and the US and its allies keep on invading countries. The reality is no one wants to feel bad. No one actually cares if their interests are not at stake. No one gives a fuck about whether you live or you die.
Then how come there are there pro-lifers who are angry at this site and why are people who attempt/plan to attempt put in places like psych wards? That doesn't sound like no one giving a fuck.
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I’m never alone, I’m alone all the time.
Jun 25, 2020
Depersonalization is a fundamental component of any complacent society. Everyone exists to suffer, we just struggle to stay above it while others dont need to think about it.
You think we exist to suffer? Do you think there's anything after this life for any of us?
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Jan 24, 2019
We just don't see ourselves as humans anymore, mostly we tend to be some kind of path to something, it can be with money, experiences or knowledge, but we have gone too far with the idea of individualization that we're no longer to see above us, it's sad and part of the reason I want to ctb
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
On a large scale, no. On a smaller scale, very much so. Why leaving like this is kinda difficult, but, been suffering for over 3 decades. I need the rest.
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Jun 6, 2020
You think we exist to suffer? Do you think there's anything after this life for any of us?
Genuinely my thoughts on this don't matter. It's what you choose to believe, I was speaking from a subjective viewpoint. Personally I believe we exist to suffer so we can find a meaning to our existence, and better prepare for whatever might come after.

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