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Dec 22, 2021
TL;DR- I'm a complete and total sexual deviant, and incredibly ashamed of it. Perhaps I "deserve" to die, though I want to die anyway.

The title says it. I shall elaborate on what I mean. So the average/normal/healthy person probably has pretty set boundaries between their daily life mode and their sexual mode. Such as they watch porn or have sex with their partner, but can turn it off otherwise in other contexts, and just focus on what needs to be focused. As for me though, I'm not attracted to porn or nudity at all...I'm attracted to way less. A woman in a pair of short shorts and a tank top turns me on big time. But it doesn't stop there, I'm bisexual/pansexual, meaning a man or non-binary person in a nice pair of above the knee shorts turns me on a lot as well. And I live in Florida, so you can bet a lot of people are rocking short shorts and tank tops. I constantly have a hard time controlling my sexuality. I even have a hard time at the pool or at the beach, because seeing all those women in their tiny bikinis and men in their short shorts turns me on a lot. It doesn't stop there either, I'm turned on by cartoon and anime characters as well, especially if they're wearing short shorts or swimwear...pathetic I know, since they're just drawings. That's not even getting into my imagination/fantasies/what I think about when I masturbate. I often like to picture two hot women together, both of them in tank tops and short shorts, sitting next to each other with their bare thighs touching, and then one of them goes, "I just shaved, feel my legs!" and the other one starts to feel her legs, all the way from ankles to top of the thigh. I also have even invented my own characters in my imagination...the most prominent one being Luna. Luna is 5'11, half Black half White, medium brown skin tone, long butt length dark brown hair that's kept in a ponytail, curvaceous figure, big boobs, big butt, pretty small waist, pretty muscular figure as well, etc. If I had to compare her to someone it'd be Korra from Legend of Korra, though I still envision her as way different. As for her personality...Luna is very sweet and strong, very touchy feely, she hates wearing pants and wears short shorts all the time, or a short skirt or short dress that goes well above her knees. I used to plan to seriously become a writer and make stories, but now I realize any story I would make would just simply be catering to me and my sexual fantasies, and wouldn't become anything of value people would actually read.

After writing that long paragraph about my sexuality, and rereading it...wow...it sounds even worse out loud than it did in my head. Definitely deserves a NSFW label at least. I flirted with the idea of attaching a couple of SFW picture files that show what I'm attracted to, including one that shows what Luna would look like...but I ultimately decided against it because it'd be more for me than for anyone else, and I already tortured you guys enough with that disturbing long paragraph. I would like to clarify that despite me having talked about all this sexuality stuff so freely, I still am incredibly ashamed of it. It makes me feel absolutely disgusting and hopeless. Like some sort of lust filled being that can think of nothing but what they consider to be sexy. Perhaps I "deserve" to die for thinking this way...though I want to die anyway.
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The Obsolete
Apr 27, 2022
Did you grow up super religious or something? I ask because your interests don't read as deviant to me. Like people are into actual weird-ass things, especially online. Not to minimize your feelings at all, but fwiw, you come across as very normal to me.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Dude, you haven't seen much pornography if you think that's deviancy. You're alright, 'tank tops and short shorts' enthusiast. Just don't get visibly horny publically.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Disabled. Hard talk, don't argue, make fun, etc
Sep 17, 2022
Sorry feel this way, truth human not real difference sex mode life mode. This very normal ok not deserve death, not feek guilt, seem nice person torture societ
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Jan 27, 2021
You have a high sex drive. Nothing else you've written strikes me as sexually deviant. If you're in your early 20's I wouldn't worry so much as in all likelihood it will ease off in a few years? Trust me there are way worse things than this 'Luna' fantasy character, short shorts and tank tops lol, were you raised religious or in some way made to feel sex was dirty?
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Dec 22, 2021
Did you grow up super religious or something? I ask because your interests don't read as deviant to me. Like people are into actual weird-ass things, especially online. Not to minimize your feelings at all, but fwiw, you come across as very normal to me.
I actually did not grow up super religious. I'm surprised everyone on this thread so far is taking what I wrote so well. I've definitely been called names like "creepy" on places like Reddit for talking about my sexuality in the same way, though perhaps I just did it in the wrong sub-Reddit or something. I'm glad I come across as very normal to you though.


Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
The only real issue is the intrusive nature of the thoughts which makes it hard to express your sexuality openly and constructively. Though proper 'intrusive thoughts' tend to involve far darker topics like abusing others.

