As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
Tall order for many of us, I know. I know my default is self-hatred. But if I can do it, so can you! I'll go first.
I actually have a pretty brave streak in me, and it's gotten me through some of the worst periods - homelessness, severe parental abuse, insane pressurized work environments. It's hard because it means ignoring (or suppressing) my other traits like sensitivity or fear, but I have been able to adapt quickly through many crises and still make it through. Friends and acquaintances frequently comment on this. If only bravery could reverse diseases and illness, then I'd be good.
Fight your self-consciousness and post here. You know you want to. :)
Everything I used to like about myself has been stripped away or never got to be in the first place. I am a shell of both who I was and who I could have been.
Huntfish34, deadgirlahsatan, voyager and 1 other person
my kindness? / understanding? i don't want to say "tolerance", because that seems mean.
anyway i try not to ever patronize people or make them feel less than, no matter their hobby or interest or whatever, because i know how much it hurts to be pitied. this is a bit hard after spending years on 4chan--like sometimes i do slip up and am cruel to be funny--but it's very very rare these days. i don't ignore people either (not that people ever try to speak with me in the first place, but...y'know when they do! i won't shut them out)
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Huntfish34, deadgirlahsatan, Folie and 1 other person
Good question. There is actually one thing I like about myself: my strong sense for justice. I think me being bullied for so many years back in school contributed a lot to my desire that all humans should be able live freely and happily without oppression and discrimination. So there is at least one positive thing that came out of this, as a result of many years of bullying and abuse that happened back in my childhood. I suffered a lot and it's the reason why I'm still suicidal to this day but at least I also was able to learn how to feel empathy and compassion towards other people, especially the ones that suffer a lot as a consequence of this horrible, cold society. I can't stand people that abuse their power to step on weak, fragile and marginalized people. I think many of us wouldn't be here in this forum if we lived in a fair and compassionate society that actually cared about people and their well-being. I wish everyone was treated equally with respect and met with some dignity, we all deserve that. We all deserve to live a happy life, and pursue our goals. Sadly, that's not the reality. We don't live in an utopia and some of us were simply unlucky in life and met with a cruel fate. I'm one of them. There is no denial in that. But that's why I think everyone deserves at least a peaceful death. It's the least we can do for struggling and hurting people, for people that are suffering on a daily base and tired of living. But there are even people that oppose that and do everything in their power to deny us a peaceful exit. Unbelievable. I can't even imagine how absolutely cruel people have to be to support keeping people alive against their will. It's terrible. Anyway... I digress.
Huntfish34, llerutem5, ImsooDone1N and 6 others
I'm very dedicated and passionate about drawing. For the past few years I've been gettin to the point where I actually like the stuff I make and my art style. Feels nice!
Huntfish34, llerutem5, deadgirlahsatan and 4 others
Tall order for many of us, I know. I know my default is self-hatred. But if I can do it, so can you! I'll go first.
I actually have a pretty brave streak in me, and it's gotten me through some of the worst periods - homelessness, severe parental abuse, insane pressurized work environments. It's hard because it means ignoring (or suppressing) my other traits like sensitivity or fear, but I have been able to adapt quickly through many crises and still make it through. Friends and acquaintances frequently comment on this. If only bravery could reverse diseases and illness, then I'd be good.
Fight your self-consciousness and post here. You know you want to. :)
I like this!! Bravo!! I am similar to you in that I have also been able to adapt quickly through many situations and still make it through. I feel like I'm a loving person and truly want the best for people. I am good under pressure, I am handsome (hehehe), my mom says that I am very charming, I'm smart, and generally I love myself and all my gifts, I'm really good at drawing, my spirituality is important to me and through writing my book I was able to help people all across the world, I feel like I'm a genuinely nice and positive person. This is weird because it doesn't make sense to others why I want to ctb and I'm sure it will hurt a lot of people.
Huntfish34, deadgirlahsatan, theboiwhostilllived and 2 others
I'm a failure, but I tried. I can say I'm empathetic and genuine. I don't put up airs about who I am to try to impress others. I try to be compassionate and understanding even though I sometimes fail. But none of these traits are marketable or employable. It doesn't make money. You have to be willing to step on others to get ahead in this world, and I am not willing.
Huntfish34, IsThisTheEnd?, deadgirlahsatan and 4 others
I can sing my face off! I have done musical theatre on and off for 11 years now. It's one of the only things that gets me outside of my world of constant pain. Being on stage is better than any pain pill I've ever taken.
Huntfish34, llerutem5, deadgirlahsatan and 3 others
I actually like a lot about myself. If I can only pick one, I guess it would be my insightfulness. That seems to be the thing that truly sets me apart from others the most.
Huntfish34, ImsooDone1N, whywere and 6 others
I love animals, a lot. It's exemplified by my autism. While I struggle to understand emotions from others, I have a strong ability to understand how animals are. One of my favorite things is to squeeze both of my dogs together in this three-person-hug-thing every time I wake up. There's comfort when I talk with them. It drowns out any thoughts of CTB.
same for me. I can relate to animals far better than I ever have humans. I can think of a number of times, "he never comes out for anyone!" my favorite was my friend's dog who came from an abusive household and is just terrified of most people, but was happy to let me, a stranger, pet him.
Huntfish34, deadgirlahsatan and Meditation guide
I'm smart. I enjoy my mental processes and interest in so many things. Fat lot of good that does me.
It's in stark contrast to my rapidly deteriorating body.
I have other qualities too I like about myself but none of them matter any more.
I've gone through more traumatic experiences, one after the next throughout my life, and all alone each time managed to somehow deal with them each time. Finally they have lately kept piling on so much that I'm physically falling apart and found that when you can't walk or move you can't deal with the problems any more.
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Huntfish34, llerutem5, deadgirlahsatan and 2 others
I actually don't have any hatred for myself, it's just as simple as not desiring to continue existing within a negative timeline where healing, happiness and growth isn't possible.
I'm very open-minded and I believe anyone can become anything like a famous actor and musician, etc. I had a friend that told me he wanted to be a professional baseball player one day and I believe he can do it despite his current situation. If he had told his dreams to a small-minded person then they probably would have told him it's not possible and probably laughed at him.
Well, that all depends, because you are saying "do you REALLY believe he can do it? " really...
and would you say "Yes" to everybody who says he will one day do /be "anything"?
if you answer were to be a "yes", that kinds of opens up my mind
I just would stay within limitations... one day some one really wanted me to take seriously a topic of about "if we lived in the sky" and start a conversation about if we did... lived in the sky...
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Huntfish34, deadgirlahsatan and Theodora
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