
May 4, 2024
Does anyone feel as if they will never find someone that will love them for who they truly are, like I wouldn't consider myself as ugly but also wouldn't consider myself as good looking like 5 or 6 out of 10. I see people in my age range manage to find partners so easily and get that connection so easily but for me it's impossible I have 0 confidence in talking to women and I feel like I'll just die lonely. I just want that kind of relationship where love is evident but instead I just keep my head down and walk along.Also this thread isn't aimed at hating the opposite gender just curious of what people feel on finding a partner
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I quit looking. People are shit(especially me). I don't see any reason to drag someone I'm supposed to care about into my misery anyway.
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May 4, 2024
I quit looking. People are shit(especially me). I don't see any reason to drag someone I'm supposed to care about into my misery anyway.
That's true
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After I die, I will be happy again like I used to
May 20, 2024
I also walk down the street with my head down 😂 I guess that's why I can't date people and end up with inanimate objects.
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Sep 9, 2022
The lack of a love life is the greatest contributing factor to my decision to CTB. Men are disposable and with changing gender roles relationships are not what they used to be and we are currently observing a sociobiological process of less social cohesion and less individual self-regulation. The likelihood of finding a loyal and loving partner is so low you'd be fooling yourself to think of it happening and lasting. This sociological epoch is shit. Fuck Love and Fuck Life. Time to go.
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F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Maybe ask yourself why you think you can only get these things from romance. Love doesn't have to be romantic. Loves comes from all corners of life.

Believe me, having a partner is not going to solve your problems. It may make your symptoms a little better. But it's not going to be the magical solution you think it is.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I always wanted to find someone and I had a few crazy limerent crushes on guys way out of my league. I pretty much know it won't happen now. I barely leave the house and I make next to no effort with my appearance.

It would confuse things if I met someone now to be honest, seeing as I feel like CTB is very likely at some point. I think I have a fairytale idea of love too. I'm not sure I'd even like the real thing! Most relationships I see seem to be full of bickering!

I'm sorry though. It was definitely worse when I was younger. (I'm 44.) A lot more hopeless yearning back then, although I do seem to be in another phase of it at the moment for some reason. Hormones or something.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
Does anyone have a fulfilling one nowadays with their awfully hot coffee pot? Probably not.
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Global Moderator
Aug 20, 2022
I also have that feeling. I'm making one final attempt at finding someone soon, and hopefully it leads to something, otherwise I know the path I'm heading towards.
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What dreams may come?
Oct 4, 2021
I used to want a partner but after 3 failed serious relationships (1 my fault, 1 mutual, 1 toxic and not my fault) I decided that I would rather be single. Other than not having someone around when I'm physically unwell to do the housework and make me tea as required, I've no regrets on that front. Each to their own, I guess. In winter if I'm cold I get a hot water bottle or an extra blanket and cuddle the dog and in summer I get to move over to the cool side of the bed - and swap pillows whenever I sleep with my mouth open and drool too much (both sides). And the dog loves me no matter how badly I fart in bed 🤣
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Apr 16, 2024
my love life exists, but i do generally feel very lonely.

i've gotten to around the age that when i was younger i always dreamt of settling down and starting a family. i feel so far away from doing that, i've started to wonder if that's in the cards for me and it's what has been making me feel the way i do about living.

i think that i've met and been in relationships with a few different guys that i could fulfill just that with, but the issue is that i always doubt that they truly love me. i've never been abused by anyone, and i've been in pretty loving relationships, but i've genuinely hated myself my entire life so i can't ever seem to believe anyone else really loves me, and could for a whole lifetime. i push people away cause i'm scared and feel so sure it's going to come to an end inevitably. i kinda always thought someone would just come along and love me enough and it would somehow convince me i'm worthy of it, but i think i know for me personally, no relationship other than improving the one i have with myself can potentially fix things for me
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Vicolo cieco

