12x mental hospital stays
- May 21, 2023
- 10
I've got doxxed three times by other radical feminists because I'm not vegan or because I'm dating a guy and they don't like that, or over personal drama. They claim to be in solidarity with all women but attack women who date men and the vegan ones tell women who eat meat that they deserve to die. Today I got called a cock pandering slut that wants to be raped because I am dating a man even though I'm not some tradwife or traditional marriage person. And once this vegan girl got super upset at me for having a farm even though I run an ethical farm and don't believe in milking the cows (taking the babies away) or artificial surgical insemination and pumping them full of hormones. (Cows I mean) and she found my full name and my family's names and where they work even though I never had a Facebook or social media with my name or location or face and she told me how she'd get her male friends to rape me and described how she'd kill me and she said stuff to me like she was actually watching me/stalking me. And I've been doxxed for dating a man and had stuff sent to my house. Radical feminism advises women to be cautious around men because of so many bad experiences but doesn't condone any of what these people are doing. It preaches solidarity with all women even if they don't agree with you or like what you have to say and says even the most terrible women deserve rights. I just want to die over this constant attack I have on social media and I can't tell anyone about it. I have no friends irl and only have my bf who I met in my last school and used to see him every day but now I'm graduated and about to go to college and I moved away from his state 2 years ago and we rarely see eachother. It's terrible and I almost want these people who are bullying me to see that they made me die