viewing pleasure? You mean like psychopaths? Sorry I'm not judging here, I'm only asking.
Another question if you don't mind, aside from learning purposes, why would one want to record their CBT for people interested in these things?
Why don't you call every soldier who's ever fought and killed for their country a psychopath? America and the UK are two of the most powerful Nations on the face of the planet, and yet they jump into the Middle East to make a profit. Do you know what happens when a bunch of kids surround Humvees or try to block it? They get mowed down as presumed suicide bombers or as traps.
Everyone has their role to play in life regardless of their mental wiring or their personal interests.
We are mere pawns for those in power.
For sociopaths it seems that life makes sense only when they take the wheel and put themselves in positions of power. That self-awareness becomes a crown on their head, and though I do not condone any sort of toxicity or abuse, such topics are always gray and never black and white.
I don't judge anyone based on their mental wiring or their past experiences. Why I would film myself CTB and share it would be for a myriad of different reasons.
That may be the only way a lot of you ever know who I am. And as personal as that may be to essentially dismantle myself live in front of an audience of total strangers, if it inspires one person to choose life because their situation isn't as bad as mine, then it's a well worth investment. And if it brings peace to one single person who decides to CTB by making them feel like they're not alone in this... Then that's just as important.
I am a highly sensitive person. There are some tiny things that upset me like the way people change their tone or their texting ever so slightly. And that's what makes me dangerous. Because as sensitive as I am... I can be completely oblivious to the sufferings or the discomfort of the people around me if I am not consciously considering them. I have single-handedly derailed my own life out of my arrogance and my unwillingness to face my emotions. I built a wall and when it came crashing down it hurt all the people that I loved, and now I have to face that fucking bitch - that fucking bastard - every single time I look in the mirror. And the worst part is,
There are things that I am legitimately innocent in.
But it's the word of a monster versus the word of a master manipulator. And in that regard for no longer having the evil in me to burn everything down at all costs to get my children home,
I have failed my children.
I am literally on my hands and my knees asking for the help from a God that although I believe in and have reason to believe without a doubt that he exists... In my arrogance and in my youth I have not only spit on him and his holy name, as well as his son and my Lord and Savior,
but I have denied him out of spite and out of senselessness.
The only one that can help me is someone that a lot of you don't believe in and frankly, I don't blame any of you for that. I had one "undeniable" spiritual event in my life that's really worthwhile that I can count as a testimony and I ran from it.
I basically saw something that people beg for for their entire lives, and flipped my Creator off and walked away out of fear of what that type of life might entail. And now I'm begging him, and I'm hoping that at least brings him some Glory that he might perform a miracle for me and for my family.
So whether you look at this with an open mind,
Or you see this as a delusion that helps me cope,
It's pretty clear I need a miracle or maybe even a few, and the variables exist.
But how do you gamble with your life without dozens of sleepless nights? I think we get to a point where we're all here, and that's why I want to film myself if I CTB.
To me this is the waiting room between growing as a person or choosing to quit.