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Dec 20, 2020
Could you tell me exactly how is Jeremy manipulative?
Are you just calling him that because he spoke to fixthe26, because that's all I can really find out.
Jeremey hopped on the fix26 bandwagon soon as he was banned from here for calling the police on a member/members for asking to ctb together allegedly. which i assume was the original plan as he went to her country to see this girl. betrayed her really. she ctb on her own in the end. sad state of affairs

its a shame... Jeremey made a funny post one time about cheese and cyanide. i like cheese so i wudda liked to have been friends but no

he also lies a lot in the interview

thats all i know others might kno more
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Mar 18, 2021

I just think that people should be able to explain what they mean and back up what they say. I'm learning that this is a bad trait to have on this site.
Instead, I need to learn to feed off of each other's negative energy when they rant.
I'm not even angry, it's just sad that most people have such unrealistic expectations for this forum. This wasn't even a discussion, they talked, brought some moot points and more accusations were thrown at this forum.

Yes, Jeremy wasn't exactly the nicest person here even before the whole fixthe26 garbage interview.

I'm not sure why you're taking their side so much.
I'm not taking anybody's side. I simply asked you what you meant.

Asking you to elaborate or asking you to back up what you're saying with facts does not equal taking sides.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Kind of hard to dig up stuff about Jeremy because before he got banned, he went on a post deleting spree of all the posts that made him out to be a manipulating bastard. So what you can find is all you can get on him, but if you feel like you want to get his side of the story, maybe ask him yourself?
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Mar 18, 2021
Kind of hard to dig up stuff about Jeremy because before he got banned, he went on a post deleting spree of all the posts that made him out to be a manipulating bastard. So what you can find is all you can get on him, but if you feel like you want to get his side of the story, maybe ask him yourself?
I have no desire to get his side of the story.
But I think it's fair that people should be able to explain what they mean to someone who has no idea, or back up what they say with facts.

So you're saying that he was a manipulating bastard. So manipulative that he deleted all of the evidence that would prove him to be manipulative so that there is no longer any direct proof and he went through his 1,400+ posts to do this....?
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
Jeremey hopped on the fix26 bandwagon soon as he was banned from here for calling the police on a member/members for asking to ctb together allegedly. which i assume was the original plan as he went to her country to see this girl. betrayed her really. she ctb on her own in the end. sad state of affairs

its a shame... Jeremey made a funny post one time about cheese and cyanide. i like cheese so i wudda liked to have been friends but no

he also lies a lot in the interview

thats all i know others might kno more
That's really interesting.

One of the things he said that irritated me was about members who have been here many months/years and clocked thousands of posts —"what are they doing there [on SS]?". The implication was that these longer term members were the ones hanging out to goad others to their deaths...

Leaving aside the fact that Jeremy as BipolarGuy clocked up well over 1400 posts himself, that statement is totally disingenuous.

I've only recently started posting but I've been on this site for over a year. So I'm therefore by Jeremy's implication someone who has potentially malicious reasons for being here. Well, I don't. I'm here because suicidality is something that ebbs and flows, it's a chronic condition that relapses and remits, and I feel people here understand what I'm going through in a way that other people in my life simply don't. Maybe I will make 1400 posts one day like Jeremy himself, but that doesn't make me - or anyone else on this site who is here longer term - a villain. It would be a much diminished community if membership was a revolving door.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I have no desire to get his side of the story.
But I think it's fair that people should be able to explain what they mean to someone who has no idea, or back up what they say with facts.

So you're saying that he was a manipulating bastard. So manipulative that he deleted all of the evidence that would prove him to be manipulative so that there is no longer any direct proof...?
Well I was around along with a few others that were part of that thread. Some of the longer-standing members have only experiences with Jeremy and they only give you those accounts of it.

He deleted most of this posts that were inflammatory or flip-flopped on certain ideas. He wanted SS and FThe26 to work together, but only if he got the backing of the administrators, during a time when FThe26 were flinging mud in our direction. Everyone was a bit sour about the idea because it was like trying to make peace with someone that refuses to make peace with. When you mix emotional conflicts from both sides, its a recipe for disaster. He took it upon himself to be the voice of SS and speak on behalf of us for negotiating peace with FThe26. That also didn't sit well with many. He had ideas, just poor execution in an already volatile environment.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
How would I know. I'm just going by what was said on the tape!
I don't know anything about the app either, but my god I'm excited !

