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For the sake of transparency and due to the partisan nature of VICE, which is known to take people out of context to weave a narrative, I will be publishing my responses to quotes from researchers and academics about our community. This is a response to quotes in an article that will be published on VICE sometime next week but won't include the site name directly. It will have a direct focus on our community.

My responses are below:

A parent of a person who was a member and died by suicide said: "You're never going to get help in a place like that."

First off, I'm sorry for your loss and that it has happened under these circumstances.

I do want to explain to you how many people on our forum are actually helped by its existence. People that are in a bad place usually come to our forums to either seek help or to seek a method. In our main resources thread, we list numbers to suicide hotlines as well as links to method guides made by other members. There have been countless people, including myself, that have been on the brink of suicide and have been immensely helped by talking to people on the forum. We have a Recovery section for people that wish to take that path and there are resources there to help them do that, too. For me and many others, knowing that there is a way out is sometimes enough to keep pushing through life.

Another parent of a person who was a member and died by suicide said: "You can't say things without there being a consequence. There is liability for this. Someone is responsible for this. That would be like me going up to somebody on a bridge and say, 'Hey, congratulations. Good luck.' You just don't, you don't. You help save their life. I'll just keep fighting to get them all shut down. If it takes my entire life, I will."

I'm also sorry for your loss.

Our forum operates within the confines of the law and we follow it to the letter. We do not assist or encourage suicide. People are responsible for their own actions at the end of the day and there's not much we can do about that. The information that is listed on our website is posted by users and we have a clear ruleset that actively discourages breaking international, local, or the member's country of origin laws. We can't prevent how people will react to the information given to them or control how people will respond to users. We can only act within the confines of our rules. Liability ultimately falls to the individual that makes the post.

You can continue fighting to shut us down and shut us up, but we will prevail at the end of the day as we have broken no laws.

A suicide researcher said that because Sanctioned Suicide allows such blatant description of methods and instructions, and is not just a place to talk about feelings, it can be thought of as a digital version of "access" to lethal means.

"A peer to peer connection is actually very therapeutic and helpful and understandable. That element should be a part of the treatment toolbox." But that doesn't include people talking specifically about ways to harm themselves, he said. "It focuses on the support and the growth and the hope and the troubleshooting and the problem solving. What these groups are doing is actively harmful and even evil."

A biased opinion from a biased researcher that obviously can't see the other side of the coin. We believe that our users have the right to vent and yes, that even includes allowing people to talk about the things that society considers taboo like self-harm. An always-positive environment would actually be harmful to many of our members as it wouldn't allow them to express their true feelings. We are giving these users the space to be able to freely express themselves anonymously and I believe that it is a good thing. When you're in my position as a co-founder of this community, you will actually see what the mental health professionals get wrong. They are wrapped up in legal red tape and have to follow their protocols such as involuntary commitment, which doesn't work. We ultimately believe that a person does have a right to die as much as they have a right to live. Our community supports either choice. Many people advocate for women to be able to make that choice for their unborn baby, why can't it be the same for your own life?

To conclude that this approach is actively harmful and evil is to come to a conclusion that is driven by emotion and not by rational thought and data. Many people have chosen to live after coming to our website, but you don't see that side of the coin though all of the propaganda and the bad stuff. Our recovery board is testament to that fact. Not all people that seek out methods will go through with it, but we still believe that people should have access to that information. If that information wasn't on our forum, they'll just find it elsewhere on the internet. The information that is listed on the site can be found easily on many other websites.

A suicide researcher said about Sanctioned Suicide: "Those folks are actively encouraging, supporting people, ending their life."
Also: "There's an encouraging element. There's a normalization of it that I think is damaging, no doubt about it. Finding a website where people who are responding and engaging and say, oh, yeah, this [method] is even better, I think this social persuasion element is so much more damaging than just finding general information on a Web site."
Finally, he said that the forum isn't as open and free as it claims because people can be called "pro-life" for discouraging others from their plans.

