

Aug 20, 2022
When I first discovered this forum, I thought I would find all sorts of crazy, antisocial and hateful people, but all I found were friendly, empathetic ones. I used to have this stupid idea that suicidal people were like psychopaths, but the real psychopaths are the normal, successful people who don't seem to have any problems in life. It's so fucked up that because of how the media portrays things, most people have these ideas.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Yeah people here are lovely
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Aug 9, 2022
Eu odeio a mídia.
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who knows
May 21, 2022
Of course they do, they demonize anyone that believes in the right to die and that decides to think differently.
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Aug 29, 2022
From time to time in the past I heard on the media about forums like this. The story was always the same, a person hanged out in some forum where he/she received information for suicide. From time to time the news implied that the person in question was also pushed to commit suicide.

At the time I honestly did not really understand how a person commit suicide with the exception of terminal people. I was not too judgmental but I was in the camp of the people that problems can be overcome and we need to move forward.

Well karma is a bitch and here I am. Not sure which mental problems I have and I do not care much. I fucked up my life. Childhood did not help and meeting some people did not help either, but I put the final nail in my coffin with my own hands.

Now I find myself in the position of feeling too old to start again and really want to stop here. How would I explain this to my older self or to the media? I guess it is not possible, we speak two different languages and nobody has found the rosetta stone. I think people do not want to face the possibility that life can become purposeless, maybe those people had a purposeless life all the time.
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Nov 20, 2021
Up till now this forum is the *only* place I found where I can talk about my innerts w/o fear of ending up locked behind rubber covered bars.

"They" act upset if someone they (thought they) knew kills himself. But they never, never listen - they only judge.

And this website is free of that - that is something "they" can not stand. It makes them furious and fills their bellies with boiling rage.

Let them suck on it!
From time to time in the past I heard on the media about forums like this. The story was always the same, a person hanged out in some forum where he/she received information for suicide. From time to time the news implied that the person in question was also pushed to commit suicide.

At the time I honestly did not really understand how a person commit suicide with the exception of terminal people. I was not too judgmental but I was in the camp of the people that problems can be overcome and we need to move forward.

Well karma is a bitch and here I am. Not sure which mental problems I have and I do not care much. I fucked up my life. Childhood did not help and meeting some people did not help either, but I put the final nail in my coffin with my own hands.

Now I find myself in the position of feeling too old to start again and really want to stop here. How would I explain this to my older self or to the media? I guess it is not possible, we speak two different languages and nobody has found the rosetta stone. I think people do not want to face the possibility that life can become purposeless, maybe those people had a purposeless life all the time.
Your thoughts are my thoughts exactly. ❤️
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Nov 20, 2021
Google has blocked the SS domain from its search results (so much for free speech), but I am sure they are talking about us in this NYT article. :D
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's best to try and avoid any media articles about SS in my opinion, those pro lifers are delusional, their beliefs on existence don't reflect the reality of this cruel world. I don't care about what pro lifers say. Suicide could never be wrong as after all death will come for us one day so if someone wants to leave when the time is right for them then they should be able to and their wishes should be respected.

I would prefer to die at a time of my own choosing rather than it being out of my control. To me living could never be desirable in any way, wanting suicide can be a rational response to seeing the world for what it really is. Non existence will always be ideal to me, as I view life as being endless suffering that I want nothing to do with. Non suicidal people will never be able to understand unless something happens to make them suicidal and then they would want to exit peacefully.
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Nov 20, 2021
Well, I hope we can differ on wether the world as such is "cruel". I just know I reached the end of my road in it and yes, "pro-Lifers" (who btw got no problem supporting either the death penalty or calling for war agains [Russia|China|Lord knows whom] or both) won't live forever either.

For me its all about *quality* of life, not about staying alive at all cost.

If life is no fun no more and there is nothing you can do about it, then only a sadist would force you to go on living.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
What I read in the media about SaSu is nothing like the reality I perceive in the forum. According to the media, SaSu is a forum for misogynistic heterosexual white incels who want to commit suicide and do not allow LGTBI+ users.

