Generally anything that can be looped and tied. To make an example even a t shirt could work. Hope I don't get in your way, but if you are desperate you might consider to think things trough. This may not be the best choice at the moment. Eitherway I wish you peace.
I also think it is more than important to think it trough, i feel like u are rushed hence you're asking after everyday-household is important to really take the time to consider what you're doing. From my point of u yes there are legible reasons to ctb..but u need to really think about it. That decision can't be undone..
I don't really know much about this topic but I think that people have managed to ctb this way with things like bed sheets, scarves and dressing gown cords, I've never attempted this method personally as I would fear it failing but I admire those with the courage. I wish you the best with your plans.
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