
Nov 11, 2020
I am at 100% war with life. I don't want to be "happy". I hate life and wish I was never born. Life has wronged me, so being happy and wanting to live is giving up and letting life win, so no, life is not precious, it is a nightmare.
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Oct 13, 2020
The thing is.. life might well be precious to some people, but it's subjective. Life should absolutely be optional. I'm 44, I've given it a good go and if I want to opt out now I should be allowed.
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
May I ask how old are you? I wish your previous life was back!
I'm 33 and had no hope and even though I still feel old, things somehow are improving.
i am 65!! never thought id be that old. my wife is dead and life is pretty much shitty. you i think can make it. good luck!
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Mar 22, 2020
i am 65!! never thought id be that old. my wife is dead and life is pretty much shitty. you i think can make it. good luck!

Wow! I really admire you! I can't believe I managed to live for 33 years but I will probably have a similar feeling as years go by.
Why can't we just be at peace? I just wanna understand the true meaning of life and know all of the answer but I bet I'm just an irrelevant number in this system, no special at all lol.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Life = shit.
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Jun 1, 2020
Life is precious pisses me off big time. Life is what you make it pisses me off too. People who say that mean well but they can't see or understand our invisible illness. We bean dealt a shit hand and somehow get through each day. We're tough living with fucked up minds. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Yeah. If we take life = shit as true. You could say: My life is full of shit and My shit is full of life means the same thing
It's 2.30am my heads blown lol
Life is precious pisses me off big time. Life is what you make it pisses me off too. People who say that mean well but they can't see or understand our invisible illness. We bean dealt a shit hand and somehow get through each day. We're tough living with fucked up minds. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Exactly. How did I make my life shit? I was abused. My mother made it shit.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
The only thing precious about life is finding a peaceful way to die.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Im sure its not prescius at all for the 5 millions of people that Still die of hunger every year.

and dont even start to talk about the hundreds of millions that are slaves, suffering rape, forced work and diseases every day.

Of course that life is precious and God created beautiful red sunsets if you are an ingnorant selfish fuck
Yes, with the amount of suffering that goes on every day and every second, I can't consider it precious, I consider it hell.

I am at 100% war with life. I don't want to be "happy". I hate life and wish I was never born. Life has wronged me, so being happy and wanting to live is giving up and letting life win, so no, life is not precious, it is a nightmare.
I feel the same, though I know there's no way I could be happy in this world, everyday is a painful trek of trying to swim against the tide, eventually, you have to give up as you realize your efforts are pointless. Maybe as a young child still ignorant to how the world really works, but once you open your eyes to reality there's no going back.

I do think it's better to live in ignorance.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020

Take a shot whenever family/friends/your therapist(s)/the Internet mention(s):
-That life is precious/valuable/a gift/worth living etc.
-Anything along those lines

@WornOutLife If I had a therapist like yours I imagine myself blasted drunk at the end of the first session.
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Dec 1, 2020
life is very overrated
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Ask me it's 3:30am rn for me :D, but we can agree life is shit
Absolutely :)

Take a shot whenever family/friends/your therapist(s)/the Internet mention(s):
-That life is precious/valuable/a gift/worth living etc.
-Anything along those lines

@WornOutLife If I had a therapist like yours I imagine myself blasted drunk at the end of the first session.
My therapist told me to grow up and take responsibility for my mental health. I couldn't go back for any more talks. I'd of got arrested for death by beating I'm sure lol
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Dec 25, 2018
Life is not precious... I feel that I've been sentenced to a life sentence in the prison of life
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Jun 1, 2020
Another annoying phrase. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Yeah yeah yeah. Fuck off.
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Mar 22, 2020
Another annoying phrase. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Yeah yeah yeah. Fuck off.
Damn, I hate that phrase so much. Heard it more than once.
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Jun 1, 2020
Damn, I hate that phrase so much. Heard it more than once.
Yep. It does my head in. People really ain't got a clue. If we weren't in pain we wouldn't be contemplating ctb. We are in pain so are contemplating. The phrase is said like we can easily stop being suicidal. Like were just suicidal for the sake of it. We have deep rooted psychological pain ffs.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Life is not precious, whatever the meaning of precious is, there are many people who don't see it like that. How suffering is precious? How death is precious? They say that death is a part of life but if its precious then why people die inevitably and lose it?

