

Aug 31, 2019
I really hate money. I hate capitalism. I hate the socio-economic society we live in. I hate how if it wasn't for money, I could access help. As it is, right now, I can't even try. It's cheaper for me to CTB than attempt medication and therapy.

What kills me sometimes on this site is seeing how easily people can spend their money on changes of getting N, or just random methods. That $800 that they're willing and able to gamble away on getting it, would mean an entire worlds difference to me. It would mean the literal difference between life and death.

And because of the way the world works, I will never have the chance to even try. And it's so unfair. It's just so fucking unfair.
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Jun 13, 2019
I am totally agree with you, system sucks; but, sadly everybody needs money to living.
In my opinion kill yourself is free, what is expensive is doing it on a painless way, just sitting on your coach or lying down in your bed.
There is methods cheap, but maybe those are less reliables.
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Feb 14, 2019
Money is the route of all evil it's fucking horrible how we are treated . The rich get richer the poor get poorer shit system
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Socialism isnt really better, you know how it turned out, yes it killed millions of people. I think true free market capitalism is good. But we dont have true free market capitalism, we have corporatism.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
Historians don't know (or can't agree with) what particular society first came up with the concept of money.

Different values certainly grew from simple items being traded, then quantities, etc.


Whoever coined the first coin....How terribly wrong they were.
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Aug 19, 2019
I attempted because of financial issues before. That said, having money to throw at N because you cannot stand your existence anymore is not any better for those who can do it.

Ironically, there are also people here who got so fucked up by medication that this is the primary reason they want to ctb. Misery comes in many forms.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
Many, many forms.

When in doubt look at the rich & super rich who've kissed it goodbye.
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Aug 26, 2019
The system is owned by the central bankers... they create money out of thin air which dilutes the existing money supply. Prices then have to rise to accommodate inflation. It's a sick game and corporations and politicians are in on it. If you are to be successful but aren't in the Club you must be a good slave and add to government tax revenue.
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Jun 12, 2018
I agree with you. I live in poverty and it reduces the quality of my life a lot. I can't eat good food. I can't afford helpful medication. I can't afford clothes. Even public transport drains my wallet. It's really hard. And when you regularly use drugs, to make yourself feel better from time to time, it's even worse. But I can't help it. I don't really care anyway. I invested a shitload of money into my method and that's all I care about. I have my N and that was probably the best purchase of my life. Who cares about money once I'm dead anyway, right?
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Sep 28, 2018
So you are having financial problems to get treatment..if you can have a way to get treatment.. you may not have to ctb..
Thats what you meant right.

How much do you need for treatment approximately(just for an idea).. have you tried asking for help in forums( of financial help?)

And you can't really about people spending money to get things to ctb.
The way 'some amount of money' means the world to you to get treatment and live..
The same way the same money means the world to them to get a method and 'to stop another second of excruciating pain..'
You aren't walking in their shoes and vice versa. That is the last act of dignity people deserve.. before death.

I understand you are in a lot of pain..since that difference of money can make you live.. but i think seeking help on other related forums can help. Better to give a try.
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Aug 31, 2019
I am totally agree with you, system sucks; but, sadly everybody needs money to living.
In my opinion kill yourself is free, what is expensive is doing it on a painless way, just sitting on your coach or lying down in your bed.
There is methods cheap, but maybe those are less reliables.
Abolish money. Lol.
Socialism isnt really better, you know how it turned out, yes it killed millions of people. I think true free market capitalism is good. But we dont have true free market capitalism, we have corporatism.
Let's not get too political here.
Many, many forms.

When in doubt look at the rich & super rich who've kissed it goodbye.
They all seem to accomplish it so easily.
The system is owned by the central bankers... they create money out of thin air which dilutes the existing money supply. Prices then have to rise to accommodate inflation. It's a sick game and corporations and politicians are in on it. If you are to be successful but aren't in the Club you must be a good slave and add to government tax revenue.
Well, I do feel like a slave...
So you are having financial problems to get treatment..if you can have a way to get treatment.. you may not have to ctb..
Thats what you meant right.

How much do you need for treatment approximately(just for an idea).. have you tried asking for help in forums( of financial help?)

And you can't really about people spending money to get things to ctb.
The way 'some amount of money' means the world to you to get treatment and live..
The same way the same money means the world to them to get a method and 'to stop another second of excruciating pain..'
You aren't walking in their shoes and vice versa. That is the last act of dignity people deserve.. before death.

