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Sep 10, 2018
My whole life has been shit. I was never supposed to be born. Every year is worse and worse. My mother is a narcissistic toxic idiot who has never cared for me. My father is exactly like her, a toxic narcissist. Neither of them have the ability to love me, neither have the ability to change or even understand. They never say sorry, they never admit being wrong.

I'm always the space goat. If you have read about narcissism, they love to use space goats. All the world's problems are my fault. If mother didn't get the job, that's my fault. If my brother hurt his leg when cycling, that's my fault. If it rains today, that too is my fault. They think it's so convenient to always blame me.

The worst thing about both of them is that they love to play the victim card. They always make everything about themselves. When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to cry, because it made my parents uncomfortable. "Why do you hate me?" mother would yell, when she saw her 5 year old kid crying. I would get blamed and verbally abused if I cried (it never mattered why I cried). I also wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, if I talked, I was blamed and abused again. If my brother bullied me and stole my items, I'd get blamed and abused. Father even physically beat me sometimes if I dared to cry.

My parents have never told "I love you" to me. My parents would sooner get eaten by a crocodile than to make me feel loved. So many times they've told me "You're a dangerous, hate filled, scary, mad bitch".

To make matters worse. She, for some reason, cares a lot about other people. She is obsessed with worshiping and loving "thy neighbor". And whenever I tell her how I've been harassed, she always every single time takes the criminal's side. When I was sexually harassed and later called the harasser an idiot, my mother flew into rage and told me to stop hurting the harasser's feelings. When I told her that the crazy neighbor is driving me to suicide, she yelled at me that the neighbor is "a good, kind, civilized man" and I'm a bitch for claiming otherwise. Anyone who hates me is instantly loved by her. And vice versa, she hates my best friend and they're the only person my mother shit talks. My best friend is an amazing and kind and selfless person who always talks good about everyone, yet my mother always talks bad about her and tells me to stop seeing them. She will literally bare her teeth if I tell her that I met with my best friend. It truly hurts my very being how she loves my enemies and hates me and my friend.

I also hate how, despite always making herself the victim, never admits "weakness". No matter how ill she is, she always goes to work (she has never had a sick leave). She never admits to being tired. She will get a flu, go to work, come back after 8 hours, but when I kindly ask her "Are you tired?". She will get furious and yell at me because she's too narcissistic to admit being tired.

I really also hate how she always tells me to make room for others even if I have waited for a long time myself. When we are at a store, she is constantly smiling at other customers and sweet talking them and telling me to make way for others. If I want to buy a magazine, and I'm waiting in a line for my turn, the second it's my turn, mother will try to make me look bad "Look at that ill-mannered person! How dare they cut line!"

All her life is centered upon licking other people's asses while kicking my head. She has such high opinions on other people that other people are allowed to say and do anything to her, and she'll just smile. I'm 100% serious when I say that a person could go and throw dog shit at her face and she would still love them and worship them (unless they tell her that they're on my side, then she'll call them assholes).

And one more thing, yes, she loves and worships the ground of all people (except mine and my friend's) unless they're non-white. She is really racist against non--whites, calling them "emotionless" and worse. I don't know why.

And to make this whole thing even crazier, sometimes she gets some kind of bi-polaric moments when she is actually nice and helpful (buying me food and medicine etc.). But those small moments are broken fast if I dare to say one upsetting thing. It's like walking on egg shells. She'll treat me well, unless I disagree with her. Then she'll throw a tantrum and show her true colors.

She is not a human being and neither is my father. Both are just dumb machines. I would lie if I said, I haven't dreamed of them getting into an accident. I'm so full of rage and hurt.

As for my father, he is a violent idiot who should be in jail for beating and threatening his kid. It's a miracle he hasn't yet killed me. Of course, he too has bi-polaric moments and is nice sometimes, unless I disagree with him, then he'll try to hit me.

Finally, those bitches stole my dog. I bought a dog with my own money, but they stole her and won't give her back. Even when they leave on a holiday trip, I always beg them to let the dog stay with me, but they never allow it.

