

Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Hi all! I'm new to SS. At the time of writing this first post, my membership still hasn't been approved, actually, which is why my first post is a personal one. If I'd had the ability, I would have commented on so many of you peoples' bravery and honesty before ever posting about myself. This is one of the few places, online or off, that I've ever come across where I get the distinct feeling of relief that comes with knowing "wow, the people here aren't totally full of BS! lol.) In the days and possibly weeks to come, I will gladly be posting words of thanks, encouragement, and love on many of your posts and comments.

BUT, since the ability for me to do that is in the future, I'll start with letting you guys and gals get to know me a little. I'm a 35 yo male from the US. Ever since I was 12 or 13, I've had a strange, certain knowledge that when I left this planet, it would be my choice and by my own hand. In the years since, I've learned that almost every single male on my fathers side of the family - my father himself, his brother, their father, and *his* father - all committed suicide. My mother did too, a few years ago...the official cause of death was liver failure due to chronic alcohol abuse, but she was 100% aware that if she kept drinkng she would die, and she chose that path knowingly. In my book, that's just a very slow and very painful CTB. If suicide is somehow a genetic quality, then I've definitely inherited the gene.

I have *never* felt like I fit in, anywhere. I've always felt like I'm not supposed to be here at all, actually. Like I'm at a party I wasn't invited to, and I'm just fearfully waiting for someone to notice and throw me out. Since adolescence, I've felt/known that I am out of place, out of the right time, not where or when I'm supposed to be. As young as I can remember, I've always felt what I knew was a strange emotion when people would die - I would feel jealous of them. They don't have to suffer anymore. They don't have to keep any secrets. They get to know the mystery that keeps all of us up at night at one point or another. They get to have nice things said about them and then they get to exist in the memories of the living while their consciousness gets to move on to somewhere else.

I have a personal history of suicide attempts. When I was 20, I halfheartedly cut my wrist. It was over something that seems silly and trivial to most people, I had been rejected (rather cruelly) by a girl I thought I was in love with. This attempt was, in retrospect, certainly just a cry for help/attention. I was treated and I took on the attitude of my family about it - it had been a passing phase, it was over now, I was all right. But the feelings of constant sadness and loneliness persisted and even intensified over the years. Even when things were good, I was sad and unsatisfied. Even when I was with close friends or intimate partners, I felt alone. I felt misunderstood, and in most cases I *was* misunderstood. I felt bewildered at everyone around me's ability to cut through life like they were born to do it, to handle challenges and bumps in the road with what I saw as grace and impressive mettle. I have been constantly confused and frustrated at my own ability to do the same. At age 27, I found a girl who was my soulmate, if such a thing exists. I moved 1200 miles from home to be with her, and we were very happy to be together. Even then, I felt not 100% okay, and I saw the same quality in her. After a year of being together, the situation forced us to separate. Being forced to separate from the one person who really understood me pushed me to my first real attempt to CTB. I was living with my grandparents at the time (financially, I was in ruins after having to split with my girl), and they went out of town for a week on a cruise. The same day they left, my long-distance love became my ex-fiance...she told me that loneliness with me gone had been too much for her, and she'd found someone else she'd been sleeping with for two months. It wasn't her finding someone else that affected me so deeply, it was being lied to about it so casually that I never suspected a thing. I felt used, rejected, abandoned, worthless...futureless. I had been prescribed xanax that month for anxiety, but I hadn't liked the way they made me feel, so there were still 88 1mg pills left in the bottle. Without even researching, I took the entire bottle and chased it with a fifth of vodka, the whole bottle consumed inside of one hour. I decided to make absolutely sure my attempt didn't fail, so after a quick goodbye call to my ex, I cut both wrists in the tub - very deep, vertical razor cuts. Unbeknownst to me, my ex called my mom, who in turn called the police for a welfare check. The paramedics and doctors saved my life (although these days, I'm not so sure if I would have actually died even if left unattended, even though I was told so over and over.) After spending five days in a psychiatric ward, I was declared stable and released.