If you have the option to be in a relationship, that might give you a means of expressing yourself in a positive manner.
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Dec 22, 2021
Dude, you haven't seen much pornography if you think that's deviancy. You're alright, 'tank tops and short shorts' enthusiast. Just don't get visibly horny publically.
Well yeah, I did state I'm not attracted to porn or nudity at all, so I don't watch it. "Tank tops and short shorts enthusiast" sounds about right, lol. I'm glad you think I'm alright. As for not getting visibly horny publicly...I try my best. Sometimes it can be hard to control, but I try my best, as I'm aware getting visibly horny publicly is inappropriate.
Sorry feel this way, truth human not real difference sex mode life mode. This very normal ok not deserve death, not feek guilt, seem nice person torture societ
It's alright. So not much difference between sex mode and life mode huh. Thanks for saying I'm normal and don't deserve death. I appreciate it.
You have a high sex drive. Nothing else you've written strikes me as sexually deviant. If you're in your early 20's I wouldn't worry so much as in all likelihood it will ease off in a few years? Trust me there are way worse things than this 'Luna' fantasy character, short shorts and tank tops lol, were you raised religious or in some way made to feel sex was dirty?
High sex drive sounds about right. Early 20's...oh yeah, definitely, I'm 21. I've been this way since I first hit puberty at like 12/13 so it feels like I've been this way forever, but if it eases off in a few years that'd surely be nice. I'm surprised everyone on this thread so far is taking what I wrote so well, including the Luna fantasy character, short shorts, and tank tops. I actually wasn't raised religious or made to feel sex was dirty, though on places like Reddit I have been called names like "creepy" before for expressing my sexuality. Perhaps I just did it on the wrong sub-Reddit or something.
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The Obsolete
Apr 27, 2022
I actually did not grow up super religious. I'm surprised everyone on this thread so far is taking what I wrote so well. I've definitely been called names like "creepy" on places like Reddit for talking about my sexuality in the same way, though perhaps I just did it in the wrong sub-Reddit or something. I'm glad I come across as very normal to you though.
Ah I see. Yeah Reddit is a really fickle place. You could post the exact same comment on two different threads and get upvoted in one and downvoted to hell in the other. I wouldn't take the reception you get there to heart tbh. People also tend to dogpile there, so if one comment saying you're creepy gets upvoted, people will just pile on. There are actual creeps on Reddit too so I wouldn't take the comments too seriously.
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Dec 22, 2021
The only real issue is the intrusive nature of the thoughts which makes it hard to express your sexuality openly and constructively. Though proper 'intrusive thoughts' tend to involve far darker topics like abusing others.

If you have the option to be in a relationship, that might give you a means of expressing yourself in a positive manner.
Oh yeah, I'd definitely say these thoughts are quite intrusive, as they're hard to control even when I'm just out in public. As for a relationship...doesn't seem possible at the moment since I don't really go out of the house or talk to anyone. I do kind of like the idea of a relationship...that's also part of the reason why I made up the "Luna" fantasy character, she's my picture of the perfect woman...but in practice it's a lot of commitment and effort that I don't know I'd be ready for. Especially since I hate myself and don't really take care of myself, and I don't think a partner would like that.
Ah I see. Yeah Reddit is a really fickle place. You could post the exact same comment on two different threads and get upvoted in one and downvoted to hell in the other. I wouldn't take the reception you get there to heart tbh. People also tend to dogpile there, so if one comment saying you're creepy gets upvoted, people will just pile on. There are actual creeps on Reddit too so I wouldn't take the comments too seriously.
Oh yeah. I remember I posted the exact same post on two different sub-Reddits, and it got upvoted a lot in one sub, and downvoted to hell in the other. Specifically, I got like a thousand something upvotes on r/feemagers with like a 99% upvote ratio, and 0 upvotes on r/blackladies with like a 14% upvote ratio. So fickle indeed. The post itself was about how society views Black hair or something, with me stating Black hair should be loved as any other hair type, but that's besides the point. And yeah, unfortunately I tend to take everything to heart, when I actually really shouldn't. And oh yeah, the dogpiling doesn't help. And yeah, there are definitely creeps on Reddit, too. One time a guy messaged me saying he wanted to have sex with me, but only if I was younger than 12...yikes. And when I told him people that young can't even consent to sex he just said "wtf of course they can!" Double yikes...
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
that's also part of the reason why I made up the "Luna" fantasy character, she's my picture of the perfect woman...but in practice it's a lot of commitment and effort that I don't know I'd be ready for. Especially since I hate myself and don't really take care of myself, and I don't think a partner would like that.
One word of advice I can give. Indulging in fantasy, artistic expression, online discussion or poor self-care can lead to days, months and even years passing uneventfully, but with a catch.

