

I tried.
Apr 8, 2021
In the subreddit of my country we have a special day to rant in the comments. In short I said that my life sucks, that I had another failed suicide attempt and that I feel bad. I didn't even say that I was going to do it again or that I was going to hurt myself.

What happened? They removed the comment because "Your post was marked as suicidal or self-injurious."

I'm tired of suicidal people being treated like criminals.

I made a short post talking about it, but I couldn't post it because "YoU dOn'T hAvE eNoUgH kArMa"
  • Hugs
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Reactions: _Minsk, KuriGohan&Kamehameha, Anxieyote and 2 others


Jul 29, 2021
yeah i hate censorship on the internet whatever happened to free speech
wait for the decentralized internet to arrive

MaidSafeCoin serves as a token for Safecoin, a decentralized currency for a decentralized network.
a network made up of the extra hard disk space, processing power, and data connectivity of its users.
  • Fully encrypted data storage and file sharing
  • Ability to use the network anonymously
  • Censorship resistant communication
  • Serverless data
  • Scalable cryptocurrency free from transaction fees

  • " There are two main users of the network: clients and farmers.The client accesses the various features of the network, such as browsing, storing data, or transferring money. The farmers store and look after your data until it's needed, at which point they might receive a reward for their efforts.

    The SAFE network is an "encrypted layer that sits on top of the current internet, allowing for autonomous data storage and networking by replacing three" of the OSI networking layers.
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Reactions: _Minsk


Sep 10, 2018
Reddit is problematic in many ways.

I personally hate how I get downvoted for no reason if I ask something. And how some serious/sad/depressing posts get ignored in favor of happier/lighter posts. For example, if there was a subreddit for secrets, a post that says "I lost my virginity yesterday and it was the best thing ever! I'm so happy!" will get 200 upvotes and 5 medals and meanwhile something like "I lied in a job interview that I had a spouse and kids that needed feeding so I'd get accepted, while actually I'm friendless, infertile and have never dated anyone. I got the job but now I hate how I have to keep up lying so boss wouldn't kick me out for lying." will get 5 downvotes and no comments.

Also their sense of humor often sucks major time. You can make a post that is clearly a joke and get downvoted to hell and lots of angry replies calling you a jerk. Some other person makes the exact same joke a few months later, and the redditors join in expanding the joke and will give 3 awards and 100 upvotes.

And I hate how the redditors are like:

Redditor1: It looks like my cat.
Redditor2: It looks like your hat.
Redditor3: It looks like his bat.
Redditor4: It looks like her rat.
Redditor5: It looks like our fat.

You get the point.

But most of all I hate how I have no idea why some comments in some subreddits get 2000 upvotes and the same comment on another subreddit gets 50 downvotes. I never have any idea whether my post will get 1000 upvotes or 50 downvotes or 3 awards or 5 mean comments. I feel like I should have a crystal ball.
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Reactions: _Minsk and Anxieyote


Sobriety over everything else • 30 • Midwest
Mar 24, 2021
In the subreddit of my country we have a special day to rant in the comments. In short I said that my life sucks, that I had another failed suicide attempt and that I feel bad. I didn't even say that I was going to do it again or that I was going to hurt myself.

What happened? They removed the comment because "Your post was marked as suicidal or self-injurious."

I'm tired of suicidal people being treated like criminals.

I made a short post talking about it, but I couldn't post it because "YoU dOn'T hAvE eNoUgH kArMa"
I hate Reddit so much because I can see the insane potential it once had to have communities for literally everyone. In a perfect world, Reddit would do whatever it took to stop censorship; even if it meant taking donations from users or something.

But now, Reddit is a shell of its former self. I don't like to go there at all anymore, because I know how much people are tiptoeing when they speak about anything—I would know, I had to do it myself (and got banned from a lot of different communities for "wrongthink" or not following some bullshit rule invented by the mods).


𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
vast majority of redditors are teenagers (not sure if reddit allows teens, they might lie about their age but you can tell from the way they express themselves and their apparent single mindedness)

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