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Mar 18, 2021
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Mar 18, 2021
Very interesting discussion.


Nov 4, 2019
I don't think they'll listen.
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Mar 18, 2021
I don't think they'll listen.
I thought it was a VERY interesting discussion on both sides tbf.
I mean this with the greatest respect but I found Marquis' outburst at 32:15 rather unnecessary and slightly childish to be frank.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
I don't see a point to listening to this personally. One is aiming their grief at a website that isn't responsible because it's convenient target and the other one has an even less than stellar reputation, no good will come of it.
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Mar 18, 2021
I don't see a point to listening to this personally. One is aiming their grief at a website that isn't responsible because it's convenient target and the other one has an even less than stellar reputation, no good will come of it.
This is factually inaccurate.
Catherine says clearly towards the start that it isn't just this forum to blame, but also mental health services and the abusive relationship that he was in.

Who has the reputation? And why?
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
It's v interesting - I'm about 15mins in. Will listen to the rest tonight, thanks for posting
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I got half hour in and my internet cut off I can't seem to figure out how to skip forward to where I was don't fancy listening to the 30 minutes again . Bloody technology
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
Listened. Interesting talk although both sides had me cringing at several points. However, it could easily have been a lot more combative and everyone did well to hold back from that.

For me, listening to the talk, the strongest criticism against SS is that it allows desperate people to find information about largely unheard of lethal means to ctb and how to get them. Thereby potentially facilitating a suicide that might otherwise not have happened if the more scary gruesome means e.g. full suspension hanging, appear the only way of killing your self.

This info is relatively easily found elsewhere however

I'm not convinced that SS goads people into CTB, and they didn't really produce much evidence for this, despite saying they had lots. The support of people on the forum can sustain people in the hard times and provide friendship that otherwise isn't there.

my two cents
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Dec 20, 2019
It certainly went better than most of us expected or would have thought -- there wasn't much arguing. This community has ironically saved me from impulsively acting on my suicidal thoughts which is why I'm still around. If this site didn't exist, things very well would've been different for me (not in a good way). While I still feel similar to how I did when I first joined, I feel less alone and I'm able to talk about my thoughts without the censorship. Nobody asked to be here and not one person should tell anyone that they should or shouldn't die by suicide. That's for the individual to decide on their own and all I hope is that the decision is as rational as possible.

I will say this, I do feel for the mom and anyone who loses a relative, friend, or someone close to suicide. I support all of our choices but that doesn't make it any less upsetting. Pro-choice doesn't equate to cold-hearted and that's something that everyone outside of our community needs to realize. I don't at all support fixthe26 and most of what these parents stand for, but it was very upsetting to hear this mom cry. We don't have to stand with them and support them, nor do we need to like them, but the phone call is next level disturbing. They're still grieving parents. My condolences go out to each one of them though it's evident that they want blood. It's not her fault for handing her son the package -- and that's not coming from the pro-choice side of me. Coming from me, someone who doesn't talk to her parents, I would never want them to live with the guilt that they contributed to my suicide if they handed to me my package. None of us should assume that any of these parents were cruel to their children because......well we shouldn't. We don't know that and it's not fair to accuse them of that. It's like when they say that our community is full of predators and those who bask in the pain of others. It's simply not true and not fair.

Since Marquis mentioned that he was a member of the Sanctioned Suicide subreddit, I would only hope for less attacks to come out of this and onto him but that's extremely doubtful. He seems very nice, for one. Had they have found the subreddit before this site came about, he would've been considered to be part of the "vulnerable." Now that he's an Administrator they want the worst for him.

I'm also going to quickly add that it's rather nice that they, too, acknowledged that their tweets can get nasty.
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Mar 18, 2021
If I'm not wrong, Marquis said that fixthe26's app that they're working on is a good idea. I think Jeremy invited Marquis to work on it with them.
Very interesting, had to listen to it again.
Will be interesting to see if Marquis is willing to do that.


Mar 21, 2021
Be angry at the girlfriend not a website.


Aug 12, 2018
If I'm not wrong, Marquis said that fixthe26's app that they're working on is a good idea. I think Jeremy invited Marquis to work on it with them.
Very interesting, had to listen to it again.
Will be interesting to see if Marquis is willing to do that.

Just curious. Which app are they working on ?


