Embodiment of failure/Doom poster/Compassionate
- Sep 14, 2023
- 288
Yes I'm insulting my mother again. She bought me some new clothes today and thought I'd be excited to hear of it. I told her to respectfully stop bothering me and that I really didn't care at the moment and she essentially left the house sobbing and said something along the lines of "why do I bother helping you?" I literally tried to OD a day ago and my body is completely run down and I really couldn't give a fuck about new clothes at the moment and it's not like I go outside ever. And it's not so much about the clothes It's just that nothing fits me due to how my body is built, I hate having to wear clothes in general just because they just drape over me and make me feel more miniscule than I already am. I have already posted pictures and talked about in detail so you should know where I'm coming from. Seriously all of those so called "helpful" people just have made my life 10x more hellish and unenjoyable. I just want to be left alone so my body can physically recover. I have to admit it does feel satisfying being so physically weak and tired at the moment, I feel barely observant of life. I'm probably the most casual suicidal person ever though and explained to here why I rationally did it and she seemed to understand, I just don't get why she think something so petty would be worth fretting me over at a time like this. Yes I might be alive, have a sense of humor, be able to talk normally, but that doesn't mean I'm happy/full of life, not every suicidal person is a distraught mess some of are just done with it all and see death as the most rational answer to our issues. the day I went to CTB my mind was perfectly clear I was not distraught at all and had been through enough and had tried enough to get better to have confidence in my decision. The "professionals" I spoke to at the hospital seemed to be completely dumbfounded by this.
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