
Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
Apologies for the rambling nature. Also, I know this is arguable if it should be on this side instead of the other subforum. I beg you this privilege of perhaps stretching the rules here; I'm feeling rather committed on this side, so would prefer to see this as the start of my third-and-successful suicide attempt, rather than a recovery story. Still a bit off from the failed attempt; regretting not having completed it and having prematurely disposed of the good stuff. If it reads like a bad soap opera, well, I agree. Sadly, it's nonetheless true. I just want to be able to write the end of my life in a literary style in a place that might be able to grok fully.

I should begin by saying it was, after all, originally my idea. I knew before I went back that this was the direction this would probably go. C'est la vie; c'est le mort. And I was the one who raped my wife by sodomy without consent and thus merited death by my own, her, and especially her new (became wife subsequent to my act and our initial breakup) wife's opinion. My wife's opinion on the matter being of course the most important, but she was rather supportive of my choice of corrective action.

Sadly, I felt in a hurry to do it before either of us changed our mind, and so used the same method I'd first tried long ago, which then I'd chosen for plausible deniability (which worked back then) if failed (and, obviously). I chickened out quite quickly and decided I wanted to live. This time I admitted it to the medicos from the start (that it was a failed/aborted attempt), because it seemed rather foolish not to.

So, I went through a brief hospital stay and my first psych trip. The hospital was surprisingly nice; I was really feeling optimistic about a new life in there. Psych sucked. I'd wanted to talk to someone individually about what happened. Zero of that; just an offer of drugs, which I didn't want without talking first. That was a test of my recovery in will I barely made it through. In hindsight I regret passing up the meds so vociferously though.

My wife had actually contacted my family and been playing good wife. Which both offended me but also was sweet. But what bothered me most was she didn't directly contact me, so I figured she was mad at me for not finishing, which I figured she had a right to be under the circumstances.

But when I got out, she had sent a kind but somewhat strange message:

"I do still love you. If you do see this though- I'm just sorry I can't speak to you again"

and later

"I'm sorry I'm not trying to bother you either. I just don't know how much longer I've have [sic] to communicate with you at all, regardless of how minimal it is because, in this instance, its me that's the coward".

I never really got clear explanations, to my view, of why she thought I wouldn't want to speak to her again, or why she thought she was being a coward about something, although one time later I did try asking to revisit it and she said we'd already discussed it and basically she was too frustrated to point to the section of the texts where she felt we had (I don't think it was explained but I have partial guesses of what she was referring to).

We ended up talking again, and some of it was quite positive: she was actually consistently encouraging of me continuing to live and having survived the attempt. I was surprised because I certainly felt she had the right to be mad at me for building up this whole thing for nothing / being a coward, yet again, on something critical I promised. So when she was a bit extra demeaning than usual in other ways, I figured I'd earned it honestly through my many failings.

But I hadn't actually seen her in person since I'd made the failed attempt.

Then, at the climactic dinner, also where she was meeting my father in person for the first time, where I was going to try to finally insist upon some boundaries in my relationship with her, because I felt the degradation was getting to be too much (which in hindsight I wish I'd just shut up and kept taking my medicine instead of stepping out of line by having told what had happened) and having at long last finally seen her in person, which I believe was for both of us was a moment of genuine relief during a difficult period...it turned out she was having a mental health episode. I hadn't been interacting with her much that day, because it was when I was telling everyone what had happened and trying to decide what I was going to say, my response to her demand that I promise to obey her new wife in every way, to which I'd already agreed, because of course I had, but had hoped to .... I don't even know at this point. It seemed to make sense to me at the time, how I was going to try to ask her from my side to agree to be husband and wife again in some mutual way instead of this dictating terms to me she had gotten into. "I still have two rings; if you accept, we can each wear one".

Never got a chance. Because she showed up to the dinner out of her mind. The theme of the dinner was "the Earth is dying. The Moon is leaving the Earth". Later had my suspicion confirmed the break was acid-related. I certainly have my blame for helping kick off her downward spiral as our relationship failed. And perhaps for not having tried to get her back on meds sooner. But she had been good without meds throughout our marriage. I mean, I don't know anymore. In hindsight, having some sort of meds she wanted probably might have helped. But given her past history with them, she didn't want any of it, and I didn't want to try to sway her one way or another, but just support her doing whatever she thought right (although apparently she told her mother I was trying to get her off them, which was disappointing to me; perhaps I was too encouraging when she was considering going off them, but from what I saw, she was sleeping like 18 hours a day at times and that was the biggest change; having done a psych stay and spoken to her mother now, I understand better how arguably foolish and reckless going that long without meds was and I wish I'd encouraged her to adjust her meds with some type of doctors involved).

