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Mar 16, 2020
We don't "lecture" people for our own emotional satisfaction.
We have to act responsibly, and give good advice for others to refer to.
We also have to consider the reputation of this website.
It gives more ammunition for people to criticise a site like this if we do not give sound advice, and discourage actions like this.
So there are many factors to consider.....
Each individual is free to do as they wish.
But we still have a duty to state that this is very much not recommended.
I agree with you and the last Thing i want to do is to put this forum at a risk with my post.
Therfore i want to state clearly again that i do not recommend anybody to try this.. Each Body reacts differently and also the lvel of your haemoglobin Plays a big role. so please do not put yourself at an unneccessary Risk. If you think i should better delete my post, i will do so of Course.


Oct 28, 2019
I agree with you and the last Thing i want to do is to put this forum at a risk with my post.
Therfore i want to state clearly again that i do not recommend anybody to try this.. Each Body reacts differently and also the lvel of your haemoglobin Plays a big role. so please do not put yourself at an unneccessary Risk. If you think i should better delete my post, i will do so of Course.
Personally, I don't see any particular need to delete your post....


Jan 20, 2020
OP, you dont need to delete the post.

I know this might sound really dumb but please bear with me, my brain is all sorts of messed up-- I don't have SN or N or anything, but I've had dreams where I've tested them by tasting after dreaming of receiving them, so I could imagine myself impulsively doing something similar in a real life situation. It seemed realistic to me especially since I have trouble with memories, and so reading stuff like this could be (and is) a reality check for someone like me that might otherwise forget the actual dangers since in my head nothing bad happened "before"

i agree it isnt something people should do or even get the idea for ,and i dont suggest anyone else try it whatsoever


Mar 16, 2020
i am sorry you feel that way @bananabear . it really just tastes like pool water, so there is Nothing much you are missing out if you ever swallowed pool water /chlorine before.
i am sure even though N is the holy grail it does taste better compared to it, because i could not taste anything too bitter..one of the disadvantages of trying this is that no my mind knows About it, so next time i would really try it would probably even send more alarm Signals to my body... and Maybe make me vomit only by Holding the glass in my Hands.. who knows…

i think the amount of people who want to ctb will only increase in the future, especially now with all the Things going on in the world, pushing soo many People onto the Edge emotionally and financially… :( i just dont understand why peaceful Methods are so much restricted... it is all about Controlling people,especially those who are vulnerable. our Society should be humane enough to support People who clearly have had enough and who are in pain weather it is emotional or physical pain or a combination of both
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Jun 13, 2019
I agree with you and the last Thing i want to do is to put this forum at a risk with my post.
Therfore i want to state clearly again that i do not recommend anybody to try this.. Each Body reacts differently and also the lvel of your haemoglobin Plays a big role. so please do not put yourself at an unneccessary Risk. If you think i should better delete my post, i will do so of Course.

You do not put this forum at risk.
I have told my tests using my method.
Everybody already knows that you do not.

You just have shared your experience and that is very generous.
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Mar 16, 2020
thank you and also thanks for sharing your Information...
the more we know, the better we can prepare and it also helps in choosing the method that is most suitable for us.
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Oct 5, 2019
Not just referring only to the OP, but why do people do these half-assed attempts with small amounts of SN?

they do it for research purposes and to share this information with others. I appreciated the info.


Feb 24, 2020

There's no f*ck with SN unless you are 101% sure about CTB.
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Dec 17, 2019
I didnt eat much in the morning and Nothing for lunch (only a cereal, an apple and a few nuts). So all of that came out,
You vomit things in your stomach . There is no way food you at at 10:00 is still in your stomach 7 hours (!) later at 17:00. I don't know what you vomited..


Mar 16, 2020
i didnt say i still vomited Food at 10.00, but i drank a lot of water and Juice and my Body could not even hold that.


Dec 17, 2019
I think i was just curious to try how my body reacts after i read on here that somebody took a small dose for Sleep

Folks this is where we need to stop SN misinformation & experimentation .

