

Sorry babe i love you..
Jan 25, 2021
My girlfriend after hurting me for many months and after having forgiven her today told me that she can't take it anymore and she wants to break up with me and wants us to see you live but it's not possible for the covid rules, I'm in pieces I am going to have a heart attack, I am shaking I just want CTB as soon as possible, I can't take it anymore, she has torn me to pieces worse than I was before. If I lose her I have lost everything Help idk what do I'm lost
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Dec 18, 2020
Time heals.
No, seriously.
As cliché as it is, "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem", it DOES apply in this case.
You will get over it
EDIT: yes I know it's though love. But I've been there, I've been broken hearted and I've been suicidal depressed because of it. And it's gone. I got much better and now I'm depressed for a whole different reasons. So I know it's not forever
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Mar 22, 2020
People somestimes don't realize how much they can hurt other people.
If she hurt you this much, she's not for you. You deserve someone who really loves and takes care of you.
I'm sorry you've had this terrible experience.
When I was 20, I wanted to ctb because of a toxic and cruel gf so, I understand the hell you're going through.

Send you lots of hugs.
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ocean poem

ocean poem

Mar 21, 2021
My girlfriend after hurting me for many months and after having forgiven her today told me that she can't take it anymore and she wants to break up with me and wants us to see you live but it's not possible for the covid rules, I'm in pieces I am going to have a heart attack, I am shaking I just want CTB as soon as possible, I can't take it anymore, she has torn me to pieces worse than I was before. If I lose her I have lost everything Help idk what do I'm lost
Well since you have asked for help or thats just how I perceived your post I will give you my advice on the matter.
Well I could say that in time, the depth of how you feel about the whole situation might degrade and that will help you a bit, but I dont think that thats really what you want to hear since your feelings are in the present and you might not care of how you feel in the future.
My advice would be to get a bit of rest, either sleep or listen to music and completely disconnect from your mind so that in a way you could stop this wave of impulsive thoughts that you're having and after look again upon the situation and think it through again.
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Mar 20, 2021
I know how it hurts. Maybe it's trivial and hard to think like that now - give yourself time, if you are destined for each other, fate will connect your paths after some time and maybe then you will be different people and it will be easier for you to be together. Or you'll meet someone else along the way who will make you feel special. You deserve love.
I send big hugs.
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Feb 22, 2021
I know this might be easier said than done but first, relax. Calm yourself down. Take as long as you need to calm down and then think.

First, I would like to help you realise that you do not control people and you do not control what is. This is a fact that might be hard to swallow right now, but it will help you set her free and set yourself free. Next, I can tell that you are in deep pain and distress, you can still act calmly despite all of this.

My advice is: look within yourself. Ask yourself "What do I want? What am I looking for? What am I trying to achieve? How do I want to achieve? What would I be comfortable and okay doing and not doing to achieve it?"

Once that is clear, express yourself, your thoughts, feelings, fears, concerns, desires, ideas, etc... through communication, first to yourself, and then to her, if you want to. Try to set aside some time for an open, honest, calm and clear communication for both of you. Some time where both can express to themselves and the other and listen to themselves and the other as well. You can ask questions, lay it all out there. Sometimes, misunderstandings and lack of open communication and actual open listening is the cause of chaos. After you've communicated clearly and openly and listened clearly and openly, whatever the outcome is, you decide what to do afterwards.

Because it seems that undoing the chaos as fast as possible would be ideal, I suggest you bring the idea of open communication up to her now or as soon as possible. Just bringing up the idea. The actual communication can happen when both of you are ready, if you both want to. However you decide to word it, is up to you. The idea would be along the lines of "Can we talk openly and sincerely about our thoughts and feelings to each other and listen openly and sincerely to each other as well? It doesn't have to be now. We can both organise our thoughts and feelings first. As soon as possible would be ideal. There are some things I would like to know, clear up and talk about. Would you be willing to do that?"
If she says yes, you should both agree on when this conversation should take place so you can both get as ready as you can until then. It could be the next day, a few days from then, it's up to you.
I suggest writing down the points that are important for you to discuss and clarify. And you should suggest her to do the same.