It might be the last thing on your mind now, but there does come an age where it is too late to actually experience the things that you are ultimately desiring, and I can promise you that it hits HARD. Like, beyond words hard. By contrast, you would find that you could dramatically improve your health and fitness in a matter of weeks or months, start meeting people with compatible interests and wouldn't need to keep beating around the bush, so to speak. I say this as an older person who is having the worst mid-life crisis in human history.

Sometimes we might say, "It doesn't matter, I'll probably CTB soon anyway" but in practice, a lot of people won't. I'm only giving you the advice that I wish I could give to my former self, so take it as you wish.
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Sep 16, 2022
TL;DR- I'm a complete and total sexual deviant, and incredibly ashamed of it. Perhaps I "deserve" to die, though I want to die anyway.

The title says it. I shall elaborate on what I mean. So the average/normal/healthy person probably has pretty set boundaries between their daily life mode and their sexual mode. Such as they watch porn or have sex with their partner, but can turn it off otherwise in other contexts, and just focus on what needs to be focused. As for me though, I'm not attracted to porn or nudity at all...I'm attracted to way less. A woman in a pair of short shorts and a tank top turns me on big time. But it doesn't stop there, I'm bisexual/pansexual, meaning a man or non-binary person in a nice pair of above the knee shorts turns me on a lot as well. And I live in Florida, so you can bet a lot of people are rocking short shorts and tank tops. I constantly have a hard time controlling my sexuality. I even have a hard time at the pool or at the beach, because seeing all those women in their tiny bikinis and men in their short shorts turns me on a lot. It doesn't stop there either, I'm turned on by cartoon and anime characters as well, especially if they're wearing short shorts or swimwear...pathetic I know, since they're just drawings. That's not even getting into my imagination/fantasies/what I think about when I masturbate. I often like to picture two hot women together, both of them in tank tops and short shorts, sitting next to each other with their bare thighs touching, and then one of them goes, "I just shaved, feel my legs!" and the other one starts to feel her legs, all the way from ankles to top of the thigh. I also have even invented my own characters in my imagination...the most prominent one being Luna. Luna is 5'11, half Black half White, medium brown skin tone, long butt length dark brown hair that's kept in a ponytail, curvaceous figure, big boobs, big butt, pretty small waist, pretty muscular figure as well, etc. If I had to compare her to someone it'd be Korra from Legend of Korra, though I still envision her as way different. As for her personality...Luna is very sweet and strong, very touchy feely, she hates wearing pants and wears short shorts all the time, or a short skirt or short dress that goes well above her knees. I used to plan to seriously become a writer and make stories, but now I realize any story I would make would just simply be catering to me and my sexual fantasies, and wouldn't become anything of value people would actually read.

After writing that long paragraph about my sexuality, and rereading it...wow...it sounds even worse out loud than it did in my head. Definitely deserves a NSFW label at least. I flirted with the idea of attaching a couple of SFW picture files that show what I'm attracted to, including one that shows what Luna would look like...but I ultimately decided against it because it'd be more for me than for anyone else, and I already tortured you guys enough with that disturbing long paragraph. I would like to clarify that despite me having talked about all this sexuality stuff so freely, I still am incredibly ashamed of it. It makes me feel absolutely disgusting and hopeless. Like some sort of lust filled being that can think of nothing but what they consider to be sexy. Perhaps I "deserve" to die for thinking this way...though I want to die anyway.
Dear dude or lady it's like this you just have a higher sex drive than some. So quit thinking your just such deviant. Your not. As long as your hurting no one, enjoy your thoughts. Sex is one hell of a lot of fun!.😁😋 One person's kinky thoughts, might be another's go to must do sex method. And sometimes your kinks might be the exact turn on for someone else. The only things I condemn sexually would be sex with someone unwilling, sex with the dead, sex with animals, sex with kids, sex with someone who was drugged into compliance, sex with someone who is insane or intellectually deficit. But when it comes to sex between two willing adults, I say," Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself......be free. Better enjoy yourself. Sexually deviant, see Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer, now that was deviant. You kick yourself for nothing. This is not a sex site but to help you see that your not a sexual deviant, I'll reveal some of my own er peccadillos. When I had PE class if there was a dude there with blond hair, especially platinum blond hair, I would er capture his images for my own later use. I could recall everything in detail. I had fun, the blond dude who might have been straight, wasn't hurt in any way. No one ever could figure out why I just loved the beaches in Florida do much, when I was a kid!😇 So quit feeling your weird, you're not weird, merely horny. I always wanted to meet the guy who invented sex, to see what he working on next!
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Kali Yuga