I understand you are in a lot of pain..since that difference of money can make you live.. but i think seeking help on other related forums can help. Better to give a try.
If I had money, I could get treatment. I want to try it at least before I CTB but I'm losing the will at this point. I haven't asked for any financial help - who would I ask? I have no one.
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Sep 28, 2018
There are some groups where you can ask. I can say.. if you want to try.
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Jul 8, 2019
To be fair, it would take way more than $800 to get any decent therapy, assuming there is such a thing.
But yeah, capitalism is evil, it's responsible for far more death and suffering than any communist regimes put together. Anyone who claims otherwise is just brainwashed by the propaganda put out by the capitalist class that owns and controls everything people see and hear.
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Aug 30, 2019
Everyone hates rich people until they become one, this is not a good thing but jealousy and hypocrisy are in people's DNA.
I think money is very important in this world to live this short experience in a good and decent way. I personally don't care about money anymore even though my job is 100% about money. Put 10 billion dollars in front of me and I will still ctb.
Money is not a solution when you had enough of this world.

Contact me if you need any financial help!
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Aug 31, 2019
There are some groups where you can ask. I can say.. if you want to try.
I doubt anyone would ever give me anything.
To be fair, it would take way more than $800 to get any decent therapy, assuming there is such a thing.
But yeah, capitalism is evil, it's responsible for far more death and suffering than any communist regimes put together. Anyone who claims otherwise is just brainwashed by the propaganda put out by the capitalist class that owns and controls everything people see and hear.

I found a therapist for $400 for six sessions. Expensive but she was nice. I couldn't pay for her though.
Everyone hates rich people until they become one, this is not a good thing but jealousy and hypocrisy are in people's DNA.
I think money is very important in this world to live this short experience in a good and decent way. I personally don't care about money anymore even though my job is 100% about money. Put 10 billion dollars in front of me and I will still ctb.
Money is not a solution when you had enough of this world.

Contact me if you need any financial help!
Well, before you CTB with your ten billion pass some over to me so I can get a decent shot at life before deciding to CTB and ending the chance of it.

If I was a billionaire, or just even rich, I cannot imagine not giving back. If I could, I'd give it all away.
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Jun 27, 2019
I hate capitalism too and how brainwashed so many are over how "great" it is when most of the first world proves social systems are needed and work, even if not perfect, because you cannot count on greed to do anything good for anyone but the few, and the idea of charity has been proven consistently to be insufficient and corrupted as well. One should never be forced to suffer from basic needs or medical issues because its not profitable. We should all take care of each other. That's not wrong or scary baba yaga "commie" nonsense. It's decent humanity.

*@Baskol I saw your replies and angry live in a country with strong social support and one of the highest qualities of life on pardon me if I have to look askance at the view you seem to have here. Capitalism...even this imaginary "perfect" capitalism...will always have winners and losers and leave people behind. If we are to wish for "perfect" systems then "perfect" socialism is much better for humanity. As long as some people want more and more, and to be rich and have power....nothing is ever going to change. One is either for equality and sharing in life...things we teach kids to be but mostly don't as adults, or greedy and selfish. I knowwhich sort of person I prefer.

I generally don't like to argue or be political...but this is something that really gets me going since my life, and so many I know, have been ruined by capitalism and the greed and power imbalance it results in. Medical care in some places, a basic human need, has been monetized as a profit engine rather than a service that is a basic human right. War...based entirely in profits over resources, land, power...has ruined millions of lives. It could all be solved if we shared and collaborated instead of everything being about winning/greed/profit. Alas....what dreams may come.
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Nah capitalism is the best system ever created by mankind.
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Sep 28, 2018
I doubt anyone would ever give me anything.
Well..its not people giving specifically about you alone..
There are some sub-reddit groups which offer help to people in need..
You can find them with a simple google search if you really want to.
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Aug 3, 2019
Nah capitalism is the best system ever created by mankind.
It is the best because there isnt a good is the best out of all the bad is hell
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Jun 27, 2019
It is the best because there isnt a good is the best out of all the bad is hell

The countries with the highest quality of life on Earth have very strong socialist components. The countries with the highest level of capitalism have lower qualities of life and extreme disparities between rich and poor. The only worse places to live are undeveloped nations. If something as basic as healthcare can ruin your life financially then it proves a system is flawed. In countries with robust social systems people don't fear getting medical help because of the cost.

