

Ima shake the champagne bottle...
Jun 23, 2020
Yesterday I dreamt about being in a shooting range with a sniper. I was doing like a target practice then I saw in a distance some blood and I freaked out that I might shot someone by accident I was panicking and shaking "it's not a blood it's not a blood... it wasn't me" I literally felt physically dizzy in the dream because I was so scared
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
recently, i had a dream where a woman was trying to "replace" my mother - making herself at home in our "house" (house is in quotes because the house in my dream was much nicer than our real house), throwing away what my mother made, things like that. i ended up physically fighting her, and i grabbed a fork and tried to stab her eye, but i couldn't do it. physically, i could, but mentally, i couldn't.
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Alien Observer
Jul 22, 2020
I always seem to have dreams related to school, or large groups of people in big, strange places.
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Nov 8, 2018
I woke up in a very GTA+DMC like world. First I tried to steal from a random store, but it turned out to be an empty room with a large clock in it. I peeked into the room several times to verify it's not a dream. Lol
My presence, however, set off some alarm. Next thing I know I'm running at mach speeds before a cop about a hundred meters climbs out of his car and waves at me to stop.
Fade to black.
I wake up.
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Apr 5, 2018
My last dream was mostly consisting of dialogue lines. It was a story about another person initiating a conversation with me. He offered some sort of help. It ended up with him taking advantage of me because I didn't asked him about his intentions. When I woke up I was having the moral of the story in mind, but forgot the dialogue lines.

Somehow i find it difficult to remember those, and when writing down my dream I usually try to start with whatever was said, and only them proceed with everything else.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I actually had a dream last night about this very site! I dreamt that the staff introduced a new role called 'Editor' which had a status that was less than a mod's and their main purpose was to be able to go into peoples' posts and thread titles to silently fix their grammar and spelling errors. I applied to be one and actually got the position along with some other random folks from around here. From what I remember, the role's color was a slightly lighter shade of purple than the current Staff/Moderator color.

After I woke up though, I kinda realized how weird of an idea this would be. How can it really not be abused in any way? Or what if someone's post does get corrected with no ill intent behind it but the person who posted still takes offense somehow? Yeah, probably a good thing we don't have this role...
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May 13, 2020
I don't dream often (or don't remember them) but last night I had one of the rare dreams that aren't night terrors.

It was still really weird though, most of it was working with a team of people I probably knew but didnt fully remember. I'm not sure what we were doing but it was at my old school, and one of them fell from one of those platforms people use for window cleaning and died. Then suddenly I was in my parents' kitchen trying to make caramel (no idea why) but I was missing an ingredient and I asked my stepdad to get it for me, but he ended up just yelling at me, so I made fudge instead. (pretty sure fudge requires more ingredients in real life, but I don't actually know how to make it)

My dreams are always weird, stitched together abominations like that, apparently that's pretty common in people with the type of brain damage I have. Also, people in my dreams never have faces. They're not blank or anything like that, I just never see them.
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Sep 5, 2020
Had a really messed up dream last night
I was a member of a cult, and the leaders had somehow brainwashed us into believing that we had to impale ourselves with sewing needles and leave them beneath the skin as like either a cleansing thing or a way to increase our spiritual status. Basically my mind was rewired to think it was a really good thing, maybe the best thing ever, so I and other members of the cult would begin to do it at all times kind of instinctively.

At some point a resistance started growing in the cult and the brainwashing weakened. I realized I was messing myself up by putting all of these needles in my skin but at this point there were hundreds. And so I flipped the behavior and started removing them, first consciously, then unconsciously, and it had that good feeling associated with it as when I had put them in. The people who I used to admire and be jealous of, those with many needles, began to look more and more like they were being marked for ownership by the cult, and by putting in the needles, they were doing it to themselves. It was pitiful and delusional and painful to see.

I kept thinking I got them all then finding clusters of two or three in random patches of skin. It's like cleaning up every single crumb on the floor when you have to pick them up one by one. Very frustrating, but once they were all gone I felt so much better. Towards the end the cult was out shopping in the public world and we started to vote for whether the needle pushing should be abolished. It was called proposition 170 or something. More and more people were voting to abolish.

