
Mar 22, 2020
Most of us have heard these 3 words or something similar which at first sight seem nice.

Then, you realize that "Life is NOT precious" for everyone living on this planet.

I remember the first person who told me this phrase was my dad (unfortunately lol) when I was in my teens and I had told him I hated life.

Then, some years later, one of my ex gfs knew I wanted to ctb and told me exactly the same.

Lastly, my ex therapist uttered these "lovely" words too last year. (That's when I said to myself: Ok, this is enough. I'm not seeing her again).

None of the times they said those "terms" to me worked. I will never find life precious.
Sure, I've decided to live for now but I will always be suicidal. How can life be precious when there's lots of suffering in this world? Even innocent children die and unless there's a hell, it would seem it doesn't matter if you're a serial killer or a responsible citizen; you will all probably end up in the same place.

Thus, I totally disagree with this quote. What about "Life can be precious for SOME people"? Sounds much better IMO.

What about you? Have you ever been told that life is precious? What was your experience like?
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May 27, 2020
Life is not precious at all. Any value that is given to human life is artificial, and it does not hold any weight. If our lives have any value then why are some people undervalued so much to the point that they are abused?

It is just another platitude that is repeated over, and over.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Anyone's perception of their own life can be turned into the opposite of precious within seconds.

I have never been told this, otherwise I'd be doing 25 to life.
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Mar 22, 2020
@Sprite_Geist and @GenesAndEnvironment:

You're both right, my friends. Life can really be hell!
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
Is life precious? The worth of life is given by other people. Your life has more worth when you got more people around you (that care about you).
I think life in itself is worthless.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
Life is only precious if you've lived in a privileged bubble your entire life or if you live in willful ignorance and denial because having to face reality isn't conductive to living another day.

I think parts of life can be precious but most of it is filled with suffering or neutrality unless you have some neurological condition that makes you happy all of the time.

I've never heard the exact phrase in real life but plenty of examples of people pointing out how great something is about life when it clearly isn't. It's like watching nature shows and people thinking lion cubs are cute but then the mother lion dismembers a gazelle for food and there's some nonsense comment about the circle of life that gets thrown about.
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Mar 22, 2020
Life is only precious if you've lived in a privileged bubble your entire life or if you live in willful ignorance and denial because having to face reality isn't conductive to living another day.

I think parts of life can be precious but most of it is filled with suffering or neutrality unless you have some neurological condition that makes you happy all of the time.

I've never heard the exact phrase in real life but plenty of examples of people pointing out how great something is about life when it clearly isn't. It's like watching nature shows and people thinking lion cubs are cute but then the mother lion dismembers a gazelle for food and there's some nonsense comment about the circle of life that gets thrown about.

I guess ignorance can really be a blessing.
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Jan 31, 2021
I don't think a therapist ever said this to me. I guess it might be because of the religious influence in Argentinia?

Life is not precious at all. We're born out of luck and when we die, we disappear from the world. Life is good for some, bad for others.
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Mar 22, 2020
Life is good for some, bad for others.
Nice and accurate words!

As for religion in Argentina, yes, it could be. Most people here will tell you they're Catholics or Christians but the truth is they're just pretending to be religious and are probably much "worse" persons than the non-believers.
My ex therapist never mentioned Jesus but I could quickly deduce she was a very basic person because she only asked me things such as "How was your day today? What will you do tomorrow? Just remove ctb from your head. Living is great". and so on.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Life is not precious, you're not special at all, you're one of billions of people who have lived on this Earth and whatever your accomplishments in your life mean absolute jack shit to anyone else in the past, present, or future. Seeking approval from others by drawing attention to yourself is a waste of time and a foolish endeavor. All those attention whores on TikTok and OnlyFans are screaming, "Look at me! I'm special! Give me my participation trophy!!" will only be relevant for 2 secs and then forgotten. Once people figure this out, the sense of entitlement and the whole life is precious bullshit mantra will cease...but I seriously doubt it.
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Mar 3, 2021
My case is even worse. My life was precious but I completely fucked it up.
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Mar 22, 2020
Life is not precious, you're not special at all, you're one of billions of people who have lived on this Earth and whatever your accomplishments in your life mean absolute jack shit to anyone else in the past, present, or future. Seeking approval from others by drawing attention to yourself is a waste of time and a foolish endeavor. All those attention whores on TikTok and OnlyFans are screaming, "Look at me! I'm special! Give me my participation trophy!!" will only be relevant for 2 secs and then forgotten. Once people figure this out, the sense of entitlement and the whole life is precious bullshit mantra will cease...but I seriously doubt it.

