
New Member
Dec 11, 2021
Thanke you Marquis! You created a sanctuary for all of us from this brutal life. You will be missed here.
Guys let's all boycott NYT.
I only ever discovered this site due to the NYT.
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A dream inside a locked room
Sep 6, 2021
I only ever discovered this site due to the NYT.
Doesn't make the article a net positive overall. There was always a chance you'd have found this site regardless.
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May 3, 2021
It's baffling. Normally they have guidelines on trying to prevent suicidal people from getting any ideas, therefore not mentioning how someone killed themselves etc. Normally they wouldn't call this site by name because it'd be inevitable that suicidal people will seek out this site and find it, and possibly find the information they need to kill themselves. By their own standards, they'd try to prevent suicide by not mentioning this forum's name.

As the Vice article on this forum did. That used the fake name "Suicide Solution" to talk about it. And I found it remarkable how the author of the Vice article tried to be fair, tried to see the other side no matter how much distress it caused them. I respect that.

This NYT article is not only one-sided and condemning, it's also extremely hypocritical. By their own standards, they should never mention the actual name of this forum. But they did. So that any of their how many thousand or million readers can easily find this place. I don't know why they did. Thoughtlessness? Negligence? They claim that people new on this forum are quickly encouraged to take their lives, yet they point their countless readers, especially suicidal people, directly toward it.

The new users in this thread alone who mentioned that they found this site after reading that article is testament to that.

By the way, to all of you, welcome to this place and I hope you do not feel bullied into suicide as the article claims. I wish you've found a place where you can discuss things that you're not allowed to discuss elsewhere, and I wish you can have these conversations without making rash decisions.
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Jun 29, 2021
This NYT article is not only one-sided and condemning, it's also extremely hypocritical. By their own standards, they should never mention the actual name of this forum. But they did. So that any of their how many thousand or million readers can easily find this place. I don't know why they did. Thoughtlessness? Negligence? They claim that people new on this forum are quickly encouraged to take their lives, yet they point their countless readers, especially suicidal people, directly toward it
Not only that but they shared a pretty unknown but lethal suicide method which again, goes pretty much in the face of every ethical media safeguarding rule put in place to discuss suicide.

I'm following it a bit on Twitter and any time people bring this up they just deflect or say it's not that serious. They have a preoccupation with marquis and serge and I think that's their end goal, not actually helping mental health wise otherwise they would have actually reached out to users and they wouldn't have shared the website or SN method. It reminds me of the satanic panic actually. People obviously not caring about how to approach this with kindness just want to blaze through and pat themselves on the back. Naama Kates wrote a really good article about the NYT piece and the Fixthe26 people keep avoiding anything she rightfully points.
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May 3, 2021
Right, they mentioned that too. Some people are going to die who wouldn't have died without that article. Hope they're proud of themselves. Well done. Well. Done.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
Thank You for your hardwork and dedication over the years. This site will not be the same without you. When there's smoke there's fire.
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Sep 21, 2020
This is very sad news and I'm appalled at the bias and hypocrisy of NYT and others. I hope Marquis and Serge will not be gone forever and that this site will remain operational in accordance to their unwavering support for freedom of expression. This site has improved people's suffering a great deal. Without it suicidal people would suffer much more.
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Another day in paradise!!
Nov 2, 2021
Thank you for being brave in making this site and having the strength to keep it going.
This is a lovely community of not only love but support to.
Good luck for the future. ❤️
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Dec 25, 2019
I know I'm late for this post and you're already gone so would not see this, but I just want to add to the appreciation of everything you've done and built here. I've never felt more heard and connected (even though I don't post much myself) than I have here. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. And thank you for ensuring that this community can remain strong and available to those that need it. <3 Your leadership will be missed.
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New Member
Dec 14, 2020
I wish you the best. Thank you for making one of the most accepting places on the internet.
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Dec 12, 2021
I only ever discovered this site due to the NYT.
I was thinking this would be the case with a lot of folks.
what's really crazy about it that i think it's lousy journalism. it was an article with mainly a clear agenda without even showing the other side. i didn't expect that from a newspaper with that reputation cause this is in my opinion really closer to yellow press level of journalism.
I agree. You would think they would ask some pro-SS people for their opinions. They wouldn't be that hard to find.
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Definitely sad to see you go but I completely understand your reasons for doing so. Thank you for everything you've done for this community and the best of luck to you moving forward brother :heart:
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Jul 7, 2019
Thank you. Without this forum I'd be in a much darker place, maybe even dead. This place has helped me greatly and has been fundamental in giving me peace of mind during the most tragic part of my life, I can't even put it into words.