(is that more positive? ;-) )
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Jul 7, 2019
Completely agree with you.
Can we move away from the Jeremy-bitch-fest and onto something more positive. Nothing quite like bitching about a former member who can't defend himself on a forum for suicidal people :))

My main takeaway from it is that Jeremy plus fixthe26 are working on an app, and Jeremy has invited Marquis to be a part of it.
Should be interesting to see how it goes.

It's only natural that we talk about the parties involved in this conversation, and jeremy is probably the most controversial one, also the one who said the most hypocritical shit.

An app by fixthe26 and jeremy sounds like a terrible idea, even more so one that claims to be about helping, they sure helped a lot of users here by throwing insults to them.
hopefully marquis was saying that just out of politeness, because what else would you say to that question on a conversation with a grieving mother.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Do you have any more details about this? What would the app do?

The app would detect via your low blood pressure that you're feeling down and it would post some positive affirmations such as "You're worth it!", "Don't give up!", "Go For a Walk!", and the favorite, "Be Mindful!" in an attempt to cheer up the person. The app would go into emergency mode if the person decides to harm themselves by calling the authorities to your location using GPS on your phone. The app would also alert all your contacts to let them know that you tried to attempt suicide and to check on you. If you told the app to go fuck itself, the app would retaliate by sending you to Jeremy's OnlyFans account where you will a most horrible death:

star park GIF
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Dec 20, 2020
The app would detect via your low blood pressure that you're feeling down and it would post some positive affirmations such as "You're worth it!", "Don't give up!", "Go For a Walk!", and the favorite, "Be Mindful!" in an attempt to cheer up the person. The app would go into emergency mode if the person decides to harm themselves by calling the authorities to your location using GPS on your phone. The app would also alert all your contacts to let them know that you tried to attempt suicide and to check on you. If you told the app to go fuck itself, the app would retaliate by sending you to Jeremy's OnlyFans account where you will a most horrible death:
new top method 100% success rate Jeremys OnlyFans
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Apr 30, 2019
That manipulative asshole jeremy was completely unnecessary for this conversation, we know the tactics that he's used in the past and how good he is at playing the victim. He just makes that grieving mother seem like a joke just by being on her side, even if they made some good points.
I'm actually glad Jeremy was there mainly because this interview clearly meant a lot to Catherine so she may not have been able to verbalise everything she wanted to on the spot. She also admitted she was rly nervous so Jeremy's involvement here as essentially her rock was actually beneficial to the conversation in my opinion.

I can tell Jeremy loves attention and being in the spotlight, but that was a good thing on this occasion.

That said, I don't feel that this was really a "debate" as much as just some small form of closure to a grieving mother, it probably means a lot to her to have the admin's sympathy and to know that he does mean well with the site (despite that not being immediately obvious to outsiders), having been through hard times too. So I'm glad Catherine hopefully got some closure from this, props to Marquis for agreeing to this too
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
Well, I listened to the whole thing. Mostly a waste of time. Jeremy made me want to punch something, that mental health app of his sounds like a joke, and I empathaise with the mom but she shouldn't try to ban SN & ruin it for the rest of us. Though Marquis had balls of steel defending this site, so kudos to him.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
Catherine sounded like a genuinely nice lady. I'm sorry she lost her son and I understand her anger and frustration. I expected her to go full Karen on Marquis and put 100% blame on SS. However she did acknowledge that most members are decent human beings and a lot of blame should be directed at the incompetence of NHS. There was a segment where Catherine expressed concern over members encouraging others to CTB. I would have replied with "show me one case of that happening and I'll show you 1000 examples of members advocating to seek help before succumbing to suicide". Catherine understandably was using SS to reinforce her confirmation bias.
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Apr 30, 2019
Catherine is back to harassing members, this time because 1 of them doesn't want to zoom w/ her


She also called me a "cult member" :haha:
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Can someone transcribe this podcast? I don't think I could get through the level of cringe I'm expecting if it were going into my ears.
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Oct 13, 2020
Catherine sounded like a genuinely nice lady. I'm sorry she lost her son and I understand her anger and frustration. I expected her to go full Karen on Marquis and put 100% blame on SS. However she did acknowledge that most members are decent human beings and a lot of blame should be directed at the incompetence of NHS. There was a segment where Catherine expressed concern over members encouraging others to CTB. I would have replied with "show me one case of that happening and I'll show you 1000 examples of members advocating to seek help before succumbing to suicide". Catherine understandably was using SS to reinforce her confirmation bias.
Despite what I've said before, Catherine is a good person with good intentions. She messaged me on Facebook and we have exchanged messages. She has been through more hell than most people probably realise.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Interesting thanks for sharing, the mother feels guilty knowing about the package I know you won't listen but we all get Amazons and different packages what could you do open them all, it's not logical, sorry but don't feel guilty for something out of your control. Marcus, stressed I can understand the outburst Jesus SS can get stressful, especially if you lose money and have court battles to face. The trouble for the next of kin, us suicidal people know how to keep a secret and act normal when the time is near, it's a well thought out plan of action and we have thought about it for months.