TLDR: Parents are narcissists, who hate me and think that everything is always my fault. I wanted to post this on a narcissism forum, but then I saw all the "talking of suicide will get you instabanned" rules, because apparently, talking of suicide is worse than suffering under two narcissistic parents.
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Apr 3, 2019
the description of your parents is so absurd that it may as well be a figment of your imagination, a lie.
let's suppose it is true: your parents are far more damaged than being narcissisitic alone.
Can't you move out from your parent's place and simply distance yourself from them completely ?
  • Hmph!
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I'm probably high while writing this crap.
Mar 15, 2019

I can relate to so much of what you are saying. Just know that you are not alone. Both of my parents has treated me like shit for my entire life. We used to argue EVERY single day, no matter what. It was just so much hate. My mom used to say that she wanted to kill herself because of me if I was late to take the trash out, as an example. And my dad never gave a shit about anyone but himself. All this mental abuse has led to me to living with constant depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety, hating my self and everything I do. The worst part about everything is that my mom is working as a nurse with specialising in psychology. It does not make any sense to me. I've tried to visit my hometown in the holidays, but it's toxic for me and my health, so the last time I went, I spontaneously ordered plane-tickets home the day before Christmas and just left. It was sad spending Christmas alone in my apartment on the other side of the country, but at least I felt safe. Don't know what I'll do in the future, my dream is to cut all form of contact, but I still feel evil, she is a manipulative psychopath that always plays the victim. I just want to die, so that she might see that the way she treated me for all these years is destroying me. I'm sure I will always hate her for making me this insecure, sad person, because it's making so many things difficult for me. I'm afraid of the world and to become the woman she is.


Hahaha speaking of the devil...My mom has been trying to call me for the past months, of course I've never answered, and at this very moment while I was writing, she fucking called my friends to ask about me, saying she is worried. Like bitch, she told me when I left the last time that she never wanted to talk to me ever again, but OF COURSE she can't stand by anything she is saying, as usual. It's making me so fucking angry, I dont know how to handle it.
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Sep 10, 2018

I can relate to so much of what you are saying. Just know that you are not alone. Both of my parents has treated me like shit for my entire life. We used to argue EVERY single day, no matter what. It was just so much hate. My mom used to say that she wanted to kill herself because of me if I was late to take the trash out, as an example. And my dad never gave a shit about anyone but himself. All this mental abuse has led to me to living with constant depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety, hating my self and everything I do. The worst part about everything is that my mom is working as a nurse with specialising in psychology. It does not make any sense to me. I've tried to visit my hometown in the holidays, but it's toxic for me and my health, so the last time I went, I spontaneously ordered plane-tickets home the day before Christmas and just left. It was sad spending Christmas alone in my apartment on the other side of the country, but at least I felt safe. Don't know what I'll do in the future, my dream is to cut all form of contact, but I still feel evil, she is a manipulative psychopath that always plays the victim. I just want to die, so that she might see that the way she treated me for all these years is destroying me. I'm sure I will always hate her for making me this insecure, sad person, because it's making so many things difficult for me. I'm afraid of the world and to become the woman she is.


I'm really sorry you've had to endure that. I know the constant unnecessary arguments, for example, my mother is always telling me that I shouldn't be wearing a hat if it's a warm day. And if I don't take the hat off, she throws a tantrum. "When I see you wearing a hat, it makes me feel hot" is her argument. She doesn't see me as an individual. She can't understand that I might be cold. All she cares about is how it makes her feel.

No one deserves bad parents. Some say having bad parents is the worst thing that can happen to someone, and maybe it is. You should be loved and protected by your parents. I don't understand how some can choose to had kids, and then hate their kids so much. I'm really sorry both of your parents are so bad. I wish there were official tests people had to complete before being able to make kids.

It's completely understandable to feel suicidal. People will always want to be loved by their parents and seek their parents's approval no matter how bad the parents are, and if their parents hate them, their whole world shatters. And it's a situation for which there is no answer. If you don't see your parents, your heart will cry. If you see your parents, your mind and sanity will cry. Or that's at least how it is to me.

I've met lots of narcissistic doctors and nurses. Their egos are huge. They can virtue signal by being "a professional" and it's a manipulative defense tactic. After all, if you told someone that your parents treat you unwell, who would they believe? A "professional" psychiatric nurse or you? Same reason a lot of pedophiles work in positions where they are liked by the parents. "No way, that nice principal can't be a pedo. He's liked by the parents!" Also, in case she ever felt even a bit of remorse and wanted to say sorry to you, she could just instantly virtue signal it away by telling herself "I'm a nurse who has helped so many people! There's no way I'm evil!".

