You know one thing I have been considering is a ardunio or similar ble interface to a pulse oximeter somthing like a BM1000 that could poll for data ever 30 seconds to record heart rate and SpO2 maybe a nodemcu with ble support that could host a captive portal for wifi login then it would push the readings to a site with a given username and allow people through the portal to document their ctb attempt with time stamps if they want this would not only give affirmative confirmation to the community on ctb but also provide real life data as to effectiveness of certain methods etc
What's your thoughts ? I was more so thinking of outsourcing it to a 3rd party developer in like India as I'm mostly a script kiddy who can just barely hack his way around code there is admittedly a morbid curiosity within me that also is rooted in scientific data
That surely is a great idea. An arduino board with most likely raspberry pi would make our lives easier. I haven't worked on physical medical devices. I can safely say there are multiple options available on amazon and ebay, for pulse and Spo2 arduino based sensors, That can connect with our board.
1. Their accuracy and calibration will require some extensive research. As margin of error should be very close to 0 in medical devices.
2. And for sensor results, we can simply install an SD Card slot on arduino. And put an 8 or 16 GB SD Card. That will server as our local storage. And it's management will be fairly easy, if we opt for a RaspBerry pi as mentioned earlier.
3. RaspBerry pi, already has a built in storage and wireless connection. either a WLAN or a GSM Modem is mostly installed. Eitherway, we could use RESTful APIs, in our Pi. And that would post data in a JSON format, or maybe a complete Database. Whatever you may wish to choose, using HTTPS protocols such as GET, PUT, DELETE etc.
4. Once Data is posted on our server. We need a front-end reporting system. Could be just a simple pdf too. Depends on whatever you prefer.
5. It would have been very effective, if we were a real team of Doctors & Engineers, working on a robust solution. But, using Arduino, R-Pies puts a target on our backs. Whatever address, server, ip or client is receiving data from the device. That is attatched to someone who made a suicide attempt or a successful one. We can be held responsible for aiding, not calling the authorities, even after knowing what was happening.
6. I ain't no lawyer. And the best guess is, we could get in trouble for pulling a stunt like that. Also there is no management body, that would distribute or sell such devices to someone commiting CBT, and is trustable.(Not a Cop or Fed).
7. And this will leave us vulnerable for multiple law suits, and in the whole world, except a few exceptions.
8. Meanwhile, a self destructive or single use device, could work and will be able to shield us from all such problems.
9. Tons of arenas to touch and fight in for this project. It's your idea, and you should make the choice about it's scope, application, life etc.
Sorry, been a rough and busy day. Gotta run for now. But you guys can dm me. if you need anything from me. I'll try my best to provide at the earliest. Meanwhile,
@brokenpromise Best of luck to your experiments.
@zel and me we are both confident we can work something good out of all of this. And trial and error, that's how we learn.
@brokenpromise The lab is your canvas, paint it white with Nitrite.
@zel DM me for further planning or anything, related to your idea. I am sure, I can get you a road map at the very least, if you decide to go forward with it. DM requesting, because certain elements of our conversation would be best, if kept private.
Talk later [whatever gender u prefer]