
Sep 13, 2024
My suicidal thoughts started after a very bad breakup (fiancé confessed cheating , called off wedding, broke up with me, called the police to kick me out of his flat where we were living - this is just a short sum up of the past year with him).

I had a very traumatic upbringing filled with domestic violence and abuse. Which made me strong and enthusiastic about life cause I left home at 17,got into a prestigious university abroad, got a nice job , made many friends… my life is not bad at all tbh.

But relationships made me realise how unsuitable I am for this world. I am so naive, I am extremely loyal, I believe in love, I believe in only one person for the rest of the life . I can't be attracted or interested in any other way to another human being while I am in a relationship. I get extremely hurt by every small act of disrespect from my partner.

Also I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't party. I don't do hook ups or even random dating. I don't like social media. I hate porn and anything related to selling your body.
I believe life of responsabilities >>>>> fun.

After reading all this you all might think "she might be some ugly antisocial girl", but I am actually very attractive and extroverted. But everyone considers me boring.
I feel so wrong but at the same time I can't force myself to be who I am not. It sucks because I wish I could be like everyone I know but whenever I tried I felt like I was betraying myself.

I don't want to live in this kind of world anymore 😞 I'm too tired of feeling wrong
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Reactions: doctordetritus, Sannti, LifeQuitter and 2 others


Mar 24, 2021
I didn't think you were ugly or antisocial at all. You've got the right idea. That's how life should be but people are too selfish and don't want to try. You're also not boring for being your own person. They're the boring ones. They need these things to have fun, and without them they can't have fun or even enjoy the basic things in life. You don't have to change anything about yourself and the way you decide to live your life. You sound like me when I was younger, before life got too real and my views changed. There are plenty of people like you out there, it's just hard to see beyond the typical assholes.
Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
But relationships made me realise how unsuitable I am for this world. I am so naive, I am extremely loyal, I believe in love, I believe in only one person for the rest of the life . I can't be attracted or interested in any other way to another human being while I am in a relationship. I get extremely hurt by every small act of disrespect from my partner.
Thing is that you can't own people, or people can't own you- if someone shows love towards someone, it doesn't mean they owe it back. They show it if they want to.


Sep 15, 2023
My suicidal thoughts started after a very bad breakup (fiancé confessed cheating , called off wedding, broke up with me, called the police to kick me out of his flat where we were living - this is just a short sum up of the past year with him).

I had a very traumatic upbringing filled with domestic violence and abuse. Which made me strong and enthusiastic about life cause I left home at 17,got into a prestigious university abroad, got a nice job , made many friends… my life is not bad at all tbh.

But relationships made me realise how unsuitable I am for this world. I am so naive, I am extremely loyal, I believe in love, I believe in only one person for the rest of the life . I can't be attracted or interested in any other way to another human being while I am in a relationship. I get extremely hurt by every small act of disrespect from my partner.

Also I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't party. I don't do hook ups or even random dating. I don't like social media. I hate porn and anything related to selling your body.
I believe life of responsabilities >>>>> fun.

After reading all this you all might think "she might be some ugly antisocial girl", but I am actually very attractive and extroverted. But everyone considers me boring.
I feel so wrong but at the same time I can't force myself to be who I am not. It sucks because I wish I could be like everyone I know but whenever I tried I felt like I was betraying myself.

I don't want to live in this kind of world anymore 😞 I'm too tired of feeling wrong
This ^^^
This is exactly me. Sorry I just saw so many similarities.

I have read your story and I deeply feel sorry for you, for I can relate to many and it is truly terrible. It's that "Only one person in the world I can love" kind of mindset that makes people like us different from the rest.

This might sound selfish, but you are the kind of people that I admire, someone whom would be a great friend.

I hope you find your path again. I wish you the best of luck. DM me if you ever want to talk about life
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Reactions: doctordetritus and saturn1402


Even the stars make room for new stars
Sep 3, 2024
I'm so sorry to hear that.. I also believe in true love but I have already found it and destroyed my chance.

You have not found that one person yet, but a bad person that treated you horribly. I am convinced you will find the one with the same values as you. And you have the right values.

When you do, hold on to them. Don't do what I did :aw:
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Reactions: saturn1402

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