For the next seven years (up until this month) I have tried to keep a lid on things and quell the constant urge to take my own life. It isn't compulsive with me, and its not situational - its always with me to some degree, every second I'm awake. Situations only serve as the catalyst to convince me to give in to the urge. The last few months...hell, the last few *years* have been unbelievably difficult for me. I lost my mother to liver failure two years ago almost to the day. I had to watch her die in agonizing pain, unable to take pain meds because of her inability to metabolize them, defacating on herself and crying nonstop, for over a week. After she died, I developed a rare gum disorder that forced the humiliating process of having most of my teeth removed and replaced with partial dentures on me, a process that lasted almost a year - I couldn't even leave the house for the shame of being a toothless hillbilly until the replacements were ready. Still, I suffered on, soldiered on. After I had teeth again, I found a job after months of searching - right before covid-19 downsizing snatched it away. Broke, alone, I decided to start drinking. It quickly spiraled out of control, and ended with me getting two DUIs within 24 hours of each other. That was early this month. They released me without having to post bail on the first one, and I immediately went out, got a bottle, and repeated my mistake. They would not release me for the second one, of course, and my surviving family all refused to answer my calls, let alone post my bail. After four days in jail, they put an accused murderer in my cell. This is never supposed to happen, but the jail classification system is in shambles because of the virus and quarantine measures. He told me he did it and he loved it, and began to taunt me, saying he was going on death row anyway, so he was going to rape and murder me just as soon as I fell asleep. This, plus the fact that I'd just recieved my 2nd and 3rd DUI (I had my first when I was in high school), was too much for me to handle. I could not see a single reason not to give in to suicide, facing a mandatory 10 year prison sentence under the 3 strikes law and a rape-minded murderer for a cellmate. They were allowing each cell to be out in the rec area for one hour per day, and when they let me out, I was ready. I waited until I knew no guards were watching, quickly tied off the rope/noose I'd made with my sheet to the 2nd tier railing, snugged the noose, and jumped. All I remember after that is pain in my foot and unconsciousness - the next thing I knew, I was in the ER of a hospital. I had been released on another OR bond after the attempt so the jail would not be liable if I crashed and died, which they were worried I would do if not treated in a professional ER. It turns out that the sheet stretched far more than I thought it could, I took the majority of the weight of my leap on my foot, and then dangled, partially hung, for up to three minutes until the guards realized what was happening and cut me down. I was held for two weeks in the psych ward, and then put out on the street, penniless and with a broken foot. My grandparents took pity on me and came to get me about a week ago, and that's where I am now - at their house.

My arraignment is in six days. I plan to plead not guilty, but this is only to buy myself time. When they give me a trial date, I will know how much time I have to set my affairs in order and finalize my EOL/exit plan. I have no chance of beating either charge, and like I said, a ten year minimum prison sentence awaits me. Even if this weren't the case, I would still want to finally, successfully end my own life. I realized this is the scenario I was subconsciously asking for. My family...this is something they can understand. I was always too soft and sensitive for the outside, free world. There is no way I could ever survive prison, and I know I can make them realize this with the right words in a letter.

