

Apr 19, 2021
My nephew is such an adorable child. He's 6 years old living in a stable and loving family. He gets whatever he wishes for. Yesterday his mum wanted him to do his homework, and he started crying and shouting:
" I'm a failure. I can't do it. I want to die. I want to kill myself"

He was always treated with love and care, yet he thinks he's failure. I don't know how did he get the idea of killing himself.

It is true I wanted to kill myself at 12 because I wasn't treated with much care and love. It seems depression and suicide is just in our blood. Regardless of what happened or what will happen to us, we will still be depressed and suicidal.

What do you think ?
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Feb 20, 2021
I am treated with love and I still want to die. I think you're nephew should see a doctor asap.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I wonder if there is more to it. Maybe he is being bullied in school or having trouble with his friends. Life at home is the only place we can truly be ourselves and maybe that's when all his build up from the day explodes into a breakdown):
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Oct 12, 2020
Was it a tantrum? I had many as a child and at the time they prohibited me from playing my favorite game for a month for skipping karate classes... so I wrote a note full of anger explaining "evil acts" that I would do and in the end it would kill me same. That was around 8-9 years. Could it be that they are bullying him at school?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
It's impossible to treat a child you have created with love, since the act of pulling someone from the void to this hell shows that you only care about your own genetic interests.
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Dec 18, 2019
I know I wanted to die at an early age, even before I understood the concept. At 5 or so I flipped myself off a porch down a flight of cement steps, on purpose. I must have had an angel looking after me, I landed sitting and didn't break my neck.
Anyway, things were happening behind the scenes that weren't readily apparent.
In this case since it was triggered by homework, I agree with having him looked at for learning disabilities. And if depression runs in your family, he could be both predisposed and could have heard similar comments. Kids hear a lot more than we think.
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Apr 5, 2020
I think there are certain brains that are just prone to negativity like that. Maybe what causes that kind of brain is a certain allele combination or some environmental insult, like a specific nutritional deficiency at the foetal stage. Who knows, but I'm sure it has its prior causes. Neuroscience can't illuminate the issue soon enough.
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Oct 3, 2020
Not trying to make it seem like nothing, but it could be a phrase he's heard somewhere when someone hasn't wanted to do something. Not that he wouldn't know the meaning though.
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Mar 22, 2020
Oh poor little thing!
No child should even think about ctb.
Well, no teenagers either. I've been suicidal since I was 12 and I was like "Why on Earth can't just I be a silly happy boy like the guys in my school?"
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
He was always treated with love and care, yet he thinks he's failure. I don't know how did he get the idea of killing himself.

That is only what you see on the surface. You have no idea what his real home life is like or his inner thoughts. This goes back to parents making excuses like "we tried our best" or "we gave them everything they needed" etc.

Parents are pure narcissists. Dragging a poor soul into this wretched life and then blaming them when they are miserable. As if anyone asked to be born.

The existence of a forum like this should give pause to anyone thinking about having kids. You do not know how they will turn out and you have no right to bring an innocent life into this living hell.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
The poor boy.
Chances are he will be depressed / suicidal for the rest of his life. The first time I talked about killing myself was at the age of 8 or 9. Now look where I am lol.

Sometimes I feel like some people are "born with it" and will suffer from it forever, similar to diseases from birth. Of course I hope this isn't the case with your nephew, but I feel sorry for him nonetheless.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Maybe some people are just prone to it. I wasn't exactly suicidal at that age but I have always had depressive tendencies my whole life.I think mental disorders can have an genetic link so could that be a possibility? If there is nothing circumstancial is causing the outbursts, could it be linked to chemical imbalance.
I feel so sorry for the child, nobody deserves to be like that.
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Apr 19, 2021
I wonder if there is more to it. Maybe he is being bullied in school or having trouble with his friends. Life at home is the only place we can truly be ourselves and maybe that's when all his build up from the day explodes into a breakdown):
Was it a tantrum? I had many as a child and at the time they prohibited me from playing my favorite game for a month for skipping karate classes... so I wrote a note full of anger explaining "evil acts" that I would do and in the end it would kill me same. That was around 8-9 years. Could it be that they are bullying him at school?
I don't think anyone is bullying him. Education is online because of Covid. He's at home most of time.
I know I wanted to die at an early age, even before I understood the concept. At 5 or so I flipped myself off a porch down a flight of cement steps, on purpose. I must have had an angel looking after me, I landed sitting and didn't break my neck.
Anyway, things were happening behind the scenes that weren't readily apparent.
In this case since it was triggered by homework, I agree with having him looked at for learning disabilities. And if depression runs in your family, he could be both predisposed and could have heard similar comments. Kids hear a lot more than we think.
Depression is inherited in my family, sadly :(
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
I don't think anyone is bullying him. Education is online because of Covid. He's at home most of time.

Depression is inherited in my family, sadly :(
I'm sorry he is going through that): The feeling of being sad without a "good enough reason" was always so tough to process as a kid. Depression is a nasty thing to live with and I don't wish it on anybody. Kids, especially at his age need to be around others to fully learn and grasp concepts. I hope if he gets to go back to school he can get his mind off of the negative thoughts. I hated school but it was a great distraction and a daily part of my life and once it was gone was when I started struggling a lot more):
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