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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
But I think that most people would leave this world if N is easily available.
Not again. 99% of people would just resell that Nembutal as quickly as they could or just throw it in the bin. They're absolutely scared of death and protective of their lives. It's one thing to acknowledge how hellish biological phenomena are and other to proclaim that most people want to die when everything they do points in the opposite direction.
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Oct 9, 2022
Find it weird how we discriminate between pro-lifers and pro-choicers.
Like if I understand it correctly. We want to die, because life is filled with suffering and undeniable suffering. But here's the problem. Suffering is inevitable. It is subjective. But I don't like forcing people to live if they are forgotten by the system, go for it. But. If You would label everyone as delusional who disagree with you or present some remotely compelling case, how are we any different then the people we claim are win denial. What if we acknowledge suffering. Yet, we find ways to endure it. I find it arrogant to claim that "life isn't worth living, due to it being objective." It's objective because we say it's objective. I am no pro-lifer I just want to end it soon. Due to me being stupid, and incapable of learning lol
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
But I think that most people would leave this world if N is easily available.
In the not too distant past people could blag lethal barbiturates from their doctor, just as they could gas themselves in their cars or ovens. The overwhelming majority of people still decided against this.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
Not again. 99% of people would just resell that Nembutal as quickly as they could or just throw it in the bin.
I think you're correct that something like 99% would NOT use it for CTB, but let's not forget about the self-medicaters among us.... I think a significant number would use it recreationally and/or to fall asleep at night with no intention of dying from it.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Seriously if people have access to N and they choose to suffer instead for their own benefit, then that is actually insane. The thought of someone having N and throwing it away is horrific to me, like they are wasting the ultimate solution to solve all problems. If someone has a peaceful method like that then they literally have nothing to fear. They can just peacefully pass away and it's the best thing possible. If someone was to die by N then they would be sparing themselves a death that is potentially more horrific from some other cause. Saying that 99% of people would reject the N is so wrong. I doubt that there is that many delusional people in this world, someone has to be delusional to want to stay in this world voluntarily for their own enjoyment. Any of those unrealistic positive views towards life just invalidates all of the real suffering that exists.

But it's just so wrong how there is no N easily available for us. In fact it's tragic how people have to suffer so much in finding ways to leave this world. It's better to die and be forgotten about than to suffer in any way. If I had N I would already be long gone by this point. The truth is that there are an unlimited amount of things that are wrong with existing. And there are no disadvantages to being dead.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
The thought of someone having N and throwing it away is horrific to me, like they are wasting the ultimate solution to solve all problems. If someone has a peaceful method like that then they literally have nothing to fear. They can just peacefully pass away and it's the best thing possible. If someone was to die by N then they would be sparing themselves a death that is potentially more horrific from some other cause.
Why the hell is it so important to you if some hypothetical other person commits suicide or not? It's literally none of your business what anyone else decides to do with their N, if you want to kill yourself that's your pick, you should not be setting that as the standard for others.
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Road to nowhere
Aug 12, 2022
you have some valid points that are obviously close to your heart..I don't agree with some of them but wer all different in how we feel. You've been here a while, and I have noticed you say the same things over and over again, but what I don't understand is why are you still here? if your existence is so utterly horrific as you say yours is, and from how you repeat your hatred for everything life stands for you must spend every second of the days in unbearable agony... and its been a long time... how do you do it?
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Sep 17, 2022
How come you are still here funeralcry? With 16k+ posts here ? How come you didn't end your suffering yet ?
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I don't think people should be questioning why someone hasn't ctb yet. We're not a death cult. People are free to ctb or not in their own time. It's a hard decision for me, at least. Don't we all say the same things sometimes? We say what we believe to be true at the time we say it. Most people don't change their beliefs a great deal.

@FuneralCry I'm sorry for your suffering, I wish there was a quantifiable way to distribute N among at least the people ready to ctb. We shouldn't have to suffer going through the death process, along with life.
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Fatally killed to death
Sep 10, 2022
Why the hell is it so important to you if some hypothetical other person commits suicide or not? It's literally none of your business what anyone else decides to do with their N, if you want to kill yourself that's your pick, you should not be setting that as the standard for others.

