
Mar 22, 2020
I didn't talk to her that much but recently, she had commented on my threads and seem to be doing well!
She was even happy that I was doing my best with recovery.

I'm really sad to hear she's gone but well, I bet she was a in lot of pain.

Anyway, she's finally at peace now.

Hugs and love to her.
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Jan 31, 2021
What a cruel irony that the very people, FixThe26, proclaiming to protect vulnerable people are the same people who indirectly drove someone to their death :'(. Nonetheless, it's admirable how much mahakaliSS_MahaDurga tried to make things better for herself in spite of hardships.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Mahakali was one of the first people that reached out to me when I first joined. A polarizing character in her beliefs but also steadfast and headstrong about them which I respect, we talked at lengths about our lives and she gave me the courage to find peace in real life and not end it with my wife, but find purpose within. Basically gave me the strength to gray-rock and maintain sanity in the face of adversity. I was going to kill myself a month after I joined, but our talks kept me around for much longer. I thought she was recovering and trying to move on with her job by getting a new one since it was crazy, but I saw that the system had failed her as well as her employment denying her leave. She gave it one more shot, her best, but the world decided against it and for that she's gone. Tired of putting up with a system that openly rejects and leaves you as a broken empty vessel. FukThe26 didn't really help in any way, she got doxxed and was routinely targeted by them. Slandered across the internet on Twitter by those morons.

Such is life, I hope she found her peace and that the world can no longer harm her. We'll meet again some day my friend!
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Jun 12, 2018
Rest in peace Mahakali88, you were a strong person. Life is cruel and you had many enemies but I hope you found peace. We had our disagreements but we also had many interesting conversations and I did appreciate your opinion about certain topics a lot. I'll hold your advice dearly, especially about the struggle that comes from BPD. I wish we could have talked more before you left. As someone who also suffers from BPD, I can only imagine what kind of pain you went through in your final moments. Your death saddens me but I hope to follow you very soon.
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The 21st century is when everything changes
Aug 8, 2020
Like everyone else, I was glad to see Mahakali was on the road to recovery and seeing she has now ctb is sad news :(

RIP Mahakali.
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
RIP. I didn't agree with most of her views and philosophies but that's no reason to act hostile towards someone. It's a very unfortunate event. I hope FT26 feels good right now for causing one of us to go over the edge. Instead of saving lives you prey on vulnerable people. bunch of fucking monsters
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Moon Flower

I'll soon be sleeping sound
Oct 14, 2019
RIP. Fuck the fixers
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Aug 17, 2020
Man, she sounded so hyped about her new stuff for the flat in the tramadol thread...

@mahakaliSS_MahaDurga I'm so sorry things got this bad for you but I hope you've found peace now :heart:
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Dec 30, 2019
The fact that they're doxxing suicidal people is so disturbing and sickening. They are truly horrible people.
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May 24, 2020
I'm Curious to know hers method. Any one know? Also so sry of hers passing


May 15, 2019
Maha is a great loss to this community. A caring person who always looked out for the underdog. A strong and opiniated person. I'm gutted I wont see you on here again antonia and i loved your sense of humour.
I think its only fair that there is a media story about how ft26 have harassed a member on here and heavily contributed to her ctb. It's only fair right? Very nice tribute marquis thank you.
Rip antonia no more pain i hope your surrounded by love and peace xxx
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Her obituary: https://www.palma-sb.com/osmrtnice/5334-sakic-antonija-1986-slavonski-brod

Her Suicide Letter: https://smallpdf.com/shared#st=4430...df&ct=1612603184766&tl=share-document&rf=link

I was close friends with @mahakaliSS_MahaDurga. She was wonderful to me and she was a great conversationalist.

Her death came as a complete surprise to me as she told me she was on the road to recovery, and that she was going to try to make the best out of her life. She had mounting issues in her life and the medical system failed her. Her primary care doctor refused to let her take sick leave despite COVID-19 spreading through out the school. Her supervisor, a principal, refused to let her work from home despite there not being a need for her to commute a hour to sit in an empty office. On top of all this, she had numerous medical problems and have experienced lots of trauma in her life. She suffered from BPD and she have attempted many times before.

One of the main catalysts that I believe pushed her to suicide is when FixThe26 decided to dox her on Twitter. That day, she panicked heavily and was angry. FixThe26's reckless actions only put more stress upon her. She doesn't see herself as a victim, and neither did I. She fought for what she believed in, and was always vocal and open when something didn't seem right. I only wish that I had more time to speak to her. There is another person (a banned user here) that I will not mention in this thread, that gave her information over to them and betrayed her trust. She's been wronged so many times in her life that she felt that the only way out was suicide.

I know that many people here didn't agree with her politics and neither did I, but I think we need to recognize that people of all ideologies, racial groups, and sexual orientations suffer. Even people that you may not agree with.