I hope you'll find a solution, and if you want to cut connections, I hope you can make it. I can understand the dying so she could realize how awful she was part. Sometimes I think that too. Don't feel bad for being insecure and sad, it wasn't your fault. She's a poison. I hope there's an afterlife or a rebirth, and we'll both get better parents there. We both deserve a new, better life.

If I may ask, has the way parents have treated you affected the way you can form relationships? My brother (despite being almost 35 and having lots of friends) and me (though I have only two friends) have never been in a relationship, and I wonder, if it's because of our parents. I even sometimes feel like I have a fear of being loved. A small part of me wants to be loved, but a big part of me doesn't.

As for my mother, all her mood changes make it so much worse. Sometimes she's nice and all goes well for days or even weeks and it makes me feel bad for thinking she's evil, and then she snaps and hates me and I feel stupid for having ever liked her. It's a constant roller-coaster. Sometimes I will even forget that she has ever treated me badly (when I was a kid I learnt to quickly forget her bad behavior, otherwise I couldn't have lived), only for her to treat me badly again and then I remember all the reasons why I secretly hate her.

Sorry, I forgot to mention in the op, but for some reason, my parents's behavior is much worse in the summer. I don't know why, maybe because it's the holidays then, or maybe the sun makes their bi-polaric behavior go from "sometimes shitty" to "really often shitty". It's stupid of me to say this, but I sometimes wish they'd be bad all the time, so that I would always see them for who they truly are. It would be easier for me to cut ties with them.

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I'm probably high while writing this crap.
Mar 15, 2019
Thank you for all of your kind words. I agree to everything.

No, I never felt that anyone took me seriously, because as you say, they are so good at manipulating other people. Even my friends did not believe me, because they always thought that she was so smart, kind and funny etc. Little did they know about my constant anxiety while having people over, or doing things like grocery shopping with her, being nervous that she would just loose her mind and scream at me for no reason, in front of strangers. It was the most humiliating thing in the world at that time. Everyone just thought that I was the rude one, but reality is I were too stressed out and ashamed of my family all the time. This is where my social anxiety started... But enough about that.

I know for sure that all of this has affected my relationships. First of all, I find it very hard to trust people. It feels like everyone somehow has bad intentions, that they at some point will hurt and leave me. "At least I'm sure they secretly talk shit about me". Always had a small group of friends. The positive side-effects about my whole shitty family-situation is that I give everything I have to the few ones I actually do trust, I'm always honest, loyal and there for them. Because I see them as my family, since I don't have anyone else. That's also why I find it very hard to forgive someone if I feel mistreated. Unfortunately I've been unlucky with a few of my previous closest ones, meaning that they actually betrayed me, but I don't blame myself for that because I know I've been good. And it sucks, because I know I'm more dependent on them, than they're on me, and so do they...

About the romantic relationships, it's hard for me to say for sure, because I've only been in two, and they have obviously not been the right ones for me. As with friends, I'm always loyal to my partner and give them my whole heart, I seem so "whipped" as they call it, I don't mind doing everything and more for them while in love. At the same time I do know that's because I never feel good enough for anyone. I've realised that I do need someone who can understand how I feel sometimes. My exes never knew what I talked about when I explained my darkest thoughts, they've always lived a happy life without a worry in the world, made me feel misunderstood and weak in their eyes. We never had those long, deep talks at night about life and everything in between, that I sometimes crave, if you know what I mean? I think way too much, and I always feel like I'm the only one. Guess I need a deep thinker like myself.

My father cheated on my mom before they got divorced (I was 4), he got together with the woman, whom I saw as my second (and favourite) mother for 9 long years, and then... He cheated on her, with a 25 year younger polish woman and moved to Poland. It broke my heart, and he've made me think that all men are bullshit and eventually will come to a point where they'll cheat. I've always been afraid of being lied to or replaced, that's why it takes a lot of me to fall for someone. And it sucks, because I've probably pushed away some great guys, just because of the bad things I've witnessed in my past.