Eek! ... I see the FuneralCry Lynch Mob are out in force today! 🤪

Chinaski ... you've quoted FuneralCry and then very obviously misrepresented what she said, instead imposing your own entirely NEW! interpretation. Let's have a look at it eh ...

The thought of someone having N and throwing it away is horrific to me, like they are wasting the ultimate solution to solve all problems.

FuneralCry has repeatedly stated that if she had access to N, she'd certainly use it to CTB. It's therefore entirely understandable surely, that - as N is now impossible to acquire - someone having N and throwing it away would be horrific to her. In fact, I think it would be horrific to any suicidal individual, including even members of the FC Lynch Mob (assuming they indeed entertain suicidal notions, which I'm lately inclined to doubt).

If someone has a peaceful method like that then they literally have nothing to fear. They can just peacefully pass away and it's the best thing possible.

That's a fair statement isn't it ...? If any member of the FC Lynch Mob had access to a peaceful method like N, they would indeed have nothing to fear (compared to any other method anyway). And when it comes to dying, passing away peacefully would indeed be the best thing possible. Why on earth would anyone challenge that point-of-view ...?

If someone was to die by N then they would be sparing themselves a death that is potentially more horrific from some other cause.

As Basil Fawlty would say, that's stating "the bleedin' obvious". Yet you choose to challenge it anyway.

So OK, now let's look at your response ...

Why the hell is it so important to you if some hypothetical other person commits suicide or not?

Where on earth did FC say in that quote you posted, that it's important to her whether other people commit suicide ...? Nowhere.

You then go on to develop an argument from that initial false representation of what FuneralCry said, all of which is entirely redundant of course, because she never said it in the first place ...

It's literally none of your business what anyone else decides to do with their N, if you want to kill yourself that's your pick, you should not be setting that as the standard for others.

It's blatantly obvious you're just making stuff up, then asserting that FuneralCry said it ...

... very, very odd behaviour.​
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flightless bird

flightless bird

somewhere over the rainbow
Aug 18, 2022
How come you are still here funeralcry? With 16k+ posts here ? How come you didn't end your suffering yet ?

She needs N, she's always said it, she can't source it...
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
... very, very odd behaviour.[/JUSTIFY]
Yeah l do think people should perhaps not be horrified at the notion that other people aren't swigging N, put your green ink away and stop pretending there are "lynch mobs" when there is disagreement. People can read what l wrote, l do not need you to pompously explain my posts to them, thanks.
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Fatally killed to death
Sep 10, 2022
How come you are still here funeralcry? With 16k+ posts here ? How come you didn't end your suffering yet ?
Like several others posters here, you're on perilously thin ice when you start taunting other members as to why they haven't killed themselves yet ...
Yeah l do think people should perhaps not be horrified at the notion that other people aren't swigging N, put your green ink away and stop pretending there are "lynch mobs" when there is disagreement. People can read what l wrote, l do not need you to pompously explain my posts to them, thanks.
Yeah I do think people should perhaps not be horrified at the notion that other people aren't swigging N

er, bordering on incomprehensible there unfortunately, mainly due to the double negative ... the rather dense "should perhaps not" negative is tricky to unpack when followed by the further negative "aren't swgging N".

Still, I figured that what you're trying to say is "People shouldn't be horrified if other people aren't consuming their N".

Yet again, that's not what FuneralCry said. She's horrified by people throwing N away, not whether they consume it or not <<< that's merely your interpretation - what you falsely assert she said.

Put your green ink away and stop pretending there are "lynch mobs" when there is disagreement. People can read what l wrote, l do not need you to pompously explain my posts to them, thanks.

Aw, diddums.
Tough, you lot went way past simply disagreeing with FC some time back - from here, it looks more like bullying.
Get used to critiques of your posts ...

Oh look, I can order people about as well!
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No longer suicidal😁

Finally happy again
Nov 23, 2022
I agree with you on the position you have taken on life. However, from my experience, there seem to be people who enjoy living. Those are the ones who have either not experienced severe suffering in life or are basically ignorant or simple-minded. A kid tends to find joy in many things because he is a kid and so is ignorant of the real world and its difficulties. A simple-minded person is relatively the same, all he needs is some food and shelter, even a bad quality one, as well as some sex and that shall do it for him. Those are the ones trapped in the first few stages of Maslow's pyramid. That's why you will see many people who live in poverty and yet keep procreating. You notice that even during WW1 and WW2 people didn't stop reproducing. A rational man will stop and think if it's ethical and rational to have kids after witnessing how horrific this world can be. However, those who haven't experienced suffering, besides the simple-minded ones, tend to only have experienced the good side of life and thus continue to have children as they believe that this life is a gift. It really boils down to the individual's experience. I bet you won't find anyone in this forum, including myself, leading an enjoyable life...otherwise he/she won't be here.