Ohh TikTok! That place full of narcissistic people who only want you to subscribe and get as many views as possible from you!
I can't stand it. I must be too old for that.

Btw, great point of view, we're not special.
Or maybe you, me and people like us kinda are? I mean, we can at least realize about how fucked up this world is!
Or as I said in another comment, is it better to be "super duper normal and ignorant" because ignorance is actually a bliss?

Food for thought!
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Ohh TikTok! That place full of narcissistic people who only want you to subscribe and get as many views as possible from you!
I can't stand it. I must be too old for that.

Btw, great point of view, we're not special.
Or maybe you, me and people like us kinda are? I mean, we can at least realize about how fucked up this world is!
Or as I said in another comment, is it better to be "super duper normal and ignorant" because ignorance is actually a bliss?

Food for thought!
I'm sure many people before us have thought of it this way. I'm sure the people who have fulfilled their sense of entitlement retreat back to their hovel and start thinking self-deprecating thoughts. Think of the world as an onion, you have 80% of the world on the outermost layer who believe life is precious, 19% who know that the outermost layer can be peeled off and thrown away because life isn't precious, you're just one of many. And then you got that 1% who wonders why the fuck is he holding an onion and throws it all away and washes his hands clean of it.
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Dec 11, 2018
Definitely been told that. It can be uttered only by people who don't understand our suffering.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Life has whatever meaning you attach to it. If you find it worthless, then it's worthless. No argument there from me.

I don't doubt that some people can find happiness, and meaning. And well-functioning people tend to revel in life. But if you're a fish out of water and have insurmountable problems, everything becomes difficult and/or unpleasant. I wouldn't say that's a person's default experience on this Earth necessarily, but there's no doubt some folks suffer immensely and should be able to opt out if they really want to.

Life itself is objectively pretty unique, if you think about it. Especially intelligent life. There's a lot of pain and struggle associated with it, but also some beauty, if you're lucky or can find a silver lining. That doesn't look to be on the cards for me though.
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Nov 25, 2019
Yeah I've been told this by friends.

I'm sure that some lives are precious, or beautiful, or a gift, and I'm happy for the people who get to live those lives, but some lives are not worth living.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
You be amazed how normal people change their tune when you say, "oh you think Hitler's life was precious too?"
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
You be amazed how normal people change their tune when you say, "oh you think Hitler's life was precious too?"
Depends who you ask :P
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
I do think life has some value in it... I just don't think it warrants violating someone's right to die. Existence is still meaningful to me or at least my loved ones' existence ya know? I mean if someone I knew died it'll still create an impact.. Other's being alive and making things that I hear, smell and taste kind of makes it relevant.. I guess it's easy to say if you're just a observer..

Man, I feel like a hypocrite cause I'm throwing my life away, but I can't help it.
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I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
No one, not even a single soul in this world, can ever know and verify that "life is precious". "Life" doesn't exist generally and if it does, one can not know the essence of it. One can only live their life and their life only. One can only experience their life and their life only. We always perceive the abstract and vague concept of "life" through our life. We all are stuck inside ourselves. We cannot see "life" outside of ourselves. So platitudes like this are not only extremely illogical, they are extremely uncompassionate and frustrating too. I'm sorry you had to listen to this 3 times already
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Mar 11, 2021
Im sure its not prescius at all for the 5 millions of people that Still die of hunger every year.

and dont even start to talk about the hundreds of millions that are slaves, suffering rape, forced work and diseases every day.

