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Jan 23, 2023
Is there illegal content on 4chan and kiwi farms? I thought kiwi farms was taken down. I am too anxious to click on these sites.
Which is a little bit ironic because I am on this forum. But at least I benefit from that because I can use it as a valve.
Kiwi Farms' content is entirely legal. That what was so annoying for its detractors whom have been trying to deplatform them: they couldn't point to anything illegal, they had to rely of bullying service providers to deplatform and carrying out DDoS campaigns. It wasn't taken down because of content, but due to spiteful detractors, and cowardice on the part of internet services providers who collaborate with those detractors. Cloudflare, for one, outright lied about their reasons for deplatforming.

Judging from that Kiwi Farms thread, this site has experienced similar bullcrap. I did not know that, but that makes sense.

tantacrul notes & debunking
The section on Tantacrul is fantastic. What an self-righteous jerk that guy is. He really showed his true nature in how abusive he was with members here.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Kiwi farms..
Kiwi Farms!?

Kiwi fucking Farms is the last site on planet earth that has any ground to stand on when it comes to pointing the finger.
I'd be willing to bet that they have been responsible for plenty of suicides themselves.
(I think this may be an already documented fact.)
The whole point of that site is basically to make fun of people to the extent that the subject becomes an underground celebrity..where said celebrity reputation is built primarily upon humiliation.

In fact, during this whole Tanatcrul debacle, THAT was the site that came to my mind when thinking "Why is this place getting so much heat, when something like [blank] is still allowed to exist!?!?"

KF is one of the most vile, reprehensible, juvenile, trollish and eyebrow raising places on the internet.
Full of pathetic bullies that resemble some sort of heinous intersection between unnecessarily mean, edgy 12 year olds and your unfriendly, neighborhood busybody who loves to gossip.
I'm sure the random curious netizen makes their way onto that site every now and then without ill intentions, but from what I've seen there in my time..it's primarily full of rot.
Honestly, Kiwifarms is really good when it comes to research in general. Nice that both sides are being talked about there.
They are. But it's almost never a good thing there.

Are both sides being talked about?
I would rather not step foot in that place during my remaining time here.
Kiwi Farms' content is entirely legal. That what was so annoying for its detractors whom have been trying to deplatform them: they couldn't point to anything illegal, they had to rely of bullying service providers to deplatform and carrying out DDoS campaigns. It wasn't taken down because of content, but due to spiteful detractors, and cowardice on the part of internet services providers who collaborate with those detractors. Cloudflare, for one, outright lied about their reasons for deplatforming.

Judging from that Kiwi Farms thread, this site has experienced similar bullcrap. I did not know that, but that makes sense.

The section on Tantacrul is fantastic. What an self-righteous jerk that guy is. He really showed his true nature in how abusive he was with members here.
Comparing this place to KF..even in bull crap received..is downright insulting and blasphemous towards SaSu.
(This is coming from someone who is also fully aware of the controversial origins of this place.)
KF actually deserves that shit.
Legality is besides the point when it comes to their shenanigans.
Would not be surprised if some of their subjects have found their way here.

Last time I stumbled upon Kiwi hell was during that whole 'CWC/Janke' situation that ended up on YT and Reddit (and they kept referencing KF).
Someone my age really shouldn't even be privy to this childish garbage, but it's the internet and everything gets around..I regret ever looking further into whatever the hell that even was and learning anything about either of those people. Embarrassing.
Lost even more faith in humanity, from every single angle of that narrative.
Even that shit show had its seeds planted via extreme measures of bullying an easy target.
i browse a lot of KF at times.
My condolences.
While I don't agree with the misgendering, KF and SaSu aren't so different. They suffer from such a bad reputation but actually do a lot for the cause of free speech. If you're ever bored, browse the old KF Holly Dance thread, about the right to pull the plug on a brain-dead child whose mother was parading him around like some sort of decaying flesh puppet. The Farms were p much the only place offering a true, balanced viewpoint.

They do some good work too - shout out the Million Pity thread on paid monkey torture. They're actively taking down those responsible (obv don't read if you can't deal with animal abuse).

If their content is the result of fighting for the cause of free speech..then I am speechless.

