First thing to say, I have never posted in the partner's thread, intimated that I want one, or even believe I'd take someone up on it even if they were an amazing person and wanted to ctb as bad as I do.
I've given out my discord info for chat to a few members on this site. I have absolutely no personal info on either account. Never given out my phone number or said where I lived. This person I've been talking to for a few days now just brought up the possibility of meeting up to ctb. She told me exactly where she lives, which is an hour and a half away from me. Like I said, I've never given out my location, so it was a tingle-warning when she said she lived so close to me. The alarm bells really started ringing later...I never even dropped a hint that she might be anywhere near me, but she kept saying things like she knew where I am, that I'm close to where she says she's from. She slipped up and said "we're close enough to make it happen, if you wanted to." I asked "how do you know? I never said where I was?" She went silent for a full five min before finally replying "Well I just meant relatively close. We're both in the US."
Do I have some psycho pro-lifer tracking my IP and trying to "save" me? Or am I going to be kidnapped and put in a buttrape dungeon? This is really fucking with my head now. She seems genuine and I normally have a pretty good bullshit radar, but I'm feeling like I got played...but if I'm just being paranoid, I don't wanna blockban someone who's really suicidal and needs support.
...nobody's got any advice for me about this? No thoughts? I'm just leaving this girl (or 76yo retired mailman) hanging while I try to decide if they're a legit person or a serial assraper.