The UK mental health is on its knees I have read hundreds of coroner reports where people CTB and are waiting for 6, 8,12,18, and 24 months for treatment and then CTB and it was the same speech from the coroner's investigation, the NHS mental health team had a duty of care and failed, I feel lessons can be learned, lol. The NHS psychiatrists fucked me over gave me risperidone and not a word about any side effects I was successful working in the City I didn't even take aspirin so had no idea these drugs were so dangerous.

You know if you take them to court you may get a small payout, I'm only pointing you in the right direction, they had a duty of care to your son, they breached that duty so technically they are guilty under the Health and Safety Act of corporate manslaughter and the good news is the highest person in that organisation will be charged and that is the Secretary of State for Health of the United Kingdom (2021) Matt Hancock, you want the NHS to take mental health seriously take them to court for corporate manslaughter. Think of the media attention, lol. rather than Boris saying we have given them bla, bla, bla when he was going to let the poor UK children starve.

Another example on tonight's news, a young man in a UK hospital begging for oxygen they ignored him, from his hospital bed he called emergency services and they ignored him and he died.

Good luck

Oh just one more thing, there is only one master, Dr Who. :smiling:

The Master   Copy


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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I love her accent! She's from Leeds. She lost her mum and husband then her son in a short period of time. It's unimaginable x
Proper northern I have family in Doncaster. I don't know how she faces that reality :(
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Do you think this is all futile? We can talk all day about the struggles that suicide persons and their families go through, we could bicker all week about who's at fault, and we can develop apps or solutions for people struggling on both sides. Fixthe26 and SS may be listening and trying to collab together, but they both are not in charge of enacting positive change in the mental health community. Wouldn't even make a dent in the eyes of suicide researchers or even governmental politicians. You can go down the list of all the people that Fixthe26 have tried to get attention from to shut this place down, and no one batted an eye or gave them 5 minutes of their time. If they did, it would've been swept under with all the other issues that people face.

Sanctioned Suicide, Exit International, and Church of Euthanasia are all outliers in a world that believes that all lives matter, even if stricken with terminal illness or incapacitated in a vegetative state, it takes legal precedence to overturn a person's ability to make sound end-of-life decisions. These organizations provide an outlet for those who have been scorned and ostracized by society. All fighting for a humane way to end a person's life the same way we humanely put down sick animals, but also giving a voice to those who still want to live, and find better treatment options. I think accessibility and availability of treatment options plays a big factor in treating a person's mental health.

I think humanity is ingrained to never give up and we are considered "woke" if we are willing to give up for the greater good of things. Like mental health is in it's infancy stages, letting people legally kill themselves is a new novelty. Won't gain traction for a long time unless some environmental or war calamity befalls humanity to where they are forced to suicide so that others can survive.

Would take a special person to change the world, and then many more special people to change it even further. I won't be around to see it.

Very astute and based as always, Symbiote. I fully agree with you. I have my own rant as well on this topic even though it probably sounds like a load of rambling cause I'm very knackered right now.

There needs to be extreme alterations made to the mental health system before we will see any noticeable change in how suicidal people are treated. I don't think one app, even if it is spawned from good intentions and eagerness to help, will dismantle the structural failings of the mental health industry that have been born from its shoddy foundations.

As you mentioned, the quality and effectiveness of treatment is a huge factor in whether someone will attempt ctb. Currently, a lot of of mainstream treatment options are no better than placebo if you thoroughly examine the studies. Personally I believe that creating websites, apps and awareness campaigns that direct users to suicide hotlines and counseling resources doesn't make even a modicum of a dent in the suicide problem. Why?

If we push for better accessibility to treatment, the treatment should be worth it's salt. For most of us here, the resources that have been offered to us have been useless at best and damaging at worse. There is so much money wasted on prescribing innapropriate CBT therapy courses and the same SSRIs even after you've taken everything in that drug class.

