
Feb 6, 2020
as well as @theboy
There is probably more, but this is what I thought of immediately. This got me out of depression without some shitty therapist because a lot of mental health services are a fucking joke. This is why I am becoming a psychiatrist so I can actually teach people to have happier lives rather than saying, "I understand," and asking robotic questions that make you feel pissed off.

Well they're right about this point if nothing else.

The rest seems like the same collection of modern nuStoicism I've heard and been advised to take elsewhere.


perseverance is inevitable success
Dec 8, 2022
I understand. That makes sense. But changing your lenses is arguably the hardest thing you could do in your life.

Do you have any resources that teach meditation? I found that after I tried to "speak" with God in some extreme moments of despair, I felt somewhat peaceful, maybe that counts as meditation.

I HAVE to spend countless hours on devices since I work on IT. Do you think that exercising counts as downtime? If there is one thing I'm disciplined about is lifting (hence my nickname).
I definitely agree that changing your lenses is very difficult, I totally agree. And the process is absolutely not going to be overnight. But it's going to be a process where you practice mindfulness and meditation and being in the moment in order to change that lens. For the moment, just understand that it is your lens that makes the world so negative. It is neutral at its foundation. Do not give up. It takes time to change and you will have crashes where you felt like you lost progress, but remember that progress is not linear. Real progress is going up and then crashing a bit and then building yourself back up. Have self-compassion and patience with yourself. :)

How do you learn meditation? Honestly, just sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breath, and then move to different parts of your body and focus on how they feel. During this meditation, especially if you are depressed, you may have some random thoughts, and during your meditation, you want to try and notice them without judgment and then return your focus back to the breath or the sensations in your body. What this does is it 1) trains you to be present (thinking is the cause of misery, legitimately) and 2) helps you to gain control over your thoughts in the sense that you can notice your thoughts and then accept them or reject them. When you are depressed, you have negative thought patterns that pop into your brain randomly. People who are depressed have no distance or control over their thoughts in the sense that if they get a negative thought from their negative thought PATTERN, they accept it to be true when there is the choice of focusing on the good (It's not easy, but that is the reality). Nobody is PERFECT, so do not scold yourself if you slip. Even I slip sometimes. But it's all about self-compassion and being patient with one's self. Another thing is that thinking is the cause of misery. Avoid thinking about the past or future. Living for us as humans is the state of being alert and aware without thinking at all. The past should be seen as lessons where you really use the past in order to use a lesson for the present/future. The future should be seen as something where you make a plan and do the action in the present. Whenever you look at the past or the future, think about how it connects to the present moment. If you think about that time you fucked up, focus your attention on how it connects to the present moment and what you can learn as a lesson for the present moment and possibly future moment. If you look at the future, think about how you can make a plan to do stuff in the present. Avoid reliving past experiences or worrying about the future.

Another thing is that part of the skill that meditation does is to be present in your daily life. This is probably the BIGGEST thing in my entire list even though I didn't list everything in a nice order. Anyway, you want to make it part of your lifestyle where you try to get your mind into the state of being alert and aware without thinking and just observing the things in your life. If you ever wonder why your time is running by, it's because you're thinking too much. By being in that present state, it's so rehabilitative. It makes me feel so good and peaceful and good. So it's not only meditation that can help you practice that state but it's just the state of trying to be alert and aware in your daily life while you're going to your car or while you're opening your door or making a meal or doing something. You cannot claim it and be like, "I am so present right now." Being present has no form. You just ARE present. It's like the cloudless sky... space... stillness. Get into this state as much as possible.

I have actually started spirituality, so that is absolutely a thing if you want to try and become religious or spiritual in some sort of way. There truly is something beyond our physical world. I just didn't mention it because I wanted to give more of a general answer for people and not force them into spirituality because I thought it was great. I wouldn't say it's necessarily meditation, but it most definitely is an act that is soothing, and you should definitely continue to do that more if it soothes you. Because it makes you feel better, it could be a form of relaxing that helps you to be more present and focused, so it could be seen as meditative. I think I'm more just playing around with labels, but either way, you should definitely keep doing that.