It's also important to note that not all people who have experienced suffering want to CTB. I know some people who have experienced severe suffering and yet don't want to CTB but definitely wish to die. That's because they are religious and their religion forbids them from CTB.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Tough, you lot went way past simply disagreeing with FC some time back - from here, it looks more like bullying.
Get used to critiques of your posts ...
You say this as if there's some co-ordination involved here, rest assured there isn't. If it seems to be a repeating occurrence to you, it's possibly down to the fact that this take is repeated on a daily basis.

I'm quite happy for you to continue with your weird "critiques" of my posts fwiw, they are quite revealing in their own way however l make clear here that my posts, devoid of creative font styling as they sadly are, speak for themselves, l stand by them and people can assess them without your performative gymnastics. Your weird misrepresentations of them say less about me than they do about you, but by all means crack on if you like.
Like several others posters here, you're on perilously thin ice when you start taunting other members as to why they haven't killed themselves yet ...
Would generally agree that this is bad form, however when someone states that people who have access to N but don't drink it are "insane", this can be read that way too. Most members here who have received N have not killed themselves on the day it arrived, l suspect a fair few members still have it stashed away for emergencies, and they don't need to be described as insane for not killing themselves.
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Fatally killed to death
Sep 10, 2022
I don't believe there's any co-ordination involved at all, but then that's not really necessary ... rather, it looks more like a kind of 'herd mentality' that's emerged, or perhaps 'group-think' would be a more accurate representation ...

Lynch mobs are of course the best-known example of 'group-think' at work, and the participants don't need to co-ordinate ... such things acquire their own momentum, and they're prone to snowballing. And as I've already indicated, that latter development is reflected in some recent posts that amount to taunting FC to kill herself. Such behaviour enters exceedingly dangerous territory, not only for the target, but in terms of consequences for the perpetrators too (think Michelle Carter, the girl who encouraged her boyfriend to CTB).

So in light of that, I'll indeed 'crack on' with my weird posts, along with whatever they say about me ... Thanks!​
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
I don't think four people disagreeing with one contentious and repeatedly stated opinion represents herd-mentality-group-think-lynch-mobs frankly, but whatever
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Nov 26, 2022
Well it's not horrific for most people. It requires both 1. lack of resources and reasonable ability to obtain them and 2. lack of critical thinking skills as well as any significant intelligence
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Nov 5, 2022
Many of us on here just want to die because life is horrific and that is a fact and the way that I see life is simply the truth. Those who don't see life for how cruel it really is, really are so ignorant. It's not the language used that is disturbing, it's the existence of life that is disturbing instead and it's disturbing how all this endless suffering continues to exist in this world. If someone doesn't see life itself as being horrific and disturbing then they really must be insane. No wonder so many ctb in this world.
While I see where you're coming from, don't you think it's possible for people to acknowledge the cruelty of the world and choose life anyway? Regardless of whether or not your world views are the absolute truth, shouldn't we be treating those who want to live with respect and dignity?
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Jan 9, 2021
Personally I don't agree with this description of reality. Though let's assume you this is the objective truth.
I would still trade my life with someone who enjoys life any time. People with a partner, no mental illness, many good friends, self-confidence, being curious about the future and not my life in daily torment and anxiety.

I think there a lot of uncertainties about this world we live in. There are many unknown factors which we might never know. (for example do we live in a simulation, is solipsism right, what comes after death, when did the universe start to exist and what happened prior to that, what started the universe, is there a meaning of life, how will the future will look like in 100.000 years, is there a free will, is hard determinism right? These are only examples. Noone of us can give an answer to these questions without uncertainty. One can argument for it but one cannot prove it.

I envy people with good life quality people who genuinely can say I am glad and thankful that I live.

There are many things noone can say for sure. There are many philospohical and science related questions which were never fully answered. And some will probably never be revealed.