Anyhow, the next day she ended up going to the ER to get herself into psych. I was glad she was getting help. She'd said to me that she was intending to have her final psych stay to get her meds right soon; this was just a few weeks earlier than she'd planned I suppose. I think she'll kick ass and figure out whatever combo she wants.

I had been hoping to be able to visit her in psych. It seemed to me like that was what destiny intended, me having just gone through it and her having sort of referenced that she was going to follow me. I took it more literally and figured I'd be able to visit her in the place I was, but her wife informed me that she doesn't want to see or hear from me, so I was mistaken or delusional on that, as all my advisors had told me.

Now, my wife's wife has ordered me to drink poison. Unfortunately, I already threw away the SN I'd ordered at her suggestion. I wish she'd just said that first instead of last, because it would have saved us all a few weeks.

Now I have to go home and play nice on my farewell tour and then order another batch and do it right this time.

Anyhow, thanks for listening. I'm feeling rather stupid, yet again, for having tossed the package instead of just storing it so I could have the option if I wanted it. I'd just gotten foolishly hopeful between the positive hospital stay and the encouraging words from my wife when I got out.

Right now I'm just in a temporary limbo until I've secured a new package and so forth. I definitely feel like I shouldn't have backed out of the prior attempt. I'd sent her messages basically begging to back out, and she just didn't respond. She called eventually, after about an hour. I don't remember most of the call. Even at the time, the log showed 8 minutes but it felt more like maybe 2; I knew I hadn't remembered most of it. The first part she asked how I was doing, and I said not good but that I was okay and would be alright I thought (turned out I'd keep intermittently puking for 12+ hours until I eventually called 911). I think she asked me a couple times if there was anything she could do for me and I said no. And the end is what haunts me. Because as best I recall she said something like, paraphrased as best I can, "I hope what you're going through is over soon; I'm going to let you go now".

And I felt like I should have died. Because that was the only way it would be over soon. And I didn't want her to let me go.

It's why I was so surprised that she said afterwards she was glad I survived and was as positive as she was towards me, because I had taken the text message silence after I changed my mind and begged to live, combined with my recollection of that call, as indicating that she would have preferred if I had done what I said I was going to do, but just was going to wait and see rather than saying yea or nay. So I'd really wanted to be able to discuss with her exactly what she thought.

But I don't have that right. And all three of us have agreed, at least at one point, on this matter. Two of the three of us still agree, for sure, and I can't be sure whether my wife currently or in the future would prefer that I live or die, although her most recent words were quite positive.

I think the biggest issue here is me having outed her involvement to my family. I thought it was necessary because I wanted to be able to make it clear what had happened and why: not to cast blame but just because I was worried about her deflections or misrepresentations I felt I'd gotten when I'd tried to address it. If she'd been willing to say, "yeah, I wanted you dead, but now I think that was a bit much", I'd have taken that as more than fair, because so did I. But I was hung up on her trying to portray in text like she didn't think I was serious (like, we both know that's false), or that she was just numb (only got 'numb' after I changed my mind?), and so forth. In hindsight, I wish I had accepted her and her wife's clear suggestions that I fall on my sword by accepting one of those many narratives they'd given me to cover her, instead of exposing the deal I made and broke.

Had I been willing to just keep quiet / go along with the story, I think I would've been allowed to keep being punished forever by them, which is more than I deserve.

Because I rejected my wife's wife's suggestion that I interrupted my wife's otherwise positive acid trip by calling her during my suicide attempt for no good reason, she's ordered me to kill myself. And if I'd still had the poison in storage like I should've, instead of tossing it away like an idiot, I'd be dead right now like I should be.

Instead, here I am, rambling on and on in limbo, wasting everyone's time and to no purpose. We'll reach the same end in a month or two at most. Just a bit more of me acting the fool on the way out I suppose.


Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
Replying in large part as a bump. I think that it took a while to approve this so it didn't get seen much. Not complaining, just noting why.

Suffering the pain of being alive when I shouldn't be. I know I'm a worthless monster and my passing would help simplify my wife's recovery. I put it on her once to make the decision. She shouldn't have to re-confirm her orders.