Exercising is most definitely downtime. Great idea! It gives lots of good endorphins! Super great idea! It's ok to spend hours on your computer as long as you are doing some form of exercise and taking breaks from your laptop. It's more concerning with social media and stuff.
you can quite literally go fuck yourself
so glad for you to not have experienced horrific abuse but don't act like it isn't bad or like its a fucking gift. Its not that I see a savior complex as a form of abuse, these people are abusers quite often. I would literally give anything to have not been abused from my birth to the age of 25, all those years straight full of abuse, no break from it. I did not need these "lessons" i would have functioned so much better without it.

edit: now that i am less angry, shouldn't have said the first part but I'm not gonna remove it and pretend I didn't say it. you're still saying pretty insensitive things though and it's not okay.
I never said that your abuse wasn't bad. It most definitely is an unpleasant experience, and I know your anger towards me is a reflection of you being hurt, and I understand that and my heart truly aches for you. I truly send love, even if you want to tell me, "Fuck you." I do understand the sadness in your soul.

I truly do want the best for you and know you can power through this. I just wanted to talk about how you could possibly try your best to allow yourself to heal while also trying to make progress. It won't be something that is easy, but you may find it to be a worthy journey.
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perseverance is inevitable success
Dec 8, 2022
I also recovered from suicidality on my own, though i still have other mental issues to work on. How did you do it? For me it was a (really) long list of books that convinced me to continue living.
I basically looked through a lot of summaries of books. The main idea is just being present, emotional distress techniques, mindfulness, the hierarchy of needs, etc. It's all just through either self discipline (for hierarchy of needs)/mindset change over time. I wrote it in another post. Just check.


Nov 29, 2022
I basically looked through a lot of summaries of books. The main idea is just being present, emotional distress techniques, mindfulness, the hierarchy of needs, etc. It's all just through either self discipline (for hierarchy of needs)/mindset change over time. I wrote it in another post. Just check.
thanks for the response, and I think its very noble of you to come on here to help others out.
I did read your post and I mean you no disrespect, but that kind of advice wont help most people on here until they can at least partially recover. Though I do think it is a nice summary of what a depressed person should be aiming for and that people looking to recover should keep their mind open.

To a severely rather than mildly depressed person, that sort of advice will read as incredibly patronizing, since youre so deep in the hole that you believe nothing will ever change (short of suicide). Lots of us are given very similar advice. For me, none of it worked until i got out of the hole. Getting over that hole will be a different process for everybody and i think some people never will.


Jan 27, 2021
This is just a drop of hope for people who do want to recover, even if the smallest bit inside them wants to. I thought there was no light in the tunnel, but I did find it. I firmly believe that if anyone who is reading this wants to recover that they can, however, I absolutely understand why people may not be able to bear the journey and eventually end up committing because it is not an easy one. I am not invalidating people's reasons to suicide... absolutely not. I mean, I was so close to killing myself twice. I understand how it felt to never see any hope. But I do believe that with an amount of time and determination that anyone COULD recover, and I do not say this in the sense that someone is "better" than someone else for being able to recover or that me recovering rather than committing suicide means I am "better" than you or other people. It's just... if someone is wanting to recover, I totally believe in them and believe they can do it! I believe that misery comes from the mind and your perception of the circumstances, not the circumstances. However, some people may really not find a single part of themselves that wants to recover. But please, do not take this in a bad way. I am literally on this website because I want to help people.
I agree with certain other commenters. It's a mistake to extrapolate from your own experience and just assume it applies to everyone. It definitely won't go down well here. I understand the impulse to want to reach out, help and give others hope…but we also need to have the humility to realise we may simply have been more fortunate than others. You are implying that you simply have to want it and that by extension anyone who remains ill has chosen that. I don't have an axe to grind, I'm doing much better myself too, I've just observed what works…and what doesn't, that's all.
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perseverance is inevitable success
Dec 8, 2022
thanks for the response, and I think its very noble of you to come on here to help others out.
I did read your post and I mean you no disrespect, but that kind of advice wont help most people on here until they can at least partially recover. Though I do think it is a nice summary of what a depressed person should be aiming for and that people looking to recover should keep their mind open.

