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Jun 29, 2021
Suicide is always framed as the epitome of selfishness for the impact it has on the living who knew the person but I'm wondering if that applies to people like me who are fuck ups? That it could be seen as selfless??

I think long term, my death will be more of a positive on family than if I were to stay alive.

Right now, I'm sorta estranged from my entire family mainly because I'm too emotional to interact with bc I'm crying all the time and all I want to do is commit suicide. I'm a huge emotional sinkhole in the moment especially since it's supposed to be a happy time bc of wedding planning for one of my sisters. I think this is the main reason why I've never been good at making and keeping friends. Who wants to be around this??

Once I'm dead in the ground (metaphorically bc I actually want to be cremated and dumped in the ocean lol), my family can just begin to move on and not worry about me or be upset at me anymore.

Anyone else feel the same way or is my suicidality just clouding my thinking?????
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Jul 26, 2021
That's really not how it works. They will probably be devastated. I read a book called "The forever decision" (available for free online, just search). Good book overall, and it talked about how suicidal people often think they are a burden. The effect on the family of a person killing themselves is never good and brings about grief, confusion, and even increases the chance another person in the family may kill themselves. It will put a cloud over everybody for a long time, maybe the rest of their life. If you want to hurt them, do this.
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Jun 29, 2021
That's really not how it works. They will probably be devastated. I read a book called "The forever decision" (available for free online, just search). Good book overall, and it talked about how suicidal people often think they are a burden. The effect on the family of a person killing themselves is never good and brings about grief, confusion, and even increases the chance another person in the family may kill themselves. It will put a cloud over everybody for a long time, maybe the rest of their life. If you want to hurt them, do this.
Okay good to know it's just my depression brain I guess.

I'm not looking to hurt anyone, just trying to shut off my brain and take the easy way out.
Grumpy Bear

Grumpy Bear

People are poison
Jul 21, 2021
I hope they don't find out when I CTB but if they do I want them to think "he can't hurt us anymore."
  • Aww..
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Jul 26, 2021
The truth is, depression distorts everything, and it looks like you know this. The final decision is up to you, but make sure it is the right one, and you make it in the right frame of mind. If you have been very emotional, then you know this is probably not the right time to make tough decisions. Wait till you are in a logical frame of mind, and if it is still the right decision, it will still be at that time.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
If you want to hurt them, do this.


If you have been very emotional, then you know this is probably not the right time to make tough decisions. Wait till you are in a logical frame of mind, and if it is still the right decision, it will still be at that time.

What about people who can't help but always be very emotional? When are they allowed to ctb?
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Jul 5, 2020
Sisyphus put it very well. Thinking that everyone will be happier with you gone is classic depression brain. Especially if your loved ones only recently became estranged from you and have previously had a decent to good relationship with you.

This is random but there's a musical where one of main characters is dead by suicide. He had a very tumultuous relationship with his family, and there are several songs about their confusion about their grief for him. At first, some of his family members were in denial (classic stage of grief) and thought, "I did my best but he didn't seem to care, so why should I?" and felt angry about the selfishness of his decision. But later in the show they start to face their conflicting feelings and accept that they truly miss him and feel immense guilt about the things they did and didn't do for him. He had a lot of problems but they loved him, and they're devastated that they can no longer apologize for not trying to understand him better. And this is knowing that he was a very aggressive, disagreeable person who resisted their many attempts at getting help.

I think it's a very accurate portrayal of suicide in a family with a less than stellar relationship. The point is that a suicide is completely life-changing and devastating if you have any sort of connection to the person who died, even if you only remember them as a "negative" person. It's true that they won't have to worry about what you will say or do anymore, but that's where the most of the grief will come from. They will never be able to ask you what they should've done. They can never say sorry for putting pressure on you or not being more patient and understanding.

As for your current situation, if they're frustrated about your behavior, maybe they are simply not aware of how deeply you're hurting? Have you disclosed your suicidality to them? It might help if they're aware that you're in a really tough spot right now, sometimes it doesn't hit people how much someone is hurting until they're told straight. It can also be selfishness and confusion on their part if they are choosing to focus on the happy events over giving you support.

But unfortunately, our loved ones aren't professonals and are usually not equipped to handle such heavy stuff. The first instinct some people tend to have is to distance and distract themselves. It's not so much a reflection of yourself but rather it shows their own inadequacy in handling these situations, and it's not going to be productive for you to take it personally at face value. Unless your family is abusive and/or crazy, they probably love you dearly underneath the fronts they put up. Losing you by suicide will hurt them until the day they die.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Losing you by suicide will hurt them until the day they die.
Is the suffering of the suicidal person less important than the suffering of their family members? Guilting someone whose suffering is unbearable into staying alive is pretty selfish. Also, there are suicidal people who are objectively an emotional &/or financial burden to their family. For example, it's better to grow up without a father who was a hopeless, unemployable alcoholic incapable of showing affection
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Jun 13, 2021
Is the suffering of the suicidal person less important than the suffering of their family members? Guilting someone whose suffering is unbearable into staying alive is pretty selfish. Also, there are suicidal people who are objectively an emotional &/or financial burden to their family. For example, it's better to grow up without a father who was a hopeless, unemployable alcoholic incapable of showing affection
True, the point made further by abuse from family. A lot of people are interested and caring when you're dead because they don't have to roll up their sleeves when the person is alive. The family is also perfectly capable of the choice to leave as the suicidal person, if they are miserable at eighty with weak veins claiming their life was ruined it is no one's fault but their own at that point.
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Jul 5, 2020
Is the suffering of the suicidal person less important than the suffering of their family members? Guilting someone whose suffering is unbearable into staying alive is pretty selfish. Also, there are suicidal people who are objectively an emotional &/or financial burden to their family. For example, it's far better to grow up without a father who was a hopeless, unemployable alcoholic.
That's each person's own call to make. What's the point in comparing struggles? Ctb is a personal choice and people are free to do it or not do it. People also have the right to feel frustrated, upset, sad, etc., since no one's actions exist in a vacuum.

