Where is this website they keep saying they want where people can share their feelings without judgement but without all the stuff they hate about SS? I would welcome a website like that, and with all the energy they've spent throwing insults on twitter and trying to get revenge on the people they think are responsible for all the worlds ills they could've had something up and running and let people choose whether they wanna be here or there. Hopefully they would have people who have the slightest clue about depression running it though. Instead it's just a revenge mission to get rid of this site.
And this idea that long-time members are on SS because they are getting off on "murdering" people, like yeh that's clearly the only explanation! Orrr just maybe they are getting their affairs in order or planning so they don't do it impulsively, or have pets to take care of or family members they are sticking around for. Or they were depressed, SS helped and they stuck around because they made friends here. There are a million reasons people are still here long-term that don't mean they are sat there getting off on encouraging others to CTB. Crazy conspiracy theory!
I don't get the people saying they can't stay away from here but find it toxic either, no one forces anyone to stay-I was gone for months last year, I only came back after I saw Tantacrul's video posted elsewhere and he was the one who "lured" me back lol. It's reverse psychology, tell people what they should do and believe and they'll do the opposite.