SN for sleep??


* not addressing or criticising Sadflower
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
Hey everyone!

First of all: Much Love to all of you. I am a Long time lurker and i have seen how much kindness there is in this community. I am sorry for all of us to fee suicidial and wish our lives would have turnt out better. I might share my own Story in another post, but i just had an interesting experience with SN last night that i felt like sharing with all of you.
After reading many Posts here About the substance, i felt really curious to find out how it tastes like and also i felt a bit impulsive. I clearly didnt plan to make this a real attempt though, since i didnt take any meto (which i have at home).
So i took the SN around 5 pm . I measured exactly 2 g SN on my scale and stirred it into a small amount of water. It didnt taste that bad, just really like pool water. At first i didnt notice anything, so i just went to sit down behind my Laptop and felt like Nothing is going to happen, but something inside of me told me that this would be the silence before the storm. My Feeling told me to drink a lot of water since i didnt want to die. I felt a bit scared since somebody mentioned before that even a small amount could do the Job.
After around 20 minutes i felt quite Dizzy and went to the bathroom , just in case i had to throw up. I just felt like i would have to sooner or later, cause i could not hold the water in my Body.
suddenly i felt like totally black in front of my eyes as if i was going to faint, so i started to become a bit anxious and almost wanted to call the ambulance. I looked in the mirror and my lips were blue and my face was totally pale.
Then i had to throw up. I didnt eat much in the morning and Nothing for lunch (only a cereal, an apple and a few nuts). So all of that came out, but i still felt a bit unwell and scared since my lips were so blue. I kept on drinking water and had to threw up again and again (around 10 times till around 10.30.
Of Course i didnt eat anything anymore, but even when i swallowed a small amount of water, it would stay in my Body around 5 minutes till i had to throw up again,
All the time i was considering to call the ambulance, but the other part in me told me not to because i didnt want to end up in the mental Hospital.
The bathroom smelled like pool water and also i had that taste in my mouth. But apart from that i didnt feel pain or anything .

I just wanted to share this with you, cause i find it interesting how my Body reacted to such a small amount. I really thought this would be my Chosen method, but in case i go for it, i know i Need to prepare it much better. And in my case it apparently wouldnt work without meto.
But this is not to scare anybody off from this method. For example in the case of @MysticPerception , i think she took around 17 g? And she didnt have to throw up, instead experienced stomach pain (i didnt feel any pain in my stomach at all).
I think my Body is quite sensitive to Toxins and quickly takes care of getting rid of them. Even alcohol is not easy to Digest for me, which is why i dont drink any.
At night i didnt feel any specific Symptoms. I just tried to rest since i felt a bit weak from throwing up and now i am back here and everything is back to normal. I am not pale anymore and the Color of my lips is back to normal as well.
also has anybody heard of @Lara Francis ? I read that she took a mouth full of SN yesterday as well? I hope she is ok and could manage to get some help or at least found her Peace.....

Even though I highly recommend not experimenting around with SN, I also appreciate you writing to us about your experience.

The more I read about people's experience with SN it only cements it in my mind that SN is the right method to use and your thread just gave me more confidence. So thank you.

Folks this is where we need to stop SN misinformation & experimentation .

SN for sleep??


Lmao I forgot who the user was but I remember reading the same thing a few months back.
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Mar 4, 2020
To be honest I think about to try it, like 1g..


Mar 16, 2020
better dont do it... it is not worth it... trust me.. you will most likely only throw up and feel very unwell.. even now i am still a bit concerned because of my
Levels. i still have a slight headache. it got much better though. i read online that the Body will heal smaller intoxications by itself, but normally it would be recommended to get an Oxygen therapy...
it's Nothing to play with


running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
@Sadflower Sorry if this makes you feel you're a guinea pig , but I have a few questions, was the dizziness like vertigo? ei Was the room spinning or rocking like seasickness?
Did you feel difficulty breathing at all?
Sorry, just curious. Also, don't mess around with this stuff.. very dangerous! Be careful