Wow, it's been years since I've written this much in english, haha. Most of it is just venting, so sorry if it's not making much sense... I need a joint now.
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Mar 24, 2019
How old are you ? You could go live with some other relative, get a job and get money to get out of your house, I know that talking is easier, but it's a chance to think. Ask for support from your friends who are with you.
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Sep 10, 2018

I'm not a native English speaker. I'm neither a professional writer. I'm not good with words. But why would I lie? Why would I make an account on the 10th of September, only to lie in April, half a year later? What would I get out of lying on some remote suicide forum? I'm not getting paid for this, I'm not getting retweets, followers and gold for this. I'm not getting some huge gratification out of this. Remember that because I'm not a native, it takes me a long time to write even one single post. If I wanted to lie, I'd take photos of my cousin's kid, make a crowdfunding account and post "My child was diagnosed with cancer and I don't have money to treat him. Please donate". It'd be faster for me, and I'd get free money.

I admit that there's a slight chance that she's some kind of weird bi-polar asperger with narcissistic traits instead. My uncle is bi-polar. And my aunt has asperger. I have asperger too. But because even I have better emotional and social skills, I doubt that. I have the ability to change and grow, she doesn't (she'll always play the victim card when I tell her to grow up). Today I told her "Have you noticed people are individuals?" and she replied "I guess I've recently noticed that not all people think and act like me" (she's almost 65 years old, yet she claims she only recently has noticed that). I told her "You're over 60 years old. You should already have better social and emotional skills". She replied in the saddest puppy voice "I guess I'm just sooo dumb." I told her she's not dumb, and that she could be a better person if she just tried, but she just kept playing the "poor old me, I'm so dumb" card instead of listening to me.

I live in an apartment that I've rented for five years. The apartment is located close to my parents. Sadly, about a year ago some old dude moved in my neighbor, and he's been harassing me for over half a year. That's another thing driving me towards suicide. He harasses me only because I'm a lonely young female-looking person (I tried to transition, spent half of my money traveling to other side of Finland for three years, didn't get the medicines and surgeries because according to the doctor, a 55-year old Christian woman who suffers from bad menopause which affects her ability to think straight, "A 25 year old person is too young to know their gender"). I want to move away, I want to move to UK or USA or Canada, but I don't have money, because the damn doctor took it all. I'm on a disability leave.


You're welcome. I hope you feel even a little better after getting it all out.

Ouch, narcissists are such master manipulators. They always gather all the sympathy, even online. Most people equate parents with good people. I'm sorry that everyone believes them and not you. It's awful when they're the ones behaving bad, but you get all the faults. I know the feeling.

I have the same thing. I always have this feeling that everyone hates me. Even online when I'm an anon, I have a bad habit of always taking things personally and thinking that everyone has a vendetta against me. I wish I could grow out of it, but it's hard. And I'm always afraid of showing my true self, I fear that everyone would leave me if I took my mask off. People not liking me is one of my biggest fears, though I'm working on it.

I'm glad you've been able to find relationships, but sorry that they weren't the right ones for you. I'm a very loyal person, too, or at least I used to be before I got too depressed. Nowadays I find it hard to care for anything. For some reason I thought every single person on Earth would have had at least once in their lives dark thoughts. I'm actually surprised that they didn't understand what you meant. How can someone live without ever being at least a little depressed? I'm sorry, I've never been in a relationship so I didn't know, I honestly thought all pairs had deep talks at night. I do know what you mean. I too spend so much time inside my head, thinking things. I hope you'll find someone who thinks as deeply as you.

Your father certainly isn't the loyal type. A cheating father isn't a good example for his kids. It's awful to see a man date a woman who's as young as his kids. For example, to be a 20 year old child and have a mom who isn't even 30. That's just wrong. I sometimes fear that most men are cheaters too, far too often I hear "Men are sexual and need to spread their seed. It's natural for men to have lots of young women. Even gay men bang dozens of other gay men per year". I hope they're just stupid, false stereotypes. But I've never been in a relationship so I don't know first hand.

In that I'm the opposite, I fall too easily. Of course the young 20-35 year old men and women whom I have liked have not been interested in me. The only person who has ever told me they like me was an old, ugly, fat janitor man who called me while he was drunk. I reported him to a landlord, and they, thankfully, send me a new janitor man. Ironically, this new janitor was younger (maybe around my brother's age) and okay-looking and I could have dated him maybe, but the second he had fixed my air condition, he left my apartment faster than Sonic.