The cult leader, who was normally beautiful, transformed into a pig demon lady and picked up a huge bag of salt to throw at us, because when I looked at my skin it was a lot more porous and damaged by the needles, almost hanging off of my arm. So the salt would have been very painful if it had made contact with these many small wounds. This was when I went semilucid because usually danger or threat of pain does that, so I teleported away and imagined a shield so she couldn't follow me.

People in the resistance on the other hand learned how to make fireballs using technology and not magic to fight back.

At some point someone made fun of my taste in music in case of an alien invasion from a list of songs I would listen to in such an invasion that I had apparently posted online. They called me a fucking child, I got upset, they apologized and tried to defend their character, and I replied by telling them they literally just did the thing they were claiming they don't do in their defense. Left bad feelings all around.

I know this a necropost but I just searched dreams in the bar because I wanted to put this down. I almost never catch a break from these kinds of dreams and it's just really exhausting.
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Awkward & weird
Jul 5, 2020
Most of my dreams relate to my late mother. This night I had a nightmare again about the scene when I found my mother dead lying on the floor. However it differs from what I experienced in reality. In these nightmares I approach my dead mother but instead of crying and resuscitating her I stand next to her body paralysed with shock. I want to rescue her but I can't even move my single muscle. I just stare blankly at her blue corpse for a while and then the dream ends. I started to be scared of sleeping because of these repeating nightmares.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Riding on the back of a untamed crocodile,
Then getting chased by it and climbing up a string in mid-air to get to the side of a random building so that it can't get me lol

also in the same night,
I was dreaming about liking a mixed race girl I never met before,
But seems like I really liked her in my dream and was chatting with her and being close and stuff.

Most of my dreams relate to my late mother. This night I had a nightmare again about the scene when I found my mother dead lying on the floor. However it differs from what I experienced in reality. In these nightmares I approach my dead mother but instead of crying and resuscitating her I stand next to her body paralysed with shock. I want to rescue her but I can't even move my single muscle. I just stare blankly at her blue corpse for a while and then the dream ends. I started to be scared of sleeping because of these repeating nightmares.
Sorry for your loss and for having to cope against the nightmares.
I'm deeply saddened,

im nobody but I think it's perhaps our subconscious mind feeling powerless,
and the grief is still hurting.

it's a lot to endure, I certainly understand how you feel.

If it bothers you, it might be good idea to speak to a therapist about this, just to get it off your chest or perhaps see how you can navigate the subconscious minds.

I'm not a fan of nightmares as well.
They tend to be re-living the same traumatic events on repeat for me as well when I occasionally get a nightmare.

I just wanna give you a big hug nonetheless :hug:
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Oct 15, 2020
I dream often and I often dream of foreign worlds. One of my last significant dreams was of a primordial Ireland. Dramatic rock formations, angry seas. Moss staining the cliffs. Giant, cavernous coves. Geometric causeways and crystals. I was exploring close to the ocean, watching my step on the rocks. It was very visual and very green, like emerald. I also dreamed of the map. I regularly dream of maps. It was just a huge landmass at the center of the yellowed paper, much bigger than actual Ireland. Nothing eventual really happened, but it lasted for what felt like an eternity. Just exploring, trying not to fall into the sea, trying not to slip on the rocks. I think I was trying to get to land to camp in a field.
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Nov 22, 2018
I or my Ex BF were being chased by a bunch of police cars. Apparently we must have done something bad, and I don't remember what, but we had to avoid the police. It was a weird dream as I have no idea what happened to the police Or any or that... next moment I was about 6 years younger, In a place I've not gone in 15yrs. I was hiding in the bathroom, because I had a few oc 40's and was trying to fix... my dreams can be so twisted.
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Feb 10, 2020
The last dream I remember vividly was back in May. I know I've had dreams since then, but I can't remember them. So the dream in May:

I dreamed that I was home alone and the doorbell rang. When I opened the door there were two policemen and Scott Walker (why, idk???). They said they had a warrant to search the house, but they wouldn't say what for. I was free to move around the house, so after they searched my room I went in there and found that my SN was gone. When I came out of my room they were in the kitchen and one of the policemen was holding my bottle of SN. He said, "It's technically illegal for you to have this and I know what you're going to use it for, but I'll give it back to you this time." Then he handed it to me and they left.
(Yes I know it's not illegal in the US to own SN. It was just part of the dream.)