Mar 16, 2020
No worries. It is okay to ask questions. I didnt feel like the room was Spinning. But after around 20 minutes i had a feeling as if i was to black out but only very slightly... it was a bit scary and i started to panic a bit. I then was hoping that my body would vomit it all out and i think it helped that i drank lots of water cause then the vomitting started. I dont know what would have happened if i just laid down on the floor without drinking... maybe i would have vomited , maybe not . The breathing was okay.. i felt a little bit of difficulty but just tried to stay calm. It also helped to open the window and get some fresh air .
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I observe on SS that when someone announces they're going to ctb by a method that's approved by general consensus, then one's choice is respected, even honored.

But if someone does, or wants to do, something to their own body that doesn't hurt anyone else but them, pro-choice is no longer the main concern, the individual reader's discomfort with what another does to their own body becomes the main concern.

Whether it's considering an unpopular and relatively untested method like deadly plants, or testing SN, the thread comments very often seem to go like this:

"Why would someone do that when _____?"

Debate ensues.


"This action is stupid/unreasonable/foolish/ ______."

Debate ensues.




"If we don't come together and condemn this now, next thing you know every dumbass member who can't think for themselves [like we sensible ones] will be sipping SN toddies and ERs/A&Es will be flooded with blue idiots and the media will catch wind of it and we will be under more scrutiny and the site will be shut down and SN access will be regulated and cut off and..."

@Sadflower wanted to test in order to be informed by experience and to feel more confident and in control. S/he shared the results. Why is this to be applauded in spite of any personal opinion about the action? Because pro-choice. Because self-determination.

@s1mplem3 has read the OP and thread, and wants to try a smaller amount. Why is this okay and to be applauded in spite or any personal opinion about the action? Because pro-choice. Because self-determination.

It's no different than free speech. I don't always like what others say, but I support their right to say it so that my own liberty to speak is reinforced, and I can at any time invoke my right to plug my ears or disengage. If they are not verbally assaulting me or anyone else, I don't have the right to demand that they stop speaking. To do so would be stepping on my own right.

I would not necessarily like for my own body what others do to theirs, but I support their right to such actions so that I can enjoy the same liberty and do what I want to my own. I can be bothered by what they do, but I don't have the right to demand they stop. To do so would be stepping on my own right.
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Oct 28, 2019
I think it could help me to be more ready.
As an individual you are ultimately free to do as you wish....

Just keep in mind that even small quantities of SN could be fatal.
In some sources, around 70mg/kg is quoted as fatal.
So for a 50kg person, 3.5g (or perhaps even less for some people) of SN could be fatal.

So we just need to be reminding people :
Don't "mess around" with SN....
Even small amounts can make you very ill, or even be lethal.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I observe on SS that when someone announces they're going to ctb by a method that's approved by general consensus, then one's choice is respected, even honored.

But if someone does, or wants to do, something to their own body that doesn't hurt anyone else but them, pro-choice is no longer the main concern, the individual reader's discomfort with what another does to their own body becomes the main concern.

Whether it's considering an unpopular and relatively untested method like deadly plants, or testing SN, the thread comments very often seem to go like this:

"Why would someone do that when _____?"

Debate ensues.


"This action is stupid/unreasonable/foolish/ ______."

Debate ensues.




"If we don't come together and condemn this now, next thing you know every dumbass member who can't think for themselves [like we sensible ones] will be sipping SN toddies and ERs/A&Es will be flooded with blue idiots and the media will catch wind of it and we will be under more scrutiny and the site will be shut down and SN access will be regulated and cut off and..."

@Sadflower wanted to test in order to be informed by experience and to feel more confident and in control. S/he shared the results. Why is this to be applauded in spite of any personal opinion about the action? Because pro-choice. Because self-determination.

@s1mplem3 has read the OP and thread, and wants to try a smaller amount. Why is this okay and to be applauded in spite or any personal opinion about the action? Because pro-choice. Because self-determination.