And careful, they do much more harm than good and these sorts of compliments only encourage them.
I've not seen anyone on there with pure intentions, I have however seen a plethora of "we hurt you and humiliate you because we want to help you" snips of discourse and rhetoric.
You really have to be beyond naive and loose with the benefit of the doubt to believe that KF is here for the greater good.
Coming to this post i was thinking to myself, oh boy here we go again. I'm plesently surprised by this, they took a very honest approach to this website. Give them credit even though i despise them.
I'll have to take your word for it.
I don't want to revisit that place, maybe more people will post the appropriate commentary here (from there).

Not sure what good it will do since most of the people who need their minds changed about SaSu are not going to visit KF to read the thread or even know about its existence.
Me neither. To be frank, I couldn't give less of a shit about what happens to anyone on here (wirh the exception of maybe a handful). You are all strangers. Your suffering means norhing to me. If that makes me a terrible human being, so be it. But at least I don't go around and pretend otherwise in order to farm social status and use it to push some bullshit Pro-Mortalist ideology down the throats vulnerable people-- with immunity(!).
Just don't expect to get what you don't give.
Although it may happen anyway, some people on here are generous while seeming to pull such generosity out of thin air, considering how barren and miserable their existence may be.

I think even when it's difficult to empathize or give a damn, in a place like this, if we are going to engage, then we should at least try.

But sure, do any of us care as much as we should? Likely not.
(As you suggested, being fake about it is no better.)
We are probably too busy giving damns about our own living nightmares.
For many here, we are all our own selves have, so we don't have much left to give, when it all has to be turned inward in order to survive until the day we end things.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
Wow, Kelli and some of those other mothers posted a tweet with one of my posts on it, which was reposted on the Kiwifarms thread for SaSu on page 11, so weird to see. Sent the links to my best friend who found the whole situation from those parents to be bizzare.
Yeah, I've had posts or replies of mine show up in both places, and it does feel weird.
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Jan 17, 2023
They found a post of her saying she admires and envies "very young people", aka children, who commited suicide. Whatever you think of these kinds of posts, If this rhetoric is allowed to continue, there will be more and more voyeuristic articles and youtube videos in the near future framing this site as a 'death cult' until noone feels safe posting here any longer.

There is no way her posts would have ever reached that level in the first place if she got clear warnings from the mods for her escapades.
i'm 100% pro-suicide (pro choice sounds so pussy) but at 55 i believe i am making an informed choice but i think those 'youngsters' are jumping the gun prematurity.
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Jan 23, 2023
Yep, that's Kiwi Farms for you. That's what trans people have to deal with. If there's any content that's trans related, it's never wise to read internet comments. It's not just at Kiwi Farms, it's on YouTube and news articles too. Maybe that's part of the reason why there's so many of us here on SaSu.
Extra love for RaS :heart:
I echo fuzzy-clown's words as mine too, to RaS :heart:
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pleasant dreams for tired eyes
Mar 25, 2022

Tantacrul himself shows up to mount a defense of his video. He's learned nothing, obviously, and hilariously enough he even has the gall to say he's not making any judgement on whether people have the right to kill themselves or not. What an unpleasant character.

People in the thread do a good job of ripping apart his defenses.
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Reactions: kitty_kat, Winterreise, metalpi and 11 others


Oct 9, 2022
Good thing they called out FuneralCry, it was just annoying opening a thread and seeing this person commenting everytime, always saying the same shit. Almost makes me think it's an AI bot
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Globl mod | Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Good thing they called out FuneralCry, it was just annoying opening a thread and seeing this person commenting everytime, always saying the same shit. Almost makes me think it's an AI bot

If FC sys n.ethng tht brks th/ rules thn rport thm

Membrs r nt penalisd fr frequnt postng

Histrcl posts of thrs wll confrm tht thy r cerntly nt a 'bot'
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Jul 10, 2022
There's a certain founder, who posts a very good rebuttal in the kiwi thread, and weirdly, there's actually a very mature discussion going on. I don't really understand what tentafools game is, he's almost made himself the arbitrator of truth with his one man army coming onto this forum, then going onto Kiwi farms, what are you going to do go to 4chan next? I thought he would be a little bit more smarter than that going to these places since these groups of people are probably going to rip him apart.