To a severely rather than mildly depressed person, that sort of advice will read as incredibly patronizing, since youre so deep in the hole that you believe nothing will ever change (short of suicide). Lots of us are given very similar advice. For me, none of it worked until i got out of the hole. Getting over that hole will be a different process for everybody and i think some people never will.
I agree that it may be more difficult to absorb the information when you are deep in the hole and that someone needs to overcome that hole in their own way. But I do believe that part of overcoming that hole is doing actions that you force yourself to do that the smallest bit of you thinks could possibly do something even though a depressed person would be pessimistic.


Jan 27, 2021
I agree that it may be more difficult to absorb the information when you are deep in the hole and that someone needs to overcome that hole in their own way. But I do believe that part of overcoming that hole is doing actions that you force yourself to do that the smallest bit of you thinks could possibly do something even though a depressed person would be pessimistic.
With the greatest respect…'advice' like this is generic and omnipresent on the internet. 1) people don't take advice 2) offering to listen and simply be a witness to what they are going through is waaay more helpful and respectful. In the process of listening you can affirm that person is worthwhile and their feelings valid while they have an outlet, companionship in a dark and lonely place, and possibly a chance to figure out solutions for themselves.

Self help books and suchlike have their place but I doubt handing out cookie cutter 'solutions' is gonna help anyone and is probably a waste of your time and energy. But it's fine, you do you, I can be wrong, just my 2 cents from many years experience on mental health chats etc.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
In the process of listening you can affirm that person is worthwhile and their feelings valid while they have an outlet, companionship in a dark and lonely place, and possibly a chance to figure out solutions for themselves.
This is very true. For all its tragedy, this website is a goldmine for education on this topic. One of the first things we learn is that people seek understanding and validation of their frustrating situations even more than practical solutions.

I respect having a passion for helping others and striving to make a career out of it. I would gladly do the same were my circumstances not infuriatingly stubborn, rendering me proof that simple answers along the lines of positive thinking can be woefully insufficient.

If OP is open to listening, this could be a very fruitful conversation. A lesser therapist will belittle the patient for being pessimistic and unmotivated, as has partly happened here. This can be averted by learning to feel humility and compassion in the face of severe situations.
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Feb 6, 2020
Posts like OP's advice remind me that a lot of people earnestly seeking to help out the deeply depressed and suicidal are often far less aware of the self-help metagame than the people they are trying to help. That is to say, we have all heard this advice before, and we have all heard it framed in similar terms. The collective population of the board is just as familiar with the advice as the person trying to give it, but the giver behaves as if the advice is necessarily revolutionary and previously unheard of.

I found this place because suicide support on Reddit was saturated with the kind of advice OP provides, often written in the same style, often spiced up with "it gets better" or "permanent solution to a temporary problem" and other such entry-level platitudes that drive more people away from the advice - which, if I am forced to admit it, can be useful for some people some of the time - than draws them to it. I don't feel like people are bullshitting me here, but the advice sure feels like it.
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Jan 27, 2021
Posts like OP's advice remind me that a lot of people earnestly seeking to help out the deeply depressed and suicidal are often far less aware of the self-help metagame than the people they are trying to help. That is to say, we have all heard this advice before, and we have all heard it framed in similar terms. The collective population of the board is just as familiar with the advice as the person trying to give it, but the giver behaves as if the advice is necessarily revolutionary and previously unheard of.