Ironically, having made the decision to *do*, finally, and not fail, I feel as if a weight has been lifted. I feel like things are right and normal, finally. Its such a relief to have an easily understandable motive to CTB. I expect to be given at least a month before my trial, especially with covid-19 and my broken foot to consider. I plan to spend this time with the friends and family I have left, to just love them and let them love me. I have decided on the SN method, it seems by far the easiest/most effective method available to me (that I can afford.) I also want to meet/talk to some people on this site who I know will understand my decision to take my own life. Feeling understood has always been in short supply for me, and I think a little of that would be so nice before I go. This is a bittersweet thing for me...I'm so sad and sorry for any pain I will cause with my decision, but I am also happy knowing that if I do everything right, I won't have to be here anymore. If anyone is willing to talk, I'd be so glad to hear from you! Thank you for hearing my story and having me here. Love to all =)
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Mar 6, 2020
Hi! Thanks for sharing your story, I'm really sorry to hear about what you've been through, it sounds really tough. I think your plan to spend the time with loved ones is exactly what you need, make sure that you really want to ctb before you decide anything permanent. If that's what you choose, we'll be here for you. Good luck over the next few weeks, take care, I wish you all the best
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Hi! Thanks for sharing your story, I'm really sorry to hear about what you've been through, it sounds really tough. I think your plan to spend the time with loved ones is exactly what you need, make sure that you really want to ctb before you decide anything permanent. If that's what you choose, we'll be here for you. Good luck over the next few weeks, take care, I wish you all the best
Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words, and I appreciate your measured POV...exactly what a person in my shoes needs! I hope we have more interactions in the future, thank you!!
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Jul 14, 2020
Thank you for sharing your story.
I'm sorry for all the hardships that brought you to this point in your life, but I'm also glad you finally feel free.
Whatever happens, I hope to hear more from you.
I'm not in a good situation right now. I want to end it but don't know how. Can't get N, and sn is banned here in the uk.
This is a bittersweet thing for me...I'm so sad and sorry for any pain I will cause with my decision, but I am also happy knowing that if I do everything right, I won't have to be here anymore.
I completely understand this. I just need to find a method and the willpower.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Welcome.. Thank you for sharing your story..

I hope you find some friendliness and support here!
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
I'm not in a good situation right now. I want to end it but don't know how. Can't get N, and sn is banned here in the uk.
This has always been my main (and maybe only) hurdle to ctb...I don't want to suffer at the end, I've been doing that my whole life. I can't have another failed attempt, I don't want or believe there's a "cure" for me anymore. Before I found out about SN, I had so much anxiety (only options were rope or gun, and I wanted to do neither for the sake of my family.) Anyway, I totally understand your predicament and once I have PM privileges I'd be happy to talk more and support you if I can. Thank you for your kind reply, best wishes =)
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Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
That was tough read, especially what happened in jail...

Well, welcome! This place is, obviously, not exactly desirable, but the people certainly are. You can be sure that will you will be treated with a lot of respect.

If death really is your destiny, than I hope you can enjoy your final days and that your passing will be peaceful (:
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Welcome.. Thank you for sharing your story..

I hope you find some friendliness and support here!
Thank you so much, I already have! This community is amazing and an invaluable resource for someone in my shoes. Thank you, all the best!
That was tough read, especially what happened in jail...

Well, welcome! This place is, obviously, not exactly desirable, but the people certainly are. You can be sure that will you will be treated with a lot of respect.

If death really is your destiny, than I hope you can enjoy your final days and that your passing will be peaceful (:
Yeah, I realized it was a little bit...word-vomit-ish, lol. I just have to lie to everyone in my life about everything and its such a relief to not have to here, you know?

Ajnyway thank you for the warm welcome, hope to talk more in the future! =D
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Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
Thank you so much, I already have! This community is amazing and an invaluable resource for someone in my shoes. Thank you, all the best!

Yeah, I realized it was a little bit...word-vomit-ish, lol. I just have to lie to everyone in my life about everything and its such a relief to not have to here, you know?

Ajnyway thank you for the warm welcome, hope to talk more in the future! =D
Oh, I meant that the content itself was tough. You writing is fine (;
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Oh, I meant that the content itself was tough. You writing is fine (;
Yeah, it was hard to write, I'm sure it was hard to read lol. Nothing pretty or dignified about it, definitely the dark side. That's why I want to take control of the situation before I'm forced into another nightmare scenario like this.

Again, thank you again!!! =D
Zappfe lover

Zappfe lover

Jun 24, 2020
Yeah, it was hard to write, I'm sure it was hard to read lol. Nothing pretty or dignified about it, definitely the dark side. That's why I want to take control of the situation before I'm forced into another nightmare scenario like this.