It's no different than free speech. I don't always like what others say, but I support their right to say it so that my own liberty to speak is reinforced, and I can at any time invoke my right to plug my ears or disengage. If they are not verbally assaulting me or anyone else, I don't have the right to demand that they stop speaking. To do so would be stepping on my own right.

I would not necessarily like for my own body what others do to theirs, but I support their right to such actions so that I can enjoy the same liberty and do what I want to my own. I can be bothered by what they do, but I don't have the right to demand they stop. To do so would be stepping on my own right.
Because people want to try and stop others needlessly suffering.

At the end of the day, as all our nights draw in, everyone makes their own decision. Alone.

Is it wrong to attempt to influence someone to refrain from causing themselves suffering? Just so we won't be unduly influencing them?

If it is...tough shit. It's still an action I'd applaud.
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Oct 28, 2019
I observe on SS that when someone announces they're going to ctb by a method that's approved by general consensus, then one's choice is respected, even honored.

But if someone does, or wants to do, something to their own body that doesn't hurt anyone else but them, pro-choice is no longer the main concern, the individual reader's discomfort with what another does to their own body becomes the main concern.

Whether it's considering an unpopular and relatively untested method like deadly plants, or testing SN, the thread comments very often seem to go like this:

"Why would someone do that when _____?"

Debate ensues.


"This action is stupid/unreasonable/foolish/ ______."

Debate ensues.




"If we don't come together and condemn this now, next thing you know every dumbass member who can't think for themselves [like we sensible ones] will be sipping SN toddies and ERs/A&Es will be flooded with blue idiots and the media will catch wind of it and we will be under more scrutiny and the site will be shut down and SN access will be regulated and cut off and..."

@Sadflower wanted to test in order to be informed by experience and to feel more confident and in control. S/he shared the results. Why is this to be applauded in spite of any personal opinion about the action? Because pro-choice. Because self-determination.

@s1mplem3 has read the OP and thread, and wants to try a smaller amount. Why is this okay and to be applauded in spite or any personal opinion about the action? Because pro-choice. Because self-determination.

It's no different than free speech. I don't always like what others say, but I support their right to say it so that my own liberty to speak is reinforced, and I can at any time invoke my right to plug my ears or disengage. If they are not verbally assaulting me or anyone else, I don't have the right to demand that they stop speaking. To do so would be stepping on my own right.

I would not necessarily like for my own body what others do to theirs, but I support their right to such actions so that I can enjoy the same liberty and do what I want to my own. I can be bothered by what they do, but I don't have the right to demand they stop. To do so would be stepping on my own right.
The issue is that newcomers can stumble on a page like this, and then think it's okay to do a little test, then think "oh, I'll try a bit more than they did, I'll try 3 grams", and then......
So we have a duty to inform people that in the general case this is a *bad* idea.
We need simple messaging like that because some people won't take the time to appreciate the nuances.
So it would be highly irresponsible of us to not put up clear signposts.....
In many respects, when we reply to the OP saying "don't play around", we are more talking to the wider population of people reading threads like this.
However, I'll admit that we could perhaps word such things accordingly, and direct the comment towards the readers
e.g. "NOTE TO ALL : Please note that this is a *very dangerous* thing to do" etc.
I certainly support that ultimately each person is free to do as they wish.

People who post stating that they are going to try a test should also include a "Don't try this at home".
If they don't then we have to, to fill the gap......
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Is it wrong to attempt to influence someone to refrain from causing themselves suffering? Just so we won't be unduly influencing them?

The first question sounds to me like an argument a pro-lifer would use, replace "suffering" with whatever they want to stop because they disagree with an individual's right to self-determination.

