
Aug 4, 2022
I'm not religious but I feel kind of wrong for not sticking it out and ending it naturally. I feel like I'm kind of cheating idk. What if we are here to serve some kind of mission or purpose and ending it early abandons this goal?
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Jun 13, 2023
If there is no proof that you know of then why care?

Maybe a theist can chime in.
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omg mokocchi
Oct 18, 2023
I'm not religious but I feel kind of wrong for not sticking it out and ending it naturally. I feel like I'm kind of cheating idk. What if we are here to serve some kind of mission or purpose and ending it early abandons this goal?
well I believe its wrong. but God is most merciful.
I will ctb in hopes that He will forgive me when judgement arrives.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I can only say that I don't think others will be punished for it. If you are punished, that's wrong imo. I don't believe in a higher being and not religious. There's nothing innately immoral about suicide, you are just making room for other people. Animals also behave suicidally under non-ideal conditions, and even insects can sacrifice themselves. I don't think they should be punished either.

In biological terms, humans are just mammals with a remarkarbly large cerebral cortex for our size, that is structured and folded in on itself in a way that improves it further. I don't see why we would be singled out for punishment among the species on this world.
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Aug 4, 2022
If there is no proof that you know of then why care?

Maybe a theist can chime in.
I try not to care but at the end of the day who really knows. Anything can happen
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Aug 25, 2022
Unless you believe in the divine or the supernatural, there is no firm punishment for suicide. What are they going to do, put your corpse on trial?

Ive rationalized my suicide in many ways. One is that I'm delivering overdue karma.

Après moi, le déluge
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I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
It's a great question and something I think about too. If I'm here for a mission I'll be damned if I can figure it out, no pun intended. For what? To be born to shitty, abusive unloving parents? To struggle with physical and mental health problems? To miss out on all of life's milestones, like marriage, kids, buying a home, etc, because of said problems? Many of which are tied to horrible trauma. Yes, I still worry about being sent to a burning lake of sulfur where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth for all eternity by a vengeful god for having the audacity to leave this paradise a little early. You're definitely not alone.
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Aug 4, 2022
It's a great question and something I think about too. If I'm here for a mission I'll be damned if I can figure it out, no pun intended. For what? To be born to shitty, abusive unloving parents? To struggle with physical and mental health problems? To miss out on all of life's milestones, like marriage, kids, buying a home, etc, because of said problems? Many of which are tied to horrible trauma. Yes, I still worry about being sent to a burning lake of sulfur where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth for all eternity by a vengeful god for having the audacity to leave this paradise a little early. You're definitely not alone.
Haha well put. I don't think a god would do that to you.
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Oct 10, 2023
Is there a reward for hanging on until the bitter end?

Is the goal and intention of life to suffer through it?

I want no part in it.
Punish me for ending it early. I really can't imagine that it can be worse than what I endure suffering through it.

I mean, I could be wrong there, and maybe my imagination isn't strong enough to consider suffering on an even greater level- at which point I'll be pissed off that I suffered as much as I could, just to be punished and suffer more for my failure. Still wouldn't make me any more capable of suffering any longer than I can stand, though. I've only got so much to give, and I'm already ridiculously broken.

Duct tape can't fix everything, even if it glows in the dark.
And at a certain point, you end up being more tape and glue than anything else- with very little you left. That's my experience, at least.
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Mar 23, 2018
Only more punishment from life if I stay. 😡
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Nov 5, 2022
It depends on who you ask but I personally don't believe that we could rationally be punished for not being able to handle our situations.
I just can't fathom why a god or god-like figure would give us more pain than we could handle and then give us exponentially more pain for not being able to handle the initial load of pain. That makes no sense to me.
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Aug 4, 2022
It depends on who you ask but I personally don't believe that we could rationally be punished for not being able to handle our situations.
I just can't fathom why a god or god-like figure would give us more pain than we could handle and then give us exponentially more pain for not being able to handle the initial load of pain. That makes no sense to me.
Yeah this makes a lot of sense
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Some place nice

Some place nice

This world makes me sick
Oct 18, 2023
I believe in reincarnation but my friend is a satanist, she was shown what hell looked like and she said that the only ones being punished was the wrong doers. Like murders and such. She said that he doesn't care if you believe in something else or not, if you were good that you don't get punished. So I think you might be good.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I believe we are our own judges when it comes to heaven hell or whatever. If there even is such a thing. The moral compass shifted so much throughout history. Executing people with horrific devices and methods used to still let you go to heaven. Being gay used to make you go to hell. Isn't it kind of weird that if all of this religion shit is real that god this almighty being just...followed whatever moral compass humans have? So I believe if there really is a judgement, it would only make logical sense if we judge ourselves.
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jinx <3

jinx <3

Apr 12, 2023
If it happens in nature and to nature, then it is 'natural'. Doesn't mean it's good or that we have to accept it, but suicide is possibly the moat natural response to a world full of pain. It's okay to feel this way, we all do from time to time. If it goes farther and you ctb, I believe that whoever or whatever is behind the universe will be forgiving and grant you peace in some form. I'd like you to stay as long as you can though, perhaps that's selfish on my part, but hey, I don't really believe in morality anyway.
Have a nice day regardless <3.
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Jul 23, 2022
There's no prize at the bottom of the box no matter how you finish the cereal.
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Sep 30, 2023
I thought life on this shitshow planet IS the punishment.
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Oct 10, 2023
There's no prize at the bottom of the box no matter how you finish the cereal.
There used to be some prizes down at the bottom of the cereal box- but you didn't actually have to finish the cereal to get it. You just had to shove your hand in the box and dig around. :P