I found this place because suicide support on Reddit was saturated with the kind of advice OP provides, often written in the same style, often spiced up with "it gets better" or "permanent solution to a temporary problem" and other such entry-level platitudes that drive more people away from the advice - which, if I am forced to admit it, can be useful for some people some of the time - than draws them to it. I don't feel like people are bullshitting me here, but the advice sure feels like it.
I love 'entry level platitudes' haha, I could not agree more, they have this air of having discovered something revolutionary. It does get really really old. Advice in and of itself is in my experience greatly overrated. Personally I am counter suggestive, so every time I hear 'go for a walk' or 'do voluntary work' just strengthens my resolve to do nothing of the kind…
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Aug 18, 2020
I appreciate when people here are trying to give others hope in order to keep living. That life can be worth the struggle. I think the recovery sub-forum is a good place to share notions which try to emphasize the positive sides of life. I tried to shared some of these stances myself.
There are some positive tips in this thread for sure.

However some strategies which are described in this thread have not worked for me. As I said I appreciate positive stances on life. Making people think outside of their usual box is a good thing,

Though the sentiment success in recovery is a matter of choice rather makes me really sad. I am now chronically suicidal for more than 10 years. I tried more than 25 different medication (maybe more), I tried 3 different psychotherapies, went two times to college and two times a training. I did put an insane effort in a lot of desperate attempts to get a stable income and a better life quality. By the way two therapists gave me up and considered me an hopeless case who will probably kill himself.

The cases of other people with mental illness that I could relate to the most were people who did not really want to commit suicide but they felt forced to do it. I don't think the lack of willpower or lack of motivation was a reason for their suicide. My personal impression was not these people did not try enough. I read stories from people who (as me) spent insane amount of time into healing. And finally they did not succeed.

I have the feeling the same will be at the end of my life. The notion that more willpower or motivation could have changed the outcome leaves me sad. It is of course true that fatalism is very bad when confronted with health issues. Due to the fact it can result in a self-fulfiling prophecy. So the intentions of this thread were good. But I don't want to blame me at the end of my life in case that I will commit suicide.
Still I think it is very positive trying to encourage people to try therapy, medication, different approaches to heal. For me suicide is rather the last resort.

I think there is a certain amount of arbitrariness in life. To a certain amount we can try to work in order to succeed but one has not the full control of it.
Recently I had some success in recovery. But I have to say there were some critical conjunctions which were decided by arbitrary factors. It was not my skill that finally was decisive. My motivation was still a factor though. I don't pretend this was no important variable. Though I could imagine with bad luck I could be soon forced to kill myself. There were some bad developments I could barely forsee. I ruminate a lot about it but finally I am not in control of that.

So I see the positive intention and potential helpfulness of this thread. But for me this sentiment of recovery as a matter of choice rather affects my mood in a negative way.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
This person is an impostor who has joined the group under false pretences to preach shit that can do lethal harm to the people who belong here. The person needs to be banned and the thread deleted.
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Apr 19, 2022
This person is an impostor who has joined the group under false pretences to preach shit that can do lethal harm to the people who belong here. The person needs to be banned and the thread deleted.
Yeah. I hate when people who are privilaged in life do it just to flaunt their egos. The ye old "I made $5,000 in 1 hour" energy.
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surving hour-by-hour
Mar 12, 2022
I have a question for you. This thread has gotten a lot of hate, so I want to be clear that this is a genuine question and I am asking it in good faith. Do you realize how fortunate you are?

Let me explain. I have been mentally ill my entire life. I have severe, chronic depression and anxiety. My depression is treatment-resistant, which definitionally means it does not get better. I have tried countless medications, ECT, TMS, and ketamine. I have been in therapy for more than half of my life and sincerely tried what my therapists have suggested. I have a shelf full of self-help books I've read. I've worked at things like attitude shifts and distress tolerance skills. I desperately want to recover and have shaped my entire life around pursuing recovery. And I am still severely depressed. There are lots of other people like me. People for whom there are only two options: accept that they will have to learn to live with depression for the rest of their life, or end their life.

I am one of these people. You are not. So, I'll ask again: do you realize how fortunate you are that recovery was even possible for you?
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I try to view people optimistically, but a few issues concern me here, and could serve as a lesson for others.

