

Jul 29, 2021
I have thought about the purpose of life a lot and come to the conclusion that life has no specific or universal purpose. Any purpose that we may ascribe to life will always be superficial and based on belief rather than rationale. Eventually we are just going to die and nothing will matter in the end. I earlier thought that the purpose of life is to be happy but no matter how hard you try, you cannot always be happy. There are going to be struggles in life. You can do everything right and then a life changing incident can hit you out of nowhere: like the death of a loved one and it'll completely break you. You cannot in such a situation be happy. Also being happy for a prolonged period can also make you complacent. Pain and struggle in life is inevitable and to some extent even necessary for growth. Then I also thought that the purpose of life is to be a good person but the more I looked into it, the more I realised how subjective the idea of good/bad is. Every person may have their own individual purpose for life but those are just temporary goals they set for themselves. It is not ultimate or universal. Thus, life has no purpose.

The purpose of life for any given person will be wildly different, but that doesn't mean the purpose doesn't exist.
The purpose for some may be to make as much money as possible, constantly chasing an ever moving goal.
The purpose for others may be to raise a close and loving family.
Another may want to read as many books as they can.
Another may want to master rock climbing.
individual goals and not a universal purpose to life.
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Dec 14, 2021
Wish I could've found my purpose.
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Jul 29, 2021
Wish I could've found my purpose.
i had a purpose as a programmer until i got a brain injury 7 years ago loved programming i was getting good at it aswel
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Dec 14, 2021
i had a purpose as a programmer until i got a brain injury 7 years ago loved programming i was getting good at it aswel
Sorry to hear that, I'm brain injured as well.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
True but, do you want there to be a universal purpose that we all have to abide by? That sounds like a religion... Or, it makes us into machines that have to abide by a certain law.

What if you don't want to abide by it? What if life's purpose is simply to choose? Choose your own way in life. Fight for the right to choose. That's what a lot of fighting in this world comes down to ultimately. The rights we feel we should have to live as we want to and not be suppressed. That does seem worth fighting for.

I think people want there to be a purpose because it could justify or redeem their suffering. Otherwise, why are we putting up with it? But sadly- I agree with you. I'm not so sure there is a divine purpose that could justify our mortal suffering. I think- unfortunately we have just ended up like this in flawed bodies and minds and the intelligence to realise it. All we can do is either terminate ourselves and end our suffering or- try and deal with it as best we can. One way is to tell ourselves stories- including that we have purpose and value. It's up to you what story you choose to tell yourself but I doubt you will get confirmation from a God or outside source.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Existence is just an endless cycle of meaningless and unnecessary suffering that so tragically and harmfully continues to repeat, it really does feel so delusional to me when people act like there's a meaning to all this.

Existence is just worthless and futile, there is nothing to be gained by it. I only see it as rational to wish for nothingness as all that life does is create problems there was never a need for, it's tragic how existing beings have to suffer so senselessly in this torturous process of waiting around to die.
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Jul 18, 2023
Well there is a purpose. And we all are consciously or sub consciously working towards it. We are given millions of nerve cells and a pain center. Life is a constant endeavour of escaping the pain. It's the NEED , the purpose, the end all and be all. Rest all are superficial layers .
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Sep 30, 2023
Apart from survival, finding meaningful connections with others and seeking pleasure I don't think there is an ultimate purpose.
I think that's why religion was invented, to make us think there is an ultimate purpose by giving us hope that life isn't mostly pointless and meaningless suffering.
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Lonely in a room full of peopleā€¦
Nov 2, 2023
I wrote a post coming about coming to a similar conclusion, I would've tagged it on to here had I known this post existed - still finding my way around. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

It sounds like you went through a similar kind of existential crisis, trying to work out the point of it all, and thenā€¦ you realized. Mind if I ask how you felt? At the moment you came to the conclusion?

I'd like to try and break down even further what we mean by a 'purpose' or 'meaning' to live, and I will say I've developed some pretty nihilistic views. It's cool that I can discuss them here because I've never had the chance to voice them aloud (or through a screen lmao).

My conclusion, same as yours, that everything is meaningless led me down this train of thoughtā€¦ we are nothing but, plants. Think of a forest full of trees and bushes, all fighting to dig their roots the deepest, have their leaves catch the most sun, so that they can live longer, reproduce and make more plants. All of life is justā€¦ bundles of cells. Down at our kore (hehe) we are no different than a blade of grass. The same as a toad. Or a potato. All that we are is huge collections of cells, trying to reproduce and transfer information.