Even if someone said their life is precious that's also not true. It could change at any moment into something else. And if its precious to them, they are also going to inevitably lose it at the end.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Life is precious pisses me off big time. Life is what you make it pisses me off too. People who say that mean well but they can't see or understand our invisible illness. We bean dealt a shit hand and somehow get through each day. We're tough living with fucked up minds. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
If life is what you make it then why don't these people give away all of their material possessions and go live in a third world country with chronic drought, famine, gunfire, and violence.
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
There are precious lives getting splattered against the wall daily. All of it for someone to grow their money pile by a centimeter. Superficial happiness, that makes people say something like "life is precious", while sipping iced tea on their veranda is also based on someone else's suffering in one way or another. Calling life a cutthroat rat race is flattering, frankly. Some rats, I suspect, are less miserable.
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Sep 12, 2020
Most of us have heard these 3 words or something similar which at first sight seem nice.

Then, you realize that "Life is NOT precious" for everyone living on this planet.

I remember the first person who told me this phrase was my dad (unfortunately lol) when I was in my teens and I had told him I hated life.

Then, some years later, one of my ex gfs knew I wanted to ctb and told me exactly the same.

Lastly, my ex therapist uttered these "lovely" words too last year. (That's when I said to myself: Ok, this is enough. I'm not seeing her again).

None of the times they said those "terms" to me worked. I will never find life precious.
Sure, I've decided to live for now but I will always be suicidal. How can life be precious when there's lots of suffering in this world? Even innocent children die and unless there's a hell, it would seem it doesn't matter if you're a serial killer or a responsible citizen; you will all probably end up in the same place.

Thus, I totally disagree with this quote. What about "Life can be precious for SOME people"? Sounds much better IMO.

What about you? Have you ever been told that life is precious? What was your experience like?
This has to be the most uttered phrase in the English language. I believe you are correct , and for some it absolute is precious, but not all of us are destined to have that epiphany or zest for life.

What really makes me angry is coming across all the anti SS forums / posts / loved ones of previous users etc. All of them start in on this ideation you're referencing, and how we are evil monsters, but I guarantee they aren't pro life when it comes to that innocent fetus who doesn't have a voice. They wouldn't have enough compassion to realize a cancer ridden patient is just pumping poisons into their body in the hopes that they MAY go into remission for a couple of years, just maybe!

They will push this phrase down our throats because it fits their agenda and they are selfish, one sided and hypocritical. Where was all that love, concern, positive intent and understanding when their love one decided to seek us out? They came to us because you weren't doing your part as a support system, but rather shoving bullshit quotes and bible verses into their faces. Sorry, I didn't mean to jump onto the soapbox there, but it really enrages me that these morons think they have any idea what we have overcome, who we really are, or even what so many of us have to suffer through. They wouldn't be willing to swap places with us for even a second, yet they have the authority to tell us how to live and who to be, not knowing in the slightest how strong we have had to be in order to make it this far!

Im sure you'll find no shortage of agreements here, because it simply boils down to the quality of life of each individual. Not everyone gets to live on the Good Ship Lollipop, and they are just to blind to see it. Throwing false "inspiration" at us means they tried, right?! They really cared and did all that they could! Ugh, please. No, everyday is not a gift, precious, nor a blessing to all. It's just a hard reality that majority are unwilling to accept.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
It's what a lot of people say after someone's died.
RIP life is precious don't take anyone or anything fir granted be kind etc etc blah blah blah snorrreeeeeeee zzzzz

that lasts for a couple of days then it's back to being cunts to each other.
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Mar 22, 2020
that lasts for a couple of days then it's back to being cunts to each other.

Damn, I've seen this happening so many times!
The dead one was always the "best person" in the world and nobody remembers what a sh*t that person maybe was lol.
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Sad Millennial
Mar 28, 2021
I hate this "saying". But I don't have it in me to argue when someone says it. I just nod and stay quiet. If someone thinks life is precious, great for them I guess. But it's not the case for me. It never has been and it never will be. Life is shit. I hate being alive. I hate the fact that I was born. I hate existing. I truly do hate it here. Nothing anyone says or does will change the fact that I hate it here. But still, I don't care to argue about it with anyone. This is pretty much my take on convincing anyone of anything ever, including the fact that life is precious" is a fucking lie
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Mar 22, 2020
Nothing anyone says or does will change the fact that I hate it here.

Same feeling here!
I tend to experience some short moments of happiness but still, I don't like this nonsense place in which I was forced to exist!

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