I'm just stuck on the conflict between her telling me to live and that she was glad I survived with the instruction to obey her wife and her wife telling me to kill myself. I can resolve it though by saying my wife was glad, for whatever reason, that things worked out as they did, but still wants things to end as they were supposed to ultimately. She doesn't want to have to be the one to put down the rabid dog and her wife is taking care of that for her. I know there's a part of her that wanted to be able to hold onto me in some way, but I will let her do it as she originally requested: my ashes and rings can serve her to contact or use me if and how she likes.

I'm not looking forward to these last few weeks but at least, at long last, it should finally be really over soon instead of the silly speed bump that was the last attempt.


Jun 17, 2024
If you raped someone, report it to the authorities and face prison time. Are you a devoted Christian? this story sounds a bit weird
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Apr 15, 2022
.............this story sounds a bit weird
Got a 2nd on that from me

OP: You take orders from your wife to kill youself???????
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Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
If you raped someone, report it to the authorities and face prison time. Are you a devoted Christian? this story sounds a bit weird

Oh, it's far more than a bit weird. This left out a lot of detail, strange as it may seem with as much as I said.

I wouldn't say I'm a devoted Christian by any means; more nominal.

The reporting to the police idea is actually a good one potentially. I'm not sure how exactly they would classify it but it does seem like I deserve some type of criminal charges for it.
Got a 2nd on that from me

OP: You take orders from your wife to kill youself???????

Well, the original attempt was my idea. I confessed to my wife what I had done to her and told her my intention to kill myself as an act of contrition and penance, and because that way the house would go to her and her wife, so seemed like it resolved everything as well as possible and saved me from having to restart from zero without her and with the shame of what I did.

So it wasn't that I took an order from my wife to kill myself as much as I sought her approval and after explaining why she agreed.

Then after the attempt she was encouraging of my survival and healing and told me not to try again.

My conflict was based on having promised her to obey her wife, who now orders me to kill myself, but also having promised my wife to not do that again (I think that was in the conversation somewhere).

Now, had my wife called me a coward and told me to try again, I'd feel much more strongly and comfortably that I should. But I feel torn on knowing her intention here.

I think the confessing to authorities is a really good idea though.
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Jun 17, 2024
Oh, it's far more than a bit weird. This left out a lot of detail, strange as it may seem with as much as I said.

I wouldn't say I'm a devoted Christian by any means; more nominal.

The reporting to the police idea is actually a good one potentially. I'm not sure how exactly they would classify it but it does seem like I deserve some type of criminal charges for it.

Well, the original attempt was my idea. I confessed to my wife what I had done to her and told her my intention to kill myself as an act of contrition and penance, and because that way the house would go to her and her wife, so seemed like it resolved everything as well as possible and saved me from having to restart from zero without her and with the shame of what I did.

So it wasn't that I took an order from my wife to kill myself as much as I sought her approval and after explaining why she agreed.

Then after the attempt she was encouraging of my survival and healing and told me not to try again.

My conflict was based on having promised her to obey her wife, who now orders me to kill myself, but also having promised my wife to not do that again (I think that was in the conversation somewhere).

Now, had my wife called me a coward and told me to try again, I'd feel much more strongly and comfortably that I should. But I feel torn on knowing her intention here.

I think the confessing to authorities is a really good idea though.
Pls confess, it's the right way. I am a bit confused by your statement about your wife forcing you to ctb, so I wonder if she isn't actually manipulating you (?) but really I'm just confused. Talking about what happened to the authorities will shed light on the situation. How does your wife have a wife? I genuinely don't understand.
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Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
Pls confess, it's the right way. I am a bit confused by your statement about your wife forcing you to ctb, so I wonder if she isn't actually manipulating you (?) but really I'm just confused. Talking about what happened to the authorities will shed light on the situation. How does your wife have a wife? I genuinely don't understand.

Thank you. I very much appreciate it. I'd been having the same thought on a theological rather than secular approach, but I think the Father would tell me exactly what you did.

Nah, my wife wasn't manipulating me on that. I surprised her with the idea and used my confession to get her mad enough at me to agree.

The reason, well part, why it's confusing is there's a lot in the middle I haven't told.

After I did what I did, my wife developed a UTI and bacterial vaginosis (iirc? Spell check didn't like it). She assumed an affair at first and it took me a bit to connect the dots to what I'd done, but once I did, I was so ashamed that I didn't confess what I'd actually done. I denied the affair, but she kicked me out and I went.