If you read certain posts on Kiwi farms there's good points being made about why people go to websites like this because of the lack of help for mental health. One point, for example, mentioned from being in the healthcare profession, you are more likely to get help if you were a drunk pill popper because there's so much time and money to it, then if you had mental health. Suicide issues, attempted suicide are black marks on your record, so you're almost punished for feeling this way and talking about it.

The dude needs to move on in his one-man crusade to let everybody know about websites like this. He's used the death of a young man as some sort of clout, and the original intended purpose of the young guy, who had his own problems, has been forgotten in all of this, so you are what you hate. In a weird twist of events, he's given more attention to this website and people who are going through tough times have actually signed up or come to this website now because they see it as a place to be able to vent to be able to talk about their issues, where he probably thought it would go up in flames or a greater amount of people would be outraged that such a site exists.

How long until he makes another video talking about how he was bullied by the people on this website when he voluntarily went to these websites to try and continue to hold a moral high ground over everyone, will he be claiming 'HIS' mental health has suffered.

Go figure.
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On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
Just don't expect to get what you don't give.
Right. Quid pro quo. I've been here long enough to understand quite well how this game is played. I made a conscious choice not to participate in this pity-cult because I see no value in empathy that's not sincere and contains ulterior motives. The last glimmer of human warmth I have left in my heart is reseerved for people I actually care about; wether they 'return the favor' or not is irrelevant to me.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022

Tantacrul himself shows up to mount a defense of his video. He's learned nothing, obviously, and hilariously enough he even has the gall to say he's not making any judgement on whether people have the right to kill themselves or not. What an unpleasant character.

People in the thread do a good job of ripping apart his defenses.
Holy LOLcow, Batman! This makes me really want to go make an account there so as to be able to argue with Tantacrul!
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Globl mod | Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Holy LOLcow, Batman! This makes me really want to go make an account there so as to be able to argue with Tantacrul!

Go On Popcorn GIF

U cn try bt u r prbbly 2 brainwashd in dble-thnk 2 undrstnd tht u r 100% wrng abt evrythng u sy

H/ = alrdy deletng th/ YT cmmnts tht dsgree wth hm

"Over on the SS forum, they are discussing this KF thread in detail. Remember that a lot of people here are part of that double-think tribe. They're going to be here doing everything they can to say the opposite of what I'm saying. 'Misrepresentation!' 'Lies!' etc. They want to try and sway the more rational among you, who naturally want to consider everything before taking a 'side'.

Sure Jan GIF

In othrs wrds -

'slf d/ nt respct ur intellgnce enuf 2 undrstnd tht u wll mke ur own opinns basd on wht u C fr urslves & nd 2 prime u wth own narrtve 1st'

"The thing is, what I'm saying does not take a detective's brain to verify."

H/ hs bn corrctd multple tmes tht thre = n/ 'subscriptn servce' & tht h/ = refrrng 2 Ext wh/ r a cmpltly dffrnt orgnsatn wh/ actlly prbbly d/ nt lke SaSu v mch bt h/ kps beatng tht ded hrse wth a nembutl-covrd stick
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  • Aww..
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
U cn try bt u r prbbly 2 brainwashd in dble-thnk 2 undrstnd tht u r 100% wrng abt evrythng u sy

H/ = alrdy deletng th/ YT cmmnts tht dsgree wth hm

You're right, of course. Also, I have found that the KF members have picked him apart pretty freaking effectively. Well done!

Gotta say, I love [NOT] his framing of all of those here as "members of the double-think tribe" and then his appeal to "the more rational among you" not to be swayed. It's basic Marginalization 101. As one of the marginalized, he has dismissed upfront any value that I might bring. I don't have the skill to deal with this. Alas.

To any Kiwi Farms folks who might be reading this (and I know some of you are): I'd like to thank you for restoring my faith in humanity by demonstrating that there are some people out there with critical thinking skills and open-ish minds. After reading Tantacrul's sanitized comment section and Reddit, I was very much doubting that and starting to despair (as one does).
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Jun 12, 2018
I mean, he can't make up his mind. Are we all participants in an evil cult or are we just struggling individuals who are suicidal? You can't have it both ways. As I said in my response to his video, he insults and smears the same people he pretends to care about so much. He doesn't. He doesn't see us as individuals, he thinks we're all just part of a collective hivemind.
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Oct 9, 2022
...In a weird twist of events, he's given more attention to this website and people who are going through tough times have actually signed up or come to this website now because they see it as a place to be able to vent to be able to talk about their issues, where he probably thought it would go up in flames or a greater amount of people would be outraged that such a site exists...
The amount of people who have registered and posted since January 20th or thereabouts is impressive.