That's incorrect. There has been little encouragement of suicide on the website. What you may have seen is people supporting and respecting the decision that the person has ultimately decided to make. Our rules are very clear when it comes to encouraging suicide or any other illegal activity for that matter. Sanctioned Suicide was a community on Reddit before it became a website. Reddit didn't allow methods to be posted, but that was it. Our goal with this website is to make sure people can make their own informed choices about their lives and to make sure that they can get support and help they need while being able to access whatever information they needed. They also know that they'll be supported no matter what decision they made. No encouragement or weasel words like "element" or "normalization" are at play here. Judging by this response, it seems like the suicide "researchers" has lots of work to do in trying to better understand why people seek out these resources instead of being ideological mouthpieces for those that are seeking to shut us down. This is not helpful dialogue, to say the least, and it really shows. The current approach to mental health is NOT working, and speaking to any of our members and their experiences with the medical system shows this.

The forum is open and free as it claims, but proselytizing has always been something that has been prohibited. Trying to "convert" someone over to your opinion is not allowed because just as we don't want people encouraging suicide, we don't want people trying to "save" people either. All we can do is provide information and not try to sway a person to one side or another, but to let them do their own research and to let them make that choice for themselves. We have to have a basic set of rules to prevent trolls and predators from taking advantage of the people on our forums, some of which are in a weak and vulnerable place.

Along those lines, a suicide researcher said "Sanctioned Suicide is more blurring that fine line between supporting and normalizing with its emphasis on being a pro-choice community."

Our community is a pro-choice community in every sense of the word. We ultimately lay out that information and allow the user to be able to choose what they do with it.
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Apr 2, 2020
Not all people that seek out methods will go through with it, and that's okay too, but we still believe that people should have access to that information.

Very good post, but I would chuck out "and that's okay too" part.
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24/7 sylvia plath
Sep 3, 2020
Thank you for everything you do here Marquis <3 I know it can't be easy.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
"There's a normalization of it that I think is damaging, no doubt about it."

I'm not 100% sure if I should be commenting on this but I do have a point/question to make and like you said, you're the co founder so you can delete it if you please.

How is normalizing it damaging? The problem is that its NOT normalized. I'm not talking about normalizing it so it's like "oh someone died today" but we can't talk about. It SHOULD be normalized. We SHOULD be able to talk to people about it without feeling like we're going to be hated simply because we are hurting. Someone says "I have cancer and I just can't anymore" then assisted suicide is fine. But we say "I'm depressed and I just can't anymore" and the people that look down on us for taking it in our own hands are also the same people that weren't there for us when we needed it. If it was normalized, and we could talk about it, and they were there for us, then there would be a lot less suicides and all they have to do is open their ears. Normalizing it is NOT damaging. What is damaging, is keeping our pain silent like it doesn't exist. The world sucks and no amount of hiding it is going to change that. You actually have to do something if you want to make it better. It's the way this site has "normalized" it so that we can talk that has helped so many, myself included. What is failing me and many others, is the MHS they want us to go through. Like you said forced hospitalization doesn't work.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Another parent of a person who was a member and died by suicide said: "You can't say things without there being a consequence. There is liability for this. Someone is responsible for this. That would be like me going up to somebody on a bridge and say, 'Hey, congratulations. Good luck.' You just don't, you don't. You help save their life.[...]

If someone were dying against their will, there would be a moral imperative to save their life. But if someone is choosing to end their own life, will the one saving them take responsibility to save their whole life? Will the "rescuer" cure their medical issues? Will the rescuer permanently remove an abuser from their home and give them the financial support to establish safe independence? Will the rescuer heal their past and provide effective trauma counseling, and do their activities of daily living for them until they can do them for themselves? Will the rescuer go with them to work or school and intervene when someone bullies them? It is one thing to approach that person and listen to them, because they may not have had anyone willing to do so, but after that conversation, should they decide suicide is still their choice, to save them is to negate their autonomy and their experience of their own reality, similar to a pastor telling a battered spouse that God wants them to stay in the marriage and find a way to deal with it.
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feast or famine

feast or famine

Tell Patient Zero he can have his rib back.
Jun 15, 2020
Meticulous and eloquent responses within your post, Marquis.