I believe open, clear and sincere communication and receptivity is essential in a relationship, especially, in the relationship with your significant other. If you also believe this, you could express this to your significant other. If they are not willing to cooperate or they don't agree, I'm afraid that the relationship will be exclusively one-sided. On one side, there is a person who is willing to both express themselves and listen clearly, openly and sincerely and allow their significant other to do the same and on the other, there is a person who doesn't allow clear, open and sincere communication and receptivity, either from themselves or the other.

If one or both parties aren't willing to do what it takes, chaos will ensue and the relationship will die, one way or another, at some point or another. But whatever happens, isn't necessarily a bad thing. Whatever happens, happens. It is what it is.

Relationships have many layers and are rather complex. It involves a being in their entirety and another being in their entirety. Sometimes, it is just easier to accept that the beings, in their entirety, aren't compatible with each other entirely. This will show you more about yourself and what you are looking for.

If you are looking for that which is 100% compatible with your 100% true self in its entirety, you will need much patience, strength, openness, trust and commitment. And also, much acceptance of yourself, your true self, in your entirety. And much acceptance that others are themselves.

So, it isn't your fault when someone or something isn't compatible with you. You are yourself and they are themselves. A cube won't perfectly fit into a triangular-shaped hole no matter what. If it's too big, it won't even get in and even if it's small enough that it can get in, it won't be a perfect fit because there will be empty spaces for both.

Of course, shaving off the excess or adding parts that weren't there originally, is cheating and faking. And, it isn't sustainable effortlessly.

Only what fits perfectly 100% in its pure, true, raw, effortless entirety and state, fits perfectly, purely, truly, rawly and effortlessly, 100%. This is a fact.

The phrase: It is what it is. Will help you find and stay in peace whatever happens or doesn't happen.

It is what it is.

This is my advice, the rest is up to you.
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Feb 3, 2021
In time you will be better off without this manipulative person in your life, i know its hard to see it right now but she is doing you a favor, I am sorry that she broke your heart...
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Sorry babe i love you..
Jan 25, 2021
She says she wants to break up with me because the doctor tells her all of her physical problems are because of her weight because she is fat, and also because she can't think of both of me and her trauma..she is very depressed but why ruin our relationship like that? why is her trauma out now? I too am depressed and sad and in pieces but I am not going to put my partner aside as if he was no longer worth anything to me ... one of the things that hurt me was this valuing myself as a 0 as if I were a nullity
In time you will be better off without this manipulative person in your life, i know its hard to see it right now but she is doing you a favor, I am sorry that she broke your heart...
The problem is I can't leave her because I very love her...
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Nov 4, 2020
My girlfriend after hurting me for many months and after having forgiven her today told me that she can't take it anymore and she wants to break up with me and wants us to see you live but it's not possible for the covid rules, I'm in pieces I am going to have a heart attack, I am shaking I just want CTB as soon as possible, I can't take it anymore, she has torn me to pieces worse than I was before. If I lose her I have lost everything Help idk what do I'm lost
You have the situation all wrong - you just dodged a bullet. You said she hurt you for months, you forgave her, and she still broke up with you. This is a win/win for you. First, you get away from the person hurting you. Second, she broke up with you, so you don't have to feel bad about breaking her heart.

You sound like a good person. You forgave someone who hurt you. Give yourself a little time to realize that you and her probably were incompatible. It's better for both of you to go your separate ways.
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Sorry babe i love you..
Jan 25, 2021
You have the situation all wrong - you just dodged a bullet. You said she hurt you for months, you forgave her, and she still broke up with you. This is a win/win for you. First, you get away from the person hurting you. Second, she broke up with you, so you don't have to feel bad about breaking her heart.

