

Aug 24, 2019
For those who have tried ketamine in a therapeutic setting especially if it was IV, I'd like to hear your experiences. Was it for your mental health or chronic pain? Did it help and if so how did it help you and for how long?

If you have done ketamine recreationally, feel free to chime in with your experiences as well in terms of it's effects on your mental/physical health.

Thanks for anyone who shares their experiences. It would really help me since I'll be getting ketamine treatments soon and I'm a bit nervous.


*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
I did esketamine for a while. It's super relaxing for the most part. How "positive" you are going into it helps. It's super tranquil. I guess like being drunk but your mind is still sharp; although your body is super heavy. It is a anesthetic after all. Idk if they'll give you a mask or not. They did where I was. I also used sunglasses too. Having a playlist or something to listen help. Have it prepared as you don't want to ruin and waste your session getting your stuff ready. If you have psych meds I'd take them a few hours beforehand. Don't take stimulants that day. Use the bathroom just before. Have liquids on hand for the rest of the day. Can cause nausea but I think most people are fine. Will be tired and might go to sleep early. I used to used those days of treatment as reflection because a lot of emotions can arise. The happiness will probably wear off but take advantage of it. Just try to relax while you're there as best you can, and make yourself comfortable. I did a lot of thinking but I've seen people go to sleep. Go to the bathroom before you go home too.
I did a lot of reading on people's experiences, watched Youtube vids, and read FB groups. The sessions vary. This one will be the most intense physically, and maybe mentally. You'll just be adjusting and taking in the fact that you're body is a bit in a frozen-like state and your mind is wired. Personally I felt a vibration and saw kaleidoscope movement when I closed my eyes. Almost like seeing the synapses firing. Best experience for the super depressed as it numbs and melts a lot of anxiety. Can put you in a heavenly trance if you let it by not thinking of negative things during. Sorry this isn't my best description or most eloquent portrayals. I wore sunglasses on the way home as well. Sometimes I also wore the eyemask too. Hth. Good luck. We're all really nervous leading up to it but you'll find there's no reason to be.
Hope you report back on how it went.
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Aug 24, 2019
I did esketamine for a while. It's super relaxing for the most part. How "positive" you are going into it helps. It's super tranquil. I guess like being drunk but your mind is still sharp; although your body is super heavy. It is a anesthetic after all. Idk if they'll give you a mask or not. They did where I was. I also used sunglasses too. Having a playlist or something to listen help. Have it prepared as you don't want to ruin and waste your session getting your stuff ready. If you have psych meds I'd take them a few hours beforehand. Don't take stimulants that day. Use the bathroom just before. Have liquids on hand for the rest of the day. Can cause nausea but I think most people are fine. Will be tired and might go to sleep early. I used to used those days of treatment as reflection because a lot of emotions can arise. The happiness will probably wear off but take advantage of it. Just try to relax while you're there as best you can, and make yourself comfortable. I did a lot of thinking but I've seen people go to sleep. Go to the bathroom before you go home too. Good luck.
thank you so much for sharing and for all the tips. making a playlist beforehand sounds like a great idea, i'll definitely do that!
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
thank you so much for sharing and for all the tips. making a playlist beforehand sounds like a great idea, i'll definitely do that!
Yeah I had a bunch of music on to play as I didn't know what I'd be in the mood for. Some will download or watch youtube vids of, damn can't think of the name, like guidance/visualization verbal cues and techniques. Even had playlists downloaded because sometimes you can't get a good signal in the building.
They usually try to make it all comfortable with a pillow and blanket, but you might bring your own in case they don't. Mine provided a neck pillow. Good thing as I couldn't hold my neck up all that well after it kicked in. Didn't feel like I needed my neck at all. Be weary of feelings like texting an ex might not be such a bad idea... This is your brain on drugs after all. Mints and gum were helpful. Some bring hard candy. I took my shoes off and just had clean socks because it's uncomfortable if they give you a recliner and you have heavy shoes. Wear comfortable clothing. Your hearing is more sensitive. If I didn't listen to music, I'd still often have my ear buds in to stifle the noise.
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May 6, 2024
back in 2017 i had it nasally first, then injected and finally IV infusion by my psych who was one of the pioneers of this treatment, never had it recreationally. For first timers, it can be a remarkable turn around in a short amount of time in terms of mental health/depression. People process the drug differently. Some people are intoxicated for a short while and good to go, others like myself would need an hour to recover well enough to make it home by myself. There will always be some for whom it doesn't work based on context/chemistry.

That said, it doesn't seem to work in the longterm. When I fell back into a depression it no longer worked and we tried higher doses. But I recommend it if you've never tried it with a doctor.
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Jul 21, 2024
For those who have tried ketamine in a therapeutic setting especially if it was IV, I'd like to hear your experiences. Was it for your mental health or chronic pain? Did it help and if so how did it help you and for how long?

If you have done ketamine recreationally, feel free to chime in with your experiences as well in terms of it's effects on your mental/physical health.

Thanks for anyone who shares their experiences. It would really help me since I'll be getting ketamine treatments soon and I'm a bit nervous.
I've been doing Spravato (esketamine) treatment for just over a year now. I started treatment because of my history of depression and anxiety, even with antidepressants, I have what is referred to as "treatment resistant depression". My therapist recommended a local psychiatrist that does the Spravato treatment, and I have a cousin who had done the IV treatment and he told me that it literally saved his life. Initially I started out with two treatments a week, then moved to one treatment a week, then one every other week and now I've been once a month treatments for a while.

I've written a couple of songs about it, trying to capture how I feel. I can honestly say that I haven't been depressed or anxious for a while, but I'm not necessarily happy either. And yes, I know, happiness doesn't just come to someone without cause or reason, but I find myself in this weird "in between" space. After a lifetime of depression and anxiety, it's like I don't know what to do with myself now that I'm not feeling either of those.

I'd love to hear from others who have gone through treatment and how they feel about it now. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them.

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