I wish more people on the outside of this understood this site isn't a death cult. We don't encourage people to commit suicide. We offer support in whatever form someone may need. We aren't pro-suicide, we are pro-choice and those terms aren't interchangeable. They mean vastly different things. No matter what, though, that message will not get through to everyone.
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Deleted member 14573

Feb 2, 2020
Great post.

I joined this forum back in February when I was in a very desperate state and felt hopeless. There were so many times where I wanted to kill myself but being able to freely express myself here and receiving support and understanding kept me around a little longer. Not everyone here has the means to access proper mental health care, and a lot of us who go through the system have bad experiences (such as trauma in the psych ward, side effects of medication, not receiving support, nightmare bills, unaffordable costs, long wait times etc). I'm sorry, but the suicide hotline is hardly a good option for someone who is truly on the edge.

This is the only place that doesn't censor my suicidal ideation.
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Oct 30, 2020
for me this site has a far wider aspect than just being pro-choice.

for me it's more the freedom of speech and thoughts and the ability to express myself in my full spectrum as a human being.
and parts of my spectrum are also pretty dark places which led me on the brink of suicide which is partly also caused by the feeling of standing outside of a world where society forbids itself to look in some dark corners of existence.

no surprise we lock old people away in retirement homes so that we don't have to deal too much with the reality of death which is inevitable for all of us one way or the other.
as i see it, taboos mostly create more problems than they solve. i really often read here about the fear to loose autonomy if certain lines are overstepped in a talk with a therapist.
and also the approach to stigmatize and incapacitate people like an ill person which can't think rationally as soon as it comes to the topic of suicide.

i hope we as society come at some point at least so far that people have the chance to make their case in front of an unbiased judge or jury. this would at least be a first step for a more human approach.
but it's also clear that it will always be a fight. we see it with abortion (and also other topics) which in parts of our world was already legal and now gets pushed back.
freedom comes not to stay. it also have to be fought for. and yes it is exhausting.

but partly i am hopeful that over time there will maybe some progression. cause an example which i read recently showed very good that only because the majority thinks something is wrong, doesn't make it necessarily wrong.

it's called the semmelweis reflex based on hungarian physician, Ignaz Semmelweis:
"The Semmelweis reflex or "Semmelweis effect" is a metaphor for the reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs, or paradigms."

edit: one last personal note: i registered here two weeks ago, being at a suicidial rate of 8 (and partly being close to 10 the months before).
at the moment i can say of myself that i am at 0 and feeling the first time in my life somehow accepted for who i am.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Very formal and excellent responses to the demonization of free will and free speech. So as not to detract in any way from what has been said I will leave it at that. Thank you all (especially the staff) so very much for making this community what it is today :heart:
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Nov 6, 2020
Without this site I wouldn't of been here still the people here have supported me I haven't done nothing rashional because of this site. We support each other and respect each other's decisions. No one can judge anyone because you haven't walked in there shoes !!!!
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
Very formal and excellent responses to the demonization of free will and free speech.
I agree.

Saying that this site encourages suicide is completely wrong. Actually for me it did the complete opposite. I found the only friends that I have in life here on this site and that was what kept me going.
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Jun 23, 2020
This site helped prevent what would have been an impulse suicide and would have been a mistake for me. No suicide hotline would have been able to provide the support I needed. It helps prevent unwanted suicides.
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Oct 30, 2020
even the fact that there are methods discussed is more human to me than letting everybody in the dark cause it reduces the chance to have to live with severe health damages of a potential attempt survivor which would increase suffering even more.

and i also think - yes people who are left behind are suffering - but what is with the suffering of the people who decided to end this process of their suffering which sometimes lasts for decades. don't they deserve any right to end their suffering? cause sometimes it's just not enough to "live somehow with it".
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Oct 22, 2020
I've become more comfortable, and somewhat /less/ suicidal since discovering this site. I feel less alone. I feel heard. I feel safe. I feel more hopeful.
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Jun 23, 2020
I've become more comfortable, and somewhat /less/ suicidal since discovering this site. I feel less alone. I feel heard. I feel safe. I feel more hopeful.