In this situation of uncertainty I would try to choose the path that makes me happy and not the one that says life is meaningless and it consists only of suffering.

Though there is no path that can keep the promise of happiness with a certainty of 100%. One could also think hedonism might be the perfect answer. For me this was not the right thing. Yesterday I posted a thread about that. It is probably pretty individually which path is the best.

I rather have the feeling most of the people who reject this described notion of reality have better life quality than us. It is complicated because the variables cannot fully be separated. One could say people who suffer much turn to nihilism as world view. The other way would be people who believe in nihilism tend to suffer more. I think in both of these statements there is some truth in it.
Most of those people who you think of as happy arent happy. It isnt even possible to be happy constant. Our brains dont work that way. There is a constant need for a problem to fix, so our brain can release some dopamine so we get a little high. Dopamine shots, thats all life is about. Everything we do is for dopamine shots.
Also most people live shitty lives, but they continue to live because they think its tge right thing and because they are scared of death.
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Jun 22, 2022
"What I post about is the reality of existing and this shouldn't be something to be learned, it should be accepted as being the truth instead. All those who disagree with how horrific life is are certainly delusional."

@FuneralCry - what I see when you post your "opinions" is a generalised attitude. I don't believe your opinion should be seen as truth. Your opinion is based on your life- not everyone else's. I can agree that life is horrific. However, people have their own lives, they choose to live their own lives whatever the circumstances. That's their choice.
I thought this website was pro choice but all i seem to read is that it is pro death, pro suicide. If it is pro choice, then why are people labelled? Why is it considered derogatory should any dare speak positive about life. People will speak about their own life.
I'm sorry your life is so difficult and that you hate being here. But because you hate being here doesn't make anyone delusional for wanting to live. It's human nature to survive, hence SI. Its not delusional.

People wanting to live is no more delusional than people thinking those who want to die are delusional.
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Jul 29, 2022
You notice that even during WW1 and WW2 people didn't stop reproducing. A rational man will stop and think if it's ethical and rational to have kids after witnessing how horrific this world can be
Actually, during war, more children are born than during peace. It's just primitive instinct to give yourself fake immortality through spreading your genes when you feel death is near. And popping out kids during war is just a guarantee of traumatizing them for life.
In general, I think life can be enjoyable, when you had a normal childhood, you are healthy, and you developed strong defense mechanisms to rationalize away other's suffering. E.g. my colleague is Christian, and he thinks people suffer because of their sin, so they are bringing suffering on themselves. He is deluded, but his ignorance brings him peace of mind and sense of justice.
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On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
We are obviously dealing with a mid to low functioning autist (or something related) here. What's disturbing, and a bit comical, is that someone who's been posting slight variations of the same 3-4 paragraphs every fucking day for atleast the past 6 months could become the intellectual leader of this site.

I know how condescending this sounds but seeing a therapist, atlest once, would be hghly advised. It's still going to take a while until someone serves you N on a silver tablet, so what have you got to lose?
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Road to nowhere
Aug 12, 2022
Eek! ... I see the FuneralCry Lynch Mob are out in force today! 🤪

Chinaski ... you've quoted FuneralCry and then very obviously misrepresented what she said, instead imposing your own entirely NEW! interpretation. Let's have a look at it eh ...

Lynch Mob? explain please. the are as many agreeing comments as disagreeing.. I'm imagine very few If anyone on here knows her... yet most of us know of her opinions and the situation she is in.. so we are all entitled to our opinions, please remember that noone knows what each of us on here has been through is going through and what we have to endure which ultimately leads to our opinions and mindsets.. we are entitled to our opinions, otherwise the would be nothing at all in here to discuss. I personally feel really sorry for her, she's like a tortured soul, desperately wanting to ctb but terrified beyond belief to do it.. most of us are scared to ctb but she comes across as petrified,. thes a big difference. I along with others can't comprehend her utter hatred for life as like ive said wer all different.. I find it hard to understand because I'm not in her head.. I see her posts and want to say "for gods sake just take 2000 sleeping pills put an end to it" but I've actually learnt from reading what she says that it's not that easy for her.. She's trapped.. out of all the people on here I've interacted with and read their posts if I had N ide give it to her rather than take it myself because I think she's possibly more suicidal than most of us.. I don't think that saying thes a lynch mob against her is really not an adult thing to say against fellow members is it?​
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
We are obviously dealing with a mid to low functioning autist (or something related) here. What's disturbing, and a bit comical, is that someone who's been posting slight variations of the same 3-4 paragraphs every fucking day for atleast the past 6 months could become the intellectual leader of this site.