I woke up shaking. My mind was still in the dream and it took me a minute to realize it wasn't real. But I checked my closet to make sure my SN was there anyway. Of course it was. It still gives me the creeps thinking about the dream.
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Sep 11, 2020
Few nights ago - Failing a job interview in a large horribly dark and oppressive office building somewhere.
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Nov 3, 2020
I was arrested for murder in my last recalled dream. My youngest daughter and I were murdering people and making them into dolls. When I was arrested I tried to pin the blame on my child, who was about 5 in the dream, by saying she wanted me to kill to make her human like dolls. As the copper lead me away he said I had murdered 5 people, the last of which was a copper....I thought to myself 'oh shit, this isn't going to end well' I then woke up.
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Aug 19, 2019
He was moving out of the house. I went down the stairs, saying 'hey I'm leaving soon, too. Goodbye' and gave him a hug. But I was dressed in so many layers and had thick gloves on, which I regretted.

There was one almost two years ago. He was burying me alive and shut the door my tomb saying 'I am going to the Abomination'. I screamed help so hard that in real life he thought I was dying. He came sprinting up the stairs, held me tight. I could not tell him the dream, not that it was him burying me for her, because I knew I would be punished if I mentioned her name.


Oct 31, 2020
I had a dream this very morning that I found a bottle of barbituates. Just the idea of having them made me feel happy...
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Sep 12, 2020
Last night I dreamed that I had a "mental breakdown" or something like that. I went batshit crazy, ran aimlessly through the town and was being chased by someone at that point. I ran into a dodgy pub and hid in their filthy bathroom. The toilets were completely soiled from top to bottom. I was found eventually, but I don't know what happened after that.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
You all have very serious dreams (which I sometimes do too) but I'm mostly just dreaming nonsense.
And most of my dreams aren't even from my perspective...
I dream in first person/third person but I am somebody else (probably because my life's too boring even for my brain).

Today I was some kind of guy living in a house built next to the sea with my family while also being a superhero having to fight mermaids to save my brother and on top of that being secretly in love with my stepsister. Just lol.
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Oct 12, 2020
I usually dream a lot and sometimes I remember the details of the dream. I have a word with 42 dreams written down for now, I started 15 months ago to write the dreams. Some were so vivid that I remember them perfectly.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
I don't usually dream. But a few days ago I had a dream that I was meeting up with my best friend in person for the first time after almost 3 years.
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Sep 12, 2020
I was "lying around" in a cargo room on a space station and I was weightless. I was badly injured, I felt as if I had been crushed, although the room was empty. I couldn't move. I cried out for someone to finally kill me, I wanted N.

I think I play too much Planet Zoo, because suddenly I was a grey seal, looking for a lonely spot in my enclosure to die. I couldn't find it because other animals kept coming by and sniffing me. It happened to me recently in the game that a seal got stuck in one spot and the stress level went up because it was being watched by visitors and couldn't retreat. So this bug made it into my dreams, lol.

Suddenly, I found myself on a dusty street in Mexico, shouting that I was looking for N to end myself. I even went to two policemen, told them that I wanted to die and asked them for assistance. They had said that they knew a hunter who could get me a gun. I was told to come along and followed them, but they led me to a dubious looking guy on a scooter. I realized right away that something was wrong and the cops were corrupt, but it was already too late. He grabbed my arm and held me. I don't remember how it happened, but in the end he ran away from me. I held something long in my hand and threatened him with it.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Riding an elevator that didn't have a floor, so I had to push my hands and legs against the walls not to fall. I kept going up and down and I was terified. I woke up shaking...
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Not the most recent one, but recurrent dreams of conflict between me and my (narcissistic) father. Since the pandemic started half a dozen such dreams have sprung up, each one more violent than the last. The very first time nDad called me an ingrate, only for me to sarcastically retort about how he'd been talking behind my back. As for how it started, I have not the slightest idea. The last one had me toss objects at him, enraged at how nonchalantly he remarked that it is only natural for me to be his caregiver, as if my life were dictated by the T&Cs of an invisible IOU. When I woke up, I was shocked at how real they were. Such vivid dreams are perhaps my preconceived notions of him, and manifestations of repressed anger at how I had been manipulated in the past. It is as though my subconscious is screaming at me to break free.
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