It's not always so cut-and-dry as being a burden --> no one will care if you die. And just like how some people have completely shitty families, some people have complicated relationships with their families, or even good ones. So it might matter to them how their families will process everything. It might be a big consideration that someone makes before resolving themselves to their decision.

If OP has been abused then of course they should consider what good it does them to think about the impact of their decision on people who don't even care. If someone didn't treat you with any respect in life, it's unlikely they will change once you die.

But OP said their family is planning a wedding. That's stressful and people tend to behave their worst even when suicide is not involved. It's perfectly possible to internalize other people's negative behavior and project feelings of hopelessness/burden onto them even when there's little evidence that they actually feel that way. OP did mention a possibility of the suicidality clouding their thinking, that's why I brought up the possibility that their family might not be equipped or sensitive to their situation but would still feel very sad-- and far from relieved-- if they died.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
It's not always so cut-and-dry as being a burden --> no one will care if you die.

I agree. I'm just pointing out that there are many possible scenarios. I'm not interested only in OP's situation.

It's not always so cut-and-dry as "you are loved & never a burden" --> "if you ctb, you will destroy your saintly family members"
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Jul 27, 2021
I'm not looking to hurt anyone, just trying to shut off my brain and take the easy way out.
It's definitely not easy. I'd much rather live and not be in constant pain, but that's an impossibility. CTB is one of the most difficult things a person can do, as it goes against your SI which is the strongest of all.
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Jul 26, 2021
Yeah, unfortunately those closest to you will be hurt by suicide, at least if their decent people and not like abusive monsters. Like even if you could make logically sound argument that their lives are better off without you, like being financial burden, that alleviation is not going to outweigh the emotional pain of losing like a child or like a fixture in their life. I guess it's good in the sense of realizing that your depression is just clouding your mind and you do matter to people, that's a thought that I know can help several people but on the other hand, it does make committing suicide a bit harder to commit. In a circumstance where you have a good family, you basically have to just accept that your suicide is probably going to hurt them for the rest of their lives.

But I'm also posting here because I want to rally against the idea that that fact makes suicide an selfish act, because as stated in the OP, it's usually framed as the epitome of selfishness, and that's always irritated me. Because I'd argue that's is equally selfish to want to force someone to live through misery because you personally will be sad if they're gone. I'd actually argue that it's more selfish but it is at least equally selfish. Then I guess their counter would be the quantity of people affected but the argument of condoning people's suffering for the benefit of a larger group is sort of baffling to me because I feel most people would not make that argument under any other conditions.

Like let's say you lived in a toxic household, where there's some drunk alcoholic father that takes out his drunken rage on you, the mother takes his side, maybe out of fear of being on the receiving end herself, and the father only takes it out on you specifically because your sibling is seen as the golden child, and they themselves buy into that hype, and treat you like dirt as a result. Nobody is going to argue that you should you satay with your abusive family because if you leave, that's going to negatively impact them, like maybe the father takes it out the mother now, or something like that.

Maybe that hypothetical is bad because those are like objectively bad people but you can just think of having an awful job. Like a retail job, where you really like your co-workers in your department but the job itself is demanding way too much from you for way too little, maybe the only problem is really management is just too business driven, and they're not treating you with the proper respect. And this job is causing you like mental breakdowns, and really stressing you out. If you describe this scenario to somebody, there's an astronomically low chance that they'll tell you "Tough it out for your co-workers, if you leave it'll just make things worse for them".

Now I don't think all of them would just say quit but I think it's more likely that people would just say, well give your two weeks, try to find a new job, maybe even talk to the management. I think in this analogy talking to the management can be like the equivalent of going to therapy, right. Now for some people that can work, but it doesn't always pan out that way. If talking to the management doesn't work or actively makes the job worse, that person who suggested that is highly unlikely to tell you to remain at that job.

But I think the two weeks thing is the more apt comparison because there's definitely ways to commit suicide super selfish, right? Not that most people who commit suicide in those ways are motivated by harmful intentionality, it's usually just that for whatever reason their situation has became so unbearable they can't take it, but still whether they're not in the right state of mind to consider everything or maybe they just want to give one last middle finger to a world that's tormented them, there are definitely selfish ways to commit suicide. Like I guess running into traffic and forcing a random stranger the weight of your death, as an example.

This is getting super long-winded but I guess my point is the two weeks analogy is basically like advocating that if you're going to commit suicide, you should make an attempt at mitigating the pain. Like writing a suicide note, so you could attempt to give them closure, you could at least attempt to re-affirm it's not their fault or something like that. To me, if you know your family cares, and you care about them, a suicide note is typically a must, extreme circumstances notwithstanding. Like I don't think it's fair to call it selfish, if they one who despite having enough pain in their life to commit suicide, still had the compassion to write something in effort to ease the pain of others.

Sorry for the essay, it's just this selfish mindset thing really bothers me.
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