It's good to get things out of your system. You write excellent English, even if you''re not a native. You made a lot of sense, don't worry. And thank you for the reply.


I'm 25. I live in my own apartment near my parents, but it's not safe for me to live here, because of my crazy neighbor who harasses me because I'm a lonely female (actually I'd like to transition to male, but that's impossible in Finland, I tried and spent half of my money but didn't get the meds and surgeries). I'm on a disability leave, because I have asperger and depression, so I'm unable to get a job. I'd like to be hopeful, but that's unrealistic.

I'm unable to ask help from the relatives I'm close to. Out of my three close cousins, one did a suicide some years ago. The other lives with his mother, who is my mom's sis, despite being older than me and the third one is jobless and poor. Also, they're all male and I'm not comfortable living with them. I mean, they're good people and l like to spend time with them and play video games together, but I'm too shy to live with a man. What's more, they all live nearby. I'm not close with my dad's relatives. And I'm not sure if my brother would want me living with him. He'd probably find it too weird. And I'd agree with him. My grandma lives nearby, she has a big house with two empty rooms, but she's really old and can barely even walk anymore, and my mom goes to help her really often. All my other grandparents are dead.

I have two friends. The other is a young, poor man living in a tiny, one-bedroom apartment. (He's a man, so I'd be uncomfortable to live with him. Especially in a tiny apartment.) My best friend is actually my old teacher, a middle-aged woman who lives with her husband (she has no kids). Despite her being my bf, I don't think she'd be willing to help me by letting me live in their house. She'd just ask "Why don't you go and live with your parents?", because as a teacher she has met my parents. She wouldn't believe me if I told her that my parents aren't as nice as she thinks.

Ah, the longest post ever. Thank you for your replies! I hope tomorrow is better for everyone.

"Please enter a message with less than 10 000 characters". Oops.
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Mar 24, 2019
Você não poderia dizer à pessoa responsável pelo prédio em que vive ou às autoridades sobre o seu vizinho?
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Dec 30, 2018
You'reresponse is rude & absurd. Pleasedisregard this person in your decision process.
the description of your parents is so absurd that it may as well be a figment of your imagination, a lie.
let's suppose it is true: your parents are far more damaged than being narcissisitic alone.
Can't you move out from your parent's place and simply distance yourself from them completely ?
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Sep 10, 2018
Você não poderia dizer à pessoa responsável pelo prédio em que vive ou às autoridades sobre o seu vizinho?

Could you say the same in English, please? I can't speak Portuguese.

You'reresponse is rude & absurd. Pleasedisregard this person in your decision process.

Agreed, it was unnecessary to call me a liar, but I still wanted to give them one single chance so I replied to them.
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Mar 24, 2019
Could you say the same in English, please? I can't speak Portuguese.

Can not you have a person responsible for the building you live in or the authorities about your neighbor?
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Apr 3, 2019
You'reresponse is rude & absurd. Pleasedisregard this person in your decision process.

i did not suggest anything but to distance herself from her parents. how is that destructive in her 'decision process' ? i did not call her a liar but pointed out that the story is so absurd that is sounds like a lie.
please marawa, use your brain before you reply, thank you.


Dec 30, 2018
i did not suggest anything but to distance herself from her parents. how is that destructive in her 'decision process' ? i did not call her a liar but pointed out that the story is so absurd that is sounds like a lie.
please marawa, use your brain before you reply, thank you.
You said she sounded like a liar. Now you insult me telling me to use my brain? You're rude & dismissed. I said what I said.
Could you say the same in English, please? I can't speak Portuguese.

Agreed, it was unnecessary to call me a liar, but I still wanted to give them one single chance so I replied to them.
This none of my business then. bu I still said what I said
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Sep 10, 2018
@SadGirl I have reported the crazy neighbor to the landlords multiple times, but they refuse to do anything. The last time I met with a landlord I had my best friend with me. She told them that the man is crazy and dangerous and shouldn't be living in an apartment building, but the landlord just said "There's nothing we can do".

I've also reported him to the police, but that didn't help either. The police, too, basically said "There's nothing we can do. Come back if he tries to rape, or murder, or otherwise harm you physically." Even the police won't protect me. I feel really unsafe because of that.

i did not suggest anything but to distance herself from her parents. how is that destructive in her 'decision process' ? i did not call her a liar but pointed out that the story is so absurd that is sounds like a lie.
please marawa, use your brain before you reply, thank you.