You sound like a good person. You forgave someone who hurt you. Give yourself a little time to realize that you and her probably were incompatible. It's better for both of you to go your separate ways.
We didn't break up but she can't take it anymore both because of her body and her trauma but before we were fine because the problem of her trauma has now come out? I have been trying to solve it for 8 months and come back as before I accepted all her bad things and all her behaviors because I was hoping to resolve and return as before .. but after 8 months of agony you come and tell me you want to break up with me? I have been shaking since yesterday I swear, she says we have to see each other but we can't, I don't know what to do (I am a very fragile and sensitive person too I have had a serious trauma in the past I don't think I could handle losing her it made me feel good, she is the only one who understood me, she is the only one I love with all of myself) we have lost so much time I'm afraid that I will lose more and more without solving anything.


Feb 22, 2021
I see.

I honestly think you should talk to her and express all of this to her, if she wants to listen. However, it seems she is going through a lot too, I think what you should do is let her have some space if she wants some and let her know that you're there for her if she needs you (if that's what you want to do). Basically, be open, if you feel like it, and set her and yourself free. Forcing things may not be good for either of you. I still suggest communicating and listening, without expectations, so she knows how you feel and you know how she feels. This will allow you both to understand each other better and make a better informed decision. Holding things in and not expressing them where, when and to whom or what they need to be expressed, will only leave you with a burden and many unanswered questions and uncleared doubts and regrets.

So, I would say, do what you will not regret doing and allow her to do the same. But, remember to set each other and yourselves free mentally, emotionally, physically and on all other levels. Release expectations, accept whatever is or isn't, do your best and what you feel is best for yourself and in general, and forgive yourself and her, forgive each other (forgiving doesn't mean justifying or condoning, it is just an act of releasing the object, intention, fact, word, action or event, etc. You detach yourself, withdraw from it and leave it. It's the act of remembering and accepting that it is what it is but wrong is wrong, and right is right.). Don't hold on too tightly, just be and let everything else be aswell.

Sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you. Feel free to ignore this and do what you want to do and follow your own path. You are free after all.

Also, I just wanted to add that sometimes, you can't fulfill the needs of others (or your own), no matter what you do or how hard you try. And sometimes, the best you can do is ask and try, even if you fail. This is okay, if they aren't your responsibility. Be gentle with yourself. Remember to think about yourself, your needs, your well-being and your happiness. You can hope, wish and pray if you want to.

I also believe that your, everyone and everything's true needs will be met one way or another, at some point or another. So, just do your best and surrender the rest. Also, there is a reason for everything. Sometimes all it takes to lift the veil surrounding it, is a simple question.

I wish you all the best.

And remember to communicate and express yourself. All your doubts, questions, concerns, thoughts and feelings, etc., everything. And listen too, to yourself and everything else, to find, acknowledge and accept the truth. It's important.
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Feb 3, 2021
I can't say anything other than you are better off without her, if she pushes and pulls your relationship after you forgave her, stood by her, then she still has the audacity to break your heart in two? Leave her, she sounds like a manipulative spiteful person. Please, for your own well-being and happiness, put yourself first in your life because no one else will. Again, I am sorry, I really am but I just want you to know things will get better but the first step is recognizing its a toxic relationship, also if she tries to get back together with you, ignore her and block all communication, this reminds me of a guy I knew. You will be so much happier...
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Feb 22, 2021
Feel free to ignore this
*and/or reject this

Sorry, I originally said it in the original post but I removed it. However, I felt it was important to add/correct.