Yes there is no perfect system possible with humans...but there is consistent proof which system gives the best overall quality of life for all...and its not profiteering.
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Aug 31, 2019
Nah capitalism is the best system ever created by mankind.
Then you're rich.
Well..its not people giving specifically about you alone..
There are some sub-reddit groups which offer help to people in need..
You can find them with a simple google search if you really want to.
Who the hell has hundreds of dollars to giveaway? Also what do I even Google?
It is the best because there isnt a good is the best out of all the bad is hell
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Sep 28, 2018
Look..its more like crowd funding. many people help.. it will eventually add up to some reasonable amount.
I just know i suggested. Its upto you to try it or not. Thats it.
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Aug 30, 2019
I doubt anyone would ever give me anything.

I found a therapist for $400 for six sessions. Expensive but she was nice. I couldn't pay for her though.

Well, before you CTB with your ten billion pass some over to me so I can get a decent shot at life before deciding to CTB and ending the chance of it.

If I was a billionaire, or just even rich, I cannot imagine not giving back. If I could, I'd give it all away.
I didn't say I own 10 billion dollars.. I said even if you put 10b$ in front of me I will still Ctb.. Because I had enough of life in general, even money cannot change my mind because it's not about it.

I would love to help. Slide into my DMs girl! YEAH EWWWWW I know.
By the way, BASKOL1 if you are reading this. YOU ARE THE KING OF SS.
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Jan 15, 2019
I really hate money. I hate capitalism. I hate the socio-economic society we live in. I hate how if it wasn't for money, I could access help. As it is, right now, I can't even try. It's cheaper for me to CTB than attempt medication and therapy.

What kills me sometimes on this site is seeing how easily people can spend their money on changes of getting N, or just random methods. That $800 that they're willing and able to gamble away on getting it, would mean an entire worlds difference to me. It would mean the literal difference between life and death.

And because of the way the world works, I will never have the chance to even try. And it's so unfair. It's just so fucking unfair.

Well, instead of hating everything because you don't have it, what did you actually DO to try to have it???

I mean, instead of just whining about "Oh, life is so unfair."

FFS, give us a break.
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Aug 31, 2019
Well, instead of hating everything because you don't have it, what did you actually DO to try to have it???

I mean, instead of just whining about "Oh, life is so unfair."

FFS, give us a break.
I actually work around 50-60 hours a week, but go off. Very rude. Didn't expect that from a website like this.
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I've suffered enough.
Aug 27, 2019
I actually work around 50-60 hours a week, but go off. Very rude. Didn't expect that from a website like this.

I agree. What he said was rude and abusive. I, too, am surprised to encounter that kind of nonsense here. That's why I am glad you can "Report" posts and "Ignore" users.

I hope your financial situation improves. :hug:
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Aug 25, 2019
people can give away money that easy? I wish I could give homes to some stray cats near me. I feed them, and wanted to give a place and house for them. But I cant take even one in, because I have no money and live with others (family). So could anybody help or point me in the direction of it?
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I've suffered enough.
Aug 27, 2019
people can give away money that easy? I wish I could give homes to some stray cats near me. I feed them, and wanted to give a place and house for them. But I cant take even one in, because I have no money and live with others (family). So could anybody help or point me in the direction of it?

I would like to know as well, as a lot of my struggles stem from financial problems caused by the failure of my business.
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Aug 25, 2019
I would like to know as well, as a lot of my struggles stem from financial problems caused by the failure of my business.

You had a company? Cool
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I've suffered enough.
Aug 27, 2019
You had a company? Cool

Yes. I had an idea. And went all the way with it. And lost it all.

When people talk about "Never giving up!", "Don't stop believing!", and "Quitters never win!", and all that sort of "Believe and you will achieve!" stuff, they never mention all the times that it didn't work, which, due to chance and statistics, means most of the time it won't. But, when that is the case, the enterprise is no longer around to serve as evidence of failure. Only the successes remain, and this creates a false preponderance of them.

So "Survivor Bias" is a very real and powerful force, and responsible for many people wasting time by "persevering" far far beyond what is reasonable.

Look at Jenna Fischer. Her getting cast for "The Office" had more to do with some casting directors whim than it ever had to do with her actions. Yet she doesn't get this, and thinks that anyone who moves to Hollywood and does as she did will also succeed as she did. And that's completely false.
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