

May 19, 2020
Hi there, I made a thread about this before, however due to my mental state and mental health, I am generally beyond fucked up when I am on this forum, a lot of what I read and write is incomprehensible unless i'm sober. I had it deleted because it was a mess and completely my fault for starting the thread whilst being that fucked up.

The previous thread got out of hand for multiple reasons, for one, I was way too high to understand what everyone (including myself) was saying and some of the language got slightly heated. It wasn't an extreme argument or anything, just some disagreements, but to those involved I apologize, i'm sure one thing we can all understand is that it's hard to maintain a level head right now, especially for us that are on the end of the leash (is that even the right term? idk). This forum should have good vibes only.

Also, before you begin reading this thread please note that I am on the Autism spectrum just a teeny tiny bit. Sometimes, especially when writing I tend to repeat things over and over subconsciously without noticing, so I apologies in advance for that. My english sucks

Anyways, moving forward with the purpose of the thread I have chosen the SN method to ctb. I already placed an order for my SN and it should be here soon. I read Stan's Guide in it's entirety, and read certain parts of the PPH but I'm not a huge fan of how it's written so I only skimmed the important parts.

I'm aware of the gram/kg concentration of SN I need. I will have antacids on standby as well.

However this next part of the method is where i'm having the MOST trouble, and that is the AE (anti-emetics). I am currently taking 200mg of Seroquel nightly which apparently functions as an AE. I will have no issues with not taking it for a few nights beforehand if it makes the method easier.

I don't trust the seroquel by itself to work as an AE because I will be taking some form of opoid, such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, tramadol or heroin (haven't decided yet) in addition to SN.

I've also been taking seroquel for so long that I don't think it will be strong enough to hold down both SN and pills or heroin. I actually threw up just yesterday after taking it. My question is WHAT ANTI-EMETIC can I trust to hold down both SN and pills? I have access to the dark web so hopefully I can find a strong prescription grade AE but I just have no idea.

The guide mentions sedatives such as Xanax and other benzos. However for my method I would like to ensure that I am extremely comfortable and euphoric as I die. This is why I am going to be taking some form of a heavy sedative. I am actually strongly considering heroin as I know it produces a euphoric like high. I would also like to use heroin as a backup-safety net as well, in case the SN fails I may overdose on heroin.

The two things I need the most help with are finding a suitable AE and preparing heroin. I do not want to shoot up heroin or smoke it. I'm open to snorting it or inserting it rectally, however I am not a hard drug user so I know nothing about heroin or how it is prepared to be snorted or inserted rectally. I would assume that black tar heroin is for shooting up, so what kind would I need for snorting or rectal inserting? I will be getting all of this from the dark web.

I also forgot to mention that if I cannot obtain a decent AE my plan is to employ two separate AE and hope they work. Those two being liquid bismuth (pepto-bismol) and weed, I am a daily smoker so I will probably just smoke like 2 bowls in a row and drink life half a bottle of pepto bismol, do the heroin, drink the SN, lay down and hope for the best.

If anyone here could help me with these issues that would be greatly appreciated. My mental health is deteriorating day by day and I can't suffer any longer. Thank you so much and I hope you all have a blessed day. I really, really, really really want to get this over with so I can stop waking up and hating myself and every single fucking thing in my life. I will take ANY and ALL advice if it means I can have my everlasting peace sooner.
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Sep 15, 2020
Are there any negatives to using opiates with SN? Anyone?

Found this. So basically the process time of death is doubled. Seems worth it though since you're not gonna feel any discomfort high in heroin.
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