It's a shame that this is the result of an extremely disgusting attack on you as a person. But those of us who know who you are know that those horrible lies and slanderous accusations are not in any way reality.

I sincerely hope that you can recover from this situation and live a much better life, even if that life is away from this forum.
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Dec 9, 2021
I only ever discovered this site due to the NYT.
Me too. And of course it was a hit piece but I wasn't surprised or put off by that because that's the world we live in. It was like the time I was "pleasantly" surprised there was a bathhouse in my extremely homophobic neighborhood only after I read about a murder there.

Before I got here, I already knew about SN and exit bags etc. but I didn't know there was a community of people who discuss suicide openly without judgement. May be I just never looked hard enough, but the truth is I've spent hours on the web including onions researching and I never ran into it. But I guess I never thought to look for people who are like me. I don't generally seek community or people, may be because I am autistic, but I see the value of course. And now that I am here, I am glad I discovered it.
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Missunderstood Potato
Dec 9, 2018
This is so sad hes also left his other forums and the fixers still harassing and taunting him :(

20211217 151329 20211217 151529
  • Aww..
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Sorry about this being a bit late but I just want to say thanks for everything this site has provided. From the start, this site has been so helpful and the majority of people have shown great support for each other.

I don't consider the nyt to be a publication with integrity in the first place so their biased and uninformed opinion is just that.

People have committed suicide way way before the internet existed so blaming this site is like blaming the sun for your sunburn.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this site has saved a healthy amount of people from ending their lives that wouldn't be here right now if it were to not exist.

Alcohol and drunk driving kills way more people than suicide. I don't recall seeing these critics of this site condemning liquor stores.

I have nothing but good to say about this site and wish the best for everyone involved


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Dec 14, 2021
On the other hand, what NYT did, if anything, was to increase awareness of this site (nb: subscriptions must've skyrocketed, mine included), which personally I am grateful for. I appreciate their journalism, but this time it was really shortsighted and obtuse, there was no discussion, no debate, just straight an attack with a clear and transparent objective (blind annihilation).
In the end, as Marquis said, closing down this website won't resolve the underlying issue. People won't get happier and cheerful as by magic and the system (aka. society) is ill equipped (if at all) to deal with our issues and experiences. I cannot generalize of course, but my experience has always been dominated by condescension, incomprehension and/or pity... And to finally find an open-minded, understanding and supportive community, I can only thank NYT! Lol
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Dec 20, 2020
NYT has covered for war criminals on numerous occasions
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Sep 28, 2020
Call me a dreamer, but I think Marquis will come back one day.
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Dec 15, 2020
Thank you for your service, Marquis. You have given voices to those left muted by an uncaring society scared to face up to its own shortcomings.
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Isolated Loner
Dec 17, 2021
Hello, members of the community.

Today, I announce my resignation as operator. By tomorrow, this account will be permanantly deleted and I won't have any access to the site, administrative permission, or anything to do with the backend.

Since Serge isn't involved with the site and I'm resigning too, I've spent the last week transferring everything over to the new operator, someone capable and trustworthy who you will get to know very soon. They will also be a familiar face around here, too.