There's a very fine line between helping others with legitimate advice and placing oneself in a position of power to belittle the vulnerable.

An ungrounded, otherworldly self-image can be a sign of narcissism and/or a lack of shadow integration. Likewise a numb lack of response to valid criticisms. Also, an initially affectionate disposition that slowly gives way to a domineering attitude.

I have a sister who I believe to have NPD, who happens to be a social worker. It is important to realise that this field can attract healers and bullies alike, with a need to stay vigilant.
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Is it necessary?
Nov 27, 2022
I know your anger towards me is a reflection of you being hurt,
yes, being hurt by your actions and words. you're very condescending, dismissive, and insensitive. Please do not blame my trauma, as you have no right, you do not know what goes on in my brain nor do you know me on any level at all but this thread. Take accountability for your own actions as I do for my own. You also seem to have forgotten how you told me in the public chat that I didn't want to recover because I did not agree with your techniques which is pretty shitty to say to someone just because they don't agree with you. You know, I've been trying to recover for a very long time but of course you didn't know that and decided to make a wild assumption that felt like a punch in the gut when you said it. Even in your post you still assume that I am not except now you're trying to word it prettier.
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Feb 15, 2021
I want some of that substance OP is on. Powerful stuff, really. Besides that, the thread might illustrate the rarely acknowledged secret that few things are as good at revivifying the deeply depressed as indignant rage.
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Jun 9, 2021
I want some of that substance OP is on. Powerful stuff, really. Besides that, the thread might illustrate the rarely acknowledged secret that few things are as good at revivifying the deeply depressed as indignant rage.

Your reply made me actually laugh aloud because of how true it is

Op helped a lot of people become less depressed, at least temporarily, just not in the way she intended

Your comment reminded me about the power of rage, I'll try to use it more often
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Dec 19, 2021
I'm glad you have overcome your mental and emotional distress seemingly. I understand why all the things you've mentioned: mindfulness, meditation, positive perspective, finding purpose, etc. are answering fundamental life questions that allow you to not cave to negative pressure. That's great.

However, the problem is not what you're saying: it's how you're saying it. You're saying to a bunch of people who have fundamentally different lives/outlooks that all they have to do is what you did. While that may be true in some sense, healing takes time and you would probably contribute a lot more to collective healing if you listened and supported individuals rather than blasting your opinion to the largest audience of tired, cynical, suicidal people on the internet you can find.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
This is very true. For all its tragedy, this website is a goldmine for education on this topic. One of the first things we learn is that people seek understanding and validation of their frustrating situations even more than practical solutions.

I respect having a passion for helping others and striving to make a career out of it. I would gladly do the same were my circumstances not infuriatingly stubborn, rendering me proof that simple answers along the lines of positive thinking can be woefully insufficient.

If OP is open to listening, this could be a very fruitful conversation. A lesser therapist will belittle the patient for being pessimistic and unmotivated, as has partly happened here. This can be averted by learning to feel humility and compassion in the face of severe situations.
Thanks. Shit Life Syndrome says it all. Really interesting.
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pro choice
Nov 9, 2020
Whats your opinion on psychiatric "treatment" depression, psychiatry in general, do you have any experience whith it?


Jan 16, 2022
What changed in your environment at the time of recovery?


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Sme1 mght nd 2 hlp slf out & trnsl8 ths

I believe that misery comes from the mind and your perception of the circumstances, not the circumstances. .
Thnk tht wht = importnt 2 acknwldge hre = tht ur own misry came frm ur own mnd -- tht = nt th/ sme fr evry1 els

Deprssn fr sme ppl cld b surfce levl/ lernd helplnssnss / distortd thinkng -- fr thse ppl medtatn/medcatn/exercse/diet/ changng lfe stuatns & workng on thr persnl spport systm & thinkng pattns cn b gd fr thm

Fr othr ppl 'distortd thinkng' = eithr a natrl respnse 2 gnuinly diffclt circmstncs out of thr cntrl or = symtptm of unprocssd trma or nurodivrgncy whch cnnt alwys b fixd wth th/ abve copng mechnsms