Again, thank you again!!! =D
Feel free to pm if you ever need to talk:hug:
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Jul 10, 2019
Thank you for sharing your story, I feel your pain at the abandonment and hurt that happens when the person you think is your one and only just throws you away. You have endured alot in your life, the panic and despair you must feel as you are facing the possibility of being confined to prison breaks my heart. I hope you find the comfort you deserve in your last days, and perhaps even understanding. If not from anyone in your life, perhaps from someone here, or in the shared experiences of pain that we all have. Good luck, I hope you are able to acquire your materials. My heart hurt at reading your intro. I hope you find peace.
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Jun 28, 2020
Thank you for your heartfelt story. We welcome you and convey well wishes...
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Thank you for sharing your story, I feel your pain at the abandonment and hurt that happens when the person you think is your one and only just throws you away. You have endured alot in your life, the panic and despair you must feel as you are facing the possibility of being confined to prison breaks my heart. I hope you find the comfort you deserve in your last days, and perhaps even understanding. If not from anyone in your life, perhaps from someone here, or in the shared experiences of pain that we all have. Good luck, I hope you are able to acquire your materials. My heart hurt at reading your intro. I hope you find peace.
Thank you so much! You know, its funny...but other than the anxiety at having to stand in front of a judge even just long enough to say "not guilty" and get my trial date, I don't feel much about it. I know that I won't have to answer for it, I'll be gone before then. I just thank *insertdeityhere* that I didn't hurt anyone when I was drinking and driving. Thanks again for your wonderfully kind words!!
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Jul 14, 2020
yes, a failed attempt is a no-no for me too. And although I accept that there might be some pain whatever method I choose, I don't want it to be a long drawn-out pointlessly painful affair, you know?
Let's pm at some point. You can talk to me about anything, I won't judge.
All the best
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Let's pm at some point. You can talk to me about anything, I won't judge.
All the best
For sure! (as soon as I get PM privileges, not sure when that happens)
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Jul 14, 2020
facing a mandatory 10 year prison sentence under the 3 strikes law
I was just wondering, are you absolutely sure that this will be your sentence?
What if it was only 1 or 2 years (hypothetically), would it change anything about your decision to cbt?
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Mar 6, 2020
Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words, and I appreciate your measured POV...exactly what a person in my shoes needs! I hope we have more interactions in the future, thank you!!

Dm me if you need to talk <3
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Jul 30, 2020
I am so glad I took the time to read your post. Life is definitely harder on some than others. I hope you find your time here peaceful. I have.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
I was just wondering, are you absolutely sure that this will be your sentence?
What if it was only 1 or 2 years (hypothetically), would it change anything about your decision to cbt?
I've thought about this too at the urging of a friend (i have one close friend I trust absolutely with this, he would never betray my confidence, interfere with my wishes, or allow any selfish feelings to make things harder on me - I feel very lucky to have him.) He thinks its possible due to the nonviolent nature of the crimes and the situation with covid right now. I am less optimistic, I have experience with this judge and he is notoriously strict and uncaring, regularly denying alternatives to jail/prison time like rehab or hospitalization even if the person clearly just needs professional help. But to answer your question...no, I don't think it would. And there would be no way to find out without actually getting convicted and sentenced, which would take away my chance to do this my way, with some dignity and respect. Like I said in the OP, the urge to take my life has always been there. This is just the excuse I needed to make my family understand. They'd never understand normally, they're too healthy-minded lol. They'd be left asking "why oh why, he could have turned it around." But it will be much easier for them to swallow "he felt like he had no choice, he couldn't do hard time."
I am so glad I took the time to read your post. Life is definitely harder on some than others. I hope you find your time here peaceful. I have.
Thank you so much for reading and for the kind words! It helps to be heard and understood more than I could ever say =)
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Jun 15, 2020
Welcome "home". This is amazing place and community
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Hydrangeas and delphiniums @ my funeral
Mar 11, 2020
I am also very glad I read this. Welcome to the group mate. I hope you get everything you need from the site, and can make your arrangements in due time.

(ps i've found a way to get sn without the mail box or having to get a PO box. That way you don't raise suspicion at your grandparents house. If you want info bout that pm me when you can!)
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Jul 14, 2020
the urge to take my life has always been there.
Yes, it seems to me this is the crucial factor in all this. Perhaps some people are genetically predisposed to want to self-terminate, and if you thrown in certain negative environmental stimuli and some bad luck....
p.s. that judge sound like a nasty piece of work, regardless of anything else.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
I am also very glad I read this. Welcome to the group mate. I hope you get everything you need from the site, and can make your arrangements in due time.