After a couple months, I tried dating again and I couldn't. I just wanted her back.

I happened to see her profile after signing up again on the same site we first met on, and I decided to try to ask her on a date again.

Well, as the profile made clear, she was now in a committed relationship with the friend who stood by her as she tossed me out and moved in after.

That's her wife now. That's how my wife sees it. It will take them a little time to get the legal status to match, but their relationship already is closer in some ways than ours ever was. At least that's how it feels right now.

Our relationship at this point isn't anything other than a legal fiction.

She's in psych somewhere now for the moment but she doesn't want any contact with me anymore apparently, which I can certainly understand. I hope she finds what she was looking for in terms of some meds to start her off right for her new life. I just want her to be able to be happy and healthy again and be able to recover from me.
Wolf Girl

Wolf Girl

Not looking for advice or a pep talk
Jun 12, 2024
You need to move out and cut contact with your wife and her new wife. Remaining in contact is harmful to your wife and you. It is clear that suicide is not your own choice, so don't do it.

Confess to the authorities that you raped her, but they won't do anything unless your wife presses charges.
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Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
You need to move out and cut contact with your wife and her new wife. Remaining in contact is harmful to your wife and you. It is clear that suicide is not your own choice, so don't do it.

Confess to the authorities that you raped her, but they won't do anything unless your wife presses charges.

Thank you. I appreciate it and agree.

I'm already moved out. I won't be contacting them again.

I wouldn't exactly say that suicide isn't my choice as much as...it's hard to fully express. I wish I had been successful in my attempt. I wish I had SN now. But I do feel conflicted because of various reasons. Mostly I think I'm too much a coward. Some part of me keeps suggesting various tortures that would be appropriate before I die.

I will confess. I'm going back home for a promised visit at the moment but I will explain to them I need to return to do that next. I'm still moving more slowly after the attempt, but given the event happened months ago, waiting a week or two won't be the worst thing, and her wife specifically asked me to leave town as well.

But I really appreciate the direction of confessing to the authorities, and I can always kill myself as well at some point.


Jun 17, 2024
Thank you. I appreciate it and agree.

I'm already moved out. I won't be contacting them again.

I wouldn't exactly say that suicide isn't my choice as much as...it's hard to fully express. I wish I had been successful in my attempt. I wish I had SN now. But I do feel conflicted because of various reasons. Mostly I think I'm too much a coward. Some part of me keeps suggesting various tortures that would be appropriate before I die.

I will confess. I'm going back home for a promised visit at the moment but I will explain to them I need to return to do that next. I'm still moving more slowly after the attempt, but given the event happened months ago, waiting a week or two won't be the worst thing, and her wife specifically asked me to leave town as well.

But I really appreciate the direction of confessing to the authorities, and I can always kill myself as well at some point.
I appreciate what I perceive as honesty. You did wrong and you should be held accountable, maybe by working in prison you'll be able to send money to your ex-wife so she can get the psychological/medical help she deserves. Confess, plead guilty and face incarceration.
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Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
I appreciate what I perceive as honesty. You did wrong and you should be held accountable, maybe by working in prison you'll be able to send money to your ex-wife so she can get the psychological/medical help she deserves. Confess, plead guilty and face incarceration.
Yeah, the dishonesty to my wife about what I'd done is a big part of it.

I only confessed because I didn't want to die without her knowing what I'd actually done and because I hoped it would help her accept why me dying was just best for everyone. I felt she deserved to know the truth, for a few different reasons.

I still wish I'd just had the courage to complete it or the foresight to keep my SN in storage instead of throwing it away.

But if I can't find the courage to actually 'CTB' as y'all say, then it does seem like prison is the mildest reasonable option for me. I've certainly thought of tortures I deserve and had floated the idea to my wife at the time and she hadn't been interested in having me suffer it seemed; dead was enough as long as I went about it directly, which of course I failed to carry through.

I was shocked when she was happy I failed and was keeping in contact with me and arranging dinner with my father. But that may well just have been shock / pity. I'd just lept at the chance to be a husband still to her even in a platonic capacity, which in hindsight was foolish to try to hold onto for both our sake. I didn't see her in person after I got out until and then only at "the dinner".

One of the reasons I could tell she was in some other place mentally, as if the rest of that strange dinner wasn't enough, was that when I asked her if she trusted me afterward alone in the car, she said she did, if I would take her hand.