= 1 thng 2 hve ur own expernce & 2 shre tht wth ppl wh/ mght rel8 & pass on wht u hve lernd wth thm in ordr 2 hlp thm - tht = knd & sme ppl mght benft frm tht

= anothr thng 2 projct ur own xpernce & survivrshp bias on2 othr ppl -- ths cn b v damgng & triggrng fr ppl wh/ alrdy hve hstry of abse & gs-lightng & slf estm isssus

Also thrpy cn wrk fr sme ppl -- agn nt evry1 bt certnly sme -- s/ = nt respnsble 2 sy wth an air of authrty tht therpsts r uselss in genrl

Your comment reminded me about the power of rage, I'll try to use it more often

Ths remnds slf of anothr rsource tht slf ws readng ydy abt othr causs of deprssn whch mainstrm psychlgcl treatmnts d/ nt acknwldge bt agn thru own xpernces hve fnd 2 b valid s/ = mght b usefl fr sme 'treatmnt rsistnt' ppl 2 hve a lk @ & C whthr = resn8tes wth thm -- agn fr sme = mght & fr othrs = mght nt -- ths persn hs YT channl & elabr8tes on evrythng in th/ scrnshts attchd b-lw -- thy r basd on th/ wrks of Petr Levne & Somatc Exprncng

Hre = also anothr artcle on Y standrd thrpy mght hlp sme ppl & nt othrs -- & agn = nothng 2 d/ wth distortd thinkng or forcng urslf 2 b postve

Am opn 2 answrng n.e qustns tht n.e1 hs on n.e of ths infrmatn if n.e1 wnts 2 try smethng new & C if it mght hlp thm


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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Sme1 mght nd 2 hlp slf out & trnsl8 ths7

Thnk tht wht = importnt 2 acknwldge hre = tht ur own misry came frm ur own mnd -- tht = nt th/o sme fr evry1 els

Deprssn fr sme ppl cld b surfce levl/ lernd helplnssnss / distortd thinkng -- fr thse ppl medtatn/medcatn/exercse/diet/ changng lfe stuatns & workng on thr persnl spport systm & thinkng pattns cn b gd fr thm

Fr othr ppl 'distortd thinkng' = eithr a natrl respnse 2 gnuinly diffclt circmstncs out of thr cntrl or = symtptm of unprocssd trma or nurodivrgncy whch cnnt alwys b fixd wth th/ abve copng mechnsms

= 1 thng 2 hve ur own expernce & 2 shre tht wth ppl wh/ mght rel8 & pass on wht u hve lernd wth thm in ordr 2 hlp thm - tht = knd & sme ppl mght benft frm tht

= anothr thng 2 projct ur own xpernce & survivrshp bias on2 othr ppl -- ths cn b v damgng & triggrng fr ppl wh/ alrdy hve hstry of abse & gs-lightng & slf estm isssus

Also thrpy cn wrk fr sme ppl -- agn nt evry1 bt certnly sme -- s/ = nt respnsble 2 sy wth an air of authrty tht therpsts r uselss in genrl

Ths remnds slf of anothr rsource tht slf ws readng ydy abt othr causs of deprssn whch mainstrm psychlgcl treatmnts d/ nt acknwldge bt agn thru own xpernces hve fnd 2 b valid s/ = mght b usefl fr sme 'treatmnt rsistnt' ppl 2 hve a lk @ & C whthr = resn8tes wth thm -- agn fr sme = mght & fr othrs = mght nt -- ths persn hs YT channl & elabr8tes on evrythng in th/ scrnshts attchd b-lw -- thy r basd on th/ wrks of Petr Levne & Somatc Exprncng

Hre = also anothr artcle on Y standrd thrpy mght hlp sme ppl & nt othrs -- & agn = nothng 2 d/ wth distortd thinkng or forcng urslf 2 b postve

Am opn 2 answrng n.e qustns tht n.e1 hs on n.e of ths infrmatn if n.e1 wnts 2 try smethng new & C if it mght hlp thm

[Dot's post]

Someone might need to help self out and translate this.