I know how condescending this sounds but seeing a therapist, atlest once, would be hghly advised. It's still going to take a while until someone serves you N on a silver tablet, so what have you got to lose?
The most sensible thing anyone has said so far in this thread.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Love the passive-aggressive use of the reacts in this thread, ngl
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Love the passive-aggressive use of the reacts in this thread, ngl
I apologise for using the laugh react to mock you as a suffering suicidal person.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To be honest, I don't really think the post that is labelled as being sensible is particularly sensible. In fact it's the opposite really. People who push the idea that suicidal people need 'help' are some of the most arrogant people that exist. There seems to be quite a few of those on this site, it's strange to me. They are all so ignorant as well. Telling someone to just go to therapy is insulting. I see life for what it really is, I simply don't want to suffer and that's the rational way to feel. I get that maybe it's amusing for some people, the fact that someone has that many posts on this site about hating life but it's seriously not funny at all. The fact that the world we live in denies people the option of peaceful and reliable methods is really horrific. If someone finds any of this amusing then they are clearly disturbing.

I often get confused as to why people are here when they make such nonsensical comments, maybe it makes people feel better about themselves looking down on other people, but I have no clue what people go on about when they mention me being an 'intellectual leader'. No, I just hate life and want to die and if people have a problem with that then they should just go elsewhere and enjoy life (as life is clearly so great for them). I wonder if anyone else remembers the days when this site was actually filled with suicidal people, now it's either people with their nonsense toxic positivity or people calling other people's posts 'pro death or death cults' or whatever when they simply hate life and want to die. It's a shame that these types of people come on here on the one place we can actually be open about the subject of suicide. Like nobody else is being told that they must die. If people want to live then that's up to them, it's nothing to do with me. I respect their decision, it doesn't mean that it's the most rational decision.
Also I have high functioning autism, just to make it clear but it's not particularly relevant to what this thread is about anyway.

But I'm sorry if this offends people but some of us here just want N but we can't get it. People should stop pretending that suicide is easy on here. The world that we live in makes it as difficult as possible for us to ctb after all. That's why I'm still here, it's unbelievable how some people are so ignorant that they don't realise that. The difficulty of suicide has been mentioned in this thread a few times.

As I said nobody is being told that they must die, but it literally makes no sense to me why someone would wish to suffer if they had N and that's a valid point to make. Like I respect people's choices but if someone threw N away then that's literally tragic as many tortured people so desperately want it and it's wasting something so valuable. But it's actually irrational to want to stay here, like if life is not so unbearable right now for someone and they are able to put up with it, then things will get worse in the future. None of these types of comments are pro death and saying that everybody must die, I'm just stating facts.

As humans all that we have to look forward to is reaching a very old age and deteriorating anyway. Suffering is guaranteed in life, with no limit as to how much we can be tortured. The amount of torment that exists in this world is incredibly disturbing to me and no amount of therapy could remove any of this. Maybe if the reality of existing was accepted and people stopped forcing their false, delusional beliefs on others then all of us could finally exit peacefully without having to struggle so much in leaving this world.

Also, some of the posts in this thread so deserve the angry react.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I hope my earlier post in your thread wasn't read in a different way to that I intended. When I wrote that I didn't think it could be interpreted in a different way. When I wrote "I don't think people should be questioning why someone hasn't ctb yet.", etc, I was referring only to the people that were asking why you haven't ctb yet. It's essentially taunting which is very bad form as mentioned above.

I left this message on your profile too. I didn't want to upset you further. Best wishes.
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Girl-shaped Wound

Girl-shaped Wound

In love with a person that doesn't exist
Feb 19, 2022
Actually, during war, more children are born than during peace. It's just primitive instinct to give yourself fake immortality through
Certainely nothing to do with war crimes commited by men for fun and profit.

I wish that fact was so irrelevant to me that I wouldn't instantly think about it when seeing that statistic mentioned.

Another wonderful reason to CTB.
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