He has very little insight into the human experience (probably because he's a Muppet with his own hand up his own ass) and it shows.

what does this even mean? Lol

''Catherine Adenekan
Oh dear lionetta12 ,, we got the screenshot already, sadly you were abit late, maybe RainandSadness should be monitoring abit more carefully@Angela250791@SavilleMelanie
4:57 PM · Jan 4, 2023·384 Views''

She's going on and on about how a website has "taken their children." I wonder how much self-reflection she's done.

What was her role in her son's life and death? He knew her his entire Iife. She's been around longer than the website.

So maybe she should be subject to the same fate she wants SS to be subjected to.

Pointing fingers is exponentially easier than looking in the mirror, I suppose.
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Jul 6, 2022
Tantacrul himself shows up to mount a defense of his video. He's learned nothing, obviously, and hilariously enough he even has the gall to say he's not making any judgement on whether people have the right to kill themselves or not. What an unpleasant character.

People in the thread do a good job of ripping apart his defenses.

It seems that Tantacrul has decided to leave kiwifarms.
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Dec 1, 2022
What a complete shitshow this whole thing is. Popcorn from start to finish.
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the satanic mechanic
Jul 29, 2018
that thread is fire. a lot of us hiding there in plain sight giving voice to our most unorthodox thoughts 👻
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
It's kinda meta seeing a reply from one of Tantacrul's alts right there on one of the archived posts shared on KF. Or at least I have a recollection that "Sysiphos" was banned due to being a Tantacrul alt. I could be mistaken.

Am I the only one wondering whether he is still here?

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Jun 12, 2018
It's kinda meta seeing a reply from one of Tantacrul's alts right there on one of the archived posts shared on KF. Or at least I have a recollection that "Sysiphos" was banned due to being a Tantacrul alt. I could be mistaken.

Am I the only one wondering whether he is still here?

I just banned him again @DejectedRealtor. He slipped through in the wave of new registrations back in December. I also know he is undercover on Kiwifarms, trying to throw mud at us after his attempt to clear his name as Tantacrul didn't work. He is literally a troll at this point, his username on Kiwifarms is jque_cm. You'll find one post on us and it's just a collection of screenshots from the forum, trying to prove that we "encourage suicide".
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
I just banned him again @DejectedRealtor. He slipped through in the wave of new registrations back in December. I also know he is undercover on Kiwifarms, trying to throw mud at us after his attempt to clear his name as Tantacrul didn't work. He is literally a troll at this point, his username on Kiwifarms is jque_cm.
I was actually wondering about both of those. Thanks, Rain!
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meow meow
Jan 23, 2023
Since it seems he's intent on spying on us here:

Tantacrul, if you're reading this you sick fuck, let it be known that I found this lovely forum thanks to your bullshit video. Your arrogance makes me sick, go take your saviour complex somewhere else and leave us alone.
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Jul 3, 2022
Wow, a forum whose entire purpose is to stir shit is giving us their constructive criticism.
Definitely worth listening to them, after all, we're all forced to be here and the site is completely unusable as is /s
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Internet wizard
Jan 28, 2020
This whole thing is wild man lol

Kf, 4chan, normies. We are getting alot of attention lately

Very few will ever acknowledge the causes of why there are so many of us on here.

They just hate the fact that alot if us just don't want to play the game they are personally invested in anymore.

Only time will tell how this will play out
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Jun 12, 2018
I responded finally to some absurd allegations. Just in case anyone is curious if that's me - yes it is.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
I responded finally to some absurd allegations. Just in case anyone is curious if that's me - yes it is.
I take it "Suicide Discussion" is now public again?
That thread continues to be interesting. I see the Tantacrul alt came back to life again after being tagged. That one seems to drop more f-bombs than his other ones do.
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Feb 7, 2023
that thread is good besides the transphobia. the OP is mild but some of the comments are just said trans people do not deserve to live. what an odd place kiwifarms is lol
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Nov 10, 2023
Just read a lot of the thread, it is supper interesting and I like it a lot. Glad everyone else feels the same way too. And everyone getting sick of funerals shit was kind of funny.