It's the same principle as work smarter, not harder, I think. Considering all the effort, time, and money that gets expended during suicide awareness campaigns, surely we could divert that towards research and expanding access to novel treatment options?

For example, Ketamine infusions cost thousands in my country because the health service will not pay for them, so I'm blocked from anything that could potentially help. Doing ketamine in a medical setting would be anxiety inducing for me and I'd rather take it sublingually, but the industry gives us no freedom or choice in the treatments we are allowed to have.

They don't allow us to take any risks and treat us like simpletons when we do our own research. Like cmon, I am training in a Neuroscience degree, I'm not Joe exotic or something, but this entire profession infatantalizes anyone who dares question them or requests agency. Don't forget the many of us who have real physical pain that gets blamed on "mental illness" because doctors will label anything they don't understand as psychosomatic and abuse their power.

Psychiatrists and therapists need to be able to admit when they can't help as well. Having a proper right to die process would take away a huge burden from the shoulders of many SS users who have incurable physical and mental conditions. Just knowing that the option is there and there's a guarenteed way out if things get unbearable would be a huge relief for me.

Society can't come to terms with memento mori, so it feels like as a collective that people are forced to run and hide away at the mere mention of a discussion on death and dying. They won't acknowledge mortality until the grim reaper comes knocking at their door.

Until we can have these conversations and get the ball rolling on right to die, abusive psych practices like involuntary hospitalisations and nonconsentual administration of antipsychotics will be allowed to continue, cited as a necessary evil in order to quell the desires of "those irrational suicidal people". It is not rehabilitation, but punishment.

Besides the harms of psych wards and ineffective therapies/pharmaceutical treatments, the mental health industry has the achilles heel of completely ignoring one's life circumstances in favor of the medical model of mental illness. So there are pretty much 0 resources for people whose problems are financial or social in nature. Therapy and pills won't fix poverty. People who live in isolation shouldn't be told to take antidepressants for their loneliness, they should be given some actual human contact.

The entire system sucks and needs to be thrown in the bin and done over from scratch. As long as we pretend like the rickety old house can be fixed, we can never build a stable structure in its place. All the ad campaigns, slogans, and charity hotlines are reinforcing a broken industry that does not work for a large number of people.

As long as people refuse to acknowledge how awful the current mental health system is, we will still all be on this website and treated as taboo, much like the men who chose to flee the city in Farinheight 541 because they would have been persecuted for spreading knowledge and reading books that were not acceptable in their utopia.
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It is always darkest before the dawn
Mar 26, 2021
all you need to do is read my post now and I will wait for

you can call on my cell I have no issue with that

anonymity was a tool for people to speak and not be destoyed I

I was destroyed
I know many were including you possible

but it over

no more destoying every is thing fine


Oct 25, 2019
Why does she call him master?
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Nov 13, 2018
It was interesting to hear. At least one of my blood veins popped every time Jeremy spoke, he's so disgusting. I knew there was something wrong with him from day one he became a member here.
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Mar 18, 2021
It was interesting to hear. At least one of my blood veins popped every time Jeremy spoke, he's so disgusting. I knew there was something wrong with him from day one he became a member here.

More hatred.
Why exactly is he disgusting?

I felt very upset last night when I was accused of being Jeremy or taking his side simply for asking people to justify or expand on what they had said.
Is rationality and the use of logical thought really such a faux pas on this forum?

I have Asperger's, as some on here will know, and I apologise if I have missed out on some cultural norm on this forum, however from my perspective there seems to be an inconsistency.
On one hand we argue for the legalisation of assisted euthanasia on a rational basis (which I agree with btw), but on the other we seem to feed off of each other's negative energy and nugatory rants about people who oppose us.

On another thread I was accused of trolling when I asked somebody to explain what they meant, so this isn't the first time I have been left thinking "wtf just happened!".

Mocking people and baseless hatred is infantile, gets us nowhere and makes us look like angry, hateful children to anybody watching. I'm guessing a lot of you are much older than me (I'm 20).

That's all I have to say and I hope the issue stops here with this post.
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Oct 13, 2019
I was wondering about the Master thing too, thanks for the clarification.

I listened to the whole thing. Most of it was just about how suicide sucks for the family. The grief was palpable, and the blame went in a lot of directions, particularly aimed at the mental health services, but also an ex-gf abuser, and this site. I think Marquis handled it pretty well overall. I expected from the title of this thread that it would be a chat with fixthe26, but it wasn't. Everyone agreed that group was horrible (except Jeremy maybe, although why he was on this call at all I never worked out - they could have saved half of the nonsense in it by just cutting him without losing anything useful).

