I don't think the point was to "create a world that induces suicide", though yes, there are numerous reasons for wanting to die. Suicide is condemned because tons of people killing themselves wouldn't be a good thing for the powerful and rich people in this world. Sure, people who are sick to the point they can't work are of little use, but most (poor) people even if sick still work and contribute towards making rich people even richer, powerful people even more powerful. Imagine if all these people died? The rich would have to actually work for once in their lives.
The horror!
That said, this might be true for many (I wouldn't know what goes inside the heads of other people), but not for all or at least not for me: "Our society and its conditions is what's making people so unhappy"
Even if they changed everything in society, I would still want to die. I just don't like this boring world and reality. Everything is so limited. I guess I am "spoiled" by "fiction", but I am okay with that. Not only that, but aging sucks big time. Your health and beauty (if you have any) only goes downhill after a certain age (usually your teenager to young adult years).