This is the first place I've felt understood
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store brand sadboi
Nov 3, 2020
For the VICE reporter going through these comments: consider what it's like to have restricted speech, even with a therapist. I couldn't tell a therapist that I actively think of blowing my brains out every day and have a plan without being committed. I don't want to be committed. It would ruin me emotionally and financially. But I can say that here to people who can actually empathize and support me. This site has been a really good thing for me and I would be devastated to have it taken away.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
I appreciate well-written response. This site actually helped me become less suicidal. The fact that I can discuss the subject of suicide or self-harm without being judged brings me a sense of comprehension. Besides this community is very helpful and open-minded. People here don't want anybody to die. There's a lot of people who found support here. However sometimes suffering pushes people to the final choice. There's not much we can do about it but to make their last moments a little better than their life.
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Sep 30, 2020
Andddd here comes the FBI, well it was nice knowing you SS lol.
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fat cringey shut-in
Jun 19, 2019
Finally, he said that the forum isn't as open and free as it claims because people can be called "pro-life" for discouraging others from their plans.

Oh my god I can't believe they noticed this too.
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store brand sadboi
Nov 3, 2020
It's like this:
Woke activists: "We need to destigmatize mental health issues and create a safe space for support!"
SS: *exists*
Woke activists: "wait not like that"
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Sep 30, 2020
It's like this:
Woke activists: "We need to destigmatize mental health issues and create a safe space for support!"
SS: *exists*
Woke activists: "wait not like that"
Exactly. They don't want help for us, they just want to act like they're helping.
Just like any other mental health facility.
Socially isolating people is not "help".
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Oct 30, 2020
Exactly. They don't want help for us, they just want to act like they're helping.
Just like any other mental health facility.
Socially isolating people is not "help".

yeah- it's like help on the helpers terms and not on the helped terms.
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dressed for the grave.
Aug 24, 2020
thankyou @Marquis for your eloquent responses, they are amazing. you do so much for this community.

I must agree that without this website I would be in such a worse spot. I have met people here that gave me hope, even in my quest for death. and for that I am so grateful.

will be interested to see the vice article when it comes out, and what they will twist this into.
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Tired of being lonely
Sep 3, 2020
They won't listen, if you're the Marqus I think you are then you will know it better than me. Wouldn't be the first time vice attacks a forum with all the fake bullshit they can think of, missing the point entirely.

In the more general sense, people never care about "how can we make they stop being suicidal", only about "how can we keep them from dying so they can pay taxes"
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Sep 30, 2020
They won't listen, if you're the Marqus I think you are then you will know it better than me. Wouldn't be the first time vice attacks a forum with all the fake bullshit they can think of, missing the point entirely.

In the more general sense, people never care about "how can we make they stop being suicidal", only about "how can we keep them from dying so they can pay taxes"
It hurts so much because I used to love VICE.
Not necessarily the VICE program, or even their articles, but their journalism on VICE news.
I think this is my final time enjoying them, I've been hearing way too much about their bias and it's probably going to show now.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
I hope Vice will portray both sides of the story and not write the article strictly from a pro-life narrative. Readers deserve to know the truth about SS. Especially those who are struggling with suicidal ideation. They deserve to know there is a safe space for them to express their thoughts while receiving much needed support from other people who understands their suffering. Enough with the propaganda from people who wants to take down this site.
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May 23, 2019
I'm sure there are people who are hurt when someone they know dies by suicide. They want someone to blame. But I have found this site to be very helpful in that there are people who feel and think similarly to the way I do.
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Mar 26, 2018
I'm wondering if it could be useful have a back up plan for the website.
You never know what could happen and if an article like that get viral there could be unexpected and quick consequences.
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Jul 15, 2020

I'm very grateful for Sanctioned Suicide. I have a few questions regarding your response in the interest of keeping it available to it's users.

Do you have a lawyer or someone with legal experience to help your efforts here?

Is there a lawyer and or a public relations member on site who can volunteer their time and assist in dealing with these controversies?

What other kinds of advocacy might Sanctioned Suicide be in need of?

Thank you so much for everything you do here.
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