Ticking Time Bomb
- Sep 8, 2023
- 211
I Got into an argument with my parents, and even though I was doing everything right, picking up after myself, doing chores when I could, etc, it isn't enough. Idk why they hate me so much when I never asked to be born. Everyone excuses the horrible things they do with "they just don't know what to do". While that's true, they definitely know what NOT to do. My dad blew up at me and I tried to fight back and he chased me downstairs when I said I was packing my things and started getting closer screaming at me and I had to grab something nearby me to protect myself to keep him from getting closer and told him to stay back and he started saying "OH YOUR GONNA HIT ME ID LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY COME ON" and got closer and closer into my face and my brother had to come out and push him away but he was taunting and challenging me. He was still charging at me trying to get past my brother, idk what he would've done to me...after he left I couldn't hold on anymore and everything went black, my brother said I had a seizure and when my friend told me I should go to the er for that and I asked him he said I was actually just out of it and unresponsive, but I remember shaking uncontrollably. That was the final straw and he said he'd throw my stuff on the road in the argument too, and now they forced my brothers to take me to my grandmas to "let things calm down" so while they're at home watching TV by a fire, I'm getting 0 sleep in a unfamiliar bed instead of hanging out with my friends tonight or doing anything fun. They say I'm the problem and while they're partly true, I didn't have this hard of a time controlling my panic attacks and weed consumption at any other point in my life. I always had a way to stop or was able to, I cant there. Everyones on their side, even my brothers try to justify it its so sickening. "They just don't know what to do" yeah that doesn't give them the right to treat me like shit. This has been happening for 10 years now of unstoppable abuse and I've done nothing but be nice to everyone and show everyone respect. They're changing that and im becoming more and more cynical and mean and I hate that. Its like a game of trying to prevent anymore permanent damage before I get approved for disability. Nice job mom and dad you gave your didabled potentially autistic daughter a seizure and burned a horrible memory into her mind for life and she'll never see you the same again, is that what you wanted? It's like beating the shit out of a guy in a wheelchair, but people don't treat mental health the same way...does anyone know of any good storage options for homeless or low income? That's the main thing im worried of, is losing all my processions. I live around Madison WI btw if that helps...I'll take all the help I can get...