I do not take this decision lightly, but in light of recent events, I believe that putting this community in the hands of someone I trust and who cares about this community is the right call. My mission and desire here has always been to make sure that everyone has the freedom to speak freely about issues around suicide and mental health, topics that you can't talk openly about anywhere else. I believe this site has done good in the world and I am certain that this community has saved countless lives. Many people may not believe that, and to them I say: Ask around, you'll be surprised.

The way the NYT has twisted the purpose of this community and the good that it has done has been very damaging to everyone. Not only did they make a transparent attempt to take this site down, but they did so in the most unethical and dishonest way possible.

This place is full of caring people that are hurting, looking for someone to talk to, or looking for support in life. We are not a cult, far from it. While it is true that many people come here during their darkest moments, myself included, my main intent has always been to make this place into somewhere people can talk about issues in their life, suicide included, without judgment or without being shoved off to a crisis hotline that doesn't care about their well being.

This community has brought me peace and solace, in the fact that before I started it, I was in a very dark time of my life myself.

Community support works, and I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for this community. Although I have researched methods and at one point considered taking my own life, I was able to find some purpose and meaning in my life by being a part of this community. Thank you all for being there when I needed it the most.

I have received thanks from many members on and off this site that tell me that the forum has helped them make friends, and feel at ease about whatever bad is going on in their life. I have also had the opportunity to speak to some of those grieving over the loss of family or loved ones, and I got a chance to hear from them too. As a person that has experienced loss myself, twice in the last year alone, I know that it is not easy to get over losing a loved one. I have much sympathy for those that have gone through the same, and my condolences go out to them.

The truth is that I and many others have been painted as villains for running this community. I have been called such things as callous, dangerous, despicable, angry, or even a "murderous psychopath", but people who know me know that I am far from that, inside and outside this community. Some people may not be happy that this forum exists, but this great community has a purpose, one that started in a subreddit banned out of the blue by Reddit in order to make way for advertisers and to make their site more palatable to investors. They have long abandoned their free speech stance in order to make a quick buck. But this site will never sell out, have ads, or anything of the kind. This place is for you, and for everyone who needs a place to express themselves and feel better.

I have made many friends here, many of whom I would like to still keep in touch with after I resign.

You all have been wonderful, I'm going to miss you all.

Signing off for good,

Thanx for making this site. Thanx for this site being here, I am still here tonight. Thanx for the openess and safety.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Sometimes I wonder wtf is their brains at ft26...

Given 50% of suicides in the US are made with firearms and 0.00000001% with SN, why don't they want to ban guns then?

I don't promote that given I'd like to have a gun myself but their logical reasoning is mind-blowing. I'd like them to explain it to me.
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
I cant believe this, its so sad!!!:(((
After all what you both did for this community, this is beyond cruel...:((
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Given 50% of suicides in the US are made with firearms and 0.00000001% with SN, why don't they want to ban guns then?
Guns don't kill people, bullets do. Or some such logic. I'm not parading anti-gun rhetoric here (not from US) just saying thats probably what their internal logic looks like, sadly.
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Missunderstood Potato
Dec 9, 2018
Guns don't kill people, bullets do. Or some such logic. I'm not parading anti-gun rhetoric here (not from US) just saying thats probably what their internal logic looks like, sadly.
So ban bullets ? Wtf Oo


Missunderstood Potato
Dec 9, 2018
Yes but only after they've banned SN and jaywalking.
Why not ban everything then and have done with it ? I cant stand people who believe that getting rid of PRO CHOICE suicide forum(s) is gonna lessen suicides while have no regard to fact that people use guns to off themselves quite alot.. also just to clarify the fixers have stated that obviously this suicide forum is an exception to other suicide forums and i quote "no - there isnt any like this "
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Dec 17, 2021
Newbie here. I wouldn't have known abt this site if it hadn't been for the article and for that I'm grateful, but I can see where it would cause you terrible grief. I'm sorry
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