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Sounded like the takeaway is that we can expect more recovery-focus and perhaps stricter moderation in the future. I can see the site losing freeze peach and becoming reddit within five years or so if it falls down the slippery slope, tbh.
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Mar 18, 2021
Sounded like the takeaway is that we can expect more recovery-focus and perhaps stricter moderation in the future. I can see the site losing freeze peach and becoming reddit within five years or so if it falls down the slippery slope, tbh.
I'm sorry but I don't get the reference to frozen fruit?
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
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Mar 18, 2021
I've had to do a bit of digging to understand some things people have said to me on here and on Twitter, but apparently Jeremy previously had an ambition to work on something positive with fixthe26 and this forum. The thread is in the spoiler below.

Going by what was said in the discussion they're working on an app and Marquis thinks the app is a good idea (42:00 mins into the discussion).
Jeremy has invited Marquis to work on it with them.

It will be VERY interesting to see how this unfolds.
Something positive, or will Marquis be the one to say "no"??
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Do you think this is all futile? We can talk all day about the struggles that suicide persons and their families go through, we could bicker all week about who's at fault, and we can develop apps or solutions for people struggling on both sides. Fixthe26 and SS may be listening and trying to collab together, but they both are not in charge of enacting positive change in the mental health community. Wouldn't even make a dent in the eyes of suicide researchers or even governmental politicians. You can go down the list of all the people that Fixthe26 have tried to get attention from to shut this place down, and no one batted an eye or gave them 5 minutes of their time. If they did, it would've been swept under with all the other issues that people face.

Sanctioned Suicide, Exit International, and Church of Euthanasia are all outliers in a world that believes that all lives matter, even if stricken with terminal illness or incapacitated in a vegetative state, it takes legal precedence to overturn a person's ability to make sound end-of-life decisions. These organizations provide an outlet for those who have been scorned and ostracized by society. All fighting for a humane way to end a person's life the same way we humanely put down sick animals, but also giving a voice to those who still want to live, and find better treatment options. I think accessibility and availability of treatment options plays a big factor in treating a person's mental health.

I think humanity is ingrained to never give up and we are considered "woke" if we are willing to give up for the greater good of things. Like mental health is in it's infancy stages, letting people legally kill themselves is a new novelty. Won't gain traction for a long time unless some environmental or war calamity befalls humanity to where they are forced to suicide so that others can survive.

Would take a special person to change the world, and then many more special people to change it even further. I won't be around to see it.

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Mar 18, 2021
Do you think this is all futile? We can talk all day about the struggles that suicide persons and their families go through, we could bicker all week about who's at fault, and we can develop apps or solutions for people struggling on both sides. Fixthe26 and SS may be listening and trying to collab together, but they both are not in charge of enacting positive change in the mental health community. Wouldn't even make a dent in the eyes of suicide researchers or even governmental politicians. You can go down the list of all the people that Fixthe26 have tried to get attention from to shut this place down, and no one batted an eye or gave them 5 minutes of their time. If they did, it would've been swept under with all the other issues that people face.

Sanctioned Suicide, Exit International, and Church of Euthanasia are all outliers in a world that believes that all lives matter, even if stricken with terminal illness or incapacitated in a vegetative state, it takes legal precedence to overturn a person's ability to make sound end-of-life decisions. These organizations provide an outlet for those who have been scorned and ostracized by society. All fighting for a humane way to end a person's life the same way we humanely put down sick animals, but also giving a voice to those who still want to live, and find better treatment options. I think accessibility and availability of treatment options plays a big factor in treating a person's mental health.

I think humanity is ingrained to never give up and we are considered "woke" if we are willing to give up for the greater good of things. Like mental health is in it's infancy stages, letting people legally kill themselves is a new novelty. Won't gain traction for a long time unless some environmental or war calamity befalls humanity to where they are forced to suicide so that others can survive.

Would take a special person to change the world, and then many more special people to change it even further. I won't be around to see it.

The world has changed so much just in my life time. The world wasn't changed by people who said "ahh fuck it! It's going to be too difficult".
In any case, their app/project doesn't need to change the world to be positive. If it positively impacts a few thousand/hundred/tens of people surely it will be worth it.

Just my two pence.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I'm going to develop an app called "Swindle", it's like Tinder, except you match with whatever therapist is in your area that matches your conditions or helps with your conditions. You swipe right and it'll set up an appointment and charge an upfront fee. You pay using your card and then realize later on you were swindled.
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Mar 18, 2021
I'm going to develop an app called "Swindle", it's like Tinder, except you match with whatever therapist is in your area that matches your conditions or helps with your conditions. You swipe right and it'll set up an appointment and charge an upfront fee. You pay using your card and then realize later on you were swindled.


