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Dec 3, 2018
I love my dogs more than anything and I don't know how to be good enough. I can't do anything right. I get told I'm a bad owner because my dogs can only perform 3-4 tricks. Then pro-adoption people and vegans tell me I shouldn't train my dogs, they say it's cruel to have my dogs sit for their food. My dogs listen to me very well. My 10-month-old xolo puppy has held a sit for over five minutes before because she didn't hear me tell her she could get up, so I walked off and came back to find her still sitting and staring at me like "can I get up now?" She's hilarious. She's the size of a cat and jumps like a cat, and there is nowhere I can sit that she won't find a way to get into my lap. When first got her she kept jumping on the furniture so my mom (who's had experience with cats but not dogs) ordered squirt guns, then by the time the squirt guns arrived she already wasn't jumping on the furniture anymore because she hates being told "no". She really, really hates being told "no" and usually stops doing something after being told "no" a few times. Online dog people said I shouldn't tell her "no" and that I should encourage her to do something ele instead, but I did that with my maltese and she misbehaved more so she could get the reward from doing something else. They said it's bad to tell her "no". My yorkies were never so bothered by it, and I could say "no" to my maltese all day and she wouldn't even lift her head.

My yorkie and maltese are really playful. My maltese is 13 but they're always playing

I don't know what to do about dog food. Good ingredients and proper nutrition seem to be a contradiction in the dog food world. Most dog foods use poorly-sourced meat that's not fit for human consumption, sometimes because of dangerous exposure to chemicals, and also use nutrients sourced from China, which is thought to be a lot of the reason why 30-50% of are dying of cancer. I've narrowed down brands that don't do this, I found less than ten. Most of the brands have horrible nutrition that can't keep a dog alive, two in particular which actually have killed dogs. The only one I found with both properly-sourced meat and proper nutrition is horribly expensive, and only comes in wet food which is terrible for small breeds like I have. I feel stuck and don't know what to do. I want to give my dogs good food, but I don't want to give them cancer. I settled on a weird combination of Authority, Royal Canin, Honest Kitchen, Stella & Chewy's, and VDog. It makes no sense and I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do. I love my dogs. My maltese got really upset when my yorkie died. She kept going to the spots liked to be in and howled and cried, and she did that for three months. I read most dogs don't mourn more than a month. My yorkie (the one who's still alive) and xolo lose their shit when I'm away for a few hours, and they bark for attention when I get back so I ignore their bratty behavior until they stop. I don't know what to do. When I was a kid, dog trainers recommended ignoring dog until calmed down. Now I can't seem to find anything about it except online dog training places where they say to try to soothe the dog, but in my experience it made it a lot worse. I read that's why a lot of small dogs get "small dog syndrome"; smaller dogs have more reason to be scared and get scared more, their owners soothe them, their dog brains see soothing as a way of saying that there's a legitimate reason to be scared. None of my dogs had "small dog syndrome". I don't know how to fix there's

I feel about my yorkie died. I hope she knew how much I loved her. I feel bad that I didn't give her table scraps, but I read when I was a kid that giving table scraps teaches dogs to beg for your food. My xolo climbs in my lap while I eat and I like that she stays calm and doesn't try to eat my food, I feel bad about not letting my dogs have any but I think it's working for me. I feel bad that I didn't rub her belly more when I ozone poisoned. She kept rolling on top of my feet to beg for a belly rub like she usually did, but I was sick from the ozone and couldn't give her a belly rub. She cuddled with me anyway. She was so nice whenever I was feeling bad. My chronic health issues. She was a couch potato, loved to sit in lap and give kisses. Kissing was her favorite thing to do. I never met a sweeter dog and she was so full of love. She lived to please and comfort, and also get belly rubs. I wasn't good enough for her
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Feb 25, 2019
Dog training is weird tbh, people either humanize them too much or they forget they are living beings with brains. Sorry about your dog dying btw.
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Feb 23, 2019
I have a weird way of treating each of my animals.

Chicken (female cat) - Always super sweet to me, I'm always super sweet to her. She's learned to give me kisses when asked. No licks, she just bumps her nose onto my lips. I call her babygirl a lot

Larry (male cat) - He's a lazy bum that just eats and sleeps and leaves the house whenever he wants. He's fat as hell. I go and scratch his head a lot, but he won't let you pet him too much, or pick him up. I enjoy calmly calling him a "fat retard" pretty much daily.

Gus (tiny male dog) - He's sweet, but when he has a lot of energy he likes to bite. It doesn't hurt, but sometimes it's a bit annoying. I can pick him up and do whatever. I especially like holding him like a little baby. I use at least one of these names for him every day: "sweet boy", "dummy", "little baby man", "peepee head"

Thor (large male dog) - He has 3 legs and he's huge, so there's no picking him up. He's a little skittish, we think he was abused by former owners. Whenever he's laying down I just go over and rub his belly. Sometimes he'll walk up to me and start smiling when I scratch his head. I pretty much exclusively call him "stinky poopoo man"

Yeah. It's really weird. And I love it.

This doesn't really contribute to the thread, but whatever. I think it's pretty funny.
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Sep 4, 2018
I have 2 dogs. I trained them and everyone is happier for it. I don't get pissed off when they misbehave, and dogs are generally eager to please.
I make sure they get plenty of exercise, resulting in calm, chilled pooches. Anyone who says you shouldn't train dogs either never had one, or are willing to make their and their dog's life more difficult for no good reason.
Re food, especially small breeds, you could make it yourself. Ask your local butcher if he has dog/cat meat mix, pan fry it in vegetable oil with some frozen veg add some rice. Should cut the bill down. For their teeth get some baked dog bones or baked pigs ears.
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