So, shove your hand deep into life and dig around, and find whatever prizes you can- and then, if the cereal isn't palatable, throw that crap away.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I don't believe in anything like that, I very strongly believe that once we die we simply cease existing and that is it for us, we are gone. I see existence as nothing more than a horrific mistake, a futile cycle of endless suffering and cruelty that has no deeper purpose or meaning. Death is just eternal nothingness, it's finally peace from the curse that is existence.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
What do you suppose we would achieve if we hang around longer? Does CTB mess with some sort of destiny? Can someone be destined to CTB?

This is presumably about God- so- what is it that God will be angry about? That they didn't get the chance to kill us themselves? Oh damn- I had alzeimers and bowl cancer all lined up for them... nevermind- I'll just see that they get even worse in hell... And we're supposed to love this God? Yikes.

Or, that we rejected the 'gift' of life? Imagine being so angry with someone for not liking a present you gave them that you threw them into a fiery pit for all eternity. That's pretty messed up. I don't get why God is made out to have such a big ego. Surely- an omnipotent being wouldn't need a fan club in the first place. Why did they give us the ability to choose if they want unquestioning obedience?

What will we be missing out on if there really is a heaven? I mean, I'd love to see my family members God decided to slaughter early on in their lives but- would another world designed by this God be any better?

What if the alternative is also true? Plenty of people are born via IVF and kept alive way beyond their natural lifespan now. Why should God be any more thrilled with paramedics and doctors when they resuscitate people and spoil their natural outcome?
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Life is the punishment, especially when someone does not want to live the life they are forced to live. Death is the relief from all agony and suffering.
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Aug 21, 2023
i like to believe that God is kinder and more understanding than religion threatens us with.
i would want to be loved by my creator, i hope he doesnt hate me for ending my own life. ive tried to live as a good person..
my parents don't really love me, or they're too emotionally unavailable to have ever let me know. but if God is real and he created me then i want to believe i have a chance to be loved by him.
i used to be angry at god for the life he chose for me, but now i don't care anymore. i just hope he understands me.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
This life cannot be enjoyed if you are constantly thinking about what others will think of our actions. And in the same way you will not be able to opt for the CTB if you constantly think about what others will think about it.

Perhaps this has always been one of the biggest problems, that sometimes we think more about others than about ourselves.


Aquesta vida no es pot gaudir si penses continuament en que pensaràn els altres de les nostres accions. I de la mateixa manera no podràs optar per el CTB si penses continuament en que pensaràn els altres sobre això.

Potser aquest sempre ha estat un dels problemes més grans, que de vegades pensem més en els altres que en nosaltres mateixos.


Jul 29, 2021
definitely no punishment for suicide the only thing i can think of this universe could potentially bring you alive again by random chance and have a worse lifetime or maybe better failing that you're just nothing forever


All human rights are important
Feb 5, 2021
Christianity sees that as a sin. But the more fundemental views/strains of Christianity allow martyrdom (for the purpose of spreading the gospel peacefully). Like that Christian missionary who did go to the Sentelese Island and was killed by the isolated aboriginals.
Having sins does not mean that you will go to hell for sure. God will judge you and not some priest.

Christianity and other mainstream religions are adjusted with some exceptions (to make them different/stand out) to the mainstream culture they operate in.
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Aug 4, 2022
definitely no punishment for suicide the only thing i can think of this universe could potentially bring you alive again by random chance and have a worse lifetime or maybe better failing that you're just nothing forever
I just want peaceful sleep listening to terrence mckenna all night long
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I check notifications once per week
Dec 31, 2023
I'm not religious but I feel kind of wrong for not sticking it out and ending it naturally. I feel like I'm kind of cheating idk. What if we are here to serve some kind of mission or purpose and ending it early abandons this goal?
The purpose is survive, reproduce. Break the matrix and do neither. Lol.
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Aug 4, 2022
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Oct 22, 2023
Nah, I'm an atheist. But if there is a creator, I don't imagine it the way the bible describes them. I would lean more towards a simulation, and if I were a developer working on the simulation, I wouldn't think of punishing a person that chooses to exit. Would you force yourself to play a multi-player game which you don't enjoy at all, days on end? Would you force yourself to watch a Netflix series you just don't like because it is praised by hundreds of thousands? And if you choose to uninstall the game or suspend watching the series, should you be punished for it? I know it's a super stretched metaphor to draw between life and a video game, but I trust you get the point.​
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