Do you know what's the best part about you? It's the fact that you don't think highly of yourself, you never belittle others. Your social and empathic skills are really high. I'm sure a public forum is just the right place for you.

I'd also prefer you replied to my post (hint: I replied to you, but you never replied back) and not start fighting with other users. This is a thread about my unfortunate situation. Go make your own thread if you want to talk about other things.

You said she sounded like a liar. Now you insult me telling me to use my brain? You're rude & dismissed. I said what I said.

Their account is new and judging by their other posts, they already have problems understanding other people. The ignore button is really tempting at the moment.

EDIT: reply didn't work
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Mar 24, 2019
@SadGirl I have reported the crazy neighbor to the landlords multiple times, but they refuse to do anything. The last time I met with a landlord I had my best friend with me. She told them that the man is crazy and dangerous and shouldn't be living in an apartment building, but the landlord just said "There's nothing we can do".

I've also reported him to the police, but that didn't help either. The police, too, basically said "There's nothing we can do. Come back if he tries to rape, or murder, or otherwise harm you physically." Even the police won't protect me. I feel really unsafe because of that.

Always be protected, with doors locked, if possible increase the safety of doors and windows, always have objects in your hands so you can defend yourself, like baseball bat among other things. If he tries to do something, report it, the police will certainly do something about it. I wish you all the best, hugs.
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Sep 10, 2018

I already have all doors and windows locked. I even bought a surveillance camera which can record in dark and also record noises and voices. The only problem with it is that I didn't know it would "talk" before purchase. Every time I put the camera on, it loudly yells "Activating surveillance camera! Thank you for purchasing this camera!" as if it was a robot in a movie thus making everyone know that I have a "spy camera".

I don't have a gun or a baseball bat, but I do have knives and scissors. I also have nordic walking sticks/poles, and though they might break in a real combat, they do make me feel safer when I leave my home.

I hope he doesn't try anything worse (he has even filed police reports where he claims that I'm the criminal who harasses others, thankfully the police believed that I'm innocent). Let's hope the police will do something in that case. I really wish I could be safe.

Thank you for your support! Hugs.
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Manic - depression
Aug 27, 2018
Hey mate
I can't emphasise how much you are not alone, just last night my folk got high and then told me I was wrong/started arguing (about something I've already forgotten) and that I was the high one, and when it happens everyone is on their side and its like wtf?!? Am I going insane? Am I really this alone? Am I hallucinating that I'm actually an arse? Do you need to stab me every chance you get? ... (&we cry so much in due)... But the truth is no! We're not, we're the stronger ones, it takes more for a human to be the light that shines out the darkness then the enclosing darkness (film quote), The only lesson we can take from it is we ARE a breed that carries more, we ARE intraspective enough to acknowledge our own mistakes &, stand taller after in light of it, and most importantly we DO fucking care.

Hugs & support x
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Sep 10, 2018
Hey mate
I can't emphasise how much you are not alone, just last night my folk got high and then told me I was wrong/started arguing (about something I've already forgotten) and that I was the high one, and when it happens everyone is on their side and its like wtf?!? Am I going insane? Am I really this alone? Am I hallucinating that I'm actually an arse? Do you need to stab me every chance you get? ... (&we cry so much in due)... But the truth is no! We're not, we're the stronger ones, it takes more for a human to be the light that shines out the darkness then the enclosing darkness (film quote), The only lesson we can take from it is we ARE a breed that carries more, we ARE intraspective enough to acknowledge our own mistakes &, stand taller after in light of it, and most importantly we DO fucking care.

Hugs & support x

The gaslighting is awful. It's really horrible how the masterful manipulators get everyone on their side, and even make you doubt yourself. People have even accused me of schizophrenia, even though I'm certainly not schizophrenic, just because I've said that my parents aren't perfect.

You aren't insane. Maybe the next time something bad happens, if you secretly recorded a video or wrote down on paper (and included a date and time when it happened), it could help you believe in yourself? When I still lived at my parents, I sometimes ran to my room, and wrote in my journal what had just happened, so that I'd have proof for myself that I'm not disremembering things.

That quote is really good. Well said.
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