Undue influence negates autonomy and self-determination. It gives precedence to a person's or a group's wants/agendas over those of the individual. It is a means of other-control that seeks to subvert, disqualify, and eliminate self-control. It feeds into groupthink, domination, and oppression.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
The issue is that newcomers can stumble on a page like this, and then think it's okay to do a little test, then think "oh, I'll try a bit more than they did, I'll try 3 grams", and then......
So we have a duty to inform people that in the general case this is a *bad* idea.
We need simple messaging like that because some people won't take the time to appreciate the nuances.
So it would be highly irresponsible of us to not put up clear signposts.....
In many respects, when we reply to the OP saying "don't play around", we are more talking to the wider population of people reading threads like this.
However, I'll admit that we could perhaps word such things accordingly, and direct the comment towards the readers
e.g. "NOTE TO ALL : Please note that this is a *very dangerous* thing to do" etc.
I certainly support that ultimately each person is free to do as they wish.

People who post stating that they are going to try a test should also include a "Don't try this at home".
If they don't then we have to, to fill the gap......

You may have noticed in my comment you quote that I put the word "we" in bold. You've used it a lot here, such as saying "we have to."

Whenever I see "we" in a context such as this, I replace it with "I" and recognize it as a personal belief that motivates the speaker's actions.

Whenever I see "we" in a context such as this, I perceive it as triangulation to enforce dominance over an individual who is perceive to be out of line with a dominating, oppressing stance.

I do not feel any such duty that you promote here. I am not a part of the we that you speak of.

If people cannot trusted to think for themselves, then this site is inherently dangerous and the pro-life faction is right to shut it down, and the psychiatric-judicial forces are right to detain those who attempt or plan to attempt self-harm.

I do agree with you that a more moderate approach such as a warning is in order. The OP did that in a comment.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
The first question sounds to me like an argument a pro-lifer would use, replace "suffering" with whatever they want to stop because they disagree with an individual's right to self-determination.

Undue influence negates autonomy and self-determination. It gives precedence to a person's or a group's wants/agendas over those of the individual. It is a means of other-control that seeks to subvert, disqualify, and eliminate self-control. It feeds into groupthink, domination, and oppression.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
Is not the ethos of this site to attempt to respect people's choice whilst trying to reduce the potential for undue suffering in the execution of said choice?

If not, then why are there hundreds of threads and thousands of posts discussing that very thing?

Plus countless replies urging people to caution with inhumane methods?

Not to mention guides to reduce suffering?

All of these things seek to influence behaviour.

Maybe my perception of pro-choice is misguided.

Having said that 'group think' is a dangerous thing and it van be too easy to follow the consensus. That is why each individual should always assess their view in each individual context.

Id still talk someone out of throwing themselves in front of a bus, even if it is their choice.
And I hate the term 'pro life.' What's wrong with wanting to live? I prefer the term 'anti-choice.'

So maybe I'm 'anti-choice' if I feel it will cause needless suffering.
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Jun 13, 2019
I observe on SS that when someone announces they're going to ctb by a method that's approved by general consensus, then one's choice is respected, even honored.
I guess I have translated wrongly that sentence, because according my translation is the perfect encouragement to suicide.
I do not understand why anybody needs to be approved by a general consensus. In my own case I do not mind that consensus, I was going to write another sentence, but word reference tells that was "potentially offensive".
I am not a judge. Is the second time that I have to say this, therefore Please do not judge me.

SS is acronym of Sanctioned Suicide, not Approved Suicide. I think so.

Let's be clear. I am approving nothing and besides I am not finding any general consensus where I belonged.

OP just has told his/her experience. And the experience belongs to her/him, not belongs any general consensus. He/She could to need help or advice, or even solace...........................but no need to be approved.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Is not the ethos of this site to attempt to respect people's choice whilst trying to reduce the potential for undue suffering in the execution of said choice?

If not, then why are there hundreds of threads and thousands of posts discussing that very thing?

Plus countless replies urging people to caution with inhumane methods?

Not to mention guides to reduce suffering?

All of these things seek to influence behaviour.

Maybe my perception of pro-choice is misguided.

See below the introduction to the Site Rules and FAQ. The ethos you mentioned is not in the introduction, which reads as the site's mission statement. If there is another mission statement elsewhere, I would appreciate it being shared.

There is nothing about protecting others from suffering or from themselves. Personal responsibility is addressed in the bold/underlined statement.