Of course that life is precious and God created beautiful red sunsets if you are an ingnorant selfish fuck
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Mar 17, 2020
¡Oh, TikTok! ¡Ese lugar lleno de gente narcisista que solo quiere que te suscribas y obtengas tantas vistas como sea posible de ti!
No puedo soportarlo. Debo ser demasiado mayor para eso.

Por cierto, gran punto de vista, no somos especiales.
¿O tal vez tú, yo y personas como nosotros lo somos? Quiero decir, ¡al menos podemos darnos cuenta de lo jodido que es este mundo!
O como dije en otro comentario, ¿es mejor ser "súper tonto, normal e ignorante" porque la ignorancia es en realidad una bendición?

¡Comida para el pensamiento!
Intelligence is a drag on living
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My time is coming.
May 17, 2019
People say that shit for the same reason they put up a lot of those lame ass motivational posters at shitty jobs. To lull the masses into complacency and obedience. Doesn't change the fact that shit sucks, period.
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Dec 4, 2020
Precious is a subjective impression. Of course life seems precious to the one who's happy. One will pull the argument that life is precious even if it's unbeareably difficult, but that's just him talking about something he doesn't know.

Suffering may also be a subjective impression, but one that shifts the moral imperative. Is prolonging the pain really the right thing to do?

If life is so precious then respect the pain that makes it unlivable.
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Aug 18, 2020
Even if life was precious the urge of suicide can be become stronger than the value of life. I've decided i don't want to throw my life away without trying. But i still can decide for suicide if everything fails. Do i think life has a certain value? Yes. But this value is not always enough for living the life. In some cases the negative is WAY more present. And for me this is a good justification to end it.
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Oct 13, 2020
Most of us have heard these 3 words or something similar which at first sight seem nice.

Then, you realize that "Life is NOT precious" for everyone living on this planet.

I remember the first person who told me this phrase was my dad (unfortunately lol) when I was in my teens and I had told him I hated life.

Then, some years later, one of my ex gfs knew I wanted to ctb and told me exactly the same.

Lastly, my ex therapist uttered these "lovely" words too last year. (That's when I said to myself: Ok, this is enough. I'm not seeing her again).

None of the times they said those "terms" to me worked. I will never find life precious.
Sure, I've decided to live for now but I will always be suicidal. How can life be precious when there's lots of suffering in this world? Even innocent children die and unless there's a hell, it would seem it doesn't matter if you're a serial killer or a responsible citizen; you will all probably end up in the same place.

Thus, I totally disagree with this quote. What about "Life can be precious for SOME people"? Sounds much better IMO.

What about you? Have you ever been told that life is precious? What was your experience like?
At the Aokigahara Forest they have written on a sign 'your life is a precious gift from your parents' like they think that's going to put you off ctb..... stupid since I feel like many suicidal people have a shit relationship with their parents and it's not going to alter their decision in the slightest.
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Mar 22, 2020
At the Aokigahara Forest they have written on a sign 'your life is a precious gift from your parents' like they think that's going to put you off ctb..... stupid since I feel like many suicidal people have a shit relationship with their parents and it's not going to alter their decision in the slightest.

So true! Parents are sometimes one of the reasons why their children want to ctb.
I don't exactly hate mine but I've cursed them more than once because they decided to have one more child (me). Wasn't my brother enough? lol
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
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Mar 22, 2020
i had the chance for a decent life,but its gone now.
May I ask how old are you? I wish your previous life was back!
I'm 33 and had no hope and even though I still feel old, things somehow are improving.


Feb 9, 2021
Life is a rarity among the universe. It can be said to be "precious" in that sense I suppose. The life of one of seven billion slightly different variations of the same ape however- the meaning attached to that depends on the person, I guess. I certainly wouldn't argue that it's so intrinsically valuable that it's worth subjecting living beings to unbearable amounts of suffering.
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