

Aug 18, 2020
This is the 3rd of these types of threads I have made so far. Again this is a POSITIVE one! Again this is Christian and/or religious. I am trying to find "non-spiritual" material because I myself am not religious. This is to bring POSITIVITY to anyone who may need it. Again if you see the words God or Jesus (this one talks about Jesus with a different pronunciation) just use other words in your head. I was looking up "honor and suicide" but I found this one instead. If anything they are kind words. I cannot say that mediums are really knowing these things BUT their words are KIND. So I shared this today. Love you guys. ❤

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Apr 8, 2018
This is the 3rd of these types of threads I have made so far. Again this is a POSITIVE one! Again this is Christian and/or religious. I am trying to find "non-spiritual" material because I myself am not religious. This is to bring POSITIVITY to anyone who may need it. Again if you see the words God or Jesus (this one talks about Jesus with a different pronunciation) just use other words in your head. I was looking up "honor and suicide" but I found this one instead. If anything they are kind words. I cannot say that mediums are really knowing these things BUT their words are KIND. So I shared this today. Love you guys. ❤

I absolutely LOVE this article! Thank you so much for posting this!

I'm visually impaired and find it quite tedious to go back and look into a member's post history, so would you mind linking your other two threads that you mentioned that are spiritual and encouraging? You can either PM me the links or reply to this post on here. I'd really like to read them.

I found this very encouraging. This has actually brought me a lot of peace right now.

I'm trying to stick around for my family, but I don't know if I'll make it in the end. It's nice to know that, either way, there isn't going to be a punishment or anything sinister awaiting any of us on the other side if we CTB. According to this person, anyway, and I tend to believe him.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Thanks again for this beautiful thread, you are amazing!

Love Cupcake
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
The ad for "zodiac energy gemstone bracelets" really put it all together. Great to hear that Jesus talks to this guy and that after I've hanged myself I might experience God's love for the first time.
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Nov 30, 2020
The ad for "zodiac energy gemstone bracelets" really put it all together. Great to hear that Jesus talks to this guy and that after I've hanged myself I might experience God's love for the first time.
You're going down the way, the sooner you accept that the sooner you can move on. All us filthy suicidals are going down the way. Straight to Satan's warm embrace baby.
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Aug 21, 2019
This is a very difficult question. To know what after we die is. You first have to know what live is and what we understand when we speak about our consciousnes.

We have all this image in our brain how the outside world, the reallity. We think there are living things and death things. Someone thinks after death there is a soul and you are happy forever someone thinks you are reborned and other think there is foreever nothing. Then there is the image about yourself, our personality, our memories, our thinking and ...

When you oberserve yourself your thought, emotions, your body then you will sooner our later reallize that everything of you is automatic. Your thoughts come automatic, when you want to take a glass of water your not thinking how to control your hand, which muscles you need to control your hand goes like magic from alone, you recognice that you are nothing other than a bunch of thousand of thousand programms. You personality how you react with others that are automatic programs. In simple words you don't exists, you are the result of million neurons, programms.

Then there is this question why are you borned in your body not in someone else? What happened when a part of your brain get destroyed or changed? When your brain is simulated in a powerful computer?

I have thought long about this and my short answer is nothing will happen then. I think that we are information that everything in the universe, everybody is united, part of a big network, our image about ourselfes is an illusion.

I think the trust is between this two sides. There is no heaven, hell, our soul (I explained this bullshit with good arguments in the other afterlife thread, everybody who belives in such think must be totally stupid) and nothingnes. Your live goes forever away because your memories die with your brain and will never get reloaded, but live goes at the same time because other people, animals will still live for eternity. We always think about entire nothingnes because we see the world just through our eyes, but fact is live will still exists in other, just we die.
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Aug 18, 2020
I absolutely LOVE this article! Thank you so much for posting this!

I'm visually impaired and find it quite tedious to go back and look into a member's post history, so would you mind linking your other two threads that you mentioned that are spiritual and encouraging? You can either PM me the links or reply to this post on here. I'd really like to read them.

I found this very encouraging. This has actually brought me a lot of peace right now.

I'm trying to stick around for my family, but I don't know if I'll make it in the end. It's nice to know that, either way, there isn't going to be a punishment or anything sinister awaiting any of us on the other side if we CTB. According to this person, anyway, and I tend to believe him.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Thanks again for this beautiful thread, you are amazing!

Love Cupcake
The First article I posted was very negative. I think it's linked in this one as well as the positive article that was the main point of the thread. I have found many kind and positive articles but I haven't posted them because there are so many. Someone mentioned a woman Delores Cannon who says very positive things about the afterlife. She also says some odd things about earth vibrations and alien beings but her words are still mostly positive.

Thread 'KIND Thoughts on Suicide and the Afterlife!'

The ad for "zodiac energy gemstone bracelets" really put it all together. Great to hear that Jesus talks to this guy and that after I've hanged myself I might experience God's love for the first time.
LOL. The bracelet ad is better than the pink Japanese bj sex toy i see all over lately. Many people have positive things to say just like this. Not all of them mention Jesus but it's better than the version where you go to hell because you aren't paying church tithing and state taxes anymore LOL I guess that's a huge sin according to the holy conduits. ❤
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Apr 8, 2018
The First article I posted was very negative. I think it's linked in this one as well as the positive article that was the main point of the thread. I have found many kind and positive articles but I haven't posted them because there are so many. Someone mentioned a woman Delores Cannon who says very positive things about the afterlife. She also says some odd things about earth vibrations and alien beings but her words are still mostly positive.

Thread 'KIND Thoughts on Suicide and the Afterlife!'

LOL. The bracelet ad is better than the pink Japanese bj sex toy i see all over lately. Many people have positive things to say just like this. Not all of them mention Jesus but it's better than the version where you go to hell because you aren't paying church tithing and state taxes anymore LOL I guess that's a huge sin according to the holy conduits. ❤
Hey, thanks for the link to that thread. I'll give it a looky loo!

Yeah, that ad for the bracelets was really offputting, lol, but there are ads everywhere now, so I'm kinda used to it.

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