I am going to try to explain a silly idea that came to my mind, maybe a way to know if we are in a simulation or not is by observing what i call 'interaction of factors', i mean let's compare a story created by someone and this reality. In our reality at small levels there are interactions between neurons, cells, atoms. The interactions between two people can be influenced by factors such as their life experiences, their personalities, their situations, genes, memories. To say a few because the amount of factors at play is extremely large. In part i see this reality as a huge network of factors that are interacting with each other, from the smallest to the largest levels. In contrast, in a story those interactions do not truly exist, the story is a representation, a "simulation" created by the brain of someone who may have forgotten how certain factors interact or who does not know how certain things would truly interact because it's knowledge about all the factors in the game and how they interact is of course limited.
Now the question is, maybe the beings who created this simulation have missed to introduce some interactions to their code?