In terms of the site, they mostly agreed that the free speech pro-choice model was potentially positive in moderation. There was a little bit of chat about focusing as much on recovery as suicide but how to do that didn't really gain any traction. The only 2 legitimate criticisms of the site I heard were that members of the site were harassing her, and that when her son came to the site to vent, all he got was methods rather than people to talk it out with. And both of these are concerning.

The harassment I understand goes both ways, and we've seen suicides from people here directly related to harassment received from ft26, but nevertheless I can't think of any conceivable justification for much of what she's received. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I hope the SS community can improve on that front.

As for her son coming to the site to vent and receiving detailed methods immediately instead of discussion, I'd have to check out the thread itself (anyone got a link?), because ft26 have posted similar things that when I found them myself turned out to be misrepresentations. But she sounds genuine to me and if that was in fact the way it went down, it's troubling. But how to fix it is not easy without compromising the free speech, pro choice mantra. It's a subtle thing.

Anyway, I'm not sure much will come of that because I'm not sure much can be done about the few legitimate criticisms but it was an interesting chat in parts.
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Exhausted. RadHomo.
Feb 11, 2020
I want to share my opinion and start by saying I have so much respect and compassion for Catherine and the rest of Joe's family. I feel so sorry for their loss and pain and wish that things could've worked out differently. Perhaps it would have if we lived in a pro-choice society forced to listen to suicidal people instead of locking us up and wasting resources on 'raising awareness' from a pure prevention standpoint. It just doesn't work.

I'm sorry, but I also find the App another silly idea that's not going to solve much. Many of us have been through the system, tried meds, tried therapies and inpatient services, and still end up feeling like it wasn't beneficial at all — linking us up with this system isn't helpful for many. It's designed to "prevent death at all costs" and dictate to us instead of listening, personally advising us on recovery and healing routes and giving us agency at its forefront.

We want to engage in a mutually beneficial relationship that respects our freedom of speech and right to live (and, by extension, die).

My takeaway from all of this is that it's in everyone's interests, from the suicidal and our loved ones (if we have any) to Medicine and society as a whole, to campaign for pro-choice causes and active euthanasia laws.

It's like those parents whose children die of an accidental drug overdose, instead of joining the useless "war on drugs", campaign for their safe use and destigmatisation and legalisation. They're aware that there'll always be people who take drugs, and quite frankly, many substances (like MDMA) are much safer statistically than practices like horse riding. It's in their interest to campaign for these things to be practised safely and legally, therefore reducing the risks of harm as it'd be regulated to market standards.

Imagine if we could express our wanting death to a professional who then has to listen to us and try to figure out how to help us *personally*, with all services optional. They'd have to work hard and make routes of recovery personal instead of throwing meds our way and checking off a standardised list. Imagine at the moment we expressed our suicidal thoughts, we're told that there's a way out of this pain, we're told they hear us, and they start a process that gives us a few years to ensure we are entirely sure it's the right choice for us.

Imagine if we have the option to join a network of other suicidal people, digitally or some sort of sanctuary, to see if we can motivate each other to live or maybe extend our time here on Earth (as many here already do, but sadly we're forced to do so anonymously and in fear of (sometimes) well-meant but nasty attacks from pro-lifers.)

The reality is that most of us would prefer that this sort of community shouldn't need to exist in the deep corners of the web, where we're anonymous and there's the potential for some members to be lying and shady with ill-intensions. I share some of the pro-life concerns, especially regarding the partners' thread and that some people seek to watch members' death on a live stream. It makes me feel a bit sick.

I hope something constructive comes from all this, but sadly, I too have many doubts.
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Apr 30, 2019
As for her son coming to the site to vent and receiving detailed methods immediately instead of discussion, I'd have to check out the thread itself (anyone got a link?), because ft26 have posted similar things that when I found them myself turned out to be misrepresentations.

ill put my hands up and say we need to change when people come here like "I'm scared, I don't know what to do" and our members say death is the only way, but i've literally never seen that happen.

I think we should remind people they don't have to go through with it on Goodbye threads, but Joe never made one. He just came to the forum, says he "just wants to go to be honest" (i.e. "i don't want to talk about it") spammed questions about methods, wishes other dying people "peace" and "you can do it when time is right!", makes a topic about how amazing we all are then leaves for 2 days waiting for his package despite someone reminding him of the impact it would be on his family who he lived with.

honestly, respects but i don't even know what our forum should've done.
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