Still remember Lucifer from the series. Something like his mother the goddess was about to explode and destroy humanity and stuff like that. He desided to be distracted. Playing games on his phone, so happy, so good.
I'm going to do the same thing for the next 10 day. There is not much i can do, or i don't wanna do nothing about it. Will distract myself with positive stuff and completely ignore the miserable part around me. Will tell how it worked out.
Anyway one of the kids is now in quarantine /should be but technically never gave concent or signature about it/, cause of one of his classmates. Got a deal with my wife to try to work from home to have more time with her, so i left the summer office. Now i should expect that quarantine regular check, to be a front for a basic raid and arrest. And will do nothing about it. Won't even get mad at them this time for trying.
And by the way instead of lying on some exotic beach and have party, vacations and a basic good life, we have to stay here for the winter, be on "quarantine", be with online shchools again and supid lockdowns, because it's too complicated for my wife and is scared from insects, sharks, tsunamis and vulcanos.
Oh and hearing my mother /it was complicated so i had to had a chat with her/, - that i'm not that special and if other people can live without money, food, or normal appartments, and be abused by everyone around them, i should be too, let other's fuck with me for my entire life, cause that's what's normal. And i've been raised poor but still had a good life... and i won't be a problem if my kids too live in poverty, even if they don't have to. Ya "over my death body" won't help anyone, but it's still hard to catch up to that.