This wasn't my wife as I'd *ever* known her, to say with no hesitation that she trusted me. In hindsight, you know, maybe that was just the acid talking, but from what I saw of her that evening, she was out of her mind and yet not: she knew who I was and alone after dinner she referenced how awful we were to each other. She said we were brother and sister, and that was why she had to save me.

I wish I could speak to her again someday but I also know I have no right to try to contact her ever again, having been told by her wife not only no contact but also KYS.


Jun 17, 2024
Yeah, the dishonesty to my wife about what I'd done is a big part of it.

I only confessed because I didn't want to die without her knowing what I'd actually done and because I hoped it would help her accept why me dying was just best for everyone. I felt she deserved to know the truth, for a few different reasons.

I still wish I'd just had the courage to complete it or the foresight to keep my SN in storage instead of throwing it away.

But if I can't find the courage to actually 'CTB' as y'all say, then it does seem like prison is the mildest reasonable option for me. I've certainly thought of tortures I deserve and had floated the idea to my wife at the time and she hadn't been interested in having me suffer it seemed; dead was enough as long as I went about it directly, which of course I failed to carry through.

I was shocked when she was happy I failed and was keeping in contact with me and arranging dinner with my father. But that may well just have been shock / pity. I'd just lept at the chance to be a husband still to her even in a platonic capacity, which in hindsight was foolish to try to hold onto for both our sake. I didn't see her in person after I got out until and then only at "the dinner".

One of the reasons I could tell she was in some other place mentally, as if the rest of that strange dinner wasn't enough, was that when I asked her if she trusted me afterward alone in the car, she said she did, if I would take her hand.

This wasn't my wife as I'd *ever* known her, to say with no hesitation that she trusted me. In hindsight, you know, maybe that was just the acid talking, but from what I saw of her that evening, she was out of her mind and yet not: she knew who I was and alone after dinner she referenced how awful we were to each other. She said we were brother and sister, and that was why she had to save me.

I wish I could speak to her again someday but I also know I have no right to try to contact her ever again, having been told by her wife not only no contact but also KYS.
It's redeeming that you confessed what you did to her, maybe you are not as awful as other remorseless ppl out there. What you did is still pretty awful. Talk to the police.
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Failed twice
Jun 16, 2024
It's redeeming that you confessed what you did to her, maybe you are not as awful as other remorseless ppl out there. What you did is still pretty awful. Talk to the police.
Agreed. Will do.
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May 23, 2024
Got a 2nd on that from me

OP: You take orders from your wife to kill youself???????
After he raped her he needs to take something.

We all feel pain and I'm rather new here but no one should inflict that pain on others. In fact the only reason I AM still here is the unwillingness to inflict it up on my family.


Apr 15, 2022
After he raped her he needs to take something.

We all feel pain and I'm rather new here but no one should inflict that pain on others. In fact the only reason I AM still here is the unwillingness to inflict it up on my family.
Killing yourself shouldn't be on orders from his wife, though, nor from anyone except the person wanting/needing to ctb. Kinda takes the "choice" part out of "pro-choice". And last time I checked rape was/is a horrible offense, and definitely merits punishment, but not capital punishment. If the OP wants to kill himself only because he wants to - fine. But, if because his wife wants him to - not so fine.
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May 23, 2024
Killing yourself shouldn't be on orders from his wife, though, nor from anyone except the person wanting/needing to ctb. Kinda takes the "choice" part out of "pro-choice". And last time I checked rape was/is a horrible offense, and definitely merits punishment, but not capital punishment. If the OP wants to kill himself only because he wants to - fine. But, if because his wife wants him to - not so fine.
Yes. I agree. Didn't mean to sound contradictory to your original statement if that's how it came off.

I do however think he needs to turn himself in. Especially if his choice is to not CTB.

In fact, that may alleviate his feelings of needing to CTB in the first place.
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Apr 15, 2022
Yes. I agree. Didn't mean to sound contradictory to your original statement if that's how it came off.

I do however think he needs to turn himself in. Especially if his choice is to not CTB.

In fact, that may alleviate his feelings of needing to CTB in the first place.
Sorry if I understood your previous response incorrectly.


May 23, 2024
Sorry if I understood your previous response incorrectly.
Not at all, my first sentence could easily be interpreted that way. I sometimes don't think about how what I say sounds before I say it.
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