I just can't believe she's gone.
@mahakaliSS_MahaDurga definitely one of the people i deeply regret not trying to reach out to and get to chat and or know in PM. I'm a male but i thought she was a great and powerful woman. I'm devastated but the pain must be worse for those close to her like you @Marquis . It's so horrible the fixthe26 doxed her etc. Definitely i think the fixthe26 doxing her and slandering her all over twitter etc was the push that sent a suicidal person on the ledge @mahakaliSS_MahaDurga over the edge to kill herself. Her prescence here will definitely be missed by me and others tremendously. This is so so tragic that they did this to her.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
Learning about this yesterday made me feel incredibly sad. Rereading about it again today and the obituary has put me in tears. I was really excited to know her path to recovery seemed to have been going well, and I admired her determination for it. I know that the loss of a few other significant members had effected her deeply as well as the doxing that was happening to her. I am angry but also incredibly devastated. I can only hope she felt peace in her final moments and that her conscious was clear.

Such a tragedy that another beautiful soul is gone.
R.I.P. Mahakali88

GIF by DP Animation Maker
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Apr 16, 2020
Rest in peace Maha
I've never talked to you directly because you're so strong-willed that I felt too intimidated to say anything.. But I admire how you confronted your problems and were strong till the very end. Secretly, society scorns us and fixthe26 is a ruthless and heartless example of that. I may not have agreed with everything you said but the trauma and pain that moves someone to take this path is too much. I'm so sorry.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
I never knew that she got in trouble for no reason. I feel bad for her being in that undeserving state. @mahakaliSS_MahaDurga, RIP.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Did anyone get to see what was on her letter? I would very much like to see what she wrote.

Her boldness to share her viewpoints knowing how controversial they are was inspiring to me even if I didn't agree with some of them. I feel like the things I disagreed on were much more minor than others would have said. Again, I was mostly just impressed she even had the courage to say views like those. As I said in her last thread, I felt like her recovery was assured but it just goes to show that any amount of harassment on the internet can be enough to drive someone to this point. I wish I could have talked to her more, but I was honestly too intimidated to reach out because I knew she would have challenged me to be better and recover too. I wish I could have at least told her more about how happy I was that she was doing so though and how much I admired her.

I hope those people who argued with her on Twitter are happy because she was probably one of their strongest and most direct critics. Even besides that it's still such a shame we no longer have her around.

Also, I guess the only real upside is that at least now we have more proof that impulsive SN attempts can work. I wonder how much of the standard procedure she followed like did she fast or take an antiemetic? I guess there's likely no way we'll ever know.
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Jun 25, 2020
Did anyone get to see what was on her letter? I would very much like to see what she wrote.
I've it on my phone but I don't know how to share it.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I've it on my phone but I don't know how to share it.
I would take a picture of your phone with another phone. Then i would upload the pictures to this thread.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Mahakali was very sweet and so helpful, she truly fought her hardest to keep going, even when terrible things were happening to her. She really did seem like she was on the road to recovery. Rest in Peace.
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Apr 26, 2020
Maha is a great loss to this community. A caring person who always looked out for the underdog. A strong and opiniated person. I'm gutted I wont see you on here again antonia and i loved your sense of humour.
I think its only fair that there is a media story about how ft26 have harassed a member on here and heavily contributed to her ctb. It's only fair right? Very nice tribute marquis thank you.
Rip antonia no more pain i hope your surrounded by love and peace xxx
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Reactions: Symbiote, NeverSatisfied and Mm80


Jun 25, 2020
I would take a picture of your phone with another phone. Then i would upload the pictures to this thread.
I can take screenshot and upload it but its written in her native language and would be difficult to google translate. But I've found a way to get a link for the pdf and that way it would be easy to google translate. I hope I won't get in trouble for posting it though.

Here https://smallpdf-production-files.s...80850a0de98ae09df40fc32964ecc4eed5d9d4d418edc
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Nov 9, 2020
I can take screenshot and upload it but its written in her native language and would be difficult to google translate. But I've found a way to get a link for the pdf and that way it would be easy to google translate. I hope I won't get in trouble for posting it though.

Here https://smallpdf-production-files.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/c6b18e23f490d30dac83b20806d5454b.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIA3I33L6OR6Y5XWXNZ/20210207/eu-west-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210207T210910Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-Security-Token=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&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=attachment; filename="antonija_pismo.pdf"&response-content-type=application/pdf&X-Amz-Signature=5a27166e22077b90e7480850a0de98ae09df40fc32964ecc4eed5d9d4d418edc
Sadly, the link is not working. Any chance you could PM me at least screenshots? I'd do my best to translate it.
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Sep 21, 2020
Her letter is primarily about how much her medical doctors and work supervisors had abused her by not granting her permission to work from home. She was pushed over the edge by successive stressors that all happened in a short period of time one after another. The doxing was the tipping point though.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: NodusTollens, blue_muse, Life_and_Death and 8 others


Dec 29, 2020
Such a sweet person. This realm is truly unforgiving and unloving. But the suffering is over. May peace have found her.
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Apr 26, 2020
Such a sweet person. This realm is truly unforgiving and unloving. But the suffering is over. May peace have found her.
The realm, but not all the people though.
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