Vicolo cieco

May 14, 2024
What bothers me is having to leave this world without ever having experienced romantic and reciprocated love.
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After I die, I will be happy again like I used to
May 20, 2024
저는 예전에 파트너를 원했지만 세 번의 진지한 관계(내 잘못, 상호적인 잘못, 독성이 있는 일, 내 잘못이 아닌 일)에 실패한 후 저는 차라리 미혼이 되기로 결심했습니다. 필요에 따라 집안일을 하고 차를 끓여 줄 육체적으로 불편할 때 곁에 누군가가 없는 것 외에는 후회가 없습니다. 각자 자신의 것 같아요. 겨울에는 제가 추우면 뜨거운 물병이나 여분의 담요를 사서 강아지를 껴안고 여름에는 침대의 시원한 쪽으로 이동하고 입을 벌리고 침을 너무 많이 흘릴 때마다 베개를 교환합니다(양쪽). 그리고 강아지는 내가 침대에서 아무리 방귀를 뀌어도 나를 사랑합니다. 🤣
My pet also do that 🥰 I love my pet
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It is what it is
Mar 9, 2024
I haven't had a serious relationship, a long term one where she seems to like or love me for who I am. Only a couple of short term, fleeting ones, out of pity or something else.

I've never experienced something meaningful, and at this point I think I never will. I still yearn for it, don't care what others say about it. But every year it gets harder to live on that. That's one of my main reasons for ctb.
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Apr 8, 2024
Nobody deserves to be cursed with me
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Jan 1, 2024
What bothers me is having to leave this world without ever having experienced romantic and reciprocated love.
Same i always wanted to experience it just once even if its temporary
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Apr 15, 2022
I haven't had a love life in more than 25 years. I dated some after my fiancé and I broke up, but nothing ever came of it and I just stopped trying. At this point I don't even give a shit anymore. It is what it is.
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Jul 23, 2022
I have never experienced romance and never well. I guess I feel glad not to be more virgin than olive oil any more. That that would change was in doubt for a long time.
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Sep 11, 2020
Yep , me. I do too. It hurts.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I've also never had a love life and after being implicitly rejected just recently, I'm pretty sure that was the last chance I ever had. Nobody wants a 30 year old virgin male with zero experience anyway. That's like trying to hire someone with no experience for that long. I would rather CTB to save myself the misery.
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I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
Ill keep hoping that one day it will be me, maybe the afterlife is real and the love of my life is waiting for me there. Its all delusion but it keeps me going.
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I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
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Dark Moon

Dark Moon

Sep 21, 2022
It's probably not happening for me, I did have chances but didn't take them. I still take care of my appearance and stuff but still autism and my conditions have fucked me for life. I probably need to get a job too and I don't think that's possible for me. Oh well maybe in another lifetime or something.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
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Feb 23, 2024
Even in a "relationship", it's hard to connect with the person you are in it with unless they are able to understand your struggles... It's just kinda expected that people are supposed to have themselves completely sorted out emotionally before the relationship or people just consider it emotional baggage.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I used to think the same until I viewed myself as God
But that would mean you're directly responsible for all of the suffering that everyone is going through, especially on this site. 🤔
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
In pretty much all of my relationships I've only ever been cheated on and/or ghosted (oftentimes after months/years) so I have no illusions about anything good happening to me anymore. Being 40 it's pretty much over anyway. And granted I'm a young 40, I'm tall and in shape and have all my hair, but still. I think it's just naive to hope for something miraculously pure and solid at this stage, especially given my past.
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Jul 8, 2023
I get where you're coming from. But here is the thing (and I learned this the hard way)...a relationship is two-sided. Before you put yourself out there, or even consider putting yourself out there, you have to be close to the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Both people in the relationship have to be. Otherwise, it will be torture for you both. Don't bind into a relationship simply for the sake of not being lonely. Being alone is better than entering into a relationship that eventually becomes stale and stressful. Believe me.
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🎵 Be all, end all 🎵
Apr 17, 2023
But that would mean you're directly responsible for all of the suffering that everyone is going through, especially on this site. 🤔
Joker "I know, Murray"
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Mar 4, 2024
I get where you're coming from. But here is the thing (and I learned this the hard way)...a relationship is two-sided. Before you put yourself out there, or even consider putting yourself out there, you have to be close to the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Both people in the relationship have to be. Otherwise, it will be torture for you both. Don't bind into a relationship simply for the sake of not being lonely. Being alone is better than entering into a relationship that eventually becomes stale and stressful. Believe me.
This doesn't sit well with me. Say you are both ok and then later down the line something medical happens. So now 1 person isn't what they were and are going to bring "stress".

This is the problem nowadays. Something out of your control happens and the other person just quits and onto the next one. It happened to me becuase of financial/medical.

I really despise everyone because of it now. 4 years down the drain. And no I'm not the man whore type (I don't want diseases and I'm autistic). That was my first relationship.
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