Dec 1, 2020
boo hoo people like me will die without having a gf
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Mar 4, 2021
My girlfriend after hurting me for many months and after having forgiven her today told me that she can't take it anymore and she wants to break up with me and wants us to see you live but it's not possible for the covid rules, I'm in pieces I am going to have a heart attack, I am shaking I just want CTB as soon as possible, I can't take it anymore, she has torn me to pieces worse than I was before. If I lose her I have lost everything Help idk what do I'm lost
Same bro
Time heals.
No, seriously.
As cliché as it is, "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem", it DOES apply in this case.
You will get over it
EDIT: yes I know it's though love. But I've been there, I've been broken hearted and I've been suicidal depressed because of it. And it's gone. I got much better and now I'm depressed for a whole different reasons. So I know it's not forever

What if I don't want time to heal me? I know for sure that it was the strongest love in my life. And I don't want time to spray these feelings


Mar 28, 2021
boo hoo people like me will die without having a gf

Dude, not cool. It's not a competition. A relationship breakdown can be devastating, especially for someone otherwise isolated and vulnerable. I'm sorry you've never had a girlfriend and that it's something you want, but if you have nothing supportive to contribute, keep your opinions to yourself.
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Sorry babe i love you..
Jan 25, 2021
I see.

I honestly think you should talk to her and express all of this to her, if she wants to listen. However, it seems she is going through a lot too, I think what you should do is let her have some space if she wants some and let her know that you're there for her if she needs you (if that's what you want to do). Basically, be open, if you feel like it, and set her and yourself free. Forcing things may not be good for either of you. I still suggest communicating and listening, without expectations, so she knows how you feel and you know how she feels. This will allow you both to understand each other better and make a better informed decision. Holding things in and not expressing them where, when and to whom or what they need to be expressed, will only leave you with a burden and many unanswered questions and uncleared doubts and regrets.

So, I would say, do what you will not regret doing and allow her to do the same. But, remember to set each other and yourselves free mentally, emotionally, physically and on all other levels. Release expectations, accept whatever is or isn't, do your best and what you feel is best for yourself and in general, and forgive yourself and her, forgive each other (forgiving doesn't mean justifying or condoning, it is just an act of releasing the object, intention, fact, word, action or event, etc. You detach yourself, withdraw from it and leave it. It's the act of remembering and accepting that it is what it is but wrong is wrong, and right is right.). Don't hold on too tightly, just be and let everything else be aswell.

Sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you. Feel free to ignore this and do what you want to do and follow your own path. You are free after all.

Also, I just wanted to add that sometimes, you can't fulfill the needs of others (or your own), no matter what you do or how hard you try. And sometimes, the best you can do is ask and try, even if you fail. This is okay, if they aren't your responsibility. Be gentle with yourself. Remember to think about yourself, your needs, your well-being and your happiness. You can hope, wish and pray if you want to.

I also believe that your, everyone and everything's true needs will be met one way or another, at some point or another. So, just do your best and surrender the rest. Also, there is a reason for everything. Sometimes all it takes to lift the veil surrounding it, is a simple question.

I wish you all the best.

And remember to communicate and express yourself. All your doubts, questions, concerns, thoughts and feelings, etc., everything. And listen too, to yourself and everything else, to find, acknowledge and accept the truth. It's important.
I'm afraid to talk to her, I'm afraid of how she will take it, every time I told her what I thought she would get angry and then say "leave me or let's break up" instead of talking about it with me. I've been waiting for 8 months to resolve s happy again, uffa
Dude, not cool. It's not a competition. A relationship breakdown can be devastating, especially for someone otherwise isolated and vulnerable. I'm sorry you've never had a girlfriend and that it's something you want, but if you have nothing supportive to contribute, keep your opinions to yourself.
Exactly very devastating...and if u already has other problems can be very hard moment
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Feb 22, 2021
I'm afraid to talk to her, I'm afraid of how she will take it, every time I told her what I thought she would get angry and then say "leave me or let's break up" instead of talking about it with me. I've been waiting for 8 months to resolve s happy again, uffa

I see... I'm sorry, op... I just hope you don't regret anything... I wish you courage if you feel like trying anyways and I wish you peace, whatever you decide to do.


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