I know there has been talk at times about making the forum non-public, but I think anyone should have the opportunity to see for themselves the reality of this forum. And it's nothing more than a meeting place for people with common problems, who can't or don't know or don't want to lead a social life (required in our societies), who are not at all well mentally and come here to heal their wounds and share thoughts that are not well accepted or tolerated by friends, family or doctors.

Without a doubt we seek understanding and warmth whatever our decision is in relation to giving or not continuity in our life. And you will never find this, in any public or private mental illness treatment circuit where they only want you to persist in your agony for purely cultural reasons (such as the non-acceptance of suicide as a free and personal decision).

And it is clear that I do not see any kind of discrimination for reasons of sexual orientation, ethnicity, sex, geographic origin or race. (the other day I read a joke about Jews and gave a thumbs up without understanding it, I shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry... I think maybe I should have offended someone).

SaSu exists to give a voice that has been taken away from us. It's just about being able to speak and be heard without risking being hospitalized and medicated.


El que jo llegeixo als mitjans sobre SaSu no s'asembla gens a la realitat que percebo al fòrum. Segons els mitjans, SaSu és un fórum de incels blancs heterosexuals misógens que volen suïcidar-se i que no permeten que hi hagi usuaris del colectiu LGTBI+.

Se que de vegades s'ha parlat de fer que el fòrum no sigui públic, però penso que qualsevol persona ha de tenir la oportunitat de comprobar per si mateix la realitat d'aquest fòrum. I es que no es més que un lloc de reunió de persones amb problemes comuns, que no poden o no saben o no volen portar una vida social (exigida en les nostres societats), que no es troben gens bé mentalment i venen aquí a curar les seves ferides i compartir pensaments que no són ben acceptats o tolerats per amics, familiars o metges.

Sens dubte busquem comprenssió i escalf sigui quina sigui la nostra decisió en relació a donar o no continuïtat a la nostra vida. I això no ho trobaràs mai, en cap circuït públic o privat de tractament de malalties mentals on només volen que persisteixis en la teva agonía per motius purament culturals (com es la no acceptació dels suïcidi com una decisió lliure i personal).

I es evident que no veig cap tipus de discriminació per raons d'orientació sexual, etnia, sexe, procedéncia geogràfica o raça. (l'altre día vaig llegir un acudit sobre jueus i vaig aixecar el polze sense entendre'l, no ho hauría d'haver fet, ho sento.. penso que potser si que debía ofendre algú).

SaSu existeix per donar una veu que ens han tret. Només es tracta de poder parlar i ser escoltat sense que t'arrisquis a ser internat i medicalitzat.
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Nov 20, 2021
What I read in the media about SaSu is nothing like the reality I perceive in the forum. According to the media, SaSu is a forum for misogynistic heterosexual white incels who want to commit suicide and do not allow LGTBI+ users.
Oh yeah, that great incel myth. The two founders of ss are also being "accused" of running two incel websites.

After decades of aggressive feminism Western society has finally developed to a stage, were countless women can flip their man the finger and do so happily ever after.

So what are men to do then in a society, were they just can't go and arrange a female companion for themselves? As much as I support women's rights, fact is that it leaves a lot(!) of us w/o chances.

So if women are allowed, even encouraged, to congregate around their gender issues, then why can I as a man not openly admit, that I have no realistic chances anymore in the dating game and share that misery with my fellow men?

By no means am I advocating to turn back the clock, but for heaven's sake Mainstream give the "losers" you produce some way to out themselves!

I belong to no Incel group but I wouldn't have an issue joining one, as long as they don't preach hatred or violence.


Jun 7, 2022
I can't agree more! SaSu members have offered support and encouragement these past few months probably more than any mental health facility and best of all no judgment. I'm here because I'm depressed, lonely and feel that it's time for me to CTB as my life has become unbearable.
This site is a great resource, we should all have access to this information without shame or scrutiny.
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Aug 26, 2022
If there is one thing I have learned in my life, it's that when you stand up for yourself literally everyone will try to stop you. Doesn't even matter what it is. They see you are done with going through life's pain and they will try to stop you. I think CTB should be human right. People deserve to step out their misery when they need to. But society does just not appreciate it when you do something good for yourself
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