It's mainly used in animal euthanasia (Euthasol) as it's faster and more humane. It's also easier for vets to obtain as it's less likely to be abused and addictive and stolen (more likely to die than get high).
The PPEH states the potency of N is enhanced with Dilantin, but that's not entirely accurate. N (pentobarbital sodium) and Dilantin (phenytoin sodium) contains two active ingredients which are chemically compatible but pharmacologically different. Each ingredient acts in such a manner so as to cause humane, painless, and rapid euthanasia. Euthanasia is due to cerebral death in conjunction with respiratory arrest and circulatory collapse. Cerebral death occurs prior to cessation of cardiac activity.
So whilst N causes CNS depression to target your brain and breathing, Dilantin stops the heart while you're asleep.
Dilantin (phenytoin sodium) exerts its effect during the deep anesthesia stage caused by the N (pentobarbital sodium). This ingredient, due to its cardiotoxic properties, hastens the stoppage of electrical activity in the heart.
Alcohol afterwards to potentiate the effects too.
It's basically 2 methods to die in one drink... Very rarely for a few people, N alone can be in a coma for a few hours increasing the risk of being 'saved'. With Dilantin, I believe it's like insurance so you should go more quickly.
But it's NOT really necessary as 2 bottles of N will do it! It's totally overkill but I'm risk adverse and want to reduce any risk of failure any way possible.
Hope this helps!