Jul 7, 2019
That manipulative asshole jeremy was completely unnecessary for this conversation, we know the tactics that he's used in the past and how good he is at playing the victim. He just makes that grieving mother seem like a joke just by being on her side, even if they made some good points.

It's sad anyways, they say that mental health is complete shit worldwide, which I strongly agree with, but then they go on a tangent about how this forum should work the same way as an useless psychologist who ask you what's wrong without giving you any real solution.
If not even real mental health professionals can help in most cases, as they accepted themselves, what exactly are they expecting from suicidal people on a website?

Besides, the harassing, lack of professionals and other things that they complained about are literally problems in all of the internet, in fact, let me say it again, EVERY SINGLE PAGE HAS THE SAME ISSUES. I've also been called the absolute worst shit in the world for stating the most innocuous opinions, although never here. that's just people being people, it's shitty, but if you attack a website full of desperate, struggling and hurt people, then I honestly can't see how you didn't expect it. Specially after the cunts at fixthe26 started harassing us and ruined the entire conversation with their disgusting tactics, some people here have to hide on the private forum because they don't feel comfortable posting here, that's the way things are right now.

They don't care about freedom of speech, they just want to bury this knowledge and burn it off the internet. I'm truly sorry for that mother, but this is not a good fight, it's just censorship. At least she seems like a genuinely caring person who is trying to see our side, but she fell for the fixthe26 narrative.
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Mar 18, 2021
That manipulative asshole jeremy was completely unnecessary for this conversation, we know the tactics that he's used in the past and how good he is at playing the victim. He just makes that grieving mother seem like a joke just by being on her side, even if they made some good points.

It's sad anyways, they say that mental health is complete shit worldwide, which I strongly agree with, but then they go on a tangent about how this forum should work the same way as an useless psychologist who ask you what's wrong without giving you any real solution.
If not even real mental health professionals can help in most cases, as they accepted themselves, what exactly are they expecting from suicidal people on a website?

Besides, the harassing, lack of professionals and other things that they complained about are literally problems in all of the internet, in fact, let me say it again, EVERY SINGLE PAGE HAS THE SAME ISSUES. I've also been called the absolute worst shit in the world for stating the most innocuous opinions, that's just people being people, it's shitty, but if you attack a website full of desperate, struggling and hurt people, then I honestly can't see how you didn't expect it. Specially after the cunts at fixthe26 started harassing us and ruined the entire conversation with their disgusting tactics, some people here have to hide on the private forum because they don't feel comfortable posting here, that's the way things are right now.

They don't care about freedom of speech, they just want to bury this knowledge and burn it off the internet. I'm truly sorry for that mother, but this is not a good fight, it's just censorship. At least she seems like a genuinely caring person who is trying to see our side, but she fell for the fixthe26 narrative.

Could you tell me exactly how is Jeremy manipulative?
Are you just calling him that because he spoke to fixthe26, because that's all I can really find out.

I didn't hear the part when anyone suggested that this forum should work the same way as a psychologist.
Could you tell us at what point in the discussion that was said, so I can listen to it again please?

You seem to be incredibly angry but I'm not entirely sure why, as I agree with other members who have said that it was a better discussion than expected.


Jan 18, 2019
Don't mind me asking, and I have not listened to the podcast yet, but why is the podcast called incel? Does this site have something to do with incels ?


Exhausted. RadHomo.
Feb 11, 2020
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Jul 7, 2019
Could you tell me exactly how is Jeremy manipulative?
Are you just calling him that because he spoke to fixthe26, because that's all I can really find out.

I didn't hear the part when anyone suggested that this forum should work the same way as a psychologist.
Could you tell us at what point in the discussion that was said, so I can listen to it again please?

You seem to be incredibly angry but I'm not entirely sure why, as I agree with other members who have said that it was a better discussion than expected.
I'm not even angry, it's just sad that most people have such unrealistic expectations for this forum. This wasn't even a discussion, they talked, brought some moot points and more accusations were thrown at this forum.

Yes, Jeremy wasn't exactly the nicest person here even before the whole fixthe26 garbage interview.

I'm not sure why you're taking their side so much.
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