I'ma jump ship now before I sink slow
- Aug 8, 2020
- 119
My personal opinion is he's the worthless one, not you. he doesn't deserve you. It might not be what you want to hear but... i think he is just keeping you hanging on in case things don't work out with his new girl.
In my opinion if you cheat on someone, you never loved them in the 1st place. I have NEVER in my life cheated on a gf.be it somebody of a few months or of many years. including relationships that a person continuously cheated and abusive, i still did not stray. you can think you love some one, but never truly love some one if you are willing to go with others
Its a horrible feeling when somebody does this to you.but im sure there are plenty of people out there that would treat you how you should be treated. just because a few dates haven't gone to plan doesn't mean you won't find someone. the 1st step would be to stop this person having a hold on you, i understand kids are involved though so not so easy.
I beg him all the time to just "let me go". Stop saying he wants to be with me but not Doing anything about it. His words don't match his actions. it's because I'm not worth it. After 17years he walked out on me so easily. He was calm and matter of fact. I can't understand why he doesn't say the same thing to the new girl. Why does he say he loves me and wants to be with me and we're gonna be together forever and he's going to make up for all the terrible things he did. But then day in and day out he stays with her . I feel completely worthless and stupid and stuck. I just can not seem to pull it together . Another person would make it so much easier but dating sites are awful.