Welcome to Sanctioned Suicide, a pro-choice suicide discussion forum. We support your right to live, as well as your right to end your life. No one should force you to do things you don't wish to do. We provide a space to discuss the topic of suicide without the censorship of other places, as well a community that can understand and let you be yourself without judging you. Feel free to use this forum to vent, talk to like-minded individuals, or to empathize and offer kind words to other people. We all need and deserve empathy and support.

The information offered on this site is for educational purposes only, and provided only by other users like you. We do not encourage, promote, advise, nor aid suicide in any way or form. Understand that there is information on this site that if used could kill you. The way you use any information provided on this website is fully and solely your responsibility. Be aware of the laws in your own country. You must be over 18 years old to use this site.

The rules also state: only you can choose your path and actions.

Edit: Saying "Don't do this" is not persuasion, it is a command. It utterly negates choice and autonomy. Saying "Please don't do this" is an attempt to influence that ignores autonomy and makes the action about the person asking, it is about making them feel better, when the action is not about them in the first place.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
I prefer to read between the lines rather than the word on the page. Otherwise all the compassion and understanding I've witnessed on here becomes worthless to my eyes. Maybe it is.
But I see no contadiction between allowing self determination and attempting to alleviate suffering.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
But I see no contadiction between allowing self determination and attempting to alleviate suffering.

Depends on the motivation. Is it to alleviate the suffering of the actor or the witness? That has been my stance here, that it is about the witness, and the witness does not approve therefore it is the witness who is suffering, and whose suffering s/he is seeking to alleviate.


Oct 28, 2019
You may have noticed in my comment you quote that I put the word "we" in bold. You've used it a lot here, such as saying "we have to."

Whenever I see "we" in a context such as this, I replace it with "I" and recognize it as a personal belief that motivates the speaker's actions.

Whenever I see "we" in a context such as this, I perceive it as triangulation to enforce dominance over an individual who is perceive to be out of line with a dominating, oppressing stance.

I do not feel any such duty that you promote here. I am not a part of the we that you speak of.

If people cannot trusted to think for themselves, then this site is inherently dangerous and the pro-life faction is right to shut it down, and the psychiatric-judicial forces are right to detain those who attempt or plan to attempt self-harm.

I do agree with you that a more moderate approach such as a warning is in order. The OP did that in a comment.
Yes, I have used the word "we", because I think it's a reasonable thing to do.
Otherwise my post might suggest some type of "self importance", or suggest that it was "my idea", or that this is "my knowledge".
Whereas actually, there are many people here who are of very sound intellect, who share similar views on many (but not necessarily all, obviously) things.
When I feel that I am speaking on a subject that is well understood and agreed upon by many individuals, I feel it is correct to use the term "we", since I feel I am speaking on behalf of a group who share that view.
If you don't consider yourself to be part of that "we", then that is fine.

There may be instances where the more negative cases of the use of "we" occur, but that doesn't mean that all instances of using the word are "negative".

If you prefer to use "I" instead, then that's your right (obviously)

If you don't feel any such duty to alert others to dangers, etc, then that is your choice....
We all contribute in different ways.

If find your statement :

"If people cannot trusted to think for themselves, then this site is inherently dangerous and the pro-life faction is right to shut it down, and the psychiatric-judicial forces are right to detain those who attempt or plan to attempt self-harm."

to be a bit silly.
A site such as this needs a balance of different people.
It requires some people who can look at the bigger picture, and see some of the inherent dangers in certain actions, and try to take steps to offset them.
Some people who come to this site are not in a great state of mind, and may not be thinking very clearly.
That is just a fact. And we need to look out for those people, *in my opinion*.
Again, if you don't belong to that "we", then that's fine.
However, there are some who *do* consider themselves to belong to that "we".
And it is on behalf of those that I am writing....

Thankfully the people who are thinking less clearly are balanced out by others who are thinking more clearly.
This is not based on some concept of "superiority", it's just simple factual common sense.

Perhaps next month it will be me who isn't thinking clearly, but thankfully someone else will be.....
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