I believe that misery comes from the mind and your perception of the circumstances, not the circumstances.

Think that what is important to acknowledge here is that your own misery came from your own mind. That is not the same for everyone else.

Depression for some people could be surface level/ learned helplessness/ distorted thinking - for these people meditation/ medication/ exercise/ diet/ changing life situations and working on their personal support system and thinking patterns can be good for them.

For other people "distorted thinking" is either a natural response to genuinely difficult circumstances out of their control or is a symptom of unprocessed trauma or neurodivergency which cannot always be fixed with the above coping mechanisms.

It is one thing to have your experience and to share that with people who might relate and to pass on what you have learned to them in order to help them. That is kind and some people might benefit from that.

It is another thing to project your own experience and survivorship bias onto other people. This can be very damaging and triggering for people who already have a history of abuse and gaslighting and self-esteem issues.

Also therapy can work for some people - again not everyone but certainly some - so it is not responsible to say with an air of authority that therapists are useless in general.

Your comment reminded me about the power of rage, I'll try to use it more often.

This reminds self of another source that self was reading yesterday about other causes of depression which mainstream psychological treatments do not acknowledge but again through own experiences have found to be valid. So it might be useful for some "treatment resistant" people to have a look at it and see whether it resonates with them. Again - for some it might and for others it might not. This person has a YouTube channel and elaborates on everything in the screenshots attached below. They are based on the works of Peter Levine and Somatic Experiencing.

Here is another article on why standard therapy might help some people and not others. And again - nothing to do with distorted thinking or forcing yourself to be positive.

Am open to answering any questions which anyone has on any of this information if anyone wants to try something new and see if it might help them.

[I don't know how to insert Dot's two attachments here so you will have to refer to Dot's original post]
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Aug 27, 2023
I love 'entry level platitudes' haha, I could not agree more, they have this air of having discovered something revolutionary. It does get really really old. Advice in and of itself is in my experience greatly overrated. Personally I am counter suggestive, so every time I hear 'go for a walk' or 'do voluntary work' just strengthens my resolve to do nothing of the kind…
That advice, go for a walk, join a craft group, be grateful etc does my fuckin' nut in (I don't normally swear but this drives me to it).


Jul 3, 2019
This week:

I planted some salad leaves (as part of a gardening group)
I did the washing up for other people today

I have run out of drugs and am horrified by how my mental health and agitation is.

I get to choose between misery and madness.

Dear OP @etherealgoddess whatever

I sincerely hope that you find a better understanding of the reality of trauma and mental illness as you become a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are arrogant enough alreayd without throwing this bullshit at people. Good for you that you feel better, but if you think that is true for everyone. That everyone has an episode of depression and feels better, then just read the stories on this forum and think again.

Psychiatrists need to learn to listen better and to respect their patients. I do not see that in what you have written. You cannot assume that what works for you works for other people.

I also had a spritual bypass during my younger days. I thought people could come off their meds and dance around their gardens and that would be some cure for their suffering. Experience has now taught me that was both wishful thinking and utter bullshit.
Ε. Η. R.

Ε. Η. R.

Oct 5, 2023
It's good that you offer some kind of help to those who have not passed the point of no return.
It's good that you were able to find a way out of your suicidal situation.
But you can't say that everyone can overcome suicide without knowing their personal situation.
Someone was betrayed by their own "parents" and even by those who were dearest in the world. Some were tormented by the most dear ones. Someone's soul was mutilated by the most dear ones.

Someone lives with endogenous depression for decades.
And many other complex reasons.

I'm from the first point.
When your dreams, goals, your core were destroyed, defamed by those who was most dearest in this world - no lens method or meditation not will help.
It's my opinion.

There are too severe cases.


I like trinkets:)
May 10, 2023
I'm really happy for you!! and thank you for offering your help!! I really hope you're gonna be able to help someone!!!!

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