(ps i've found a way to get sn without the mail box or having to get a PO box. That way you don't raise suspicion at your grandparents house. If you want info bout that pm me when you can!)
Thank you!! But I already solved that problem, I told my gran that I had a "seed preservative" called sodium nitrite coming (I'm a gardener, and she was supremely uninterested...I think she actually said "okay...whatever." :pfff: ) But part of this process for me is making ABSOLUTELY sure no one sees it coming - I don't want anyone feeling guilty like they could have done anything to stop it. Thank you for your very kind offer though, so appreciated!
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Apr 2, 2019
Welcome and I'm so sorry for all you've been through in life, and that it's led you here. Life is definitely not fair and you have endure more than your share of sadness and suffering.

I know you will find much understanding and comfort here on this site. There are so many kind souls here willing to listen, to share, to help and to just be there.

Thank you again for sharing your story; I wish I could take away your pain...but am wishing you peace and giving you all and any support you need.

Once again, welcome. <3
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
Welcome to the family, my love...

What a tough read..A cruel world for such a gentle soul..I'm sorry life has been so harsh to u..My heart breaks just reading this...

I hope that during this time with us, that u will feel loved and that we can somewhat make up for the suffering that u have endured...

Sending u love, strength, and comfort, my dear brother..Here for u♡♡♡
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Welcome and I'm so sorry for all you've been through in life, and that it's led you here. Life is definitely not fair and you have endure more than your share of sadness and suffering.

I know you will find much understanding and comfort here on this site. There are so many kind souls here willing to listen, to share, to help and to just be there.

Thank you again for sharing your story; I wish I could take away your pain...but am wishing you peace and giving you all and any support you need.

Once again, welcome. <3
Thank you so so much for the kind words, friend =D As I leave this world, I want to be thinking of all of the love that made some of the time here bearable, not focus on the negatives that made me want to leave it so bad. And I can already tell this site and its members will be an amazing tool for that!
Welcome to the family, my love...

What a tough read..A cruel world for such a gentle soul..I'm sorry life has been harsh to u..My heart breaks just reading this...

I hope that during this time with us, that u will feel loved and that we can somewhat make up for the suffering that u have endured...

Sending u love, strength, and comfort, my dear brother..Here for u♡♡♡
So unbelievably sweet, I teared up and I'm not ashamed to say it xD Thank you so, so much!
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Jun 12, 2020
Welcome ♡ I'm very sorry to read of all of your misfortunes. It was/is heartbreaking. I'm glad you're at peace and feel like everything is as it should be. That has to be a wonderful feeling, especially given everything you've already endured. You're very strong. I admire your strength throughout everything, and sharing your story with us. You sound like such a lovely person and if you ever need to talk you can always PM me. ♡ I hope you find the comfort and support you're looking for here, I have. xx
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Welcome ♡ I'm very sorry to read of all of your misfortunes. It was/is heartbreaking. I'm glad you're at peace and feel like everything is as it should be. That has to be a wonderful feeling, especially given everything you've already endured. You're very strong. I admire your strength throughout everything, and sharing your story with us. You sound like such a lovely person and if you ever need to talk you can always PM me. ♡ I hope you find the comfort and support you're looking for here, I have. xx
That's so sweet, thank you! Although I'm not a strong person, I promise. Being at peace with my decision surprised me more than anything lol, but its not out of strength...I think its just relief at having the choice basically taken out of my hands. I could barely stand life as a free man, there's no possible way I'd hold up in prison for *any* length of time. I'd simply have to try a more painful and probably ineffective suicide method in prison, so feeling like this choice is no choice at all is actually a blessing, feeling how I feel about both life and death. But I SO appreciate you taking the time to post the compliment...there are just so many loving people here, it feels like that love and compassion is central to almost everybody who's chosen this path to take their own life. But it sure is lovely to be around, knowing how I do my time is limited! Thank you, and best wishes!!
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I'm not gona lie I haven't read through all of this. But I'll catch up tomorrow. I still would like to welcome you to SS nonetheless!
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