That led me to think that when it really comes down to it, our core universal purposeā€¦ is to have kids. To pass on our DNA, just as plants do, just as bacteria do (albeit in a different manner) just as all carbon based life that evolved on our lil ball of rock and dirt does. The idea that we are some kind of being fully apart from the rest of life on earth, that we alone contain some kind of soul because we're a bit smarter than the other bundles of cells and thankfully picked up a pair of thumbs along the evolutionary journeyā€¦ it suddenly sounds ridiculous. Which would, sadly, mean that souls aren't a thing, neither is an afterlife or any of the other fun stuff we think up.

I guess the purpose of our biological being is to pass on information, through our DNA, to our offspring. On this note, here's a lil mind blowing fact I read a while backā€¦ there was an experiment conducted on mice. I'll try search for the article later if I cbf.
A breeding pair of mice were exposed to a very specific scent moments before being induced with fear - I can't remember how exactly, maybe loud noises or, knowing our placidly violent race, with physical pain. Eventually, the mice would exhibit signs of fear when the scent was introduced, but without the actual source of that fear. So no noise or pain or whatever. The breeding pair bred, and when the offspring were introduced to that same scent, they exhibited signs of extreme fear. Never actually going through pain or whatever. Those offspring went on to have further offspring, who exhibited reduced signs of fear from the scent, but still there. The experiment proved that information, such as survival reactions to a specific scent, is literally passed down at the DNA level. I found thatā€¦ staggering šŸ˜²

Anyway. Discovering there is literally no meaning to anything, that we're all just floating particles on a ball of rock, that the timescale of the universe is so vast that what we consider stress/pain is literally, nothing at allā€¦ā€¦ Made me feel, kinda humbled. I don't know how to put it. Insignificant. But, as are our worries and stress. If there is literally no point to anything, that even if we do 'bad' things (this discovery also shatters the concepts of good and bad but that's a whole nutha conversation) thenā€¦ idk. I'm just rambling at this point.

I'm just kinda struggling with all concepts after what feels like the curtain being pulled from my eyes. Good and bad? Monogamy? Heck, 'love' itself? Everything is justā€¦ chemicals and reactions. Happening at the most stupidly tiny piece of time on the cosmic scale. There's about 7.8 billion humans alive right now. How many have ever lived? How many will ever be? And all of our race is but a hairwidth of the time that life has been on earth. And that is but a hairwidth of how long since the earth formed. And that is but a hairwidth of how long our tiny portion of our tiny galaxy has been aroundā€¦ā€¦. Starting to understand why so many physicists and scientists in general lose the plot lmao.

I only see it as rational to wish for nothingness as all that life does is create problems there was never a need for, it's tragic how existing beings have to suffer so senselessly in this torturous process of waiting around to die.

I wanted to respond to this. Based on what I've said above, I don't believe it's rational to only wish for nothingness. But I do believe that our biggest gift, and equally our biggest curse, is the evolution of a brain that allows us to reason and think, to ask 'why?', and more importantly, to see the world for what it truly is. Thanks to that ability, I do believe we have a fundamental right to choose nothingness, since we are able to circumvent the survival instinct that literally all life holds (minus dodos. Those guys literally wrote the book on ctb). But equally, if everything is pointless and nothing really matters and we're gonna die anyway whether it's by our own hand or notā€¦ idk, surely we should just do what pleases us. If you wanna play video games for 12 hours a day, fkin do it. If you wanna party and drink and fuck, go ahead. If what pleases you is doing something that makes others smile, then do that. Whether it's considered 'good' or 'bad' for you or your health based on our lil human belief systems, it doesn't really matter. If it pleases you in that moment of time?

The biggest problem with this newā€¦ mindset, is idk how to handle it. It can very quickly lead to some pretty destructive behavior. And yeah, the response to that is - so what? Everything's pointless anyway! But, if you're not wanting to ctb but equally don't want your existence suddenly limited to the inside of a cell - whether medical or institutional - ig you gotta choose your 'happiness' wisely? Eh, rambling again.

Could talk on for hours about this but I'll stop here for now. Ima grab a beer and play a game cause that's what I fkin wanna do rn.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
Wish I could've found my purpose.
I think my life would've been much different if I had followed what I felt my purpose. Those who hurt me most are the ones who swayed me from doing it.
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Mar 11, 2019
no one knows. but regardless its evolution

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