Oct 4, 2022
Dude, you are far from perverted. You have a healthy libido but unhealthy anxiety.
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Jan 27, 2021
Hating yourself, having poor self care and hardly going out (and opening up on the wrong subreddits) are the problem here. Please at least try to develop good self care, eat healthier, work out a bit, look after your hygiene, wear decent clothes, however much you hate yourself. It's more about self respect. Self love is kind of advanced but this I think anyone can do and maybe the rest will follow.
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Jun 19, 2022
One word of advice I can give. Indulging in fantasy, artistic expression, online discussion or poor self-care can lead to days, months and even years passing uneventfully, but with a catch.

It might be the last thing on your mind now, but there does come an age where it is too late to actually experience the things that you are ultimately desiring, and I can promise you that it hits HARD. Like, beyond words hard. By contrast, you would find that you could dramatically improve your health and fitness in a matter of weeks or months, start meeting people with compatible interests and wouldn't need to keep beating around the bush, so to speak. I say this as an older person who is having the worst mid-life crisis in human history.

Sometimes we might say, "It doesn't matter, I'll probably CTB soon anyway" but in practice, a lot of people won't. I'm only giving you the advice that I wish I could give to my former self, so take it as you wish.
Man this hurt me a lot reading it. I'm scared for what the future holds. If it hits hard, like you say it will, it will completely break me. I wish life didn't have to be this way and I know I sound like a whiny teenager complaining about it like this…

To OP, please be a friend to yourself. It's a big request, even a vague one, but it's the most we can ask out of ourselves, especially with a problem like this one.
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I would class myself as an actual pervert. I'm a gay man who is too ugly to get sex on apps, as a result i spend time fantasising alone. I still have a very high sex drive. My fantasies have gotten weirder and weirder because of my isolation from the mainstream gay world, and only being able to find a few extreme sexual deviants who show any interest in me.
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Sep 16, 2022
Those deviants,at least they think they like you. Sex is like going to a cafeteria, everyone is free to pick and choose. As long as no one is hurt, indulge your thoughts. Unless of course you like to invite guys over for a beer, ala Jeffrey Dahmer! I like dudes, but damn I'd never cook one. Ugh!
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Sep 13, 2018
I'm sorry you see yourself as a deviant. You don't seem like one from what you describe. Do you have many sexual partners? You might find that when you get into a relationship and have regular sex you might stop getting turned on by so many strangers, also with age
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Jul 15, 2022
I guess we all have our fantasies. Sexual secrets that people don't reveal. The strongest evidence would be the categories on porn sites or the forbidden videos on the Deep Web, or similar obscure sites.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Yeah I mean we're all perverts for our own things, and some of them are inevitably going to be pretty tame or day-to-day. Especially at your age, you're in like your sexual prime. I'm not much of a horny bastard irl anymore, but I still get a bit of a rush from a nice looking woman in a shorter skirt or some wedges. I can imagine Florida's pretty tough in that regard though.
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Feb 27, 2021
I actually did not grow up super religious. I'm surprised everyone on this thread so far is taking what I wrote so well. I've definitely been called names like "creepy" on places like Reddit for talking about my sexuality in the same way, though perhaps I just did it in the wrong sub-Reddit or something. I'm glad I come across as very normal to you though.
All the ppl in reddit can go collectively fuck themselves. I once saw a lot of them telling a rapist of two women that he deserved a second chance of having a normal relationship with a woman despite the rapist admiting he still had thoughts of hurting women.

What you wrote is tame af and even adorable. This Luna chick sounds hot.

Write your fapfiction if you want. Believe it or not there is a huge amount of ppl (mostly all women) who write rather explicit fanfiction of themselves and different celebs. Take a stroll through tumblr and you'll see your fantasies are mild af to the things written there.
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